'Friendship is thicker than blood.'- my mantra. I played Angel in a local production in Scotland in 2009 and loved every second of it.I have the fondest memories of this particular number. It was one of the last numbers we learned before putting the show on, for those who have experience in amateur/community theatre will know the feeling of last minute, 11th hour antics, it all adds to the excitement.
@MusicMakesItBetter21 if Mimi went on the audition and the casting director liked her, she could be blue! if she has the talent that's all that matters. the characters in that play are not specific as to race.
'Friendship is thicker than blood.'- my mantra.
I played Angel in a local production in Scotland in 2009 and loved every second of it.I have the fondest memories of this particular number. It was one of the last numbers we learned before putting the show on, for those who have experience in amateur/community theatre will know the feeling of last minute, 11th hour antics, it all adds to the excitement.
6.44 traciex voice gives me chills. amazing.
happy new years rockin eve
Who's watching on New Year of 2018?
This is awesome
This Benny is hilarious, lol
OMG the girl playing Maureen could LITERALLY be Idina Menzel's younger sister!! 😮😮
Lol one of my fav songs!!!
@MLCmoments YES!
@MusicMakesItBetter21 In the 12 years that RENT was on Broadway there were countless black Mimis....
has RENT taught you nothing about life? the only thing that matters is love, life and passion
Chips anyone?!
"Mark the wicked witch of the west your mother" 😝😝I'm done
Who’s playing Roger?
LordMinion123 Will Chase.
What does Meme say when Angel is screeching a little?
"Pussy, you came prepared!"
Since she brought the torch to break into their building
my god thats hot! :P 1:50
@MusicMakesItBetter21 if Mimi went on the audition and the casting director liked her, she could be blue! if she has the talent that's all that matters. the characters in that play are not specific as to race.
Mimi is supposed to be hispanic, so either way, it's alright.
which cast was this? def not the original ...
Joe Cabana Filmed Live On Broadway