A terrific talk thanks James Warren, your research is amazing and once again opens up further possible avenues to explore - and thanks to all involved at the SOF for making the video available to those of us unable to attend these conferences!
Authorship discovery without Looney? Eventually, very likely. In general, facts are stubborn things! The reason for his pseudonym, mostly ignored, is because his Queen, Elizabeth I, had a motto video et taceo, (I see and remain silent). Failure to observe this caveat and you might end up in the tower or worse!
A terrific talk thanks James Warren, your research is amazing and once again opens up further possible avenues to explore - and thanks to all involved at the SOF for making the video available to those of us unable to attend these conferences!
very informative
Very informative. Thank you.
Think politically, not intellectually, not artistically, and not psycho-analytically, and voila!
Authorship discovery without Looney? Eventually, very likely. In general, facts are stubborn things! The reason for his pseudonym, mostly ignored, is because his Queen, Elizabeth I, had a motto video et taceo, (I see and remain silent). Failure to observe this caveat and you might end up in the tower or worse!