I feel for you Tobi. As soon as I woke up in 2017 I was so sick. It made me want to stay healthy even more. Thanks for showing us that anybody can improve themselves. I've been struggling with an appetite since I got sick but I've been working on making myself healthy again.
Tobi if you struggle for an appetite, start chweing a piece of gum around 2 hrs before your mealtime. it makes your body hungry because if u are chweing, your body thinks u r gonna eat. pls like so tobi can see
you're doing a great healthy thing, promised myself i will do that after im done with exams.. it's good to have you back, looking forward to seeing amazing content from you this year 🙌
He should just blame it on another member of the Sidemen for bants 😂😂 Nothing extreme just a couple of papers saying their name in random places in their room 😂😂
I admire you a lot for this video Tobi; the drive to constantly improve and educate yourself is something I feel is really lacking in the UA-cam community in it's entirety. I would love to see Simon, Vik and Josh doing this more proactively too; they have good minds and need to not waste them
sick man it took me some time but I manged to cut down my time to 12 seconds and average around 16. If you need help or advice just HMU and I'll be glad to help you.
Happy your back Tobi great to see your health is where you want it to be. for video suggestions I would like to see you upload some cards against humanity and any football challenges with the sidemen
My Heath really takes over my life I mostly lay in bed and watch UA-cam hopefully I can get more energy and start doing more things I love! Any help would be so appreciated.
just by doing it more and more youll get much quicker at the cube pretty quickly. i started out only being able to do it in like 7 minutes, and i brought that down to like 1 minute pretty quickly, i believe in you!
Personally I really enjoy videos that are kinda random like this. So good job tobi. Your edits are amazing. I want to see some more football videos with your mates like Simon and Manny and Chris MD (my favorites). But also like weird challenges!
I just learned how to do the Rubik's Cube as well and trust me, my time is a lot worse. Keep up all of the off camera work and I will always love your vids no matter the upload schedule.
My immune system's gone bad eversince I started work in december, and like you, i'm trying to stay as healthy as possible while being exposed to a lot of germs and people. Glad you're okay, love u tobi 💖
So you worried me and made your Twitter all black... Tobi, you have to think about your fans, some of us take you as a family member, I do. Cuz you've been helping me for years... Don't do that ever again.
Glad you're taking care of your health! and the Rubik's cube will come with time. Took me roughly a week to get the algorithm, now I can do the whole thing in 40 secs. Hope you keep feeling well :)
Tobi could you maybe do a football boot collection video with manny? It would be great to know how many you guys own and which you prefer to use for challenges and Sunday league
Sitting behind a computer is awful for you. I'm in college and I've sat behind a computer for 8 hours a day sometimes (very rare, but it happens) while trying to maintain a gym schedule. I often wouldn't eat much, and it eventually led to me being sick. It's definitely worth it to put in hard work, but rest is just as important. I'm glad you're working on your health Tobi, Prayin forya man! P.S. love the channel btw lol
Nice video and well said! Except for an annoying injury, 2016 was my healthiest year ever. I wasn't sick like one time which is good for me cause I'm usually always sick around winter. One thing that I think really helped me was washing my hands as soon as I got home from something
One thing that always keeps my brain active is doing math with the time (I.e. Using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) and trying to get multiples of 10 with that
cook a sit down 3 course meal for all the sidemen... learning how to use cooking to your best advantage can teach you a lot in life!... i would be happy to give you ideas.. been a chef now for 4 years.. wasn't trained yet i worked for some top restaurants
well to say you only recently started to properly get into the cube, 5 minutes isnt a bad time, when i started it took me around 7 minutes but with hours and hours of practise a day, i can now do it with an average of 45 seconds to a minute or so, so just keep pracising and you will get quicker and quicker as your mind starts to put the pieces into place before you have.
I don't know if you cook already but to help with your eating and with learning you could learn how to cook or bake or something I always find it relaxing just turn on some music and chill out and make some nice food
FRESH T-shirt bro :)
Mavric Wolves Do more collabs with the other SDMN :) like behz or w2s
Mavric Wolves Love your collabs guys!
Mavric Wolves oiiiiiiiiiii
Mavric Wolves 🐺
Mavric Wolves hey love your vids
I feel for you Tobi. As soon as I woke up in 2017 I was so sick. It made me want to stay healthy even more. Thanks for showing us that anybody can improve themselves. I've been struggling with an appetite since I got sick but I've been working on making myself healthy again.
99% of you won't read this but the 1% that does have a great day/2017
Sam Odell u too
Tobi if you struggle for an appetite, start chweing a piece of gum around 2 hrs before your mealtime. it makes your body hungry because if u are chweing, your body thinks u r gonna eat. pls like so tobi can see
@@mhm2279 you know you can edit comments?
DotDotDot 3 years late mate..
@@jameswells9677 1 month late mate.
@@dotdotdot7440 few minutes late mate
you're doing a great healthy thing, promised myself i will do that after im done with exams.. it's good to have you back, looking forward to seeing amazing content from you this year 🙌
Happy new year Tobi! I recommend learning an instrument like a guitar, that way you an Vik could jam together and music is good for the soul!
I love how he puts Manny in his description, strong family love.
I can build the cube in -20 seconds and im a new born baby
Kevin Amaro lol
Kevin Amaro oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Kevin Amaro you dont build the cube
Kevin Amaro medal in the description
Kevin Amaro well done, your medal is not in the description
3:30 lmao at the bottom
rossiter 14 I know lol
rossiter 14 LOL!!!!!
BIGRjgaming13 AA
rossiter 14 3:28
Well happy that you're black 👍
Vexx tbh hes black, youre not wrong
Love your channel
Tobi's chair reminds me of a bee🐝
Amelia Cherrell may you subscribe to my UA-cam Rock Steady please it'll help me a lot
Amelia Cherrell to-Bee?
Amelia Cherrell Black n' Yellow
Glad to hear that your happy and healthy , be blessed bro
Please do more collabs with chrismd you guys produce the best content, so if possible it would be really good thanks for a great 2016 tobi.
so happy for you man, good to see you're healthy again, excited for the uploads coming now you're feeling better!
Great to see you being healthy again ! Would love to see 3-4 episodes of Pack a Punch in a week. Best series on UA-cam, by far !
Legit, Tobi, you're like the most chill, down to earth, good person, respect.
What a guy man. Big up Tobi
Love this! Your health and your family come over UA-cam! Keep up the great work and just get your body on a schedule! Luv u Tobi!!
January: yeah I'm going gym
March: what is gym
Great to hear you're back, brotha! My year started great! Already had 7 mock exams, planning to start hitting the gym as well:)
Where is my medal in the description? I solved a Rubix cube by looking at it
The Messiah *Rubik's cube
How can you finish a Rubik's Cube if you can't even spell
Cause im a baby...
Super excited to see youre back Tobi! Your new healthy stuff is hopefully gonna work! Im also super curious to see what youre up to this year!
My best time for the Rubio cube is 1:02 minutes but in average 2:00
Rhett Wearing mine is 18 seconds
And Im a newborn baby
I'm usually solving it in around 1 min and a half so I guess I get no medal ;(
And i can solve it in 14 seconds
best is 16 average is 25 i currently use the Valk 3
good to hear youre feeling better bro, looking forward to your 2k basketball videos, keep up the awesome work 👍
I think Tobi should try to prank other youtubers in his tower
Like if you agree
Sammy Rivo nobody expects him to do it so it would be believable aswell
He should just blame it on another member of the Sidemen for bants 😂😂 Nothing extreme just a couple of papers saying their name in random places in their room 😂😂
it makes me very happy to see a happy and healthy tobi. much love man, keep up all the amazing work !
Tobi, you could try and learn a new language maybe. Idk. I do French at school
Paul Caddis do you do any other languages??
Paul Caddis bonjour madam hahah
pritty sure he said he can speak spanish
Paul Caddis it is much easier to learn a new language the younger you are, so right now is the best time to start, no matter your age!
Arabic would be good cause its hard a bit
glad ur good and healthy! My year is pretty slow already because of school, and it's just weighing me down
Anyone else been having 5 hours sleep
Hope you get better very soon! I know how annoying it is so feel weak and have no energy. Your doing amazing man keep being you!
Jay Z called, he said you have 98 more problems left.
Moe 590 Lame asf
Naruto Uchiha just like your personality
I'm really happy that you're back, and what a great start for your 2017! keep going bro 👍🏻
I'm ill as well, gunna take some of your points so I can recover quicker❤️
I admire you a lot for this video Tobi; the drive to constantly improve and educate yourself is something I feel is really lacking in the UA-cam community in it's entirety. I would love to see Simon, Vik and Josh doing this more proactively too; they have good minds and need to not waste them
sick man it took me some time but I manged to cut down my time to 12 seconds and average around 16. If you need help or advice just HMU and I'll be glad to help you.
Danny Schur - Clash Royale & Gaming tbh it's probably better that he learns himself for he feels more accomplished
Danny Schur - Clash Royale & Gaming bro that's madddd, I got my personal best time at 27 seconds the other day
Danny - Clash Royale & Gaming Nice! My record is currently 25 seconds using CFOP.
Ok nobody is sub 10, not very surprising. If you want sub 10, learn petrus. It's the best method ever.......
Happy your back Tobi great to see your health is where you want it to be. for video suggestions I would like to see you upload some cards against humanity and any football challenges with the sidemen
My Heath really takes over my life I mostly lay in bed and watch UA-cam hopefully I can get more energy and start doing more things I love! Any help would be so appreciated.
So how are you now?
are you better nowwww
Sem Eikenaar I’m a lot better but still have my bad days thank you 😊
Phoebe X I am a bit better but I am still unwell but I just have to keep on going and fighting! Thanks 💓
Tobi i love your collabs with chris md. If u could more of them it would be great
hi tobi can u say hi please ☺ .. love your video's bro
lhomo Hi
hi dude 😋
lhomo Sorry i'm not Tobi xD
but u lessen tho ☺ thanks
Ihomo hey man
It was so great getting you and manny in our vlog today!❤️
Anyone else see the goal Messi scored today?
TriXl That goal made us move on. In 2017 all 3 of his goals have been off of free kicks. The best.
Kevin Shadow no
JEEJ Z I don't think you'd want to see, telling by your profile picture.
+JEEJ Z Oh wait, you mean no to he's the best don't you? Well he is.
just by doing it more and more youll get much quicker at the cube pretty quickly. i started out only being able to do it in like 7 minutes, and i brought that down to like 1 minute pretty quickly, i believe in you!
Do A TOTY Pack Opening Plz
Personally I really enjoy videos that are kinda random like this. So good job tobi. Your edits are amazing. I want to see some more football videos with your mates like Simon and Manny and Chris MD (my favorites). But also like weird challenges!
I can do the cube in 20 seconds and I am a newborn baby
Joe Wardy Your loyal I appreciate that
Heyy Tobi glad your back soz I missed his vid until now but have turned on your notifications now!! Xx
who else spent five minutes just trying to see what the text said at 3:28?
I just learned how to do the Rubik's Cube as well and trust me, my time is a lot worse. Keep up all of the off camera work and I will always love your vids no matter the upload schedule.
A video with the f2 :)
Essexlad Jack that would be mad
My immune system's gone bad eversince I started work in december, and like you, i'm trying to stay as healthy as possible while being exposed to a lot of germs and people. Glad you're okay, love u tobi 💖
It's my birthday today 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Mine too!
mine too
This is why I like tobi he seems like one of the most normal people on UA-cam. He very relatable
20 seconds no views. UA-cam wtf?
Oh yeah I'm 16th comment!
Yo glad you watching the NBA game. glad to see people over sea appreciate my home town team The pacers and see you interested in basketball!!!
You want to actively do stuff? Do football videos 😆
Manpreet Singh Yeah, he should try to do one every week or two! They're always so good!
Tbjzl is so much happier when he is doing videos on his own and he's so quiet when he is with the sidemen
#early_squad where you at?!🔥
Yes Tobi! Happy and healthy Tobi is the best Tobi! Glad you're back feeling good mate
Tobi, please do a video with Elliot Crawford, like a challenge or something! It would make a really good video! 👊
Really glad you are doing better! I hope you have a great year and accomplish everything you want to!
I solved a rubix cube before I took it out of the packaging
And I'm a newborn baby
You spelt rubik's wrong
LMAO 3:38 the quick pop up thing he wrote😂😂😂😂😂
So you worried me and made your Twitter all black... Tobi, you have to think about your fans, some of us take you as a family member, I do. Cuz you've been helping me for years... Don't do that ever again.
Seriously down to earth guy, love you as a person man, keep doing you
I've got a joke about being trolled
Read more
GhostRider u tried. But u failed
GhostRider yoo I have done the exact same thing, but before i saw yours
I spent a week to learn the algorithms of the Rubix cube and after practising im down to almost under 1 minute.
Good to see you taking care of yourself. Love you and your videos tobi
im so happy ur back mate, missed u
Nice Tobi, we are happy your healthy again
Tobi's comments are always so positive!
Shut up man
Great to see you healthy and happy. You know how you can do a 3x3 how about a smaller version like 2x2 or bigger versions like 4x4 or 5x5
All the best with your recovery Tobi! God Bless, from a fan in Australia.
I am glad you are better and hope all good health for you! Good job in changing your lifestyle for the better 💪💜
tobi can you do a nother black goalie player pro series
Gd to know that ur healthy Bruv look forward to ur vids
You could mix up the Rubin cube and you have to do it in 1:00 whith eggs getting thrown at you or balloons
this is y Tobi is one of my fav UA-camrs,he does it for us(the viewers)
Glad you're taking care of your health! and the Rubik's cube will come with time. Took me roughly a week to get the algorithm, now I can do the whole thing in 40 secs. Hope you keep feeling well :)
Tobi could you maybe do a football boot collection video with manny? It would be great to know how many you guys own and which you prefer to use for challenges and Sunday league
Tobi I'm so happy you back my life wasn't the same without you luv ya Tobi keep up the great work❤️❤️
Look after yourself bro, we're still here to watch your videos! Keep doing you
Do a end of year challenge so include everything that u have learnt and see if u remember. If you don't, you do a forfeit. Loving the videos Tobi!!
Sitting behind a computer is awful for you. I'm in college and I've sat behind a computer for 8 hours a day sometimes (very rare, but it happens) while trying to maintain a gym schedule. I often wouldn't eat much, and it eventually led to me being sick. It's definitely worth it to put in hard work, but rest is just as important. I'm glad you're working on your health Tobi, Prayin forya man! P.S. love the channel btw lol
Nice video and well said! Except for an annoying injury, 2016 was my healthiest year ever. I wasn't sick like one time which is good for me cause I'm usually always sick around winter. One thing that I think really helped me was washing my hands as soon as I got home from something
One thing that always keeps my brain active is doing math with the time (I.e. Using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) and trying to get multiples of 10 with that
Much love Tobi, glad you're feeling better
Wellcome back Toby. You're my favourite
cook a sit down 3 course meal for all the sidemen... learning how to use cooking to your best advantage can teach you a lot in life!... i would be happy to give you ideas.. been a chef now for 4 years.. wasn't trained yet i worked for some top restaurants
Tobi can you post a video of you having a kick about with friends and taking shots, and just enjoying yourself?
Good vibes tobi. Keep up the great videos
Tbjzl do kick ups with a rubix and the forfeit is take a shot of vinegar
well to say you only recently started to properly get into the cube, 5 minutes isnt a bad time, when i started it took me around 7 minutes but with hours and hours of practise a day, i can now do it with an average of 45 seconds to a minute or so, so just keep pracising and you will get quicker and quicker as your mind starts to put the pieces into place before you have.
Tobi u legend. I was bored af and u uploaded to keep me busy 👌👍
Do another telltale series please I love them so much and tobi keep them up!!
Tobi always looks fly, doesn't matter where he is or what he's doing. Class.
Any Colab with Simon,Chris or Harry are always sick videos and you should try to learn some good tricks on a trampoine!
I don't know if you cook already but to help with your eating and with learning you could learn how to cook or bake or something I always find it relaxing just turn on some music and chill out and make some nice food
Sick video :) good to be back
Try solving the rubix cube while others chuck water balloons at you
do the rubickcube challange plz