Finally, Reaction Video To Rosh Yeshiva of Ner Yisroel...

  • Опубліковано 4 лип 2024
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  • @mannygindi5989
    @mannygindi5989 Місяць тому +14

    Yoni do not take it down, the public needs to know the truth…

  • @weeklydaily4775
    @weeklydaily4775 Місяць тому +16

    Wow, you never disappoint! Interesting that all the resistance against rabbi manis ideas - actually end up producing much more clarity!! Thanks so much

  • @shininglight1630
    @shininglight1630 Місяць тому +8

    Keep the video on UA-cam. It's good. It's true. It's important. It's clarifying. I believe there is an obligation to clear the name of one who has been slandered. Thank you for rightly clearing Rabbi Manis Friedman's name.

  • @AronTurim-st5ml
    @AronTurim-st5ml Місяць тому +5

    5 star ⭐️ for explaining it so calmly.

  • @dkbrain3434
    @dkbrain3434 Місяць тому +19

    Instead of attacking other Jews publicly, Rabbi Feldman would be better served to seek dialogue with Manis privately first to understand his position. This public criticism he produced is an analog to what a politician might do. Let’s focus on unity. ✡️

    • @levibrook3272
      @levibrook3272 Місяць тому +1

      We are not obligated to debate and understand positions that are obviously against proper Torah values.

    • @moshkhal2637
      @moshkhal2637 Місяць тому +1

      Mitzvah to expose the wicked!!

    • @kymclayton9416
      @kymclayton9416 Місяць тому

      Very well, said that light goes very dim with this type of back-and-forth we need you guys to shine bright

    • @davidrosenthal9612
      @davidrosenthal9612 Місяць тому +1

      He did. Maybe know the facts before maligning a Torah sage?

    • @TheMegillahguerrilla
      @TheMegillahguerrilla Місяць тому

      How do you know he did? He makes no such claim ​@davidrosenthal9612

  • @davirabareli7792
    @davirabareli7792 Місяць тому +8

    Do not take down this video. Rabbi mizrachi also said some not so nice words about Rabni Friedman

    • @Wizm1e
      @Wizm1e 28 днів тому

      if a rabbi cause people to sin offcource he will make a vid about to save jewish souls

  • @Veronikasardo-1
    @Veronikasardo-1 Місяць тому +2

    Firstly why doesn’t he address Rabbi Manis Friedman as RABBI.
    There’s “a guy” walking around?
    I became Shomeret Torah and Mitzvot (Observant) after one of Rabbi Manis Friedman’s retreats over 30 years ago. B”H (Thank/Bless God) I am still observant and thankful and happy.
    Had I heard Rabbi Aharon Feldman speak about Judaism I would not have
    become observant. I am one of tens of thousands or more that have embraced and love Yahadut (Yiddishkeit) (Judaism). In addition, I’ve been an almana (widow) with 1 son that I raised on my own since he was a year and a half. B”H, my son is a good, sensitive, Torah abiding Lubavitcher. Rabbi Friedman’s influence on my son’s life has been invaluable and his teachings have been equivalent to precious gems.
    Please keep this video on UA-cam.
    Rabbi Manis Friedman has made a tremendous positive impact on this world.

  • @balurmoshiyakgova2261
    @balurmoshiyakgova2261 Місяць тому +9

    I stand with Rabbi Manis Friedman. I was going to be not observant years ago.Hashem gave us Rabbi Manis Friedman not to be scared of G-d but to serve Him.according to others it's only Gan Eden and olam haba.releggiosity vs G-dliness.

    • @Wizm1e
      @Wizm1e 28 днів тому

      offource you watch him you dont wanne hear the truth about sins and Gehenom

    • @balurmoshiyakgova2261
      @balurmoshiyakgova2261 20 днів тому

      ​@@Wizm1e I was there!

  • @davidr27100
    @davidr27100 Місяць тому +3

    Just left from Rabbi Manis Friedmans Shiur, he is great, wr choose the Rabbanim that makes sense to us to our Neshama. This is the difference between Chabad chassidim and Litvish.......

  • @DrKaii
    @DrKaii Місяць тому +5

    You are bold as a lion, you are Reb Yoni

  • @Captgoldensnake
    @Captgoldensnake Місяць тому +7

    I ask myself, " Which Rabbi, Manis Friedman or Ahron Feldman, would I want to be with for Shabbas, ?

    • @weeklydaily4775
      @weeklydaily4775 Місяць тому

      Well said...

    • @milkshakalaka6461
      @milkshakalaka6461 Місяць тому +2

      During this difficult time for us as Jewish people? Rabbi Feldman all day long. We're so close to the end that teshuva is what’s needed right now.

    • @levibrook3272
      @levibrook3272 Місяць тому +2

      Hosting an enjoyable Shabbas does not equate to having proper Torah values.

    • @davidrosenthal9612
      @davidrosenthal9612 Місяць тому

      Some of the most spiritual experiences in my life were at Rabbi Feldman's house for Shabbos.

    • @Mmlip358
      @Mmlip358 Місяць тому

      You probably love hearing lashon hara​@@davidrosenthal9612

  • @zeldykleinman4834
    @zeldykleinman4834 Місяць тому +1


  • @uriel7203
    @uriel7203 Місяць тому +2

    If I was this, uh, "Rosh Yeshivah," I would be embarrassed by myself. I don't know a Gemara in Sukkos and then blame a Lubavitcher for misunderstanding Kabbalah despite him using the words of said Gemarah?
    You know why this happens? Because there are certain Rosh Yeshivahs who don't bother kearning Agada sections in Gemara and think it's beneath them. It's not a Kabbalah issue! It's not a Litvish vs Hasidic issue. Its Gemara.

  • @1Gr8Editrix
    @1Gr8Editrix Місяць тому +1

    "He should be in cheder." At least the Rosh Yeshiva has a sense of humor.
    But this video is highly enlightening. Please keep it up.

  • @JohnSmith-bw8xv
    @JohnSmith-bw8xv Місяць тому +1

    The Rebbe was talking about *people* judging others. But Rabbo Freidman was speaking about Hashem which a whole different story.

  • @isntgodgreat2189
    @isntgodgreat2189 Місяць тому

    Hi, I think I understood everything except the last point where Rabbi Friedman seems to suggest there is no reward and punishment since it was H' who gave us a Yetzer Hara. Rav Feldman argued this was not correct. Can you clarify this for us? Thank you

  • @jonathanpraff9781
    @jonathanpraff9781 Місяць тому +5

    שבעים פנים לתורה
    Shkoyach for making this video with a humble, respectful tone.

  • @MikeHoughtonasUnit8720
    @MikeHoughtonasUnit8720 Місяць тому +2

    Only thing that comes to my mind is that the Jews need to be careful about division lest they be like Christians and fight among themselves.

  • @sholompraver4348
    @sholompraver4348 Місяць тому +2

    The Jewish People are meant to be "L'Ohr Goim/as a LIGHT unto the nations" - there ARE and have always been differences of rabbinical opinion throughout the centuries. Points of Torah philosophy SHOULD be argued over. Thus far, although heated and a bit uncomfortable, the differences here have all been spoken out with a tone of UNDERLYING respect. Even this should be part of the LIGHT we are meant to project. - I AGREE, there should be a gentleman's debate between Torah thinkers, such as these.

  • @levibrook3272
    @levibrook3272 Місяць тому +2

    The difference between the Lubavitcher Rebbe's words and RMF saying that there isn't a Jew that should be punished are apparent even to the layman. I am surprised that you equated them. The Gemara in Sukkoh does not state that Hashem is "angry" that he created the yetzer horrah or that he causes people to transgress. It merely states that he regrets creating an inclination in the world that is the cause of transgression, but now that such a thing exists, obviously someone that transgresses is culpable. I think your defense of RMF is a disservice to him as it further conveys the distorted version of the Torah outlook, that the Rebbe himself would have objected to.

    • @Mmlip358
      @Mmlip358 Місяць тому

      You'r trying to explaine him in anyway you could even though it's clear enough that r' feldman needs to learn it better

  • @keterbenchimol5692
    @keterbenchimol5692 Місяць тому +1

    the Rebbe said to focus on the positive.Thats true
    Manis Friedman said theres not 1 Jew in the world who deserves punishment no matter what he did.
    thats very different to what the Rebbe said

    • @davidrosenthal9612
      @davidrosenthal9612 Місяць тому

      Exactly. He is ascribing heretical ideas to the Rebbe. He needs to ask forgiveness.

  • @Jack-xy2pz
    @Jack-xy2pz Місяць тому +1

    Same mentality as expecting the Rebbe would pop out of his grave.

  • @pragmaticliving9420
    @pragmaticliving9420 Місяць тому

    I attest to this 100% someone who grew up "religious" COMPLETELY CONFUSED between the sheker (falsehood) of the messages of American culture essentially a way more ignorant modern Greek hedonistic culture combined with my yetzer hara (evil inclination) so now I'm fighting my yetzher hara + a world run amok a physical form of the yetzher hara as the yetzher hara has slowly lowered the moral compass little by little to our current times. Now combine that with not knowing parts of basic Judaism for example that Judaism is a bonding with Hashem the Torah and mitzvot ALL of it is to come to an awareness of Hashem in our lives that He is the King/Creator/Master/FATHER/ etc and that attaching ourselves to Him via being Kadosh/holy we earn the world to come/olam haba. I wasn't given chizuk/minimal chizuk growing up, explanation, rewards for following Torah and mitzvot ans most of all that its MORE PLEASURABLE/FULLFILLING/HAPPINESS/PEACE OF MIND to follow the Torah and mitzvot I was essentially robotically religious Jew. Today I'd say more than any other time we need kulo ahavah! Young boys and girls and everyone want to be loved/need to be loved and essentially I was "religious" because I didn't want to be seen as "bad" for not going to synagogue or for talking to a woman before coming of age for marriage (with good intentions) etc.
    No explanation + no chizuk/reward + being unaccepted/not worthy of love and yes a little clarity with thank G-d some wholesome authentic religious role models = me being "religious"
    Love your fellow like you love yourself (first love yourself let's work on that and brainwashing boys and girls to make Hashem/G-d seem like a communist dictator who's going to zap you if you don't follow His ways is not the way. Hashem/G-d in His infinite mercy saved me because I was SO CONFUSED. It's extremely important in 2024 I'd say more than ever BECAUSE of the confusion, the brokenness, the darkness of galus, the temptations etc to be very accepting and loving. How can someone be punished for something they know nothing about? How can someone be punished for falling to addiction(s) that no one warned him/her about? How can someone be punished for "rebelling" against Hashem/G-d because you shoved "religion" down their throat and threatened ruining their life by talking lashon hara and not accepting them and showing disdain to a boy/girl who just want to be loved like anyone else and is so confused? You really think Hashem is going to punish His beloved child because YOU showed him/her a skewed version of what it is to be a religious Jew? Baruch Hashem for those Jews that show kulo ahava because the current golus is mixed with confusion/little to no morals/temptation everywhere, broken homes, not enough love, and unfortunately judgement from people who themselves missed the whole point of being religious/being given life to begin with.
    May you continue to spread love and light and may we be fortunate to Mashiach and see the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem speedily in our days!

  • @SeekingToServe
    @SeekingToServe Місяць тому +1

    Please do not take the video down. Rabbi Friedman receives so much hate because of ignorance. Leave the info there so people who choose to learn may.

  • @Dextermoon1
    @Dextermoon1 Місяць тому +2

    Why are you bringing videos of the rebbe to defend manis Friedman? The rebbe’s message was clear and has nothing to do with Manis Friedman straight out saying there is no punishment anymore.

  • @davidr27100
    @davidr27100 Місяць тому +1

    This seems to be an old story of history, the Misnagdim verses the Chasidim.......

  •  Місяць тому +4

    It's almost like the yeshivish world lacks nuance and subtlety.
    I hear the same accusations from R" Mizrachi.

    • @levibrook3272
      @levibrook3272 Місяць тому

      Observing and detecting nuance and subtlety is one of the prime aspects of Torah study, and for that very reason Rav Feldman found improper and radical ideas that were veiled in his "Torah" thoughts.

  • @mariebarrett7177
    @mariebarrett7177 Місяць тому +3

    It does make sense that hashem needs us first because he created us, whatever comes next is secondary. He needs us to glorify him.
    Before you start airing your criticism to the world i hope you remember to take it to god first! Proverbs 21
    (God knows our hearts)

  • @Dextermoon1
    @Dextermoon1 Місяць тому +5

    “There isn’t a Jew in the world who deserves punishment” you are actually trying to defend this!!?

  • @julieschechter3995
    @julieschechter3995 Місяць тому +1

    Don’t take this down. It’s a very important video. If you listen to the Rebbe’s teachings and study Chabad Chassidus of course your perspective will be different from Ner Yisroel. I just don’t understand why Rabbi Feldman didn’t reach out privately to Rabbi Friedman to clarify what he saw as heretical ideas. Rabbi Friedman is a sage in Israel and is responsible for thousands of Torah frum homes. You need to be very careful how you speak about him.

    • @Bulvan123
      @Bulvan123 День тому

      Let me be honest. In the Orthodox world if you say your Rabbi is Manis Friedman, Yaron Reuven or Yosef Mizrachi you will certainly not be considered part of mainstream Orthodox judaism. Put another way. If someone was trying to make a Shidduch & asked who the boys Rebbe is Rabbi Feldman, a R'Y from Lakewood or other mainstream yeshivas would be fine but most mainstream Orthodox jews would not consider someone whose Rebbi is Friedman, Reuven or Mizrachi to be marriage material. These Rabbis are on the fringe & more than anything they're arrogant attention seekers & will say anything that needs to be said to gain a few more views - & hopefully a few Sheqels as donations as well.

  • @moshkhal2637
    @moshkhal2637 Місяць тому +2

    Rabbi Mizrahi ❤ Rabbi Yaron Reuven!!💙

  • @richardinsel8520
    @richardinsel8520 Місяць тому +1

    Alu Valu Divrai Elokim - Paradoxically , the Rabonei Shel Olam can encompass what is ostensibly two truths. What is clear however, is that Rabbi Feldman's denegration of another from Jew an Apikoris , an Am Haaretz and someone who should go back to cheder is not a G-Dly attribute. Especially during this period of Sfirat Haomer , Rabbi Feldman's comments does a horrific diservice of dividing Jews during a time of war & heightened anti- semitism when achdut is sorely needed . Rabbi Feldman's public apology would be highly commendable and undoubtedly hasten the Geula Shalema

  • @MiYaDCalendar
    @MiYaDCalendar Місяць тому +2

    Not a big fan of Rabbi Manis, but Feldman is a plain old misnaged who misquotes many things here. Many of the things he takes issue with are idea that the Rebbe said explicitly

    • @davidrosenthal9612
      @davidrosenthal9612 Місяць тому

      Where did the Rebbe say:
      "Today תשובה מיראה doesn't exist, the only תשובה that exists is תשובה מאהבה"
      "God is not angry at you, He is angry at Himself"
      "There is no question that the Aibeshter blames Himself and that is why He is asking us to come and be forgiven, we're not even asking Him to forgive us, He's asking us to come Yom Kippur so that He can forgive us. Why? Because it's His fault"

  • @adamleventhal
    @adamleventhal Місяць тому

    אני מאמין באמונה שלימה שהבורא יתברך שמו גומל טוב לשומרי מצוותיו ומעניש לעוברי מצוותיו

  • @benjaminlapin7459
    @benjaminlapin7459 Місяць тому +2

    I love everything about lubavitch except the chasidim can never think for themselves and are so scared to criticize any of their rabbis or rarely criticise MESHICAS chabadnicks. if manis friedman would say hes moshiach he would have many chabad followers. The torah was given on har sinai for all jews in simple terms. Why cant chabadnicks just have emuna peshuta in GOD? be a pashut yid, stop making judaisim into a complicated religion, thats one of the challenges today, everyone thinks they are such a deep hidden kabalastic person, EVERYONE wants spooky quick fix segulas anything goes I can do what i want heter for this heter for that HASHEM LOVES ME no matter what THIS IS NOT THE MESORAH. If manis says hes moshiach ARE WE THEN ABLE TO CRITICIZE or we other jews should show unity.

  • @davidrosenthal9612
    @davidrosenthal9612 Місяць тому +1

    You managed to malign Rabbi Feldman, the Rebbe and people from Boro Park in the same video. An impressive feat.
    1) Rabbi Aharon Feldman did not make the video, a UA-cam rabbi made it. 2) Interestingly you played a video of the Rebbe but not Manis Friedman who said something totally different. Friedman said, "After creating sins He is going to punish us if we do a sin? That sounds like a monster" "There isn't a Jew in the world who deserves punishment, no matter what he does". I think you need to ask forgiveness from the Rebbe for ascribing to him heretical ideas. You also neglected to cite Friedman's other heretical statements, ""Today תשובה מיראה doesn't exist, the only תשובה that exists is תשובה מאהבה""God is not angry at you, He is angry at Himself" "There is no question that the Aibeshter blames Himself and that is why He is asking us to come and be forgiven, we're not even asking Him to forgive us, He's asking us to come Yom Kippur so that He can forgive us. Why? Because it's His fault"
    Also, question for you, you said "Hashem gets angry." Are you saying God has emotions? Does he have needs? Does he have a body? Does he have other human qualities?

  • @user-zv9um9pb6w
    @user-zv9um9pb6w Місяць тому

    they have a history of doing evil stuff against chassidim.

  • @andybee9764
    @andybee9764 Місяць тому +3

    I do not think you made a good case. And i think RMF (as usual) tries to sounds like he's saying something radical. And it was! Thank-you for playing clips of the Rebbe and Rabbi Friedman and Rabbi Feldman. I do not think RMF was repeating the Rebbe's teaching. I think he took it to another level, and that Rabbi Feldman was rightfully calling him on that.
    I do not think that Rabbi Feldman would have had an issue with the recording you played of what the Rebbe said.
    You're a big fan of RMF. But ... not everyone else is. He deserves to be called on controversial things he says.

  • @abrahamniyazov3586
    @abrahamniyazov3586 Місяць тому

    Keep it up to show how foolish he sounds,unless he calls you to remove and that will be a sign of his teshuva

  • @Mmlip358
    @Mmlip358 Місяць тому

    Can't this rabbi pick up the phone to Rabbi Friedman and find out, and ask for an explanation? What kind of rabbi is this who hears edited things without hearing the whole lecture and without checking? Someone sent me a part.... It's not a rabbi, it's a joke... and specially not a Rosh Yeshiva

  • @milkshakalaka6461
    @milkshakalaka6461 Місяць тому +1

    Rabbi Katz, but what can you comment on the statement of rabbi rabbi Friedman when he says that Hashem needs us more than we need Hashem??? That’s more than enough to me to stop listening to rabbi Friedman…

    • @mweiss505
      @mweiss505 Місяць тому +2

      We need hashem as much as we are important, it's very limited. Hashem needs us (not "need" the way we usually understand it, but need means essential to him) and anything he needs is an infinite need.

    • @tehufn
      @tehufn Місяць тому

      Rabbi Friedman himself has said that this is specifically in the context of this world, where there is a system of mitzvot Hashem created which need to be done.
      Think about it, G-d made a plan that requires humans to do certain things for it to be fulfilled.
      You could say that most likely what rabbi Friedman is really saying is, Hashem's plan needs us to participate.
      Again, Rabbi Friedman has also said that on the highest level, of course Hashem needs nothing. I just wonder why that clip gets forgotten...

    • @milkshakalaka6461
      @milkshakalaka6461 Місяць тому

      @@mweiss505 beautiful Words, but that’s not what rabbi Friedman said… he clearly said "He needs us more than we need him" come on man…

    • @JapaChabad
      @JapaChabad Місяць тому

      @@milkshakalaka6461 Do you know what tzimtzum is?

    • @milkshakalaka6461
      @milkshakalaka6461 Місяць тому

      @@JapaChabad yes… so how does that explain that we don’t need hashem as much as he needs us? It’s incredible and insane how you guys try so hard to justify that heresy…

  • @Steve-bu2ln
    @Steve-bu2ln Місяць тому

    The rebbe was also a heretic

  • @stinkeye460
    @stinkeye460 Місяць тому +2

    Did Rabbi Friedman some how invent teachings that can't be found in the Torah, Tanach. Talmud, the Kabballah or any place in Judaism? Does he set himself up as a Teacher on the level of Rashi, Hillel or the Rambam? He Is a very wise and learned man, like many other rabbis, who knows how to break down the complexities of the Torah and Judaism to a level most Jews and Gentiles can understand. Judaism does not exist on a simple, lineal plane. The more one studies the Torah the more questions arise. It can be explained on a very simple level for those that can not understand the Torah's more advanced complexities. But the more one delves into it the more questions arise. I am not an educated man nor a wise man who has spent his life studying Torah, Talmud and Kabbalah. I am a craftsman and a tiller of the earth. Yet even a lowly Jew such as I can tell the difference between legitimate concerns and jealous bull shit.

    • @levibrook3272
      @levibrook3272 Місяць тому +1

      On one hand you admit to not being educated nor wise, yet you claim to be able to judge what are legitimate concerns. Korach was also a wise and learned man, yet he distorted the proper Torah outlook. We need gedolim like Rav Feldman to detect the subtle distortions that are conveyed by skillful orators.

    • @stinkeye460
      @stinkeye460 Місяць тому +1

      @@levibrook3272 As any wise rabbi would say, there are at least three answers to any question concerning Torah. Also to study Torah one must read between the lines. Also I have lived to the age, 71, where I can relatively distinguish between shit and shineola.

    • @MiYaDCalendar
      @MiYaDCalendar Місяць тому

      ​@@levibrook3272 פארשטונקענע מתנגד דו