A very peaceful and civilized way of showdown by Asena and please the 4,653 viewers at this time, put your comments and or feedback in this distinct dialogue; even though, it is monologue separated evenly by two different views, facts, and perception at different place and time!
I have an oponion to asena Tv with respect. Why don't you tell to the world in ENglish especially the negative laier Eritrean leaders talking about American Government all the times we know America have no problems with Eritrean people.
ኣቶሰልሙን ድራር ቁርብ ሕፍር ንሓደ ኣረጊት ዕዋላ ክተሔጉስ ክትብል ክብረትካን ሕልናኻ ምሻጥ ብባህልና ነውሪ ኢዩሞ ንኽብረትካ ክትብል ካብዚ ነውራም ዝኾነ ሓሶት ዔብ ተመሊስካ ሕስበሉ ተደሚርና ኢና ኣንድሁነናል እንዳበልካ ኣብ ውሽጢ ኣስመራ ዝተገብረ ትያተር ዘሕፍር ነውራም ትያቴር ኢዩ ሰለሙን ድራር ደጊምካ ምስነብስኻ ተዓረቅ ኣእምሮኻ ጽቡቅ የለን
Teame, that is a very decent advice
A very peaceful and civilized way of showdown by Asena and please the 4,653 viewers at this time, put your comments and or feedback in this distinct dialogue; even though, it is monologue separated evenly by two different views, facts, and perception at different place and time!
ሰሚዕኩሞዶ እዚ ተኹላ ! ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሓመድ ቁሒሙ ኢዩ ዝነብር እናበለ ብመከራኡ ክንየት !
ናይ ሎሚ ጽቡቅ ሓበሬታ ጭብጢ ወለዎ።ቀጽሎ ።
Senef mengisti zigebro sltii eyu
Good news today
You're muted brother Amanuel
I have an oponion to asena Tv with respect. Why don't you tell to the world in ENglish especially the negative laier Eritrean leaders talking about American Government all the times we know America have no problems with Eritrean people.
ህጂ ዘለዉ ጀነራት ፤ ኮረላት ርኢቶ ምስ ኢሳያስ ሀደ እዩ ፤ኢሳያስ ቢኑ አይኮነን ። ክመይ ምልላይ ይካአል ? ብትግራይ መንእሰይ ዝተግበረ ፈሽላ አላ ፣ መወዳታ ዘላ ሃኒቲ ዐድል ኢያ ዘላትካ !!!! ምስ ኦሳያስ ዲዩ አብይ ምስራ ይህሽካ ?
You are speaking out of the worled shit
You are speaking out of the worled shit