haha Natalie..that is called an intrusive thought. The one you are describing is a very common, shared thought phenomenon. Often people get the intense thought to throw themselves off the balcony or out of the car. Its referred to now as the "call to the void" Long story short... that thought of throwing your phone is super normal :)
My husband sat next to both yours and Greta’s husband at the casino on a cruise. I was starring for a bit because I couldn’t pin point where I had seen them before 😂 and then it clicked lol ❤
Hi Natalie! I live by the beach not far from Florida and I love swimming! I love going underwater but I have to wear goggles! The water hurts my eyes and I have extremely bad eyesight! I wanted some tips on how to dunk for people who hate getting in bf water on/ in there nose or in their eyes
the way that josh looks at her its just so sweet
Great Video, Natalie! Can’t wait for the St. John vlog too! 😊
So excited to post it soon!!
the way josh looks at her is so cute❤️
hes precious 🥹💕
"who would take the photos?" josh was trying everything to not get in the water hahah love u guys !! x
he successfully did not get in the water 😒😅
My comfort channel for sure. I loved this video so much; so cozy!
aw love that!
I'm home sick from school today and your videos make me feel so much better mentally! TYSM! ILY Natalie!
Omg so excited for St.Johns vlog
next video!! 💕🫶🏼
can’t wait for the St. John vlog!!
I love the vibes of your channel! the colors are gorgeous that you use and I cannot wait for summer!!! 🌷☀️👙
everything summer is the best!! 💕
OMG! I love Josh's shirt at 0:47!!! I'm obsessed with jaws! Natalie you are sooo gorgous!!! I love your videos so much!!
Cheesy Gordita crunch is the goat ❤
very true
The way you feel about the bridge is so relatable lol like WHY
Such a fun video!!!! Can’t wait to watch the video for St. John!!!!!!!
next video!!
Your so gorgeous. I love all of the vlogs thank you so much for them i will just find myself binge watching them all. Their amazing ❤
Love when you post! Loved this vlog and can’t wait for the st.John vlog!
yay!! and same 💕 it will be live so soon!
Stop the phone thing is sooo real! Love your channel, and TikTok!!❤❤
aw thank you!!
There are so many things I admire about your lifestyle and I love your content! I am obsessed with the aesthetic of your videos 😍
The Natalie summer vlogs are backkkk
This just makes me so happyyy
Who’s excited for summer?☀️☀️☀️
Girl I’m glad I’m not the only one who has those intrusive thoughts when up somewhere high lol I feel so validated 😂
so nice to know youre not the only one 😅
I literally think the same thing when I am driving over a bridge
“ it almost hit me in the face!”
“ then why’d it hit you in the hand?”
Just made be die laughing 😂
looks like you had such a wholesome weekend! excited for your travel vlog!❤
aw yes 💕 and im so excited too!!
sunrises in florida hit different. like seriously
south florida is sooooo beautiful
we love it there!!
haha Natalie..that is called an intrusive thought. The one you are describing is a very common, shared thought phenomenon. Often people get the intense thought to throw themselves off the balcony or out of the car. Its referred to now as the "call to the void" Long story short... that thought of throwing your phone is super normal :)
my comfort youtuber always
love your energy ❤❤❤
This is so kind :)
Your videos are beautifully shot!!! You rock it! ❤
from ur tt, st.john is looking so nice! hopefully the sunset will pop off there for you guys ❤❤❤
it was so beautiful!! can't wait for the vlog!
@@NatalieZacek yess! omg ilysm tell Greta and Hannah lol and have fun!
I love your videos so much you make my day !!!!!
my fav youtuber ever!!!
so sweet 💕
Josh is really cute 🥰
Love your vlogs Natalie ❤
Can’t wait for the St. John vlog 💓
so soon!! 👀💕
i love your sunrise dunks! i’m for sure partaking in that next time i’m at the beach!
YAY!! 💕
I was WAITING for this ❤
loved this little south FL vlog 🧡🧡🧡 y’all are such a cute couple
aw thank you!!
I'm late.but I just wanted to say I'm going to Florida in four days I'm so excited😁!!!!!!
omg the intro was so good, get it nat
josh kills it every time 👑
Love the realness ❤
I live in ft lauderdale I'm so happy you enjoyed it
I cannot I love your videos so much ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ahhhhhhhhhhhhh never stop posting
aw that makes me so happy to hear!! 💕
ahh so cute!! ilysm💕💕
Im going to Fort Lauderdale next month so thank you for the recommendations! I wanna do a sunrise swim so bad
have so much fun!! and YES a sunrise swim is always worth it 💕
Josh definitely had a good time at the wedding😂😂😂
aw haha love that!!
added to my road trip playlist
Hi Natalie
I thought I saw you at B Ocean Resort. Which February weekend were you there? I’m a big fan!
Can you link the headband?? Thanks it’s so cute!
Yes I’m on it!
what shade rare beauty blush do you use? love the vibes of your videos!
Happy sol!
Yessss, cheesy gordita crunch. The best Taco Bell item ever!
Can't wait for your next video!
3:02 smoothest transition ever
haha thank you!
I went on that same bridge and I was so scared
My favorite thing from Taco Bell is a cheesy Gordita Crunch as well!!
Love to see your videos!❤️
its too good 😅
Sleep separate! It’s the best haha 😂
My husband sat next to both yours and Greta’s husband at the casino on a cruise. I was starring for a bit because I couldn’t pin point where I had seen them before 😂 and then it clicked lol ❤
OMG! What a small world hahaha hope you guys all won big!
Hi Natalie! I live by the beach not far from Florida and I love swimming! I love going underwater but I have to wear goggles! The water hurts my eyes and I have extremely bad eyesight! I wanted some tips on how to dunk for people who hate getting in bf water on/ in there nose or in their eyes
That’s so amazing to live so close! I’m not quite sure? Goggles are amazing or maybe it’s just your eyes getting used to it?
It’s so cute that y’all share face wash lol
I get the same intrusive thought about throwing my phone lol
It’s so annoying hahaha I’m like brain ~chill~
But also, “I can’t get warm” **sips iced coffee** if that isn’t girlhood … 😂❤
precisely 😅🤌🏼
10 years of marriage later, my husband and I LOVE when there’s two beds in the room so we can both sprawl out😂
Hahahah that works! I definitely just like sleeping together :)
@@NatalieZacek Absolutely!! I have a hard time sleeping if he’s not with me at home, it’s only traveling❤️
aw love u 💕
The intrusive thoughts of throwing something or driving off the bridge are too real. Why do we do that?? 😂🙈
I have those all the time 😂 I have to fight it off
it seems like everyone feels it too!! 😅
Love the video! I wouldn’t have waited to eat that sandwich either 😂
it was delicious 🤌🏼
where is the brown and white bikini from? it’s so cute
Hii i wanna ask you a question if you don’t mind answering what do you do for living? How did you achieve to start traveling the world ?
Mexican pizza!!
Where is his hometown?! I'm from South Florida (east coast)!
Good is not enough if better is possible.
Yup, we all know that there was a late sunrise today, due to daylight savings time.
Where is your esther sweater from?
my friends brand is called Esther!! you can find it on instagram @establishedforher
Im watching thinking st.john. We are a week late 😩
I know!! next video! 💕
I was literally just thinking “how do you never get that all day hypothermia from your morning dips” then queue next clip! It’s literally the WORST.
youre not alone!! haha
Awesome dear 😊😅🎉🎉😂❤
I love drunk josh. Chalupa supreme!!!
im from south floridA! Delray Beach baby
so fun!!
Hy Natalie. My name is munezero josiane from Rwanda ❤ Natalie I need you 🙏
Hey everyone Jesus loves you
complaining about coffee being "too sweet" is so pick me get a grip
Mexican pizza!!