• @tanliz17
    @tanliz17 2 роки тому +1

    Such a touching video and wonderful to know that there are these programs to support those in distress.

  • @karentony3397
    @karentony3397 2 роки тому

    Wow have learnt so much about the other avenues the Rspca are involved in. Thank you all. ❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️

  • @margaretaldridge635
    @margaretaldridge635 2 роки тому

    I always love to help the RSPCA I've registered to participate in the cupcake day every year this year marks my 6th year and after watching all 3 of these videos it reminds me why I constantly do it every year I love baking and making a difference in somone life and helping thos in need so helping in the cupcake day is a great way to put a few if my favourite pass times together it helps so many animals and owners every year and it helps my mental health as well ive lost friends , family and beloved pets over the years to various health conditions from heart conditions , cancer and many more but one pet i woll not for get as I was in foster for a few years ,one of my last carers cats love roming around at night and out place backed onto train tracks as we lived near the station id hear all the trains go past every half hour sometimes more often if the cargo trains went past after so I learnt to block out the sound but one afternoon as I was doing my chorse I can't remember id it was me or one if my foster siblings who notice the ginger cat on the tracks but one of the oldest went over to bring him away from the tracks and into our back yard i can't remember if we realised before she brought hem back over the fence or if we did before had but he was our cat who loved to wonder at night we berried him in the front yard that was more that 11 years ago now as far as I know he's still buried there today but I haven't been to the place or passed the place since late 2013 early 2014 so alots happend since then and the last 2 years with covid has made it hard to do my RSPCA cupcake days as usual last year I almost went donations only but got bird s free days after my cupcake day that I decided to back stuff anyway this year due to restrictions I've posted on my Facebook event page for my cupcake day the goodies and treat on offer this year and keeping to my usual pricing of cupcakes $1each 6 for $5 depending on the size of the item like a few years ago in 2019 I had mino quiches and priced them at $0.50 each and I had coconut slices and a few medium apple pies that I sold for $2 each as they where biger that the cupcakes but smaller that a family size plus I wanted to sell many of them so I keep them at responsible prices and it pays off somtimes I spend more on the ingredients and set up that I get back in donations or sales but I enjoy it and it brings a smile to my face when kids walk passed then run back to thier parents or care giver at the time and ask if they can get something in one of my first years I had a family who was going on a road trip to see family I think and they drove down my st and seen my stall set up and they originally were going to only buy 6 cupcakes for the trip but couldn't decide on how many of each to get as I had 4 different flavours it made the decision hard for them so instead they left with 12 cupcake 3 of each flavour so they all got to try each one ther was another customer I remember from that year they had a delivery to do across the street cant remember the company but after he came to my stall and bout a few cupcakes for either his family of his colleagues I can't remember which now I've had so many since then and with recent events each day blends into the next its hard not being able to go out and help a family member move house or help a friend with thier son because she just recently fell and hurt both her ankles possibly doing more damage to an old injury and using Facebook members,quotes,UA-cam music and the occasional call or chat to help friends and family with thier mental health and sanity i love making a difference and backing a different in somtimes impawsable occasions I will always supawt the RSPCA where I can