1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time : It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance. The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people. The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West. 2. WHO IS THIS MOTHER PARACHUTED IN PONDICHERY BY THE FRENCH INSIDE A HINDU PHILOSOPHER’S HOUSE ?!
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry. Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis. 3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple. They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league. They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History. 5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”. Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born. They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with. They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time : It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance. The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people. The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West. 2. WHO IS THIS MOTHER PARACHUTED IN PONDICHERY BY THE FRENCH INSIDE A HINDU PHILOSOPHER’S HOUSE ?!
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry. Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis. 3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple. They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league. They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History. 5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”. Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born. They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with. They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
@@chanakyagan The Mother’s consciousness is the divine Consciousness and the Light that comes from it is the light of the divine Truth; the Force that she brings down is the force of the divine Truth. One who receives and accepts and lives in the Mother’s light, will begin to see the truth on all the planes, the mental, the vital, the physical. He will reject all that is undivine; the undivine is the falsehood, the ignorance, the error of the dark forces; the undivine is all that is obscure and unwilling to accept the divine Truth and its light and force. The undivine, therefore, is all that is unwilling to accept the light and force of the Mother. That is why I am always telling you to keep yourself in contact with the Mother and with her Light and Force, because it is only so that you can come out of the confusion and obscurity and receive the Truth that comes from above. When we speak of the Mother’s Light or my Light in a special sense, we are speaking of a special occult action-we are speaking of certain lights which come from the Supermind. In this action the Mother’s is the white Light which purifies, illumines, brings down the whole essence and power of the Truth and makes the transformation possible. But in fact all light that comes from above, from the highest divine Truth is the Mother’s. There is no difference between the Mother’s path and mine; we have and have always had the same path, the path that leads to the supramental change and the divine realisation; not only at the end, but from the beginning they have been the same. The attempt to set up a division and opposition of this kind, putting the Mother on one side and myself on another and opposite or quite different side, has always been a trick of the forces of the Falsehood when they want to prevent a sadhaka from reaching the Truth. Dismiss all such falsehoods from your mind. Know that the Mother’s light and force are the light and force of the Truth; remain always in contact with the Mother’s light and force, then only can you grow into the divine Truth. 10 September 1931 Sri Aurobindo incarnateword.in/cwsa/32/one-path
1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time : It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance. The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people. The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West. 2. WHO IS THIS MOTHER PARACHUTED IN PONDICHERY BY THE FRENCH INSIDE A HINDU PHILOSOPHER’S HOUSE ?!
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry. Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis. 3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple. They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league. They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History. 5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”. Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born. They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with. They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
@@chanakyagan Why don’t you read Sri Aurobindo first before pretending to be an expert on giving spiritual advice to others? This is what Sri Aurobindo has written to a disciple The opposition between the Mother’s consciousness and my consciousness was an invention of the old days (due mainly to X, Y and others of that time) and emerged in a time when the Mother was not fully recognised or accepted by some of those who were here at the beginning. Even after they had recognised her they persisted in this meaningless opposition and did great harm to them and others. The Mother’s consciousness and mine are the same, the one Divine Consciousness in two, because that is necessary for the play. Nothing can be done without her knowledge and force, without her consciousness-if anybody really feels her consciousness, he should know that I am there behind it and if he feels me it is the same with hers. If a separation is made like that (I leave aside the turns which their minds so strongly put upon these things), how can the Truth establish itself-from the Truth there is no such separation. 13 November 1934 incarnateword.in/cwsa/32/one-consciousness
1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time : It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance. The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people. The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West. 2. WHO IS THIS MOTHER PARACHUTED IN PONDICHERY BY THE FRENCH INSIDE A HINDU PHILOSOPHER’S HOUSE ?!
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry. Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis. 3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple. They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league. They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History. 5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”. Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born. They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with. They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time : It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance. The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people. The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West. 2. WHO IS THIS MOTHER PARACHUTED IN PONDICHERY BY THE FRENCH INSIDE A HINDU PHILOSOPHER’S HOUSE ?!
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry. Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis. 3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple. They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league. They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History. 5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”. Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born. They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with. They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time : It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance. The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people. The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West. 2. WHO IS THIS MOTHER PARACHUTED IN PONDICHERY BY THE FRENCH INSIDE A HINDU PHILOSOPHER’S HOUSE ?!
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry. Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis. 3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple. They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league. They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History. 5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”. Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born. They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with. They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time : It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance. The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people. The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West. 2. WHO IS THIS MOTHER PARACHUTED IN PONDICHERY BY THE FRENCH INSIDE A HINDU PHILOSOPHER’S HOUSE ?!
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry. Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis. 3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple. They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league. They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History. 5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”. Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born. They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with. They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time : It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance. The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people. The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West. 2. WHO IS THIS MOTHER PARACHUTED IN PONDICHERY BY THE FRENCH INSIDE A HINDU PHILOSOPHER’S HOUSE ?!
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry. Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis. 3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple. They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league. They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History. 5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”. Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born. They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with. They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time : It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance. The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people. The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West. 2. WHO IS THIS MOTHER PARACHUTED IN PONDICHERY BY THE FRENCH INSIDE A HINDU PHILOSOPHER’S HOUSE ?!
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry. Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis. 3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple. They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league. They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History. 5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”. Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born. They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with. They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time : It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance. The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people. The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West. 2. WHO IS THIS MOTHER PARACHUTED IN PONDICHERY BY THE FRENCH INSIDE A HINDU PHILOSOPHER’S HOUSE ?!
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry. Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis. 3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple. They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league. They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History. 5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”. Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born. They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with. They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
1. Summary of my following essay for those who have no time : It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance. The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people. The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West. 2. WHO IS THIS MOTHER PARACHUTED IN PONDICHERY BY THE FRENCH INSIDE A HINDU PHILOSOPHER’S HOUSE ?!
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry. Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis. 3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple. They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league. They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History. 5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”. Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born. They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with. They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
1Summary of my following essay for those who have no time : It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance. The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people. The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West. 2. WHO IS THIS MOTHER PARACHUTED IN PONDICHERY BY THE FRENCH INSIDE A HINDU PHILOSOPHER’S HOUSE ?!
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry. Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis. 3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple. They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league. They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History. 5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”. Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born. They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with. They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
Want to know more and more. 🏵🙏🏻🙏🏻🧡🙏🏻🙏🏻💮 O My great &sweet Mother I always feel your love ,kindness & blessings .
❤🙏🙏💐🌹. Om Namo Bhagwate Sri Aurobinday Namah 🙏🙏💐🌹🙏 Om Sri MAA 🙏🙏💐🌹🙏
1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time :
It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance.
The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people.
The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West.
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry.
Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis.
3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple.
They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league.
They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History.
5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”.
Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born.
They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with.
They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
Gratitude MA
Jai sri maa❤🙏🏼
1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time :
It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance.
The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people.
The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West.
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry.
Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis.
3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple.
They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league.
They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History.
5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”.
Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born.
They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with.
They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
The Mother’s consciousness is the divine Consciousness and the Light that comes from it is the light of the divine Truth; the Force that she brings down is the force of the divine Truth. One who receives and accepts and lives in the Mother’s light, will begin to see the truth on all the planes, the mental, the vital, the physical. He will reject all that is undivine; the undivine is the falsehood, the ignorance, the error of the dark forces; the undivine is all that is obscure and unwilling to accept the divine Truth and its light and force. The undivine, therefore, is all that is unwilling to accept the light and force of the Mother. That is why I am always telling you to keep yourself in contact with the Mother and with her Light and Force, because it is only so that you can come out of the confusion and obscurity and receive the Truth that comes from above.
When we speak of the Mother’s Light or my Light in a special sense, we are speaking of a special occult action-we are speaking of certain lights which come from the Supermind. In this action the Mother’s is the white Light which purifies, illumines, brings down the whole essence and power of the Truth and makes the transformation possible. But in fact all light that comes from above, from the highest divine Truth is the Mother’s.
There is no difference between the Mother’s path and mine; we have and have always had the same path, the path that leads to the supramental change and the divine realisation; not only at the end, but from the beginning they have been the same.
The attempt to set up a division and opposition of this kind, putting the Mother on one side and myself on another and opposite or quite different side, has always been a trick of the forces of the Falsehood when they want to prevent a sadhaka from reaching the Truth. Dismiss all such falsehoods from your mind.
Know that the Mother’s light and force are the light and force of the Truth; remain always in contact with the Mother’s light and force, then only can you grow into the divine Truth.
10 September 1931
Sri Aurobindo
Om Namo Bhagwate Maa Shri Arvindaya
1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time :
It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance.
The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people.
The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West.
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry.
Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis.
3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple.
They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league.
They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History.
5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”.
Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born.
They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with.
They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
Why don’t you read Sri Aurobindo first before pretending to be an expert on giving spiritual advice to others?
This is what Sri Aurobindo has written to a disciple
The opposition between the Mother’s consciousness and my consciousness was an invention of the old days (due mainly to X, Y and others of that time) and emerged in a time when the Mother was not fully recognised or accepted by some of those who were here at the beginning. Even after they had recognised her they persisted in this meaningless opposition and did great harm to them and others. The Mother’s consciousness and mine are the same, the one Divine Consciousness in two, because that is necessary for the play. Nothing can be done without her knowledge and force, without her consciousness-if anybody really feels her consciousness, he should know that I am there behind it and if he feels me it is the same with hers. If a separation is made like that (I leave aside the turns which their minds so strongly put upon these things), how can the Truth establish itself-from the Truth there is no such separation.
13 November 1934
1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time :
It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance.
The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people.
The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West.
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry.
Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis.
3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple.
They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league.
They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History.
5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”.
Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born.
They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with.
They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time :
It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance.
The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people.
The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West.
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry.
Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis.
3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple.
They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league.
They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History.
5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”.
Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born.
They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with.
They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time :
It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance.
The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people.
The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West.
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry.
Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis.
3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple.
They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league.
They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History.
5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”.
Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born.
They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with.
They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time :
It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance.
The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people.
The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West.
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry.
Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis.
3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple.
They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league.
They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History.
5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”.
Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born.
They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with.
They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
Maa pranam
1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time :
It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance.
The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people.
The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West.
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry.
Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis.
3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple.
They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league.
They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History.
5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”.
Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born.
They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with.
They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
🪔🏵️ஓம் நமோ பகவதே 🏵️🪔
1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time :
It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance.
The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people.
The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West.
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry.
Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis.
3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple.
They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league.
They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History.
5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”.
Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born.
They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with.
They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
1.Summary of my following essay for those who have no time :
It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance.
The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people.
The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West.
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry.
Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis.
3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple.
They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league.
They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History.
5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”.
Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born.
They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with.
They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
1. Summary of my following essay for those who have no time :
It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance.
The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people.
The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West.
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry.
Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis.
3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple.
They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league.
They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History.
5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”.
Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born.
They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with.
They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
Jai sri maa❤🙏🏼
1Summary of my following essay for those who have no time :
It's time to focus on the intellectual giant that is Shri Aurobindo and not be distracted by foreign elements like the “MOTHER” of Egyptian, Turkish culture and of Jewish descendance.
The West employs tactics to overshadow Indian intellectual giant like shri Aurobindo by sending a French lady to belittle his grandeur by imbibing his philosophies and showing as if she has “more” than what her background indicates clearly, an ordinary girl of both Arab and Jewish culture, an ideal woman to demean idol worshipping people.
The west are well versed in countering figures like Swami Vivekananda with equivalents of lesser value. This includes white women like Annie Besant, who introduced Christian-infused philosophies in India. The British employed MAX MULLER to distort Indian VEDIC texts to derive fake Aryan Invasion theory out of their superiority complex. Despite these efforts, Indian spirituality and philosophy prevail, especially evident in figures like Shri Aurobindo whose reputation is still intact. It's crucial for Indians to embrace their roots and recognize their own strengths and reject feelings of inferiority to the West.
Born in Paris on the 21 February 1878, MIRRA ALFASSA called “The Mother’ died on the 11 July of 1973 in Pondicherry.
Mirra Alfassa’s full name was Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa, also nicknamed the Mother. In France, she was known as a very banal and ordinary girl who was very average in her studies. The French called her "Mirra Richard". Her mother, Mathilde Ismalun, born in Alexandria, Egypt, and her father, Moïse Maurice Alfassa, a banker, born in Adrianople, Turkey, both of Jewish faith, settled in France in 1877. The fact that these two persons, despite their geographical divide, have chosen each other on the basis of religion is itself reveals their fanatic adhesion to Christianity. And their daughter should have been also brought up in this fanatic ambiance, the condition essential for the French who should have chose her for this mission under tropical sun of a poor land, by giving her all financial backup she needed in India. But what we regret is how a great man like Shri Aurobindo was duped by a simple spiritually uneducated (with Abrahamic roots) ordinary girl of French , Egyptian and Turkish culture ? This mystery is still to be researched by students for dosctorate thesis.
3. It is time we put aside foreign elements overshadowing the glory of Indian intellectual giant that is SHRI AUROBINDO because a COPY NEVER CAN BECOME ORIGINAL and that a country dominated by “Rajssic energy” like France can never immerse its innate imperial quality in the “satwwic quality of Indian ethics because it will only lead to confusion.
4. BRITISH whenever faced with a “Maha Purusha” like VIVEKANANDA will counter him by placing alongside some one equivalent or someone coming in the guise of a disciple.
They will counter by placing a sort of “mirror-image” to confuse those onlookers who will tend to equate both as same belonging to the same league.
They know how to draw a longer line besides a given line so that the latter is belittled and diminished in value. This is very evident even after a cursory reading of our History.
5. This is one of the tactics of the Western deep state which a collection of “CHURCH, CAPITALISTS, POWER BROKERS AND OLIGARCHS”.
Their aim is to diminish the overarching power of an Indian on the atmosphere and the ambiance of the unconscious collective mind so that the statu quo of the European superiority remains intact to continue to give this invisible advantage to their commercial products thus allowing them to control the wealth of the nations as once they did in colonial period. They just want those benefits continue to grow with the changing geostrategic scenarios of the future of the world. This flexibility to adapt themselves to whatever situation so as they can never loose their “image” in the unconscious mind of the ”third world” people is important for them to continue to dominate the world. To do so, they will need both the help of the CHURCH and the OLIGARCHY to cooperate to kill other challengers before even they are born.
They will send suddenly a white lady who will be associated with GANDHIJI to capture some limelight or try to grab some headlines. They felt that it may be dangerous to leave Gnadhisi not doing anything before he could become a beacon too large to reckon with.
They would suddenly create “PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA” from nowhere and try their best to catapult him to sudden fame with all their tricks of the book they master for centuries ! They will send to India suddenly a lady whose name is ANNIE BESANT in the guise of a social worker and ask her to execute their plan of planting an ashram to confuse Indians by introducing a new concept concurrent to Hinduism but reflecting it’s core ideas. They will even pick up a boy from a family and raise him in according to British way of life so that this boy may grow up to become this famous intellectual we all know : JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Being brought up as per British ethics, he evolved a thought process which may be seen and felt as coming from Hindu background but hiding some subtle ideas of Christianity. This they copied from the technique of “janissaries who once formed the backbone of the Turkish OTTOMAN EMPIRE.