@@MiguelJW And the world's become an island now. Thanks to social media, a problem literally on the OTHER side of the globe can hit your eyes and ear-holes within SECONDS! The fear and lies have never propagated quicker! (Tipping my hat in solidarity from the woke police-state of Australia).
Brilliant lawyer, what a contrast that a British politician who is so ignorant of the facts of what is happening in Gaza. I feel ashamed to admit that I am from the same country as this oaf, bloody ridiculous
This so-calld Lord obviously had no clue of the actual situation, and was squashed by someone who gave him a lesson regarding the true picture of how things were.
That politician is one of hundreds of politicians in the U.K. that are the reason that the U.K. is in its current, sorry, state. Well said Natasha, a victory for brains over blinkered thinking.
it always amazes me how stupidly naïve people can be. Hamas's stated goal is the extermination of non muslims from the river to the sea. they proudly tell their own children "you will be a martyr for Allah". yet people believe them when they blame the jews for killing their human shields. the work out of schools mosques and hospitals for the same reason, to make israel the ad guys. but look at the borders. israel did not control all gaza borders. so could not alone create the claimed POW state the gazans had. is israel bombing egypt and jordan? no, because egypt and jordan didn't attack israel. 1+1=2 hamas picked a fight knowing they could not win, but wanted to kill as many jews as they could. that is how the leader get paid.
EXACTLY ! ! ! Absolute ZERO pressure on the bestial HABLIM to release them, OR to let the "Humanitarian Aid" be distributed TO the Gazan civilians. And how about pressuring them NOT to rip up WATER PIPES to make rockets in the FIRST place
Well said Natasha. One should ask where are the Palestinian Christians of Gaza today? Has Hamas erased or expelled this minority from Gaza? Ethnic cleansing? One should also ask why the Palestinians failed to establish a functioning open free democratic state in Gaza where religious tolerance was the norm and there was freedom of the press, expression movement opinion and women’s rights were respected and upheld. Let’s face it, a Palestinian state would simply be another Syria Lebanon Saudi Yemen Somalia Libya Sudan Iran Afghanistan Algeria etc etc……..brutal corrupt dictatorships.
Funny u should mention christians in gaza when the former mayor of jeurusulem said there was no churches in gaza.were still waiting on the israeli investigation into the shooting of two men waving white flags and the murder of two women leaving a church..as for the countries mentioned because of israel and the west some of them countries have been destroyed ..as for gaza there was freedom of expression and elections were fair former president carter was there in 2006 ..
@mmccbb7mcb278 Before Oct 7th, it is estimated that about 1000 Christians are left in Gaza. In 2009 it was around 3000. and because of the conflict there are about 300 left there, most have got out. There are a lot of Christian organizations trying to help them.
And WHY they did noot use all the International aid to maintain and build NEW Desalination Plants to PROVIDE clean water that ISRAEL had left them in 2005 ?
Some of them were killed by IDF snipers. Navida Anton shot in church grounds, her daughter ran to help shot in head, 7 others shot while helping. Just church people not fighters.
Unfortunately if there is neither documentation or video evidence her word is not food enough nor is gospel when dealing with people who lie just as easily as breathing……..
This lady got her point across so clearly and precise and only seemed to look at her notes for checking figures, it was a pleasure listening to her, it shows up our drab politicians who always appear to read off their notes in a monotone like using an autocue. A pleasure to look at was also a bonus.
This Ill informed and wholly biased politician is an embarrassment to UK politics, does not represent at all the views of the people and entirely unfit to represent the British people in any capacity. His next career should be with Irans IRGC
"This Ill informed and wholly biased" Zionist is what I expect from an occupying power. Like the Nazi in "The Boy in the striped pajamas", if the occupier claims food is plentiful- don't trust them.
They're not woke they're Godless and wicked.This politician and others like him want Israel under their control and don't like it that Israel isn't bowing down to them. They want Israel to feed and strengthen it's enemies. Would hamas or this UK politician feed it's or his enemies ? I don't think so. This UK politician and 99.99 percent of all the others are wicked tot he core. Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
THAT IS NOT THE QUESTION the question is why do we have to feed our enemy. They massacred tortured defiled us and we feed them? When sullivan was there and was asked the question, he dared to say that these "persons" "deserve " humanitarian aid. That is absolutely gross.InNAzi Germay, some germans helped Jews. In 15 months of war, not one gazan helped one hostage . Shame on them
I agree with you. It’s ludicrous that Israel is expected to do any more than just let the aid trucks in after inspecting them. Are they supposed to distribute the food themselves, too? Make sure it goes to those who actually need it, and doesn’t get looted and sold? It’s NOT their job; feeding the people of Gaza is the job of the elected government of Gaza, that started this war.
@@dave-og5bc they have been offered a state multiple times but they rejected it because that's not what they want. Better erase it and let the Arab world absorb the so called Palestinians
@@mchrysogelos7623Billionshas been poured into Gaza but it goes to Hamas and makes the leaders very wealthy. With all the funding the entire place could be a megs successful economy.
They're not woke they're Godless and wicked.This politician and others like him want Israel under their control and don't like it that Israel isn't bowing down to them. They want Israel to feed and strengthen it's enemies. Would hamas or this UK politician feed it's or his enemies ? I don't think so. This UK politician and 99.99 percent of all the others are wicked tot he core. Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Hamas prefer to build tunnels for destruction. Since 1970 when Jews forcibly left Gaza the area has turned into a murderous dictator led cess put. It was a beautiful and bountiful area while the Jews worked it. Now a war zone. Typical of Muslim led regimes! 🇬🇧🇮🇱🇬🇧🇮🇱
It should NOT be required ANYWHERE. Aid should be allowed to get in from outside sources, but Israel is NOT stopped any aid from arriving to Gaza - the ineptness or downright criminality of those STOPPING this aid from getting to the CIVILIANS ( NOT the terrorists) is ON THEM - has nothing to do with Israel.
There seems to be a widespread perception out there - even among so-called “educated” people who should know better - that Israel is still somehow “occupying” Gaza, and thus is responsible for looking after the civilians there, even though the occupation ended 18 years ago. I had no idea of this until after Oct. 7th/23. Where does this ignorance come from? So many people seem to have no idea that Hamas is the elected government of Gaza, not some fringe insurgent group, and that Israel hasn’t been in control of anything going on within Gaza, or been physically present there, since 2005. If they had been, Oct. 7th couldn’t have possibly happened.
As a Brit I am ashamed of my government , our media, and establishment in general in its pro Hamas anti Israel stance. I apologies to Israel and Jews everywhere on behalf of the unrepresented silent majority of British people who support Israel in its fight sgainst evil.
Or flying planes and dropping flyers with information where and when they gonna be operating... that was actually filmed and explained by girl living in Gaza and it's on YT
In Australia, our Labor federal government sides with Gaza as rather large constituencies have large muslim populations, and there is a federal election in the first few months of 2025. The Labor govt's polling is diabolical so they need these seats to stay in power.
There is nothing like "palestinian nation" in the first place. THE MISTAKE THAT CHANGED HISTORY: How the Palestinian Nation Was Conceived (Maariv journal, 6/12/2024, author: David Ben Bassat) Is it ignorance, amateurism, or an attempt to rewrite history and legitimize the Palestinian claim to land ownership? The British Museum in London exhibits collections of archaeological and historical objects from the area known as "Palestine", covering different periods, from antiquity to Islamic times. The exhibit features artifacts from the First and Second Temple periods, ancient inscriptions, coins, and art objects that represent the various cultures that have lived in the region throughout history. In addition to the new exhibit about the Phoenicians, who lived in this area at the beginning of the first millennium BC. n. l., it is written in the explanations that the Israeli tribes conquered a large part of the territory of Palestine, but the coastal plain was then Philistine territory, i.e. Palestinian territory. This description is, to put it mildly, incorrect. Even if it has been on display in the British Museum for 100 years, it will not change the historical facts that there is no connection between the Palestinians of today and the Philistines who lived in the area at that time. Therefore, there is no historical justification for their demand for the establishment of a "historical state of Palestine" because the Palestinian people never existed and today's Palestinians are not descendants of the Philistines who lived in the region at that time. It turns out that when the same lie is repeated over and over again, it becomes fixed in the collective memory and becomes the "truth". This article, which is translated into English and also appeared in the Jerusalem Post, is respectfully dedicated to the esteemed staff of the British Museum for sticking to history and not rewriting it. Philistine region The name "Palestine" is the name of the Land of Israel in English and was adopted to legitimize the national claims of the Arabs to the Land of Israel. In the 1922 census of the "Palestinian eretz Israel" there were Muslim Arabs, Christians, Druze and Jews. They all lived in Palestine at that time and were called "Palestinians". This area was once home to various peoples and tribes: # Canaanites - the original inhabitants of the region who settled in city-states such as Jericho, Acre and Megiddo. # Israelite tribes who settled mainly in the central mountain region, after the exodus from Egypt and the conquest of the land, according to biblical tradition. # The Philistines - a group of seafarers who came from the Aegean region, settled in the southern coastal plain (in the cities of Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath and Ekron) and became a significant force in the region. # Phoenicians - seafarers who settled on the northern coast, mainly in the area of Tire and Sidon (today's Lebanon). # The Idumeans, Moabites, and Ammonites who lived east of the Jordan River, as well as the nomadic Arab tribes.Throughout history, Palestine has served as an arena for power struggles between great empires. The Egyptian Empire ruled the area mainly during the Early Bronze and Iron Ages. Later, during the 8th century BC n. BC, the Assyrian Empire conquered the Kingdom of Israel and drove many of its inhabitants into exile. Then, in 586 BC n. BC, the Babylonian Empire conquered the Kingdom of Judah, destroyed the First Temple and exiled many of its Jews to Babylon. Then came the Persian Empire, also known as the Achashverosh Empire. The Jews were then given freedom of religion and permission to build the Second Temple. During the period of the Greek Empire, after the conquest by Alexander the Great, the area came under Hellenistic rule - first under the Ptolemaic dynasty and then under the House of Seleucus. The term "Palestine" comes from the name "Philistines" - the area inhabited by the Philistines in the south of the country and is not connected to any national identity. The name was used by the Greeks and Romans to describe the entire area, especially during the reign of the Roman Empire. The Romans gave the area the official name "Palestine" after suppressing the Bar Kochba Revolt (135 AD) as part of their effort to erase Jewish connections to the land.The name Aelia Capitolina was given to Jerusalem after the destruction of the city by the Romans after Bar Kochba's rebellion. Emperor Hadrian rebuilt the city as a Roman city and dedicated it to Jupiter Capitolinus, the Roman god. It became a pagan city and Jews were forbidden to enter it, except for Tiš'a be-av. Palestine in the first millennium BC n. l., and even after that, it was a multicultural region. Different peoples lived there under different rulers. The region's history is a testament to the struggles for control and the diversity of cultures that have shaped its identity for generations. During this period, as already mentioned, the area was home to various peoples, including the tribes of Israel, according to biblical tradition.Even during the British Mandate (1917-1948), the name "Palestine" was used to describe the entire region, and all inhabitants of the area, including Jews, Christians and Muslims, were officially called "Palestinians" by the British government. After the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, many Arab residents considered themselves part of a separate community with a historical connection to the area formerly called "Palestine". Hitler's friend The attempt to claim that Jews and Arabs lived in the area, but that it was the Arabs who owned "Palestine" - also belongs to the mufti of Jerusalem in the first half of the 20th century, Hajj Amin al-Husseini. The mufti also served as head of the Supreme Muslim Council and was a central figure in the Palestinian national movement. He is known for his close relationship with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime during World War II.Al-Husseini led the Arab resistance against the establishment of a Jewish state in the Land of Israel and was involved in the events of the Great Arab Revolt (1936-1939), which manifested itself in violence against Jews and British rule. In 1941 he met Hitler in Berlin. During the meeting, he asked Germany for support in achieving the independence of the Arabs in the Land of Israel, in the fight against Zionism and in the extermination of the Jews in Europe. It was in exchange for the establishment of the "State of Palestine" and cooperation from the Arab world with Nazi Germany. The Mufti occasionally visited Berlin and broadcast anti-British propaganda on German radio in Arabic. From July 1942 to the end of 1944, he broadcast Nazi propaganda aimed at the Middle East, North Africa and India. Al-Husseini set up a headquarters to broadcast Arabic programs on broadcast stations around the world, and a special office for propaganda purposes called the "Arab Office: The Grand Mufti" was set up at his disposal in Germany. Al-Husseini established a number of shortwave radio stations from which propaganda content was broadcast to Arab countries and the Muslim inhabitants of the Pacific Ocean islands. Mufti's agents daily passed espionage information to German emissaries on the Syrian-Turkish border. A special parachuting and sabotage school was also set up to train for missions behind Allied lines. Later, the state of Israel was established, but the dream of a Palestinian state did not disappear. Zuhair Mohsen (1936-1979), the leader of al-Saiqa - a military and political organization operating in Syria and serving as the Palestinian wing of the Baath Party - revealed the truth in 1977. It was in March 1977 in an interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw in which he admitted, that the demand for a separate Palestinian identity was made only for tactical reasons. "The establishment of a Palestinian state is a tool for continuing the struggle against Israel and for Arab unity," he said. "In reality, there are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. We talk about the Palestinian identity only for political reasons, because the national interest of the Arabs is to support the independent existence of the Palestinians in opposition to Zionism. Once we achieve our rights over the whole Palestine, we must not delay for a moment the unification of Jordan and Palestine." Incidentally, Mohsen was killed by the Mossad in 1979 in France. It must be frankly admitted that the Palestinians, with the support of the Arab states, have largely succeeded in assimilating the lie that the Arabs have always been there and therefore there is no place for a Jewish state, and that occupying Israel is an alien element that is doomed to perish. This is the ideology of Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations that form the long arm of Iran. The naivety and misunderstanding in the world, and certainly in Israel, that only if we return the territory, will peace reign and the wolf will live with the sheep - give rise to vain dreams. It is a religious war, not a war for territory, and until the Arabs and the world understand that when it comes to Israel, it is a war for its existence, we will continue to fight.” (The author is Honorary Consul of Nauru, Deputy Dean of Consular Staff, President of the Israel Radiocommunication Association and Vice President of the Ambassadors' Club).
This speaks volumes about the man:- In October 2023, McDonald lost the Labour whip after using the phrase "between the river to the sea" at a pro-Palestine rally.[27] Consequently, he sat as an independent MP.[28][29][30] In early November 2023, McDonald announced that he would sue Conservative MP Chris Clarkson over his response to his comments.[31] McDonald had the Labour whip reinstated on 11 March 2024.[32] This was confirmed by a Labour Party spokesperson.[27] The party's investigation found that he had "not engaged in conduct that was against the party's rulebook".[27] In a statement McDonald said, "It was never my intention to use words that would cause anyone distress or anguish and I bitterly regret the pain and hurt caused. Accordingly, I will not use that phrasing again."[27]
When the old fool said “effectively blocked Hamas” he wasn’t kidding. He did correct himself, but his pre-correction statement was exactly what is going on in his head.
They definitely should, I'm British, and I dispise most of our current government, but being embarrassed is not what politicians excel at! Long live Israel 🇮🇱
That man is clearly anti Israel and completely uninformed. I honestly doubt if he's even been to Israel or indeed Gaza. The nearest he's got has been the TV or newspaper. 🤔🙄🥺🇬🇧🇮🇱🇮🇳🇬🇧
Israel also has ZERO obligation for direct aid distribution. That is the responsibility of International Aid Agencies in an active combat zone. Israel has obligations to facilitate that third party aid which it has met and then some. It never ceases to amaze me how so many politicians are ignorant of what International Law actually states. Time and time again Natasha has to explain even the basics to these people.
I find it bonkers that people who address themselves as authorities on a subject fail completely to see what anyone with internet and mediocre research skills can see. I mean even if the politician speaking for whatever reason can't do that he has the authority to instruct someone else to do that? I'm fairly sure he will leave this meeting thinking he gave a good representation, failing completely to do anything except protect the interests of terrorists. Hausdorf as always clear and concise .
The facts are that Natasha is incredibly gifted in her ability to speak the truth and expose the lies of Israel's enemies. May the God of Israel give her the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. In the end light ( truth ) is more powerful than darkness ( lies ). 🙏🔥🕊️🇮🇱🌿🇮🇷
To be a good judge, you have to get up from your chair and travel to Israel and see everything up close and not from stories. That's what most fools in the world do. But those who are smart understand that Israel goes above and beyond to avoid harming innocent people, even though they are citizens of Gaza who were very happy about the barbaric murder committed by the Hamas people, whom they represent. Right now, there are thousands of tons of aid for Gaza at the Erez checkpoint, but none of the aid organizations are coming to distribute it to the residents of Gaza. There is clothing, food, toiletries, and what not. Some of the food has expired.
art 23;.....The obligation of a High Contracting Party to allow the free passage of the consignments indicated in the preceding paragraph is subject to the condition that this Party is satisfied that there are no serious reasons for fearing:(a) that the consignments may be diverted from their destination,(b) that the control may not be effective, or(c) that a definite advantage may accrue to the military efforts or economy of the enemy through the substitution of the above-mentioned consignments for goods which would otherwise be provided or produced by the enemy or through the release of such material, services or facilities as would otherwise be required for the production of such goods. The Power which allows the passage of the consignments indicated in the first paragraph of this Article may make such permission conditional on the distribution to the persons benefited thereby being made under the local supervision of the Protecting Powers.....
I am not convinced they are doing it out of being ill-informed, but because they WANT Israel to be found wrong. They have made up their minds and will MAKE IT SO, no matter the evidence or TRUTH.
The Muslim charities are literally saying in their adverts that they’re buying food INSIDE ghhhhhhazaaa abd cooking then thousand meals PER DAY!! This proves there is tonnes sbd tonnes of food in ghhhhazaaa
She was excellent. Unfortunately I expect he wasn't embarrassed or offered an apology. I presume he obtains his wrong 'information' from the BBC, The Guardian and Al Jazeera. 🇮🇱🎗️
I recall when the Luftwaffe dropped food aid all ove Britain in ww2..... oh..hang on that never happened. There is no requirement to feed your enemy in a war
Hamas Leadership living luxury life in Qatar.Hamas fighters starving palestinian population means they should be completely eradicated from Gaza.I am pleased to see Natasha Hausdorf "educating" ignorant UK politician who is crying out loud and presenting Hamas as victims.
Check out WCK it employs ex-special forces soldiers from the paratroop division and if an ex-para applies who was a sniper he is fast tracked out to gaza.
she is a very clever woman but she cannot deny the fact people are starving and no one will believe that with the number of IDF forces in Gaza that Hamas are hijacking so much of it.
Natasha Hausorf is a terrific spokeswoman for Israel. Clear, concise, and straightforward, absent of waffle.
Because there are no strong men.
I love listening to her voice when she speaks , so articulate!, 😜
@@marilynrodgerson3331 Glib, Dissembling.
@@marilynrodgerson3331and she is very beautiful too .
And that creature doesn't deserve to be in our previously respected ruling house!
keep strong Israel love from the Uk
How many are left alive (if any)? Hamas would have to hide the evidence of torture and/or rape on the bodies before thy're handed over.
Free the hostages!!!!!!
"free the sausages!"- K Starmer
@@simondobbs4480 Let the sausages stay, 🐖 some Gazans are hungry didn't you watch?
Why so many woke politicians in UK??
Sick people
People become crazy when living on a island
Nonsense I live in UK we have been sold out, and the beast system is forming.
@@MiguelJW And the world's become an island now. Thanks to social media, a problem literally on the OTHER side of the globe can hit your eyes and ear-holes within SECONDS! The fear and lies have never propagated quicker! (Tipping my hat in solidarity from the woke police-state of Australia).
In case you haven't noticed - they are EVERYWHERE. Island or not.
Brilliant lawyer, what a contrast that a British politician who is so ignorant of the facts of what is happening in Gaza. I feel ashamed to admit that I am from the same country as this oaf, bloody ridiculous
What a stupid thing to say? I'm not religious in any shape or form but you need to research your history before you make comments without meaning
@@Finlay1967 I agree ,just some basic research of middle east is needed.
What books would I need to read to be enlightened.
The man is anti-semetic and anti-Israel, that's what you get from the old school tie.
Great woman there, what an answer. She's not flustered and presented her case with consummate skill.
This so-calld Lord obviously had no clue of the actual situation, and was squashed by someone who gave him a lesson regarding the true picture of how things were.
That politician is one of hundreds of politicians in the U.K. that are the reason that the U.K. is in its current, sorry, state. Well said Natasha, a victory for brains over blinkered thinking.
it always amazes me how stupidly naïve people can be. Hamas's stated goal is the extermination of non muslims from the river to the sea. they proudly tell their own children "you will be a martyr for Allah". yet people believe them when they blame the jews for killing their human shields. the work out of schools mosques and hospitals for the same reason, to make israel the ad guys. but look at the borders. israel did not control all gaza borders. so could not alone create the claimed POW state the gazans had. is israel bombing egypt and jordan? no, because egypt and jordan didn't attack israel. 1+1=2 hamas picked a fight knowing they could not win, but wanted to kill as many jews as they could. that is how the leader get paid.
They don't know Israel land belongs to God.
@StLieDetecterFoo-n9v and has been Israel's home for millennia.
All aide to Gaza mysteriously finds it’s way into Hamas bank accounts……..the people get nothing by design.😂😂😂
No, it is reduced in quantity- hugely so- and often intercepted by Jewish settlers- all nicely documented, including from their own selfies.
Why nobody cares about hostages
EXACTLY ! ! ! Absolute ZERO pressure on the bestial HABLIM to release them, OR to let the "Humanitarian Aid" be distributed TO the Gazan civilians.
And how about pressuring them NOT to rip up WATER PIPES to make rockets in the FIRST place
Israel does! Other world leaders just want to attempt yet another a two-state solution for the nth time..
Because they support tewowism
they're too busy obsessing about destroying israel.
Natasha is brilliant❤
Indeed!, she is a powerful voice of the TRUTH
Well said Natasha. One should ask where are the Palestinian Christians of Gaza today?
Has Hamas erased or expelled this minority from Gaza? Ethnic cleansing?
One should also ask why the Palestinians failed to establish a functioning open free democratic state in Gaza where religious tolerance was the norm and there was freedom of the press, expression movement opinion and women’s rights were respected and upheld.
Let’s face it, a Palestinian state would simply be another Syria Lebanon Saudi Yemen Somalia Libya Sudan Iran Afghanistan Algeria etc etc……..brutal corrupt dictatorships.
Funny u should mention christians in gaza when the former mayor of jeurusulem said there was no churches in gaza.were still waiting on the israeli investigation into the shooting of two men waving white flags and the murder of two women leaving a church..as for the countries mentioned because of israel and the west some of them countries have been destroyed ..as for gaza there was freedom of expression and elections were fair former president carter was there in 2006 ..
@mmccbb7mcb278 Before Oct 7th, it is estimated that about 1000 Christians are left in Gaza. In 2009 it was around 3000. and because of the conflict there are about 300 left there, most have got out. There are a lot of Christian organizations trying to help them.
And WHY they did noot use all the International aid to maintain and build NEW Desalination Plants to PROVIDE clean water that ISRAEL had left them in 2005 ?
Some of them were killed by IDF snipers. Navida Anton shot in church grounds, her daughter ran to help shot in head, 7 others shot while helping. Just church people not fighters.
@@GeorgeM-ds9ol How do you know it was the IDF, What evidence do you have?
Natasha calmly sticks to the facts and confidentiality speaks truth because she has checked for herself what the evidence is.❤
Unfortunately if there is neither documentation or video evidence her word is not food enough nor is gospel when dealing with people who lie just as easily as breathing……..
This lady got her point across so clearly and precise and only seemed to look at her notes for checking figures, it was a pleasure listening to her, it shows up our drab politicians who always appear to read off their notes in a monotone like using an autocue. A pleasure to look at was also a bonus.
Perplexed why people in positions of power support hamas etc….it’s insane!
strange times we live in.
They have all been compromised by giving them little people to use for &e+.
They are scared to death of the Islamic terrorists living in London, and the rest of Great Britain.
She has an amazing voice, so articulate and concise 👌
Great spokeswoman for Israel 🇮🇱
i feel smarter just hearing her talk
This Ill informed and wholly biased politician is an embarrassment to UK politics, does not represent at all the views of the people and entirely unfit to represent the British people in any capacity. His next career should be with Irans IRGC
He represents the Islamist immigrants who are slowly destroying the UK.
"This Ill informed and wholly biased" Zionist is what I expect from an occupying power. Like the Nazi in "The Boy in the striped pajamas", if the occupier claims food is plentiful- don't trust them.
They're not woke they're Godless and wicked.This politician and others like him want Israel under their control and don't like it that Israel isn't bowing down to them. They want Israel to feed and strengthen it's enemies. Would hamas or this UK politician feed it's or his enemies ? I don't think so. This UK politician and 99.99 percent of all the others are wicked tot he core. Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
THAT IS NOT THE QUESTION the question is why do we have to feed our enemy. They massacred tortured defiled us and we feed them? When sullivan was there and was asked the question, he dared to say that these "persons" "deserve " humanitarian aid. That is absolutely gross.InNAzi Germay, some germans helped Jews. In 15 months of war, not one gazan helped one hostage . Shame on them
I agree with you. It’s ludicrous that Israel is expected to do any more than just let the aid trucks in after inspecting them. Are they supposed to distribute the food themselves, too? Make sure it goes to those who actually need it, and doesn’t get looted and sold? It’s NOT their job; feeding the people of Gaza is the job of the elected government of Gaza, that started this war.
What is wrong with you Jews? Do you ever listen to yourselves?
I live in Montreal and I'm a fan. Thank you Rabbi Ronnie!
Defund Gaza
Erase it
@@JoeRomano-s8g A bit harsh, but i do see your point.
@@dave-og5bc they have been offered a state multiple times but they rejected it because that's not what they want. Better erase it and let the Arab world absorb the so called Palestinians
Ask hamas to provide Aid like food, water and electricity because they started this war
and UN has been supplying them with money AND material goods for YEARS! Why is their land such and armpit?
@@mchrysogelos7623Billionshas been poured into Gaza but it goes to Hamas and makes the leaders very wealthy. With all the funding the entire place could be a megs successful economy.
They're not woke they're Godless and wicked.This politician and others like him want Israel under their control and don't like it that Israel isn't bowing down to them. They want Israel to feed and strengthen it's enemies. Would hamas or this UK politician feed it's or his enemies ? I don't think so. This UK politician and 99.99 percent of all the others are wicked tot he core. Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Hamas prefer to build tunnels for destruction. Since 1970 when Jews forcibly left Gaza the area has turned into a murderous dictator led cess put. It was a beautiful and bountiful area while the Jews worked it. Now a war zone. Typical of Muslim led regimes! 🇬🇧🇮🇱🇬🇧🇮🇱
Funny that he mixes up Hamas and UNRWA.
[maybe] that was not a mistake...
Freudian slip...
So do most western MSM.
yes, they ARE one and the same!
he didn't mix it up. they're one and the same.
Clever lady Natasha!
I wonder if the requirements to feed enemy civilians is being enforced against Russian in the Ukraine? I bet not.
It should NOT be required ANYWHERE. Aid should be allowed to get in from outside sources, but Israel is NOT stopped any aid from arriving to Gaza - the ineptness or downright criminality of those STOPPING this aid from getting to the CIVILIANS ( NOT the terrorists) is ON THEM - has nothing to do with Israel.
There seems to be a widespread perception out there - even among so-called “educated” people who should know better - that Israel is still somehow “occupying” Gaza, and thus is responsible for looking after the civilians there, even though the occupation ended 18 years ago.
I had no idea of this until after Oct. 7th/23. Where does this ignorance come from? So many people seem to have no idea that Hamas is the elected government of Gaza, not some fringe insurgent group, and that Israel hasn’t been in control of anything going on within Gaza, or been physically present there, since 2005. If they had been, Oct. 7th couldn’t have possibly happened.
Wow, alright! So expertly explained & concise. Bravo!!
Not only the knowledge and legal clarity, but the ability to stay calm, stay focused, not to get distracted. A+ to Natasha. Carry on!
As a Brit I am ashamed of my government , our media, and establishment in general in its pro Hamas anti Israel stance.
I apologies to Israel and Jews everywhere on behalf of the unrepresented silent majority of British people who support Israel in its fight sgainst evil.
May God bless you, Robert.
Any other country in history supplying there opponent food during a war?
NO and should NOT be!
Or flying planes and dropping flyers with information where and when they gonna be operating... that was actually filmed and explained by girl living in Gaza and it's on YT
Why is it always one rule for Israel, and different rules for the rest of the World?
👏👏👏great response from a lady who speaks truth 👏👏👏
Never feed your enemies.
God bless Natasha.
Natasha is well informed and sticks to the facts. Well done
When these people take a side you have to look behind the scenes as to who they have consultancies, interests etc with.
In Australia, our Labor federal government sides with Gaza as rather large constituencies have large muslim populations, and there is a federal election in the first few months of 2025. The Labor govt's polling is diabolical so they need these seats to stay in power.
There is nothing like "palestinian nation" in the first place. THE MISTAKE THAT CHANGED HISTORY: How the Palestinian Nation Was Conceived
(Maariv journal, 6/12/2024, author: David Ben Bassat)
Is it ignorance, amateurism, or an attempt to rewrite history and legitimize the Palestinian claim to land ownership?
The British Museum in London exhibits collections of archaeological and historical objects from the area known as "Palestine", covering different periods, from antiquity to Islamic times. The exhibit features artifacts from the First and Second Temple periods, ancient inscriptions, coins, and art objects that represent the various cultures that have lived in the region throughout history.
In addition to the new exhibit about the Phoenicians, who lived in this area at the beginning of the first millennium BC. n. l., it is written in the explanations that the Israeli tribes conquered a large part of the territory of Palestine, but the coastal plain was then Philistine territory, i.e. Palestinian territory. This description is, to put it mildly, incorrect. Even if it has been on display in the British Museum for 100 years, it will not change the historical facts that there is no connection between the Palestinians of today and the Philistines who lived in the area at that time. Therefore, there is no historical justification for their demand for the establishment of a "historical state of Palestine" because the Palestinian people never existed and today's Palestinians are not descendants of the Philistines who lived in the region at that time. It turns out that when the same lie is repeated over and over again, it becomes fixed in the collective memory and becomes the "truth".
This article, which is translated into English and also appeared in the Jerusalem Post, is respectfully dedicated to the esteemed staff of the British Museum for sticking to history and not rewriting it. Philistine region
The name "Palestine" is the name of the Land of Israel in English and was adopted to legitimize the national claims of the Arabs to the Land of Israel. In the 1922 census of the "Palestinian eretz Israel" there were Muslim Arabs, Christians, Druze and Jews. They all lived in Palestine at that time and were called "Palestinians".
This area was once home to various peoples and tribes:
# Canaanites - the original inhabitants of the region who settled in city-states such as Jericho, Acre and Megiddo.
# Israelite tribes who settled mainly in the central mountain region, after the exodus from Egypt and the conquest of the land, according to biblical tradition.
# The Philistines - a group of seafarers who came from the Aegean region, settled in the southern coastal plain (in the cities of Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath and Ekron) and became a significant force in the region.
# Phoenicians - seafarers who settled on the northern coast, mainly in the area of Tire and Sidon (today's Lebanon).
# The Idumeans, Moabites, and Ammonites who lived east of the Jordan River, as well as the nomadic Arab tribes.Throughout history, Palestine has served as an arena for power struggles between great empires. The Egyptian Empire ruled the area mainly during the Early Bronze and Iron Ages. Later, during the 8th century BC n. BC, the Assyrian Empire conquered the Kingdom of Israel and drove many of its inhabitants into exile. Then, in 586 BC n. BC, the Babylonian Empire conquered the Kingdom of Judah, destroyed the First Temple and exiled many of its Jews to Babylon. Then came the Persian Empire, also known as the Achashverosh Empire. The Jews were then given freedom of religion and permission to build the Second Temple. During the period of the Greek Empire, after the conquest by Alexander the Great, the area came under Hellenistic rule - first under the Ptolemaic dynasty and then under the House of Seleucus.
The term "Palestine" comes from the name "Philistines" - the area inhabited by the Philistines in the south of the country and is not connected to any national identity. The name was used by the Greeks and Romans to describe the entire area, especially during the reign of the Roman Empire. The Romans gave the area the official name "Palestine" after suppressing the Bar Kochba Revolt (135 AD) as part of their effort to erase Jewish connections to the land.The name Aelia Capitolina was given to Jerusalem after the destruction of the city by the Romans after Bar Kochba's rebellion. Emperor Hadrian rebuilt the city as a Roman city and dedicated it to Jupiter Capitolinus, the Roman god. It became a pagan city and Jews were forbidden to enter it, except for Tiš'a be-av.
Palestine in the first millennium BC n. l., and even after that, it was a multicultural region. Different peoples lived there under different rulers. The region's history is a testament to the struggles for control and the diversity of cultures that have shaped its identity for generations. During this period, as already mentioned, the area was home to various peoples, including the tribes of Israel, according to biblical tradition.Even during the British Mandate (1917-1948), the name "Palestine" was used to describe the entire region, and all inhabitants of the area, including Jews, Christians and Muslims, were officially called "Palestinians" by the British government. After the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, many Arab residents considered themselves part of a separate community with a historical connection to the area formerly called "Palestine".
Hitler's friend
The attempt to claim that Jews and Arabs lived in the area, but that it was the Arabs who owned "Palestine" - also belongs to the mufti of Jerusalem in the first half of the 20th century, Hajj Amin al-Husseini. The mufti also served as head of the Supreme Muslim Council and was a central figure in the Palestinian national movement. He is known for his close relationship with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime during World War II.Al-Husseini led the Arab resistance against the establishment of a Jewish state in the Land of Israel and was involved in the events of the Great Arab Revolt (1936-1939), which manifested itself in violence against Jews and British rule. In 1941 he met Hitler in Berlin. During the meeting, he asked Germany for support in achieving the independence of the Arabs in the Land of Israel, in the fight against Zionism and in the extermination of the Jews in Europe. It was in exchange for the establishment of the "State of Palestine" and cooperation from the Arab world with Nazi Germany.
The Mufti occasionally visited Berlin and broadcast anti-British propaganda on German radio in Arabic. From July 1942 to the end of 1944, he broadcast Nazi propaganda aimed at the Middle East, North Africa and India. Al-Husseini set up a headquarters to broadcast Arabic programs on broadcast stations around the world, and a special office for propaganda purposes called the "Arab Office: The Grand Mufti" was set up at his disposal in Germany. Al-Husseini established a number of shortwave radio stations from which propaganda content was broadcast to Arab countries and the Muslim inhabitants of the Pacific Ocean islands. Mufti's agents daily passed espionage information to German emissaries on the Syrian-Turkish border. A special parachuting and sabotage school was also set up to train for missions behind Allied lines.
Later, the state of Israel was established, but the dream of a Palestinian state did not disappear. Zuhair Mohsen (1936-1979), the leader of al-Saiqa - a military and political organization operating in Syria and serving as the Palestinian wing of the Baath Party - revealed the truth in 1977. It was in March 1977 in an interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw in which he admitted, that the demand for a separate Palestinian identity was made only for tactical reasons. "The establishment of a Palestinian state is a tool for continuing the struggle against Israel and for Arab unity," he said. "In reality, there are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. We talk about the Palestinian identity only for political reasons, because the national interest of the Arabs is to support the independent existence of the Palestinians in opposition to Zionism. Once we achieve our rights over the whole Palestine, we must not delay for a moment the unification of Jordan and Palestine." Incidentally, Mohsen was killed by the Mossad in 1979 in France. It must be frankly admitted that the Palestinians, with the support of the Arab states, have largely succeeded in assimilating the lie that the Arabs have always been there and therefore there is no place for a Jewish state, and that occupying Israel is an alien element that is doomed to perish. This is the ideology of Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations that form the long arm of Iran.
The naivety and misunderstanding in the world, and certainly in Israel, that only if we return the territory, will peace reign and the wolf will live with the sheep - give rise to vain dreams. It is a religious war, not a war for territory, and until the Arabs and the world understand that when it comes to Israel, it is a war for its existence, we will continue to fight.”
(The author is Honorary Consul of Nauru, Deputy Dean of Consular Staff, President of the Israel Radiocommunication Association and Vice President of the Ambassadors' Club).
He seems to blame Israel. Too easy! Do your homework as Natasha clearly has….
He should be ashamed!
He sounds like he's choking on his own words in the background when she delivers her response.
We are with you ❤❤ from Wales
Ms Hausdorf is fantastic. She's simply always factual and correct, and she conveys the indisputable facts most eloquently.
This speaks volumes about the man:- In October 2023, McDonald lost the Labour whip after using the phrase "between the river to the sea" at a pro-Palestine rally.[27] Consequently, he sat as an independent MP.[28][29][30] In early November 2023, McDonald announced that he would sue Conservative MP Chris Clarkson over his response to his comments.[31] McDonald had the Labour whip reinstated on 11 March 2024.[32] This was confirmed by a Labour Party spokesperson.[27] The party's investigation found that he had "not engaged in conduct that was against the party's rulebook".[27] In a statement McDonald said, "It was never my intention to use words that would cause anyone distress or anguish and I bitterly regret the pain and hurt caused. Accordingly, I will not use that phrasing again."[27]
Thank you for this Rabbi
When the old fool said “effectively blocked Hamas” he wasn’t kidding. He did correct himself, but his pre-correction statement was exactly what is going on in his head.
Goed zo dame ❤ ……👏
Heeel goed ❤
Once there was an England.
They deserve nothing from us.
And the world can sit on it.
UK politicians should all embarrassed over their behaviour towards israel
They definitely should, I'm British, and I dispise most of our current government, but being embarrassed is not what politicians excel at! Long live Israel 🇮🇱
That man is clearly anti Israel and completely uninformed. I honestly doubt if he's even been to Israel or indeed Gaza. The nearest he's got has been the TV or newspaper. 🤔🙄🥺🇬🇧🇮🇱🇮🇳🇬🇧
Israel also has ZERO obligation for direct aid distribution. That is the responsibility of International Aid Agencies in an active combat zone. Israel has obligations to facilitate that third party aid which it has met and then some. It never ceases to amaze me how so many politicians are ignorant of what International Law actually states. Time and time again Natasha has to explain even the basics to these people.
I find it bonkers that people who address themselves as authorities on a subject fail completely to see what anyone with internet and mediocre research skills can see. I mean even if the politician speaking for whatever reason can't do that he has the authority to instruct someone else to do that? I'm fairly sure he will leave this meeting thinking he gave a good representation, failing completely to do anything except protect the interests of terrorists. Hausdorf as always clear and concise .
He wasn't embarrassed by Natasha, he was educated by her....
It’s easy to tell when he is lying, he is speaking.
who is lying ?
Huge kudos to Natasha Hausdorff!!! She is a warrior!!!
The facts are that Natasha is incredibly gifted in her ability to speak the truth and expose the lies of Israel's enemies.
May the God of Israel give her the Spirit of wisdom and revelation.
In the end light ( truth ) is more powerful than darkness ( lies ).
That UK politician seems quite gullible. I would have loved to seen his response. Why not show it?
they are STUPID and EVIL. (as are most from all countries)
Brilliant clear rebuff of ths Enhlish pr at
Did you notice that he mentioned "risk of famine" rather that "famine" or "evidence of famine"?
Yes; starting wars always brings a “risk of famine”. Hamas should have thought about that.
She is brilliant!🎉🎉
Uk politicians, should involved in UK policies, not overseas
They even infilterated the House of Commons .
To be a good judge, you have to get up from your chair and travel to Israel and see everything up close and not from stories. That's what most fools in the world do. But those who are smart understand that Israel goes above and beyond to avoid harming innocent people, even though they are citizens of Gaza who were very happy about the barbaric murder committed by the Hamas people, whom they represent. Right now, there are thousands of tons of aid for Gaza at the Erez checkpoint, but none of the aid organizations are coming to distribute it to the residents of Gaza. There is clothing, food, toiletries, and what not. Some of the food has expired.
Israel should be so proud of this woman.
Dont feed the bums
Israel has gone out of its way to protect noncombatives in Gaza. That is undeniable.
Casualty figures of what you describe as " noncombatives " tell the real truth - and that;s undeniable
Nice to see real women speaking, women who look like women talk like women.
@william.....😂😂 Perfectly said!!!
Danke für die Klarstellung . Grüße aus Deutschland.
Natasha thank you for your unwavering support for Israel. Your compassion and intellect is so impressive 🇮🇱🇮🇱💪🇦🇺🇦🇺
Sending love from Ireland ❤to Israel and its people ❤️🇮🇱
Listen Us in the uk no shit from shit and they dont speak for us natives
Which is why they want to replace us
Embarrased by our uk representative
art 23;.....The obligation of a High Contracting Party to allow the free passage of the consignments indicated in the preceding paragraph is subject to the condition that this Party is satisfied that there are no serious reasons for fearing:(a) that the consignments may be diverted from their destination,(b) that the control may not be effective, or(c) that a definite advantage may accrue to the military efforts or economy of the enemy through the substitution of the above-mentioned consignments for goods which would otherwise be provided or produced by the enemy or through the release of such material, services or facilities as would otherwise be required for the production of such goods.
The Power which allows the passage of the consignments indicated in the first paragraph of this Article may make such permission conditional on the distribution to the persons benefited thereby being made under the local supervision of the Protecting Powers.....
One state that cannot be criticised and blocks the truth with spokespeople like this.
This baffles me where we so concerned about famine in Germany in WW2 we literally starved Germany into surrender in WW1
As a UK resident, we are lost. Don’t come to this once great country.
This woman is amazing, and I do say Woman, she is amazing, we need more like her to make a difference ❤
Am Yisrael Chai 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱
Everyone is so poorly informed and hasty to judge Israel. There is a huge hole in responsible, unbiased media reporting!!
I am not convinced they are doing it out of being ill-informed, but because they WANT Israel to be found wrong. They have made up their minds and will MAKE IT SO, no matter the evidence or TRUTH.
What a stunning young lady this is, in every sense of the word.
Irish people support Israel
Isreal closed their embassy in Ireland because of their support for hamas
The Muslim charities are literally saying in their adverts that they’re buying food INSIDE ghhhhhhazaaa abd cooking then thousand meals PER DAY!! This proves there is tonnes sbd tonnes of food in ghhhhazaaa
Yes I have seen the advert and it’s normally before a video that claims Gazans are in dire need of aid.
The always fabulous Natasha Hausdorff. ❤
What is Egypt (which has a border with Gaza) doing to help the palestinians?
they only help palestinians on handing out weapons from iran.
She was excellent. Unfortunately I expect he wasn't embarrassed or offered an apology. I presume he obtains his wrong 'information' from the BBC, The Guardian and Al Jazeera. 🇮🇱🎗️
She is amazing👏👏👏👏👏👏💙🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💙🇮🇱♥️♥️
If you don't lie, you aren't a "chosen" person.
I don't see anyone being humiliated..
The proof is before everyone's eyes. Nobody from humus is going without food.
Had to type this 3 times in 3 different ways because UA-cam kept deleting it.
Am Yisrael Chai.
She is next level brilliant
What an arrogant politician!
I recall when the Luftwaffe dropped food aid all ove Britain in ww2..... oh..hang on that never happened.
There is no requirement to feed your enemy in a war
Tell Them give the hostess back, Let the UN know they're not doing nothing. The UN is also the enemy. Israel is not the enemy.
Clearly Woke NOT AWAKE Politician.😮
Hamas Leadership living luxury life in Qatar.Hamas fighters starving palestinian population means they should be completely eradicated from Gaza.I am pleased to see Natasha Hausdorf "educating" ignorant UK politician who is crying out loud and presenting Hamas as victims.
Check out WCK it employs ex-special forces soldiers from the paratroop division and if an ex-para applies who was a sniper he is fast tracked out to gaza.
That ludicrous and creepy politician is a national and international embarrassment. Apologies to Israel and it's people. From Liverpool England.
May God bless you, Anthony.
All my respect miss Natasha right in his face yes they want to kill us with kindness we cant trust is animals
Free the hostages .
Who are 157 nations stealing God's Holy Land, Israel for Palestinians?
she is a very clever woman but she cannot deny the fact people are starving and no one will believe that with the number of IDF forces in Gaza that Hamas are hijacking so much of it.