A never empty Pottage pot. Meat would be what ever is available at the time. Not disgusting by any means. We have Goulash, and Stews as modern equivalents. It is a mistake to think there was only tasteless gruel to eat. Mint, Sage, Rosemary, Thyme, Garlic, Onions were all available, as well as Butter. The old school Iron Ration was dried meats, nuts, and fruits. Consider Pemmican.
@kalinthealias9382 I am sure Tom can tell stories like that. He did a ton of camping in his younger days. I didn't as much as I had other things happening. But I have camped. Cans of Hormal chili and hot dogs and buns with cheese was a staple in my LARP camping
That, is an episode idea, and I think we can hit on that. But to kind of answer this, in the last campaign, the party could make potions of healing that were not that strong, and degraded over time. They had to make 3 checks each time they made them, and depending on how successful the role was, determined the strength of the potion. One check had to deal with Survival, One with Herbalism, one for healing. The person Brewing had to make all three. They could get help from others. And while it healed, it was in no way magical, and over a weeks time, it became worthless and poisonous.
A never empty Pottage pot. Meat would be what ever is available at the time. Not disgusting by any means. We have Goulash, and Stews as modern equivalents. It is a mistake to think there was only tasteless gruel to eat. Mint, Sage, Rosemary, Thyme, Garlic, Onions were all available, as well as Butter. The old school Iron Ration was dried meats, nuts, and fruits. Consider Pemmican.
@Marcus-ki1en Thank you for the comment and yes, all that. Pemmican is a native thing, but could easily be used in a fantasy setting
I usually just come up with food off the top of my head in the game
@RIVERSRPGChannel Shhhhhh Don't say that. Cause I do it too. Especially if the players surprise me. But if I have time, I may plan on it
I remember a friend bringing a gallon milk on a mountain camping trip, because He buried it in snow each night.
@kalinthealias9382 I am sure Tom can tell stories like that. He did a ton of camping in his younger days. I didn't as much as I had other things happening. But I have camped. Cans of Hormal chili and hot dogs and buns with cheese was a staple in my LARP camping
@wizardsofthetow what do you think about food-as-health in RPGs?
That, is an episode idea, and I think we can hit on that. But to kind of answer this, in the last campaign, the party could make potions of healing that were not that strong, and degraded over time. They had to make 3 checks each time they made them, and depending on how successful the role was, determined the strength of the potion. One check had to deal with Survival, One with Herbalism, one for healing. The person Brewing had to make all three. They could get help from others. And while it healed, it was in no way magical, and over a weeks time, it became worthless and poisonous.