✿⊱╮Relax ♫ Morning Light ♫ Bahai Prayer & Meditation ♫ Bahá'u'lláh ♫ بهائی

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
  • www.bahaiprayer...
    From the sweet-scented streams of Thine eternity give me to drink, O my God, and of the fruits of the tree of Thy being enable me to taste, O my Hope! From the crystal springs of Thy love suffer me to quaff, O my Glory, and beneath the shadow of Thine everlasting providence let me abide, O my Light! Within the meadows of Thy nearness, before Thy presence, make me able to roam, O my Beloved, and at the right hand of the throne of Thy mercy, seat me, O my Desire! From the fragrant breezes of Thy joy let a breath pass over me, O my Goal, and into the heights of the paradise of Thy reality let me gain admission, O my Adored One! To the melodies of the dove of Thy oneness suffer me to hearken, O Resplendent One, and through the spirit of Thy power and Thy might quicken me, O my Provider! In the spirit of Thy love keep me steadfast, O my Succorer, and in the path of Thy good pleasure set firm my steps, O my Maker! Within the garden of Thine immortality, before Thy countenance, let me abide for ever, O Thou Who art merciful unto me, and upon the seat of Thy glory stablish me, O Thou Who art my Possessor! To the heaven of Thy loving-kindness lift me up, O my Quickener, and unto the Daystar of Thy guidance lead me, O Thou my Attractor! Before the revelations of Thine invisible spirit summon me to be present, O Thou Who art my Origin and my Highest Wish, and unto the essence of the fragrance of Thy beauty, which Thou wilt manifest, cause me to return, O Thou Who art my God!
    Potent art Thou to do what pleaseth Thee. Thou art, verily, the Most Exalted, the All-Glorious, the All-Highest.
    Aus den Bahá'í -- Schriften
    Von den duftenden Strömen Deiner Ewigkeit gib mir zu trinken, o mein
    Gott, und lass mich die Früchte vom Baume Deines Wesens kosten, o
    meine Hoffnung! Aus den kristallenen Quellen Deiner Liebe lass mich
    trinken die Fülle, o meine Herrlichkeit, und wohnen im Schatten Deiner
    unvergänglichen Vorsehung, o mein Licht. Durch die Auen Deiner
    Nähe, in Deiner Gegenwart, lass mich schweifen, o mein Geliebter, und
    sitzen zur Rechten des Thrones Deines Erbarmens, o meine Sehnsucht!
    Lass von den duftenden Winden Deiner Freude einen Hauch über mich
    wehen, o mein Ziel, und gewähre mir Zutritt zu den Paradieseshöhen
    Deiner Wirklichkeit, o mein Angebeteter! Den Liedern der Taube Deiner
    Einzigkeit lass mich lauschen, o Du Strahlender, und durch den Geist
    Deiner Kraft und Macht belebe mich, o mein Versorger! Im Geist Deiner
    Liebe lass standhaft mich bleiben, o mein Helfer, und lass fest mich
    schreiten auf dem Pfad Deines Wohlgefallens, o mein Schöpfer! Im
    Garten Deiner Unsterblichkeit, vor Deinem Antlitz, lass immerdar mich
    weilen, o Du, der Du barmherzig zu mir bist, und gründe mich fest auf
    dem Sitz Deiner Herrlichkeit, o Du mein Besitzer! Erhebe mich in den
    Himmel Deiner Güte, o mein Beleber, und geleite mich zur Sonne Deiner
    Führung, o Du, der Du mich anziehst! Bei den Offenbarungen Deines
    unsichtbaren Geistes lass mich zugegen sein, o Du mein Ursprung und
    mein höchster Wunsch, und zurückkehren zum duftenden Wesen
    Deiner Schönheit, das Du offenbaren willst, o Du, der Du mein Gott bist!
    Du hast die Macht zu tun, was Dir gefällt. Du bist wahrlich der
    Erhabenste, der Allherrliche, der Allhöchste.
    Bahá'u'lláh, Bahá'í-Gebete 38:1-2
    in French;
    Aux flots parfumés de ton éternité laisse-moi m'abreuver, ô mon Dieu, et aux fruits de l'arbre de ton existence permets-moi de goûter, ô mon Espoir.

    Aux sources cristallines de ton amour, permets que j'apaise ma soif, ô ma Gloire, et sous l'ombre de ton éternelle providence, laisse-moi demeurer, ô ma Lumière !

    Dans les prairies de ton approche, en ta présence, laisse-moi circuler, ô mon Bien-Aimé et à la droite du trône de ta miséricorde, laisse-moi siéger, ô mon Désir.

    Qu'un souffle des brises embaumées de ta joie passe sur moi, ô But de ma vie et qu'au paradis suprême de ta réalité je trouve accès, ô mon Adoré!
    Laisse-moi écouter la mélodie chantée par la colombe de ton unité, ô Toi le Resplendissant, et par l'esprit de ton pouvoir et de ta puissance, vivifie-moi, ô Toi mon Bienfaiteur!

    Que je reste constant dans l'esprit de ton amour, ô mon Soutien, et que mes pas soient affermis dans le sentier de ton bon plaisir, ô mon Créateur!

    Dans le Jardin de ton immortalité, en ta présence, laisse-moi demeurer à jamais, ô Toi qui es miséricordieux pour moi, et sur le siège de ta gloire établis-moi, ô Toi qui es mon maître! ...............


  • @shanaasliean8089
    @shanaasliean8089 4 роки тому

    Very nice song 🌹 Baha'i
    Allah'u'abha 🙏🌹 ..

  • @luciahelena4044
    @luciahelena4044 5 років тому +2

    Que fantástico!!

  • @FaribaEvita
    @FaribaEvita 14 років тому +2

    binahayat ziba va aram bakhsh , merci Jorj aziz va movafagh bashi.

  • @mgracette
    @mgracette 11 років тому +3

    Thank you one of my favorite prayers

  • @FiroozM909
    @FiroozM909 5 років тому +5

    Blessing to the peaceful souls of the world. .........Allah 'u' Abha

  • @bugnyablasta8783
    @bugnyablasta8783 5 років тому

    Thank You!!

  • @stevenholtze2764
    @stevenholtze2764 2 роки тому

    Beautiful, thank you 🙏

  • @gitte1958
    @gitte1958 14 років тому +2

    wonderful music - beautiful video - lg gitte

  • @scrappylor
    @scrappylor 11 років тому +3

    Love the birds brings me to a familiar childhood spot where nature is enjoyed rather than explained . thank you :)

  • @Ashtamable
    @Ashtamable 14 років тому +2

    Very beautiful! Thank you

  • @sankaranpillai1176
    @sankaranpillai1176 6 років тому +3

    Very wonderful and relaxing ...thank you

  • @remoods
    @remoods 13 років тому +3

    Really great work ! We wish you all the best !

  • @61Surya
    @61Surya 14 років тому +2

    Wonderful :)
    Thanks to my lovely Mahyad for sharing!
    Great video dear Jorj

  • @petermateer
    @petermateer 14 років тому +2

    PEACEful...and beautiful to be able to read the prayer too, a pleasant surprise. Thanks. Pete

  • @elaineevans3924
    @elaineevans3924 3 роки тому

    You have a beautiful voice, it helps me pray with more intenseness

  • @Redbaron863
    @Redbaron863 14 років тому +2

    Beautiful video. Thank you

  • @anniezagAnnie0854
    @anniezagAnnie0854 14 років тому +1

    Beautiful video! Excellent music!

  • @Tabriz1850
    @Tabriz1850 14 років тому +2

    It is beautiful. Thank you jorj119.

  • @chantale7
    @chantale7 14 років тому +3

    WONDERFUL, So Wonderful Dear Jorj,Peaceful and soul uplifting.
    Thank you again for one of your best videos.
    This prayer is one of my favourite.

  • @cather333
    @cather333 14 років тому +2

    Hi ♥,
    Thank you for sharing this awesome video of nature.
    Big thumb hight *****
    Catherine ღ

  • @francismausley7239
    @francismausley7239 6 років тому +12

    "It is an axiomatic fact that while you meditate you are speaking with your own spirit. In that state of mind you put certain questions to your spirit and the spirit answers: the light breaks forth and the reality is revealed." ~ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Paris Talks, Baha'i Faith

  • @jajarad
    @jajarad 14 років тому +2

    Absolutely lovely, thank you for sharing ♥♥♥

  • @julirensch
    @julirensch 11 років тому +2

    what a beautiful way to begin the day, seeing the peace, I am, jules

  • @charleycleo
    @charleycleo 7 років тому +5

    Beautiful. I needed this today. It is misty and cold here this a.m. So opposite of the scenes in tis beautiful video. The prayer lifted me. Thank you for making and posting this video.

  • @paribamisaqi7869
    @paribamisaqi7869 10 років тому +3

    So beautiful and peaceful !! Thank you

  • @ABahaiPointGroup
    @ABahaiPointGroup 13 років тому +2

    Thank you for this beautiful video!

  • @mariamciklauri
    @mariamciklauri 13 років тому +2

    10*** very nice ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

  • @ThePeace4everyone
    @ThePeace4everyone 14 років тому +2

    Wonderful...thanks My Friend for sharing.9 *********

  • @koroushkasiri3140
    @koroushkasiri3140 9 років тому +6

    This is a magnificent touching prayer, I loved

  • @LearnEnglishESL
    @LearnEnglishESL 8 років тому +7

    "From the sweet-scented streams of Thine eternity give me to drink, O my God,.."
    A perfectly wonderful and uolifting prayer from beginning to end. Thank you all.

  • @jorj119
    @jorj119  14 років тому +3

    “Let all our striving be for peace,comfort and joy for every human soul“.Baha'u'llah
    …YE MUST BECOME BRILLIANT LAMPS.Ye must shine as stars radiating love toward all mankind. May you be the cause of love amongst the nations...Make peace with all the world. Love everybody; serve everybody. Bahai Writings
    Abdu’l-Baha - Bahai Faith

  • @AnnaKarina2
    @AnnaKarina2 14 років тому +2

    Thank you yekeshgh1 for sharing this very beautiful video with me:)) Thank you jorj119 for posting this wonderful creation along with the beautiful sounds of nature and birds! As always it's going in my favorites!

  • @taracea2010
    @taracea2010 14 років тому +2

    Fantástico, un saludo.

  • @Toskana135
    @Toskana135 14 років тому +2

    Wonderful Video. Thanks

  • @papijoon
    @papijoon 14 років тому +2

    So Beautiful as all your production and this is one of MY FAVORITE PRAYER thank you
    thank you for all your love making this video i know its not easy must be a patient heart
    love u

  • @anniezagAnnie0854
    @anniezagAnnie0854 14 років тому +2

    Thank you Bozena!

  • @be5436
    @be5436 10 років тому +4

    Thank you. This is so beautiful . God bless you.

  • @lindac.beutel4379
    @lindac.beutel4379 6 років тому +2

    beautiful, soothing

  • @cooglerHere
    @cooglerHere 14 років тому +2

    I think it marvelous, except the constant bird repeat isn't really natural. Perhaps some of the water sounds as they occurred would enhance the sense of real presence for a best affect. Still, it's most pleasingly optimistic, and well edited visually. Thanks,

  • @DmytroZinkiv
    @DmytroZinkiv 6 років тому +3

    Alla U Abha!

    @NUFAITH9 11 років тому +2

    Too many images to be relaxing. Fewer would be better with longer times spent on each. Overall, very nice.

  • @morrisbrown1163
    @morrisbrown1163 3 роки тому

    ×e mu@t love

  • @behshadfaraid
    @behshadfaraid 10 років тому +1


  • @rmk2879
    @rmk2879 4 роки тому

    Sin is universal problem. Sin is ubiquitous. Humanity contaminated by sin. Sin in us by default, not learnt, not taught. Sin manifests in many forms - evil, crime. Sin is the opium. The origin of sin is unanswered.
    My journey.
    Sin is pre-existing in all. Nobody taught us to sin. Sin pre-dates The Bible. The Bible explains origins of sin. The Bible provides remedy for pre-existing sin, through Jesus Christ death and resurrection. The Bible is best selling book in the world for this reason. Sin is real, The Bible is relevant. Sin is born at every child birth. Sin is disease of heart, and Jesus Christ is the cure.
    Satan is the enemy, came to steal, kill and destroy. Misleads us to blame good loving God. God is not the author of evil.
    Media, Police, Defense, Judiciary, Penitentiary, Security, Contracts confirm sin exists.
    The origins of life, natural laws, sin, morals, purpose, meaning, conscience, music, creativity, intelligence, beauty, color, nature, water, air, light and amalgamation, remain unevidenced - elsewhere.
    We love truth when it enlightens us, but hate when it convicts us.
    Instructing to "Heart wash" from sin is not "Brainwash".
    God created universe, placed natural laws, made humans in His image, gave talents, instructed to multiply and explore - The Initiation of Science. Science is the legitimate child of natural laws. Without natural laws science has no foundation.
    We are created with good purpose and meaning. We are good. Then sin entered through satan and we all fallen. Disease, despair, deformities, deficiencies, depression, stress, guilt, greed, hate, anger, rebellious spirit, spiritual death entered. Sin plays spoilsport.
    Unloose the Soul from the tight knot of sin. Soul outlasts death.
    Sinners cannot save themselves from sin. Jesus Christ, the Holy God, intervened, willingly died on The Cross and resurrected, for remmissions of our sins, to save us from sin and hell.
    We are weak at the core, however we try to portray otherwise. We need Holy God's help, who is willing to help with open arms.
    Unable to find any motive any reason for Jesus Christ to die willingly on Cross and resurrect - except His love to save us from pre-existing sin and hell.
    Nobody died for our sins and resurrected - except Jesus Christ. Exclusivity
    Jesus Christ claimed:
    "I am The Way, The Truth and The Life". "I am The Resurrection and The Life".
    "I am The Good Shepherd".
    Jesus Christ has the authority to forgive sins.
    Religion says "Do". Jesus Christ says "Done".
    Religion is man's attempts to 'search gods'. Jesus Christ came from heaven in 'search of sinful man' to save from sin.
    Salvation from sin and hell is not earned through works or deeds or pilgrimages or rituals or ceremonies or traditions or cultures or meditations or public displays or hypocrisy or making personal sacrifices or making animal sacrifices.
    Salvation from sin and hell is free, but not cheap. Because Jesus Christ laid His life on The Cross, and resurrected.
    God loves the sinner, but hates the sin. Just like a parent loves child, but hates disease in child.
    We are saved by God's grace, not by our works.
    Karma is getting what we deserve. Grace is getting what we don't deserve. Only Grace can be pre-fixed with word Amazing. Amazing Grace. Karma is not Amazing, it is depressing.
    GRACE: Getting what we don't deserve - i.e. forgiveness of sin, eternity in heaven through Jesus Christ.
    MERCY: Not getting what we deserve - i.e. punishment of sin, separation from God, eternity in hell.
    Other side of death is eternity. Either in hell; or in heaven through Jesus Christ.
    God offers grace and mercy for free through Jesus Christ death and resurrection.
    Jesus Christ suffered, ridiculed, spat-on, humiliated, crucified on The Cross, and therefore He understands our pain. He raised victorious, we will too. Those who endure till end are victorious.
    Jesus Christ coming again to judge all. The doors will be closed. Jesus Christ reveals every mystery, answers every question. We all deserve to know the truth. He is The Alpha and The Omega. He judges everyone.
    One day every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    The First Christmas - Jesus Christ came to earth from heaven to save us from pre-existing sin.
    The First Good Friday - Jesus Christ crucified to The Cross, died willingly for remission of our sins.
    The First Resurrection Day, also linked to Easter - Jesus Christ resurrected from death.
    Jesus Christ made entry to Holy Heaven free through Him. Repent of sin and be saved. Easy.
    The First Coming of Jesus Christ - He is Lamb, slaughtered for remission of sins
    to save us from sin and hell. And resurrected.
    The Second Coming of Jesus Christ - He will be Lion, The Judge.
    The Lamb and The Lion.
    Jesus Christ forgave all who crucified Him, and now forgives all, even who reject, ridicule and mock Him. He loves all unconditionally.
    Believe, trust, repent of pre-existing sin in Jesus Christ that He died for remission of our sins and resurrected, and coming back to judge, accept Him as Lord and Saviour, and be saved from sin and hell. Any time, any where. Even now. Simple.
    Nothing to lose, everything to gain.
    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
    For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
    I found God loved me regardless of sins, weaknesses and rejections by others. As sinner I cannot save myself through deeds. He believed me and has faith in me. I am not in competition with others. God loves you all, individually.
    (My journal. Journey to life - after testing all 'isms' and religions, after failing to find origins, purpose and meaning of life, after swallowing pride, egos, anger, hate, depression.)

  • @sunflowerteesdale
    @sunflowerteesdale 10 років тому +5

    Perfect for a Feast! Such brilliant video clips and sound, I want to go there! and thank you for reading the Prayer slowly, and gently. I am using this at the next Feast for sure!

  • @FaribaEvita
    @FaribaEvita 13 років тому +1

    mesle hamishe ziba doste aziz.merci

  • @cosmicordering1
    @cosmicordering1 13 років тому


  • @shannonkellyleadershipandl4089
    @shannonkellyleadershipandl4089 4 роки тому

    Thank you! A perfect meditation filled with nature and love from the Divine.