Aahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I absolutely loved this!!!! I LOOOOVED this movie!!!! And it matches them completely!!!! John is 🔥....... just COMPLETELY CHAOTIC!!!!!! and Jane who gasoline.......calm... always.....except........ if someone like gas just wonders around like...gasoline....
This is what makes the greatest movies with John and Jane Smith as they were two greatest icons that I totally love ❤️ 😊🥰😘🔥💯😇🙏✨️🙌👏😉
I love this so much! Such a good edit of such a good movie 💛💛💛 x
Loved this movie. Great job!
Great edit and background music. Captured the facial expressions perfectly
thank you sm
Aahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I absolutely loved this!!!! I LOOOOVED this movie!!!! And it matches them completely!!!! John is 🔥....... just COMPLETELY CHAOTIC!!!!!! and Jane who gasoline.......calm... always.....except........ if someone like gas just wonders around like...gasoline....
Jan te dy aktore te mrekullueshem ⭐⭐🤗🤗
В этом фильме, хочешь или не хочешь, влюбишься друг в друга .Что и случилось 😊
Ywe got this
Саш, извини, но я не могу не пропиарить это в инстаграме... Это слишком любимый мной фильм... И слишком заставляющий плакать видос...
If you want to.
моя любовь к Джоли вошла в чат
Give up blow it