It is even sadder because Addicted was Timmy and Johnny's debut in a drama series and it was paving the way for them in acting, but suddenly the series came to a stop and the remaining episodes they filmed never was heartbreak 💔. I love them both.
他們是我見過以來,最最最 MATCHED 的一對!!一個高大威猛( a tall, handsome guy with a radiance of alluring, masculine virility);一個可愛可口 ( cute & adorable )!!祝願他倆 成為全世界 最紅最紅的天皇巨星!!(我數星期前 在香港 UA-cam 偶然看到《上癮》此劇,立即上癮了,每天都看,花絮都看,日日都看,真是上癮了!!)
You can hear his voice crying on this song, this is so emotional. I can feel his pain, this is just wow. Clearly, a song calling for Timmy. May he be happy in love.
Although I can't understand Chinese language, I am touched by the sad voice of JY. Is he heartbroken? Don't worry JY, if ZZ has forgotten you, there are many loyal fans of yours who will not leave and forget you. Just be thankful to them and they will bring you up to stardom.
I don't think timmy left him.. I guess timmy is not prefer to this kind of friendship.. But i saw timmy make a heart shape to johnny, While shooting addicted. And johnny showed his muscles... I think now zhou zhou and johnny are ok.. Whatever relationship they have.. Miss guhai and bai louyin.. Jaiyou
Oh my world, GuHai JingYu.... You are soooooooooo IN LOVE & ADDICTED to LouYin ZZhou just like all of us fans here!!!!! That is AMAZING, SO BEAUTIFUL ROMANTIC & SWEET of you!! ALL your beautiful love songs dedicated to ZZhou are so touching, moving and awesome!! We love you MORE & MORE...!! Both you & ZZhou of course. We hope and pray for all the best for you both, Hope ZZhou is madly in love with you too JY!! Take Care!xxx
i dont understand chinese but every time i listen to his voice it gives me a heart breaking feeling. i hope someone can help me understand the lyrics. 😔😔😔 i miss guhai.
+GU HAI hey i can read chinese but im too sad after hearing this myself to translate for you and in a hurry for work so.. anyways, if you are same as us 'ZZhou & JingYu''s Addicted Fans' then you can check out this Forum at 'Soompi' site and you will have ALL the amazing and updated news about our two loves.. just type in search bar for 'heroin webseries'. Ok, good day and enjoy..:))..
+ewon 0828 Hey sorry for the late reply as i didn't have access to internet till now. anyways, just search for Soompi Forum on google and when you are on soompi forum page, on the search bar type in Chinese webseries Heroin, and you will find it, its an international fandom dedicated to our two boys. Go now hurry lol... its fascinating and exciting forum of our beautiful YuZhou. byeeeexx
English Translation For Xiu Shou Pang Guan 袖手旁观 Loneliness blinds people. Missing people panic Drink more wine. Blow more wind Can we be liberated? Life's a little busy. It's a little hard to stick to. Close one eye. Light a cigarette. Can't you just ignore it? How are you doing? The body is safe. How much to think about Night and night and think True teaching is hard for man. Your face. Close your eyes and turn in front of me What do I have to do to make you forget Unless we I never loved each other in the first place. Your situation Intermittently from a friend's mouth to my ear What conditions can I afford to stand by and watch? Unless you say You never felt sorry to leave me Life's a little busy. It's a little hard to stick to. Close one eye. Light a cigarette. Can't you just ignore it? How are you doing? The body is safe. How much to think about Night and night and think True teaching is hard for man. Your face closes your eyes and turns in front of me What do I have to do to make you forget Unless we I never loved each other in the first place. Your recent situation is intermittent. From my friends to my ears What conditions can I afford to stand by and watch? Unless you say You never thought you'd ever feel without me Regret.
I remember johnny saying that he likes to take care of timmy and protect him.. Omg,!! he said also that the first he saw timmy that he liked him.. 👍🏻❤️❤️
So here is the English Lyrics for those asking. English Translation For Xiu Shou Pang Guan 袖手旁观 Loneliness blinds people. Missing people panic Drink more wine. Blow more wind Can we be liberated? Life's a little busy. It's a little hard to stick to. Close one eye. Light a cigarette. Can't you just ignore it? How are you doing? The body is safe. How much to think about Night and night and think True teaching is hard for man. Your face. Close your eyes and turn in front of me What do I have to do to make you forget Unless we I never loved each other in the first place. Your situation Intermittently from a friend's mouth to my ear What conditions can I afford to stand by and watch? Unless you say You never felt sorry to leave me Life's a little busy. It's a little hard to stick to. Close one eye. Light a cigarette. Can't you just ignore it? How are you doing? The body is safe. How much to think about Night and night and think True teaching is hard for man. Your face closes your eyes and turns in front of me What do I have to do to make you forget Unless we I never loved each other in the first place. Your recent situation is intermittent. From my friends to my ears What conditions can I afford to stand by and watch? Unless you say You never thought you'd ever feel without me Regret.
黃景瑜 - 袖手旁觀
寂寞讓人盲 思念讓人慌
多喝一點酒 多吹一些風 能不能解放
生活有些忙 堅持有點難
閉上一隻眼 點上一根煙 能不能不管
你最近好嗎 身體可無恙
多想不去想 夜夜偏又想 真教人為難
你的臉龐 閉上眼睛就在我面前轉呀轉
除非我們 從一開始就不曾愛過對方
你的近況 斷續從朋友口中傳到我耳畔
除非你說 離開我你從不曾覺得遺憾
你的臉龐 閉上眼睛就在我面前轉呀轉
除非我們 從一開始就不曾愛過對方
你的近況 斷續從朋友口中傳到我耳畔
除非你說 離開我你從不曾覺得遺憾
+owm715 不會^^
多謝上載了歌詞 。
這首歌根本就是他們目前的寫照和處境 !
從如泣如訴的歌聲中你可深深地體會到他內心充滿了哀傷和無奈 !
現實是無情的, 為什么需要殘酷地折磨和摧殘兩顆幼弱的心靈 ??? 他們是無辜的 !
好喜歡鯨魚的演唱, 出專輯時別忘了這首歌 !
瑜洲, 加油 ! 永遠都支持你們 !
新加坡 18-7-16 黃昏
Hsin Cardio 说了“此版本”
如果有一天 他們倆終於又能同台了
甚至可以發行同一張專輯 就算台灣沒賣 一定會追到大陸買
洲洲的歌聲跟景瑜的歌聲 聽著聽著 都會不自覺的回到上癮的那段時光
我們 真的都上癮了 無法自拔的喜歡著你們
洲洲的歌 已經單曲循環將近三週了……怎麼聽怎麼無法從戲裡走出來
我從沒踏入bl 不是腐女 但卻被你們演出來的真摯的愛 感動的無法釋懷 一次又一次的看
大海跟因子之間的愛 實在是太扣人心弦了……
@@jungjunglin123 有的是銷售沒有開給台灣,所以要找代購
他俩拍到后面都没在演,就是真实感情😭因为两人后来的所有电视剧电影都没有那种自然的感觉了,特别是洲,区别一目了然。 广电总局不做人
听着听着,我真的哭了…景瑜真的想念洲洲,洲洲也是很想念景瑜。看他们在风云榜16 时就可以知道了,会注意对方。景瑜被主持人访问只有洲洲一个在听在笑…其它人都没有表情只有他一直笑,他们俩还会时不时看对方…证明了什么封了他们,让他们感情越来越融。让他们无论什么事情都要相信对方还有支持对方,等到时机对了就可以在大家面前坦然面对…
ling Cheryl 2020、一起慢慢等
@@shulingwu4339 是啊 我也是听得出来 他在开始的时候就有听到哭泣声了。
@@张磊-e4e 2021
lyrics of the song in english, send me. please.
我只在乎你,飄洋過海來看你.... 到最近幾首,幾乎每一首都是當時的心情啊
每一次瑜唱的歌,總是讓人眼淚不禁落下,因為一開始飯他們到現在,短短幾個月,變化太大...... 負荷不了啊
+Mesmer正 星途坎坷啊...
+Mesmer正 上癮被中國政府封殺、不能拍二季、兩人不能同台等等
+foreverlove0228 大家對鯨魚的歌都很有感觸啊....
aki304116 本來有很多歌 但鯨魚出道後就刪掉了 然後有錄一首"我比從前更寂寞" 昨天錄的那首今天刪了
Yan Brenda +1
2020 我在 +1
It is even sadder because Addicted was Timmy and Johnny's debut in a drama series and it was paving the way for them in acting, but suddenly the series came to a stop and the remaining episodes they filmed never was heartbreak 💔.
I love them both.
2021 還在聴呢!
聽的不是唱的好壞 聽的是感情.
渡人踏雪而來 我+1
lyrics of the song in english, send me. please.
他們是我見過以來,最最最 MATCHED 的一對!!一個高大威猛( a tall, handsome guy with a radiance of alluring, masculine virility);一個可愛可口 ( cute & adorable )!!祝願他倆 成為全世界 最紅最紅的天皇巨星!!(我數星期前 在香港 UA-cam 偶然看到《上癮》此劇,立即上癮了,每天都看,花絮都看,日日都看,真是上癮了!!)
chan puppylover 给你👍👍
真的好明显听到哭音 :'( .. 只希望他们现在都好,希望洲洲在上海收官暗发的糖真的如我们所愿,而并非我们自作多情。
就算不是真的CP ,想想如果是我跟自己最好的朋友上了台 但被迫要分開站兩頭 心裡還是很難過的吧!!
為什麼還有別戲的演員更公然的表白 還是那麼的自然!!
看看王青那樣直接對大宇 不是很棒嗎!!
何況鯨魚和洲洲 根本沒什麼~~ 唉!!
現實的愛其實沒有那麼完美 就讓人對於愛還有著那麼點期待和等待不好嗎?
李政輝 因為王青跟大宇沒有像鯨魚和洲洲一樣從非主流走到主流演藝圈,大陸方自然不希望有這樣的風氣 畢竟他們還是屬於比較保守的
+李政輝 唉。。。
賴Hana 我是最近才知道景瑜!我也入坑了!2019末竟然是被他夺去了!
@@boonlee5171 加一
賴Hana +1、一起陪着他们慢慢走,期待他们更多更好的作品
副歌時,能聽得出鯨魚在哽咽⋯⋯ 2:06 分處,令人莫名感觸~
You can hear his voice crying on this song, this is so emotional. I can feel his pain, this is just wow. Clearly, a song calling for Timmy. May he be happy in love.
I am also crying every time i heard him crying.... it really so sad and full of emotion🤗🥰😂
Me until now I can't imagine how's their life going on.. Johnny crying while he sang 😭😭😭miss u Gu hai and Bai Louyin 😢😢😢
lyrics of the song in english, send me. please.
@@love_bts3315 name of song is SHIOU SHOU PANG GUAN.. Check if have a English Translation
@@nenengilongga18 thank you very much, I found the translation. the song is beautiful!
+櫻御 是得,作為粉絲的朋友,我們自己心中有個滿意的答案就好,就別去過問鯨魚了吧!
比较慢才开始追他们两~~ 刚爱上了,就遇到了泰国粉丝会,害我哭得死去活来。听到这首歌,我也快哭了。。后来才发现很多人说他之前也在洲洲出国的时候唱了。。或许是思念吧~~ 不管怎么样,这首歌的悲伤和思念是听得出来的。。
Yi Lin Lai 這首歌是鯨魚什麼時候唱的。。。太傷心了,他好像是唱到哭了,他們是真的有感情嗎
陳明曦 我相信有,但你个人观点我就不晓得了
@@陳明曦-y3e 2016.04
I cry because I miss them. I miss Timmy and Johnny.
11/9/2021 繼續慢慢走 ❤️
我沒想到黃景瑜不但長得帥 歌都唱得這麼有感情
讓我想到了海因 想到了瑜洲
為什麼戲劇不能繼續 為什麼現實不能延續 景瑜把這首歌唱的好揪心.... 無論是否有愛存在
好想...好想 再看見他們面對面的聊聊天 說說笑 微微笑
🐳唱这首歌的时候是不是有点喝醉了 哎 好心酸
+Roxanne He 可能喔
Roxanne He 听的好心酸😔
true feeling of Gu Hai, really touching
黄景瑜真的是男神 帅死了啊啊啊啊啊啊啊
+貟建國 乖乖
纯粹的声音 纯粹的感情 2021年的我听了 都好好感动
All his songs are for his love for Timmy. I cried with him because he sing from his other half. He is a good singer and I am his fan from Malaysia.
已經五年了 不知不覺就5年了 從2016年入坑上癮 也就此開啟我的小說人生 時間過得真快
+KK85 這些話可以告訴他,相信他有一天滑微博會看到的
黄景瑜 加油啊!我们一直在你的旁边...
聽著聽著好像真的覺得是在難過,有點痛>< 好真情流露,希望他們四位都能好好的! 加油!!!
Although I can't understand Chinese language, I am touched by the sad voice of JY. Is he heartbroken? Don't worry JY, if ZZ has forgotten you, there are many loyal fans of yours who will not leave and forget you. Just be thankful to them and they will bring you up to stardom.
I don't think timmy left him.. I guess timmy is not prefer to this kind of friendship.. But i saw timmy make a heart shape to johnny, While shooting addicted. And johnny showed his muscles... I think now zhou zhou and johnny are ok.. Whatever relationship they have.. Miss guhai and bai louyin.. Jaiyou
听了好多版本 还是喜欢景瑜的声音
寂寞讓人盲 思念讓人慌
多喝一點酒 多吹一些風 能不能解放
生活有些忙 堅持有點難 閉上一隻眼 點上一根菸 能不能不管
你最近好嗎 身體可無恙
多想不去想 夜夜偏又想 真叫人為難
你的臉龐 閉上眼睛就在我面前轉呀轉
除非我們 從一開始就不曾愛過對方
你的近況 接續從朋友口中傳到我耳畔
除非你說 離開我你從不曾覺得遺憾
2020 最近看上瘾,真的上瘾了。
@@BLchunUpload 不在一起急死我了。看下去,只有失落,最后失落只有失落。我也要跟他们一样,要走出来了。
@@BLchunUpload 反正一直支持他们,他们在一起,更加支持他们真挚的感情,祝福他们。但是我也要出来了。好失落失落失落。
帶上耳機聽 在前奏裡已聽出哽咽的氣息了!
每次都大半夜的虐心 無法成眠了~
對啊 半夜老是這樣嗚嗚,覺得他有哭 我一直腦補是想洲洲
+Lechun 上次的 我比從前更寂寞 真的讓我聽到整個心是揪著痛 沒想愈來愈狠呀求放過
+mia yang 鯨魚刪掉了 引人遐想
+Lechun 幸好 我昨天已快手下載完畢~因為也怕你這被刪哈哈…
+mia yang 這個不會被刪啦😊 不過我電腦有備份
唱得很令人感動, 也許是真情流露
Oh my world, GuHai JingYu.... You are soooooooooo IN LOVE & ADDICTED to LouYin ZZhou just like all of us fans here!!!!! That is AMAZING, SO BEAUTIFUL ROMANTIC & SWEET of you!! ALL your beautiful love songs dedicated to ZZhou are so touching, moving and awesome!! We love you MORE & MORE...!! Both you & ZZhou of course. We hope and pray for all the best for you both, Hope ZZhou is madly in love with you too JY!! Take Care!xxx
loveyuzhou if only someone could subtitle the word to english
i dont understand chinese but every time i listen to his voice it gives me a heart breaking feeling. i hope someone can help me understand the lyrics. 😔😔😔 i miss guhai.
+GU HAI hey i can read chinese but im too sad after hearing this myself to translate for you and in a hurry for work so.. anyways, if you are same as us 'ZZhou & JingYu''s Addicted Fans' then you can check out this Forum at 'Soompi' site and you will have ALL the amazing and updated news about our two loves.. just type in search bar for 'heroin webseries'. Ok, good day and enjoy..:))..
+sweet i search soompi but cant find the forum. 😞😞😞
+ewon 0828 Hey sorry for the late reply as i didn't have access to internet till now. anyways, just search for Soompi Forum on google and when you are on soompi forum page, on the search bar type in Chinese webseries Heroin, and you will find it, its an international fandom dedicated to our two boys. Go now hurry lol... its fascinating and exciting forum of our beautiful YuZhou. byeeeexx
English Translation For Xiu Shou Pang Guan 袖手旁观
Loneliness blinds people.
Missing people panic
Drink more wine.
Blow more wind
Can we be liberated?
Life's a little busy.
It's a little hard to stick to.
Close one eye.
Light a cigarette.
Can't you just ignore it?
How are you doing?
The body is safe.
How much to think about
Night and night and think
True teaching is hard for man.
Your face.
Close your eyes and turn in front of me
What do I have to do to make you forget
Unless we
I never loved each other in the first place.
Your situation
Intermittently from a friend's mouth to my ear
What conditions can I afford to stand by and watch?
Unless you say
You never felt sorry to leave me
Life's a little busy.
It's a little hard to stick to.
Close one eye.
Light a cigarette.
Can't you just ignore it?
How are you doing?
The body is safe.
How much to think about
Night and night and think
True teaching is hard for man.
Your face closes your eyes and turns in front of me
What do I have to do to make you forget
Unless we
I never loved each other in the first place.
Your recent situation is intermittent.
From my friends to my ears
What conditions can I afford to stand by and watch?
Unless you say
You never thought you'd ever feel without me
just listening him crying while singing.its just pure love
I remember johnny saying that he likes to take care of timmy and protect him.. Omg,!! he said also that the first he saw timmy that he liked him.. 👍🏻❤️❤️
瑜刪唱吧了,還好這裡有 感謝上傳的親😙你唱進我的心坎裡,觸及我心的不是歌詞是你的歌聲啊!
听着你的声音真的好心疼 🐳啊 不管怎么样 请你一定要好好幸福下去 会一直支持你 加油
绝唱! 比原唱者还要好听得多。因为那时他跟洲洲被迫分离了,两人也分居乐。这首歌唱出了他心里的感受。每次听这首歌都情不自禁地流下了眼泪。
this cover from johnny never fails to make me cry :'(
現在還在 看到他們過的好就好,靜待八年吧
听完洲洲的 十年。再听这首有种呼应之感
Hannah Zhao 同感
His crying while singing. I'm new fan of Timmy and Johnny. Hoping I can see them on stage, series,movies or concert together.
It’s never going to happen Timmy married now 😞
2021 還在聽
看你都是在批評魚。 想不到你會瓒美魚? 很好。這首歌真的唱盡大家的心坎裡 。魚是真的愛洲的。只是演藝圈是個是非之地。
Timothy Lili Suherman 谢谢你能这么中肯的评价,谁还没有过年少无知的时候呢,努力的人值得被善良的对待
What a lovely melody.... The rhythm is very touching indeed. I really love it.
You made me cry.
Yes he is crying while singing.
Scarlett Tse +1
2023 год.Ждем вас, парни. Вы наши кумиры.Россия.❤❤❤
He's literally crying😭😭😭
Hey GuHai JingYu, we believe LouYin ZZhou loves you the same so be happy! Love you both so dearly from everyone around the world..xx
En 2021 , on écoute toujours cette triste chanson.... d'amour. Tellement de douleur exprimé.......
They said he was drinking and sing this song after he found out about the bane I wish I could understand 😔 my heart broke in a to a million 💔
do you know where i can find the original video? i tyried to search but camnt find anywhere.
@@ayaaurora2047 it was never public only the sing 😔
@@rsujey06 that's so sad. I cried when I listen to his singing 😭😭😭
@@ayaaurora2047 me too I can feel he’s pain 😥😥
So here is the English Lyrics for those asking.
English Translation For Xiu Shou Pang Guan 袖手旁观
Loneliness blinds people.
Missing people panic
Drink more wine.
Blow more wind
Can we be liberated?
Life's a little busy.
It's a little hard to stick to.
Close one eye.
Light a cigarette.
Can't you just ignore it?
How are you doing?
The body is safe.
How much to think about
Night and night and think
True teaching is hard for man.
Your face.
Close your eyes and turn in front of me
What do I have to do to make you forget
Unless we
I never loved each other in the first place.
Your situation
Intermittently from a friend's mouth to my ear
What conditions can I afford to stand by and watch?
Unless you say
You never felt sorry to leave me
Life's a little busy.
It's a little hard to stick to.
Close one eye.
Light a cigarette.
Can't you just ignore it?
How are you doing?
The body is safe.
How much to think about
Night and night and think
True teaching is hard for man.
Your face closes your eyes and turns in front of me
What do I have to do to make you forget
Unless we
I never loved each other in the first place.
Your recent situation is intermittent.
From my friends to my ears
What conditions can I afford to stand by and watch?
Unless you say
You never thought you'd ever feel without me
Heyyyy thaank you :)
Thank you so much for your English translation.
都感覺他在哭😔 心好痛..
隨時發露頻道 第一時間送熱騰騰的歌給大家
God I can hear him crying 😭😣💔
I just want to cry. Miss them
Can hear his crying😭i can feel his pain 😭💔💔💔