ટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટટટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટટ્કટ્કટટટ્કકકકકકકકકકકકકક્ચકકક્ચકકકકકક્ચકકક્ચકકકકકકકક્ચક્ચક્ચક્ચકકકકકક્ચક્ચકકકકક્ચટ્કટ્કટટટટ્કટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટ્કટટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટ્કટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટટ્કટ્કટટટટટટટ્કટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટ્કટટટટટટટ્કટ્કટટ્કટટટટ્કટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટ્કટ્કટટટ્કટટ્કટટટટ્કટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટ્કટટટટ્કટટટ્કટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટ્કટટટટ્કટ્કટટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટકકકકકકકકકકકકકકકકકકકક આ ટ ટ ટ ઠઠઠ અને ઠઠ ટ્વીટર ટોટ😊ક😊😊કકકક😊કક😊 ઓછી ખ@@GodlLolzzfan
Kisne thalapaty movie ko editing kardiya he usko golden cup Dena chaihe bhai es movie edit kardiya bhai a movie Vijay thalapaty ka movie he bas Khali us ka head change kardiya he bhai gojab edit bhai kya bolu me 😮😮😮😮
Phle acche se pta krr lo fhir comment kro ki phle kon si aayi hmne sirf 2006 ki pokiri mahesh babu wali aur 2009 ki wanted dekhi hai nice movie original aur copy dono
Beautiful 😍❤️ movie boriya 👌💖
P0 1:09:06 1:09:06 @@صالحالريامي-ي2خ
P0 1:09:06 1:09:06 @@صالحالريامي-ي2خ
Hamare mahesh babu Etna smart and handsome hai ki slaman bhi enki movie ko copy karte hain 😅😅 mahesh babu is the best hero than bollywood
Sawth वाले ही तो भारत की नाम रोशन कर रहे हैं बाकी बॉलीवुड वाले तो कल्चर ही बदल कर खराब कर रहे हैं
Sahi kaha bhai😂
Better used for comparison between two
Lekin Salman ka film shooting cameragraphy style achha tha
19 October me kon kon isa movie ko dekh rahe hai very nice movie ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Miami dekh Raha Hoon
Msi to kewal mahesh babu ks hi movie dekhti humast lagta h❤❤
❤ye movie humne kafi bar dekhi h ❤
❤i really love movie ❤
I love you
This movie Great 👍🎉❤🎉❤❤❤ The Best 😍🎉❤
Jo iss movie ko copy bol rahe h unhe bata du yeh original h fir vijay or salman ki movie bani
Love you my super hero❤❤❤❤
Surprise 😮
Salman khan ki wanted movie ki trh h ye movie bhi😅❤butt jisme mahesh sir hote h 🤌vo moviee bhot cool ho jati😍👀
Pehle yehi movie aayi thi uske baad salman khan ki
ટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટટટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટટ્કટ્કટટટ્કકકકકકકકકકકકકક્ચકકક્ચકકકકકક્ચકકક્ચકકકકકકકક્ચક્ચક્ચક્ચકકકકકક્ચક્ચકકકકક્ચટ્કટ્કટટટટ્કટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટ્કટટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટ્કટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટટ્કટ્કટટટટટટટ્કટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટ્કટટટટટટટ્કટ્કટટ્કટટટટ્કટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટ્કટ્કટટટ્કટટ્કટટટટ્કટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટ્કટટટટ્કટટટ્કટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટ્કટ્કટટટટ્કટ્કટટ્કટ્કટ્કટ્કટટટટટટટટ્કટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટટકકકકકકકકકકકકકકકકકકકક આ ટ ટ ટ ઠઠઠ અને ઠઠ ટ્વીટર ટોટ😊ક😊😊કકકક😊કક😊 ઓછી ખ@@GodlLolzzfan
This is original
@@vikasparab5966œ by ft
See by
See in😊
Meri tarha kon kon single hai
Ak am bi he aapi ki tarh Singal he iyar 😢
Nicee name shrabana
Phele ye movie bani baad me salman khan ne copy kia 😂
AA Zac
❤❤❤❤❤m a s t ❤❤
Paltu ye kya movie hai
Ye kis ka movie hai sala dek ne like nahi hai sala
I love this movie ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ok dost ❤❤❤❤❤😢🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
wanted ki copy😂😂
Abe wanted isko copy Kiya hai. Ye original hai😂
Pokiri is original movie hai
Konsi duniya mein ji ra hai wanted iski copy hai
Wanted wohi movie ka copy
Mast Movie❤❤🎉
Screen presence thik se nahi kar paya
Acting me aur thida maturity,grave Chahiye like Salman khan
I love and I always big fan of Mahesh Babu ❤❤❤❤😂😂😂
Are bahi my ya movie my 2024 me 17 september my dakrahu 😂😂😂😂😂
Beautiful🙂❤️ tapori movie 😂😂
Nice movie 😢😢😢😢
That's why
ये फिल्म 2024 में कोन कोन देखा रहे हो❤❤❤❤
Ghanta ❤❤❤❤
Sabse pahle Mahesh Babu movie lae the
10 nov ko kon dek raha hai 😊😂
kon kon 2024 mai dekh Rhe ho 😂😂😂😂❤❤❤
बॉलीवुड वांटेड Salman जैसी Acting नहीं
Superstar mahesh babu
Nice movie 🎬 🎉
बहुत अच्छी पिक्चर❤❤
I like this heroine
❤ super
نائیس موویز
Very. Very. nice. mov. 👌
ভুলে ভ্লভ্ল্যভ্ল ভ্লভ্ল্যভ্ল ্য্য ভ্লভ্ল ভ্ল ভালো ভভভভ্ল ভ্ল্য্য ভভভভ্ল্যভগ ্য ভুলে ভ্যভ্ল ভভভভভ ভ্লভ ভভ্লভ্লভভভ ভ্ল ভগ@@RajeshTaro-bx9zc
I m Lala Bhai from India I am big fan of mahesh babu I like mahesh babu
Follow krobas movie dekhny wle❤❤❤❤❤
One movie in three different languages, three different regions, but the villain is one.
vh daroga ko s.p bolta hai kya majak😅😅😅😂😂
Maine bollywood ka naam Badalkar copywood rakh Diya hai😂😂😂
Kisne thalapaty movie ko editing kardiya he usko golden cup Dena chaihe bhai es movie edit kardiya bhai a movie Vijay thalapaty ka movie he bas Khali us ka head change kardiya he bhai gojab edit bhai kya bolu me 😮😮😮😮
Ye movie 2006 ki hai Vijay ki 2007 ki Salman ki 2009 ki phle acche se jaan lo Google baba se fhir de Dena golden cup jise Dena hoga
Mri traa kon tanhaaa hai is time😮
Thanks ❤❤❤
Aaj ye movie kon kon dekh raha hai 😅😅
Phle acche se pta krr lo fhir comment kro ki phle kon si aayi hmne sirf 2006 ki pokiri mahesh babu wali aur 2009 ki wanted dekhi hai nice movie original aur copy dono
Salman ki moovie copy hai
Bhai me bol raha hu Vijay thalapaty ka head change karki
Mahesh Babu ka head lagadiya gojab edit bhai
Bhai pahle yahi movie bani thi Telugu me uske baad thalapathy Vijay ki aayi hai Tamil me fir Hindi me remake banayi hai.
کہا سے ہو
Mahesh baboo is, no doubt
handsome with best acting
May Allah bless him always
Parash. Muve. Very. Sweet
Hi I'm
This is the same movie Salman khan acted everything is the same only actors and actresses is different
Vijay thallapathy also did this movie
That movie was made in 2009 this movie is made in 2006 stupid
Banita meena ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ok very good
Meri Tara kon kon Singal hai ❤
Guntaram movies upload kardigiye plz sir
Nice move❤❤❤❤❤
This movie is original
20 November Ko Main dekh raha hun aapki Yad mein
I like Mahesh babu but in this movie Salman khan Wanted is much better.
They copied this movie stupid cuz this is made in 2006 and (wanted) is made in 2009
Bhai kuchh bhi mat bola kro Mahesh ka swag aur acting salaman se lakh guna better h😅
Mahesh Babu is always rocking than bollywood hero and isliye tho salman bhi inko copy karte hai 😅
Prakash raj best khalnayak. Comedian hai
Mai bhi hu singal
Dubble ho jao
Thalapathy copy movie😊
bhaii vijay ne copyy kiya haii move koo date nikal k dekh lo
This is original, thalapathy copied this
Jabardast movie
कॉपी सेम टू सेम विजय मूवी कॉपी किया गया है
Ye movie salman khan wali movie hai
Bhakchod h tu wanted copy h
Nice move
Why nahin pita chai uske liye gana cutting
एक मूवी कितने जने बनाएगा
Thalapaty copy movie chiter kanhike
Follow kro bas movie dekhny wle
Cimady movie good
Wanted eski copy h
Nice sundari 🫣👌
Mantap siang jga sob