Senja di Ambang Pilu 1:02 Terpaut Oleh Waktu 5:42 Wahai Kau 10:42 Buaian 15:40 Pergi Tanpa Pesan (Sore) 19:41 Junko Furuta 23:57 Bimbang Tanpa Pegangan 29:43 That's All (Frank Sinatra) 34:36 Till There Was You (Beatles) 40:35 Berdistraksi 43:33 Ada di Sana 47:17 Buddy Holly (Weezer) 52:00
FYI pergi tanpa pesan itu lagunya Saiful Bahri yang dinyanyikan oleh Nina Kirana dengan judul pergi tanpa pamit pada tahun 1960. SORE cuma mempopulerkan aja.
Dari zaman masih dinas keluar kota tahun 2017-2020 sampe sekarang tetep suka banget sama Live Danilla yg ini dibanding Live yang lain. Emang berasa banget Intimate nya
There were bells on a hill But I never heard them ringing No, I never heard them at all Till there was you There were birds in the sky But I never saw them winging No, I never saw them at all Till there was you Then there was music and wonderful roses They tell me in sweet fragrant meadows Of dawn and dew There was love all around But I never heard it singing No, I never heard it at all Till there was you Then there was music and wonderful roses They tell me in sweet fragrant meadows Of dawn and dew There was love all around But I never heard it singing No, I never heard it at all Till there was you Till there was you
There were bells on a hill But I never heard them ringing No, I never heard them at all Till there was you There were birds in the sky But I never sawr them winging No, I never sawr them at all Till there was you Then there was music and wonderful roses They tell me In sweet fragrant meadows Of dawn and dew There was love all around But I never heard it singing No, I never heard it at all Till there was you Then there was music and wonderful roses They tell me In sweet fragrant meadows Of dawn and dew There was love all around But I never heard it singing No, I never heard it at all Till there was you Till there was you
Senja di Ambang Pilu 1:02
Terpaut Oleh Waktu 5:42
Wahai Kau 10:42
Buaian 15:40
Pergi Tanpa Pesan (Sore) 19:41
Junko Furuta 23:57
Bimbang Tanpa Pegangan 29:43
That's All (Frank Sinatra) 34:36
Till There Was You (Beatles) 40:35
Berdistraksi 43:33
Ada di Sana 47:17
Buddy Holly (Weezer) 52:00
Ibnu Nadzir nice
OMG! 1-6 favorit gw
Thx bro
FYI pergi tanpa pesan itu lagunya Saiful Bahri yang dinyanyikan oleh Nina Kirana dengan judul pergi tanpa pamit pada tahun 1960. SORE cuma mempopulerkan aja.
reza segaf terima kasih masukkannya mas
Iya tau
Finally komen yutub berfaedah, thanks !
Juara dokumentasinya
Terima kasih banyak
Dari zaman masih dinas keluar kota tahun 2017-2020 sampe sekarang tetep suka banget sama Live Danilla yg ini dibanding Live yang lain. Emang berasa banget Intimate nya
wah asyik nih, uda danilla trus ngambil gambarnya jg jago,
Dokumentasi terniat nih! Salute!
Xaverius Leonardo Makasih mas
Selalu puas menikmati danilla, acung jari untuk tim dokumenter
Felix Flizzy terima kasih mas, minta doanya biar bisa selalu berkreasi
Kau sekarang sudah lenyap tenggelam bersama keparatmu
Semoga jaya dalam keredupan frizzy
gilaaaa, suka sama cinematographynya
Kemana aja aing kok baru tau danilla sekarang 🤦 pdhal bbrp kali pernah dengar lagunya yg senja diambang pilu tp gk ngeh klo itu tu danilla
The best bgt lah danilla.. Love u danilla 😘
There were bells on a hill
But I never heard them ringing
No, I never heard them at all
Till there was you
There were birds in the sky
But I never saw them winging
No, I never saw them at all
Till there was you
Then there was music and wonderful roses
They tell me in sweet fragrant meadows
Of dawn and dew
There was love all around
But I never heard it singing
No, I never heard it at all
Till there was you
Then there was music and wonderful roses
They tell me in sweet fragrant meadows
Of dawn and dew
There was love all around
But I never heard it singing
No, I never heard it at all
Till there was you
Till there was you
mari iki terus mblendarang areke... dokumentasinya mantab mboth
Kalau pas nikah jadi pengen ngundang mbak danillaaa
Terbuai gerak jari telunjukmu bebih😍😍😘
DanilLafa gada lawan
Yes so beautiful
Suara live dan rekaman sama sama enak
weh nyanyi nya sambil ngrokok....
nyesel ga rumaopa tgl itu :"
ngefans bgt sama suaranya:"))))
Mbak danilla kece kapan ke surabaya ??
Pergi Tanpa Pesan ♥
main gitarnya harus sabar bgt☺️
kapan danilla ke malang lagi?
Iga Mawarni Reborn ..... love you beib
I like the track picks, tapi kenapa entah ada dimana jarang dibawain live ya? padahal suka banget.
Entah ingin kemana
audionya best nih
Layak dapat lebih banyak viewers dan likes! Cool abis
makin cinta😘
Alig Alig Alig!
class bgt keren
danilla love you
Nice anyway bro. you make something cool. :))
Danilla pas masih imut imutnya
jangan ngerokok sayang:(
keren disemua lini. teruskaan!
Hiks..syg pas lg gak di malang. :"'(
terbaik ini mah. Danilla dabeeeez!!!
ku tergetar saat menatap kedua matamu
Ci kapan ke malang lagi 😁
Ini bagus videonya!
Vaudi Prima makasih kak, minta supportnya dan doa biar bisa berkarya terus 🙏
Nais kak!
ya ampun danillaaa
seperti temukan iga mawarni lagi !
! Mooi
05.24 THE BEST
19:37 diulang terus mantapp
Pontianak kapan ya ada beginian..
aku juga berharap wkwkwk
bekasi wHeeeeeeEeeEen :'(
Tanggal 25 agustus nanti ada di SMB mas
mana bilur?
mana kalapuna?
mana entah ingin kemana?
Edgar Leonard kyaknya in sblum danilla rilis album kedua. msh d albun telisik.
Edgar Leonard FYI album kedua jg belum rilis mas :)
Otong is da best
Pergi tanpa pesan, Lebih bagus Covernya drpd aslinya
kenapa harus sing alongnya harus full dari lagu pertama sampe akhir sih ? yg ada malah ngerusak feelnya 😴😪
Melanie soebono???
Praz Teguh main gitar
kak rokoknya apa itu? mild?
R.I. P Sampoerna mild kak Danilla mah
hajirut, karo udud 😂😂
23:52 Siapa sih lu? Lebay banget
There were bells on a hill
But I never heard them ringing
No, I never heard them at all
Till there was you
There were birds in the sky
But I never sawr them winging
No, I never sawr them at all
Till there was you
Then there was music and wonderful roses
They tell me
In sweet fragrant meadows
Of dawn and dew
There was love all around
But I never heard it singing
No, I never heard it at all
Till there was you
Then there was music and wonderful roses
They tell me
In sweet fragrant meadows
Of dawn and dew
There was love all around
But I never heard it singing
No, I never heard it at all
Till there was you
Till there was you