Best advice when you work in corporate is keep your mouth shut, speak when spoken to. Even then dumb it down. Make the quality of your work do the talking. Don't boast. Be modest. There's always a sociopathic narcissist lurking and sometimes they're hard to spot till it's too late.
This initial feeling of unease on first date that prof vaknin mentions, or upon first meeting in whatever context. My experience has been that the narcissist or sociopath talks a lot, and talks fast. This serves to confuse and overcome the targets unease. The target gets softened up then and vulnerable to love bombing.
Hopefully, Conor’s able to just nod his head the entire time (next time) whenever agreeing with Sam instaed of also including any vocal sounds after almost every sentence…🏳️
Best advice when you work in corporate is keep your mouth shut, speak when spoken to. Even then dumb it down. Make the quality of your work do the talking. Don't boast. Be modest. There's always a sociopathic narcissist lurking and sometimes they're hard to spot till it's too late.
This initial feeling of unease on first date that prof vaknin mentions, or upon first meeting in whatever context. My experience has been that the narcissist or sociopath talks a lot, and talks fast. This serves to confuse and overcome the targets unease. The target gets softened up then and vulnerable to love bombing.
this all makes total sense. every word paints the perfect picture into their mind
Mr Vaknin, you're superb
Filling my evening with a bit of Vaknin and a glass of Shiraz always does the trick 😅😎👍
Very good interview. I have seen multiple videos on this channel. That is one of the best.
Thank you 🙏
Enjoy watching your expressions 🙂
Hopefully, Conor’s able to just nod his head the entire time (next time) whenever agreeing with Sam instaed of also including any vocal sounds after almost every sentence…🏳️