Could Ukraine war plunge the global economy into a new crisis? | Counting the Cost

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @biancabella2626
    @biancabella2626 2 роки тому +20

    🇨🇦Hello ,I'm a newbie in crypto,, what's the best way to get started with trade cos I've been makiy my personal research for a while now

    • @sandraseling1993
      @sandraseling1993 2 роки тому +1

      Have you heard about expert Mrs Sharon

    • @robertos6290
      @robertos6290 2 роки тому

      No doubt.... There are quite a few sincere expert though

    • @alexmorganfreeman9269
      @alexmorganfreeman9269 2 роки тому

      Yes I' m also a living testimony of expert Mrs Sharon

    • @isyakudayyabu2708
      @isyakudayyabu2708 2 роки тому

      I think I'm blessed because if not I wouldn't have met someone who is as spectacular as expert Mrs Sharon🤭♥️

    • @hashimmuhammad3441
      @hashimmuhammad3441 2 роки тому

      *I have also been trading with her, The profits are secured and over a 100% return on investment directly sent to your wallet. I made up to $560,000 in 2months trading with her*

  • @abokareem7586
    @abokareem7586 2 роки тому +80

    I don't think only Russia will be effected economically by this war, but all the world

    • @mysteryhindi9402
      @mysteryhindi9402 2 роки тому +7

      Not in India 🙆 we are enjoy the war support Russia 🇮🇳🇷🇺💪✌️

    • @imgood6535
      @imgood6535 2 роки тому +2

      Except China

    • @jk21nola91
      @jk21nola91 2 роки тому +10

      We end up sanctioned ourselves?

    • @jjtighe8628
      @jjtighe8628 2 роки тому +7

      @@jk21nola91 no , we allowed our puppets to roll over for the American war machine

    • @konyaku3072
      @konyaku3072 2 роки тому +2

      @@mysteryhindi9402 peaceful sanata dharma

  • @xxdarthxmurderwolfxx4621
    @xxdarthxmurderwolfxx4621 2 роки тому +11

    Since when do Americans have lots of savings?? I’ve never seen more people struggling here just to make ends meet

    • @dickieloo2544
      @dickieloo2544 2 роки тому +1

      No John... Americans are struggling with maintaining excess... People in 1st world nations have no concept of what really being poor is... I'm Canadian, born, raised and financially secure... but I've been where my family comes from... no running water, intermintent electricity, no refrigeration, dirt floor, no radio, no TV, very little meat products... Yup China in the late 70's... People in the west can't make ends meet cause of things like 2nd car for 1 person, or that house that stopped being shelter and more status... excess in consumption is what we struggle with...

    • @fuzzzeballs
      @fuzzzeballs 2 роки тому

      @@dickieloo2544 support your theory there mate

    • @torelloBank
      @torelloBank 2 роки тому +2

      @@dickieloo2544 ignoringthe rising homeless people in usa. sighhh

    • @DJ-nk4dq
      @DJ-nk4dq 2 роки тому +2

      Americans have debt over their head - not even 3 future generation could repay it - so what savings do we have??? This guy is nuts!

    • @fuzzzeballs
      @fuzzzeballs 2 роки тому +1

      @@DJ-nk4dq lol they will just print more stimulus cheques, nothing like a good war for distraction

  • @manicmushroom
    @manicmushroom 2 роки тому +8

    And yet Billionaires will get richer

  • @spsparhar
    @spsparhar 2 роки тому +16

    In Punjab, India, regarding discpline, there's a saying that a child behaves for fear of being slapped (Westerners may relate to caning). But once you slap him/her, he / she couldn't care less. Turns out, it's not as bad as feared. US sanctions on Russia over last decade and now the N option of barring them from SWIFT will produce similar of contesting the Bretton Woods Systems as it does not look after their security and interests. Americans seem to have expedited the end of American Empire by overusing sanctions unnecessarily out of sheer bellicosity and stupidity

    • @ziziroberts8041
      @ziziroberts8041 2 роки тому

      Bellicose. Bellicosity. Vocabulary. Verbosity.

    • @topiasr628
      @topiasr628 2 роки тому

      Don't know if I agree but interesting take for sure

    • @stagg2158
      @stagg2158 2 роки тому +3

      So you called sanctions against putang/Russia overuse of it is OK for a bigger and more powerful country to just invade its neighbor and take over it's weaker neighbor's land and kill it's people and destroy it'sinfrastructure. it would be fine for the Chinese to go in with big guns and take over parts of India 🇮🇳 and also for Pakistan 🇵🇰 to do the same and destroy infrastructure in India and then the world just look the other way

    • @spsparhar
      @spsparhar 2 роки тому

      @@stagg2158 Dear Sir, you can't mislead me by incorrect comparisons. Ukraine War is the result of US/NATO dynamics over last 3 decades, not a fallot of Indo- China relations or Indo-Pak disagreements. When pushed beyond a point, where one party consider the others actions an existential threat, one will fight, there's no option. If Chinese push India beyond a Red Line, there'll be blowback, that's they do Salami slicing. In your context, NATO too has been doing Salami Slicing and reaching Russian borders with their MRBMs. The Russians consider it an existential threat. YOU ARE RIGHT, no country can, must destroy another. Then why have you guys been pushing Russia all these years? You think they are going to wait for you to walk into Moscow and arrange a Purple Revolution there? Russians don't think so. This has nothing to do with Asia, it's Western Hegemony Overreach colloding with Russian security depth. Dear Sir, NOTHING JUST HAPPENS, EVERYTHING HAS A CAUSE. IN I DIA WE SAY, YOU CAN'T SOW WILD SEEDS BUT EXPECT A CROP OF MANGOES.

    • @stagg2158
      @stagg2158 2 роки тому

      @@spsparhar ur accusations and comparisons are totally wrong...not to worry India's turn will come and they will need our support ...let's see how you feel when we make excuses for the aggressors of India ...

  • @JA-pn4ji
    @JA-pn4ji 2 роки тому +33

    The British expert downplays the threat to the dollar because he's looking at it from the point of view of currency dominance, or a currency entirely replacing the dollar. That's not how it practically happens, what occurs first is a fragmentation in the dollars pre-eminence either geographically or by product or commodity groupings.
    Reducing dollar dominance first requires a geographical area to begin trading outside the dollar system or a set of commodities being priced and traded outside the dollar system. For the former, almost like a regional reserve currency. In such circumstances the dollar sees a regional erosion of its influence.
    Anyway an important road block is the lack of imaginative financial thinking by both Russia and China. Choosing to engage in their trade using direct currency transactions. Instead, they need to give confidence to trade and financial players, and the only way to do this is through introducing 'shadow' dollar financial notes for trade transactions or Trade Exchange Notes (TEN).
    How will this work? Simple, the Russian central bank issues Rouble-Dollar notes at prevailing market exchange rates or even at a fixed rate if inflationary concerns need to be addressed. The people's bank of China (PBOC) in turn issues Yuan-Dollar notes at prevailing market rates or at fixed rates, the latter if the intention is to speed up trade growth.
    These notes would provide (registered?) holders with a dollar interest rate return equivalent to prevailing US federal reserve rates.
    When an oil company in Russia sells oil (say @$120/barrel) to a Chinese entity, that Chinese entity would send a payment in ($120 equivalent) Yuan to the PBOC, the PBOC would send payment in ($120) Yuan-Dollar notes to the Central Bank of Russia which would then issue ($120 equivalent) rouble payments to the oil company.
    When a Russian electronics goods wholesaler buys Chinese goods, the wholesaler would pay for the goods in rouble through his local bank which would then obtain Rouble-Dollar notes from the market to send to the supplier's bank or from the Central Bank of Russia to send to the PBOC who would then pay the electronic goods supplier in Yuan.
    Once a year, the balances of Rouble-Dollar and Yuan-Dollar notes are reconciled and the balances determined with interest due paid, if Russia is in deficit it can adjust its 'on the face' Rouble-Dollar exchange rate downwards or interest rates on the notes upwards or even clear its deficit transaction in actual foreign currency or gold.
    The price and rate movements of these notes would serve as a means by which commercial investors (banks, financial companies) can buy-in to boost earnings. And a onshore/offshore market to trade these notes can be initiated. Chinese banks would be able to invest their savers deposits in Yuan-Dollar notes and Russian banks would do the same in Rouble-Dollar.
    Similarly, China can adjust the 'on the face' value and interest of its Yuan-Dollar.
    In fact such an instrument can also be used outside the Russia-China trading nexus. Iran for instance may want to buy weapons from Russia. It can use the Yuan-dollar it earns on oil transactions with China as payment to weapons manufacturers in Russia. Same also Venezuela, and if expanded internationally it would allow China to control the money supply and remove the need to maintain high reserve balances at pitiful interest at the US federal reserve.
    Most importantly, it would eliminate any threat from the US office of foreign asset control (OFAC). These transactions would not fall under the issued dollar transaction of the United States, they would not be subject to US regulation, enquiry or knowledge. The US would have zero knowledge of the parties transacting, and even if it did, these transactions would not breach its financial sanctions regime.
    Anything less, and China-Russia are fooling themselves because current Yuan financial restrictions would hobble any trade, and Russia wanting to be paid in euros for oil and commodities would also hobble any trade. For Russia, that means crippling inflation and for China it means the continuance of being beholden to US blackmail and threats.
    Oh... a final word of advice, never seek advice from an Englishman when he has his own axe to grind.

    • @merocaine
      @merocaine 2 роки тому +2

      Any power that's not a status quo power must be looking at alternatives to the dollar system. Anything other than that means accepting US hegemony. This is ok for Europe, although France and Germany may chaff occasionally. However for the great powers like Russia and China, this is not an option longterm. Our future is the balkenisation of the global financial system, trading and energy blocks, and increased security competition in East Asia and eastern Europe.

    • @alvincredit7000
      @alvincredit7000 2 роки тому +4

      @ j a. The system you describe was and still is present today. Europe consolidated to the euro from the french franc, italian lira and german deutch mark among other currencies. Why use the dollar as part of the rouble/yuan currency exchange? They can exchange their currencies now without the dollar at all if they want to between themselves. The whole problem with the system you describe IS CONFIDENCE, much as you may dislike the dollar and the usa(america), do you really want to put yourself under the same currency control, only with the RUSSIAN/CHINESE GOVERNMENTS IN CONTROL(confidence)? Really no one does. Just like capitalism, it may be a terrible system, but it is the best one compared TO ALL THE OTHERS, just ask the chinese or russians!!!!

    • @JA-pn4ji
      @JA-pn4ji 2 роки тому +8

      @@alvincredit7000 The dollar is used merely as a reference value currency. It's use is nominal and not real or virtual if you wish. In this scheme both the Russian and Chinese central banks replace the US federal reserve in setting rates, they can choose to shadow US rates, under pace or outpace US rates.
      Why is this important against a straight currency swap? Because commodities, which Russia sells, are priced in dollars and the Chinese Yuan is not fully convertible as it does not permit unrestricted money flows inwards and outbound to balance trade relationships causing China to build huge dollar reserves.
      The Chinese require these reserves for confidence, but it doesn't stop them "shadowing" the dollar through a secondary instrument - for trade with Russia and others, at the same time using their actual dollar reserves as collateral to enable confidence overall.
      The confidence in such an instrument would be enhanced by the transaction trust it enables over time, and the instruments are interest bearing and can be traded.
      I'm not prescribing a non-capitalist system, but I consider US dollar and sanctions policy to have reached a point where it has become oppressive.

    • @jimbob-robob
      @jimbob-robob 2 роки тому +2

      This is a comments section not a Thesis many are going to read all that??

    • @rayvincent4392
      @rayvincent4392 2 роки тому

      In Civilizations & Nature Scales Of Healthy Environments Their Are Multitudes Of Balances For Intelligence

  • @shamsnoor2808
    @shamsnoor2808 2 роки тому +4

    Why does NATO exist ? Against which military alliance?
    You keep poking countries in the eye and some will hit back.

  • @Alpanzai
    @Alpanzai 2 роки тому +14

    Those are not global economic crisis, those are special economical operations as they say about sanctions against Russia. So now harvest what you seeded.

  • @mysteryhindi9402
    @mysteryhindi9402 2 роки тому +10

    Support Russia from India 🇷🇺🇮🇳💪✌️🙆

    • @fuzzzeballs
      @fuzzzeballs 2 роки тому

      yes india is a market mover,screw america

    • @raphaeltumainiomaitarya8801
      @raphaeltumainiomaitarya8801 2 роки тому +3

      Support Russia from Africa. Will emerge strong and ferce. Don't pork the bear.

  • @danielgriffin8132
    @danielgriffin8132 2 роки тому +5

    The world 🌎 is in trouble we all know that it's going to be a depression

  • @mysteriousjz
    @mysteriousjz 2 роки тому +10

    The question is not "could" prices are already skyrocketing and economy is dangerously on nosedive where I am thousands of miles away from ground zero. Thanks to war of senseless sanctions. Scary and sad !

  • @tatradak
    @tatradak 2 роки тому +1

    FIAT, Crypto or Gold take your long as the other takes it as payment then its works...Bitcoin/Crypto is way to uncontrolled but digital Yuan / Ruble is possible but rule out Bitcoin for Russia/China..

  • @shakeelshari4316
    @shakeelshari4316 2 роки тому +8

    GREAT RUSSIA 🇷🇺 👏 👍

  • @MikeMoore9379
    @MikeMoore9379 2 роки тому +1

    Doesn't affect me any, I learned to live without money years ago. Earth provides for my needs, not paper with someone's face on it.

  • @vivianoosthuizen8990
    @vivianoosthuizen8990 2 роки тому +2

    Who is this guy he doesn’t sound British at all

  • @Ecovaluations
    @Ecovaluations 2 роки тому +10

    Countries like Afghanistan that import the vast majority of their food and have an internationally unrecognized government will suffer the most 💔 The US, at the very least, should release all of the money it holds on behalf of the Afghan people rather than giving half of it to 9/11 families as Biden has chosen to do.

    • @tooreal8968
      @tooreal8968 2 роки тому +2

      Fk outta here. Those money belong to us, yall delusional fk. U.S pour trillion of aid into Afghanistan. The president and corrupt people stole billions and then turn around and deposited to the USA and now that money is your? Thief have better moral code than Afghan people.

    • @Mimi-uz2yg
      @Mimi-uz2yg 2 роки тому +3

      U.S doesn't have any right to steal the money from poor Afganastanian! One country has such power over another entity's property without any justification, that shakes the fundamental of capitalism. That is stealing!

    • @stagg2158
      @stagg2158 2 роки тому

      @@Mimi-uz2yg total nonsense you speak..that money is US tax payer's money that was sent to help Afghanistan and corrupt politicians stole it...what did Afghanistan produced and exported to the world to earn that money that you speak of...

    • @CognitiveGear
      @CognitiveGear 2 роки тому

      That was Aid money from the US Taxpayer. Why is the Taliban entitled to US Taxpayer money? Do you give handouts to your enemies?

  • @beppeadr
    @beppeadr 2 роки тому +17

    Sanction can be easily overthrown with nuclear sanctions anytime and in a couple of minutes when you deal with sanctions against a nuclear superpower. We are all lucky that Russia prepares in advance his way to continue his economy even with our so powerful sanction otherwise surely London was already disappeared from the earth.

    • @mudshovel289
      @mudshovel289 2 роки тому +3

      Yeah look, Russia isn’t nuking anyone who have their own nukes that they can launch back.

    • @beppeadr
      @beppeadr 2 роки тому +1

      @@mudshovel289 Yeah, that is quickly becomeing our new reality.

    • @AB-fi5jt
      @AB-fi5jt 2 роки тому

      Sad days for nonnuclear countries

    • @azymighthh6835
      @azymighthh6835 2 роки тому +1

      i think we’re lucky russians are not that evil. we saw how they back away from prostestors in ukraine in a middle of a war. i dont think they will launch nukes, they even dismantle soviet union. there will no nuclear war, dont worry.

    • @azymighthh6835
      @azymighthh6835 2 роки тому

      @@mudshovel289 unless they are pushed into a corner and decided to die alongside the whole world.

  • @maliktamimawan
    @maliktamimawan 2 роки тому +1


  • @Bozewani
    @Bozewani 2 роки тому

    I just buy a put or a bear call spread on russian products still remember my old stock market classes in Salt Lake City

  • @justinmoore5096
    @justinmoore5096 2 роки тому +2

    He wants to drum up this narrative of American decline so badly. The simple fact is America is just as powerful as ever and it’s reach can’t be avoided just yet.

    • @deborahdean8867
      @deborahdean8867 2 роки тому +4

      A thin shell. Both military and dollar overextended and inflated

  • @sammiecee4703
    @sammiecee4703 2 роки тому +1

    ,,,, I meant for the ad

  • @Roseforres
    @Roseforres 2 роки тому

    “Special Economic Operations “. Not sanctions.

  • @zeviongray6883
    @zeviongray6883 2 роки тому

    Will they take the crypto currency DOGELON MARS as payment?

  • @mohamedhussein9935
    @mohamedhussein9935 2 роки тому +1

    Sooner or later the west currency will go down due to overusing the section. Can you imagine what India and china and Middle East are thinking just to move the dollar away slowly.

    • @stagg2158
      @stagg2158 2 роки тому

      So let one is stopping them...what do you mean by the west overusing the section any way 🤔

  • @faautobahna9416
    @faautobahna9416 2 роки тому +1

    good show, he is a good interviewer.

  • @vitaliysurikov7363
    @vitaliysurikov7363 2 роки тому

    ✌️ A dollar at 30 rubles is not profitable for us. We need a ruble at 30 dollars.🤓

  • @alainw77
    @alainw77 2 роки тому +5

    Everyone commenting here seems to know what will happen to the global economy because of this war.

  • @eastafrika728
    @eastafrika728 2 роки тому

    Countries need to stop replying on European euphoria and panic solutions, get independent from the European's Insecurities towards technology and life

  • @teamplayer613
    @teamplayer613 2 роки тому

    Why is the market rallying for the last 2 week? What's the logic? Truly irrational

  • @SureshKumar-pz4bl
    @SureshKumar-pz4bl 2 роки тому +1


  • @decordsuccessful1823
    @decordsuccessful1823 2 роки тому +2

    How many children do Putin have? And what are the names of his children? *I will give $500 to the person who gives a correct answer*

    • @MariaMMCardoso
      @MariaMMCardoso 2 роки тому

      because that solves the economic problem, ends the war in ukraine and brings back everybody that died?!

  • @ansonang7810
    @ansonang7810 2 роки тому

    US and EU sanctions not Ukraine war

  • @AlishaRGross
    @AlishaRGross 2 роки тому +1

    *Economic growth doesn't mean anything if it leave people out. Jobs will pay your bills, business will make you rich but Investment make and keeps you healthy*

  • @mpbuilder
    @mpbuilder 2 роки тому +1


  • @christinarosed.p.1967
    @christinarosed.p.1967 2 роки тому

    HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani met on Monday morning at Sheikh Abdullah bin Jassim Majlis at the Amiri Diwan with Governor General of Canada Mary Simon and the accompanying delegation on the occasion of her visit to the country.
    During the meeting, they reviewed bilateral relations between the two friendly countries and ways of enhancing them in various fields, in addition to the most prominent regional and international developments of common interest.

  • @yonas26232
    @yonas26232 2 роки тому +1

    How come you invite this mediocre “ Mr. Ma be”...

  • @meejinhuang
    @meejinhuang 2 роки тому +3

    No. Russia's economy is not that large to be a crisis for the World.

    • @olivier8264
      @olivier8264 2 роки тому +1

      but an excuse to make a quick buck.

    • @ironheard227
      @ironheard227 2 роки тому

      yes but tha't very importent to the global aconomy.

  • @cliffordishii3738
    @cliffordishii3738 2 роки тому

    Time for people to become and live as Biblical Christians.

  • @DSandy111
    @DSandy111 2 роки тому +3

    Russian reserves which have been frozen should first be used to rebuild Ukraine and compensate Ukrainian people for their losses and suffering

  • @boxcutter0
    @boxcutter0 2 роки тому +4

    US has never locked people/country out of financial system before, Russian aggression needs to be countered. The international community should be thanking US & Europe for stepping up again to resolve global dysfunction when most countries are useless.

    • @ash1kh
      @ash1kh 2 роки тому +6

      So your 'international community' didn't count 5 billion people of China, India, Africa, Arab combined. What left, 3 billion people. International community. Hilarious 😂

    • @kkhalifah1019
      @kkhalifah1019 2 роки тому +10

      You want the world to thank the US, when the US is shamelessly begging Venezuela & Saudi Arabia for oil because it can't stand the pain of its own sanctions on Russian oil + gas.

    • @ash1kh
      @ash1kh 2 роки тому +1

      @@kkhalifah1019 haha. Even Biden talked with Xi and Xi replied democracy is not the future. What a slap in the face 😔

    • @Koutabuike
      @Koutabuike 2 роки тому

      Wow other countries are really useless

    • @luciferx1636
      @luciferx1636 2 роки тому +4

      Ha ha ha . US talk about misinformation. This guy example of it .

  • @no.1xxxrum695
    @no.1xxxrum695 2 роки тому +1

    Kaptan imran Khan 👉😎 is a powerful Leader in the world . Nobody can Undo pak at all 💪 .

    • @zkhan8369
      @zkhan8369 2 роки тому

      Imran khan himself is trying to delete Pak🥴

  • @PalleRasmussen
    @PalleRasmussen 2 роки тому +15

    What do you mean "could" it is. And next winter lots of poor people will starve from lack of wheat.

  • @Gasanwu
    @Gasanwu 2 роки тому +32

    How many countries are on the US sanction list? Putting all of them together, they can establish an extremely large trade block entirely bypassing the SWIFT & USD. Russia saw it coming, and China is working toward it. It's not a matter of if, it's when.

    • @joythought
      @joythought 2 роки тому

      Who wants to join a trading block with North Korea and other nations likely to default on loans and other payments? Noone. They'll do it but it will be a minimum benefit proposition.

    • @Gasanwu
      @Gasanwu 2 роки тому +7

      @@joythought As per Investopedia: list of countries sanctioned by the US: Afghanistan, the Balkans, Belarus, Burma, Central African Republic, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Hong Kong, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Nicaragua, North Korea, Russia, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, Yemen, and Zimbabwe. China is already invested in most if not all of them. There are other countries that are not on the list but wary of potential US sanctions that may well join the trading block as well. And speaking of defaulting on loans, anyone who's had Econ 101 knows that the way the US Federal Reserve has been printing money, it may as well be defaulting on loans.

    • @richboy12ify
      @richboy12ify 2 роки тому +1

      yes this guy what hes saying i dont buy it this just propaganda, moving like its impossible and being dismissive, when people could find another they would try

    • @cravingtuna1561
      @cravingtuna1561 2 роки тому

      The economic powerhouses that are Iran, Cuba, North Korea and Russia will rule the world

    • @deborahdean8867
      @deborahdean8867 2 роки тому +1

      @@cravingtuna1561 Cuba and North Korea are not economic powerhouses

  • @dkki201
    @dkki201 2 роки тому +6

    This is the second phase of the great reset

  • @Bimmer_MD
    @Bimmer_MD 2 роки тому +7

    The reporter didn't seem very open to his guest Timothy Ash's opinion. The reporter seemed like he was really REALLY trying push his opinion on his guest. I very much dislike seeing interviewers like him, everybody is entitled to their own opinions. If you are an interviewer in his position maybe that should teach you to investigate possible guests in the future a bit better that way the interview will go along the lines that they wished.

    • @GonzoTehGreat
      @GonzoTehGreat 2 роки тому

      That's because AJ have their own biases, which influence their narrative when reporting.
      The Middle-East would prefer that Russia is able to avoid Western sanctions, China chooses to ignore them and the USD loses its position as the international reserve currency, so the interviewer was reluctant to accept Ash's view that none of these are happening.

  • @ameyaraomarathe
    @ameyaraomarathe 2 роки тому +15

    Whether Russia suffers hardships or not, but the Brit economist's (Timothy) arrogance and superiority complex is unparalleled. Terrible. Did you hear the way he says the word "Western"?

    • @monat9248
      @monat9248 2 роки тому +3

      He is completely delusional .. he shud worry about tonnes of homeless in Britain ..

    • @vivianoosthuizen8990
      @vivianoosthuizen8990 2 роки тому +2

      Listening to a Brit talking about ethics makes my skin crawl

  • @kmvenezia4337
    @kmvenezia4337 2 роки тому +10

    This guys funny. He's trying so hard to talk up crypto but hearing what he wants

    • @deborahdean8867
      @deborahdean8867 2 роки тому

      @lesia gutierrez putin is keeping NATO missiles and soldiers off his border.

    • @Ramschat
      @Ramschat 2 роки тому +1

      @@deborahdean8867 Really? Before he invaded, no NATO troops near Russian border. Now? NATO troops move into Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, all of them directly bordering Russia.
      Mission failed, putin!

    • @deborahdean8867
      @deborahdean8867 2 роки тому

      @@Ramschat yes, REALLY. And do you know what Biden and zelensky are doing? Inciting Russia as a EXCUSE to impose sanctions on Russian gas. That's why people are acting so seemingly irrationally

    • @deborahdean8867
      @deborahdean8867 2 роки тому

      @@Ramschat it was about Ukraine JOINING NATO. Not NATO being in Ukraine. NATO cant go into a non member country

    • @Ramschat
      @Ramschat 2 роки тому

      @@deborahdean8867 Thanks, captain obvious. We all know that.

  • @beppeadr
    @beppeadr 2 роки тому +13

    Europe and America are already in a very deep and dangerous economic crisis.

    • @michaelcrossley4716
      @michaelcrossley4716 2 роки тому +3

      If the US is in an economic crisis, then the whole world is. The US will feel less of the pain though.

    • @danwelterweight4137
      @danwelterweight4137 2 роки тому +4

      @@michaelcrossley4716 have you seen inflation rates in the US? What do you think that will have on the the American consumer.

    • @fuzzzeballs
      @fuzzzeballs 2 роки тому +4

      @@michaelcrossley4716 i dont think that is the case you will all be hit real hard for bidens daft politics, the world is weaning off the dollar its had its day, your counrty has flowerd mate time to think about gold not dollars

  • @update653
    @update653 2 роки тому +14

    The problems is not war but those so colled sanctions

  • @davet9708
    @davet9708 2 роки тому +3

    China is well organised.

  • @chrissyduggan3347
    @chrissyduggan3347 2 роки тому +8

    Many countries moved away from the USA dollar, some time ago, and have been trading in different currency's for some time .

    • @arasakaa
      @arasakaa 2 роки тому +1

      Currently the US dollar is the most dealt currency in the world, Followed by the Euro.

  • @jjtighe8628
    @jjtighe8628 2 роки тому +4

    Who is profiting from this war so far ? what country's have taken in the least amount of refugees , USA uk

    • @konyaku3072
      @konyaku3072 2 роки тому

      USA sends more bullets, machine gun to Ukraine. It is clearly an act to prolong war because USA did this after imposing sanction to Russia. No work towards ceasefire by USA.

    • @deborahdean8867
      @deborahdean8867 2 роки тому

      UK was first to scream 'bad Russia' and promise weapons and money. .... just as boris Johnson was about to be thrown out of parliament

  • @GKCostalas
    @GKCostalas 2 роки тому +2

    Not the Ukraine crisis itself, but the USA’s reckless, immature and dangerous response!

  • @maigacanada
    @maigacanada 2 роки тому +2

    Lol US consumers have lost of savings

  • @kenfelix8703
    @kenfelix8703 2 роки тому +2

    Giving the choice between money or my southern border?

  • @user-ms3lw3gi4f
    @user-ms3lw3gi4f 2 роки тому +2

    That's their plan.

  • @MariaMMCardoso
    @MariaMMCardoso 2 роки тому +11

    tipical american. After being asked 2 times about the future confidance on the dollar, the man continues saying that the dollar is still king. short term only, totally uncapable to think 2 steps ahead.

    • @nomadiclapse
      @nomadiclapse 2 роки тому +2

      Typical pretentious woman...
      It's "typical" not "tipical", "confidence" not "confidance" and it's "incapable" not "uncapable".
      My gawd woman, 8yr old americans have a better grasp on spelling than you. At least make an attempt to get your english correct when you're being a condescending xenophobe that's incapable of thinking 1 step ahead.
      As an aside grandma, quit with the makeup and plucking off your eyebrows just to paint them back on, you look like a clown. You can put as much paint on an old beat up barn as you want to, but it's still an old beat up barn.

    • @deborahdean8867
      @deborahdean8867 2 роки тому

      @@nomadiclapse it's trying to type on s tiny touch screen phone and spell check

  • @ranvijayyadav5172
    @ranvijayyadav5172 2 роки тому +2

    These central bank sactions have resulted in loss of faith in international system & dollar, whatever they may say now, u will find more cuntry to country barter system to exclude use of Dollar as intermiditeary n hence need to keep large sums in dollars in other countries

  • @imrangulawan1
    @imrangulawan1 2 роки тому +6

    Ukraine was the one supplying everything to world. Lol

    • @draganpaunovic5596
      @draganpaunovic5596 2 роки тому

      Ukraine doesn't have economy , nor industry , or resources

    • @deborahdean8867
      @deborahdean8867 2 роки тому

      Ukraine supplies a large amount of wheat and sunflower seeds.

  • @samuelkundael3503
    @samuelkundael3503 2 роки тому +3

    Well the price of public transportation this week has gone up here... from $4 to about $12 so yeah...

    • @ИринаЛукьяненко-ь3ъ
      @ИринаЛукьяненко-ь3ъ 2 роки тому

      It hasnt changed in Russia

    • @samuelkundael3503
      @samuelkundael3503 2 роки тому

      @@paulsonsons425 north cyprus. even cooking oil for some funny reason has gone up. by public transport, i mean from one town to another which is about 45 - 50 minute drive.

    • @samuelkundael3503
      @samuelkundael3503 2 роки тому

      @@ИринаЛукьяненко-ь3ъ its cause you produce oil...

  • @olushayotriumph
    @olushayotriumph 2 роки тому +2

    *Timothy Ash works for Blue Bay Asset Management who manages Assets in Dollars. Obvious why his views and opinions are rather screwed and much in favour of Dollars.*

  • @sofiasmith6757
    @sofiasmith6757 2 роки тому +1

    Mr Timothy its full of sh....
    Its super stuck up...

  • @estherhicks9529
    @estherhicks9529 2 роки тому +1

    *Are Crypto currencies really profitable, actually I was thinking of going into stock or index fund but I heard that the crypto is very easy to access and make fast money. Please can I get a response from anyone concerning my question, I'm pretty confused here.*

  • @maxmillion868
    @maxmillion868 2 роки тому +1

    The West will be at Risk 100% Thank You 21/3/2022 .

  • @hoponasu5870
    @hoponasu5870 2 роки тому +2

    EU rush to support the economy...Finland was very close of bankruptcy in 1992 and now we just stopped trading with our second biggest trade partner !
    There is no second Nokia nor does this situation yield any market share. Finland gov increased fuel tax before and self created more inflation then there already was due bad central bank policy from the US FED & ECB . Eu is in grip of climate hysteria that plans to kill the industry and end energy sector so yes there is stagflation and it will get much worse.

  • @Rawdiswar
    @Rawdiswar 2 роки тому +1

    No, shale will not be coming to the rescue this time around.

  • @jimbob-robob
    @jimbob-robob 2 роки тому +1

    Economics "the dismal science"...
    No orthodox economist really knows how to make ordinary people's lives better while the rich get richer...all doom and gloom for them...

  • @sammiecee4703
    @sammiecee4703 2 роки тому +1

    it wasn't even him talking 💀

  • @randybenton3812
    @randybenton3812 2 роки тому +1


  • @hasanmehdiraza
    @hasanmehdiraza 2 роки тому +1


    • @DS-hk7kx
      @DS-hk7kx 2 роки тому

      This chutiyaa puts Indian flag after every irrelevant post 🤣😂

  • @medicann_coping
    @medicann_coping 2 роки тому +1

    it already has

  • @coffeesirivlog
    @coffeesirivlog 2 роки тому +1

    Inflation more on high cost

  • @shahedalamshahed3092
    @shahedalamshahed3092 2 роки тому +2

    This type of discussion, i like very much

  • @nick8841
    @nick8841 2 роки тому +1

    Kaia looks like AI.

  • @vivianoosthuizen8990
    @vivianoosthuizen8990 2 роки тому +1

    Forget money gold is going to be the currency

  • @dahlavibez5726
    @dahlavibez5726 2 роки тому +1

    Intro music is absolute chops bro I can’t even focus without hitting me leg maybe turn it down or turn it up lol

  • @werimutamihana1901
    @werimutamihana1901 2 роки тому +1

    Hope it dose

  • @Istandby666
    @Istandby666 2 роки тому +8

    People here on this side of the pond are feeling the gas prices hurting. Then the fear of food prices and consumer prices going up.
    We all know after the 2008 economy crash that once the food prices and consumer prices go up, they don't come back down.
    Which in turn means companies will be laying people off. This country hasn't regained its employment status since covid hit.
    There are people who are under paid and or has quit working all together.
    The poor are getting poorer. The middle class is becoming poor, and the rich, well they're getting richer.
    If you look at the data, this war is making the U.S. a lot of money and the rich are using these circumstances to inflate their own pockets.
    When sanctions first hit. Biden told the energy companies not to use this as a reason for price gouging. Then turned around and told the American people to get ready for prices to go up and to brace for prices to keep rising.
    Right now, there are a lot of Americans who are upset with sending humanitarian aid and weapons to Ukraine. They would rather see that money stay here to help those in need here.
    People who are working are working longer hours with no benefits for it. Prices are going up. All except the working persons paycheck.

    • @nathontailor1352
      @nathontailor1352 2 роки тому

      Nice try Russian bot

    • @hieplamtran6139
      @hieplamtran6139 2 роки тому

      @@nathontailor1352 USA bot?

    • @Istandby666
      @Istandby666 2 роки тому

      Who's the bot?

    • @deborahdean8867
      @deborahdean8867 2 роки тому

      And did you know that Congress, at lightning speed , voted to SCRAP 15 billion in covid recovery money and send 14 billion to zelensky instead? It was only mentioned in one article I read. US media is totally government controlled. NO COVID MONEY FOR AMERICA, MORE BOMBS TO UKRAINE

  • @luciferx1636
    @luciferx1636 2 роки тому +2

    Which people he mean don't wanna do business with Russia . There are so many countries still do business with Russia and will do . Is like he deliveredly undermine Russian economy .

  • @samsam198011
    @samsam198011 2 роки тому +1


  • @torguttormsyvertsen9088
    @torguttormsyvertsen9088 2 роки тому +1

    "Monetary inflation not only raises prices and destroys the value of the currency unit; it also acts as a giant system of expropriation."
    ― Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995)

  • @JohnTaylor-fh4et
    @JohnTaylor-fh4et 2 роки тому +1

    Let's hope so.

  • @kennethkim1
    @kennethkim1 2 роки тому +1

    With Trump this war would never have happened at the least. This was also true with the Afghanistan withdrawal.

    • @azymighthh6835
      @azymighthh6835 2 роки тому

      i hate to say this but it might be true. that crazy guy trump may pursue peaceful compromise between russia and ukraine before russia invade. he will benefit financially offcourse.

  • @WalkinBeauty278
    @WalkinBeauty278 2 роки тому

    Now or later...the machine will fail...some will suffer sooner...some will pretend they will escape...but lack of food and water

  • @Mojo-vu4hr
    @Mojo-vu4hr 2 роки тому +1

    what if poor people are trying to store their wealth in crypto in Ukraine or russia....and due to oligarchs, the west and eu make them suffer ...

  • @SuperPromethee
    @SuperPromethee 2 роки тому

    russia has wheat, oil and gas...let see how and when russians would get starved...

  • @texasray5237
    @texasray5237 Рік тому

    The opinions of liars and idiots don't really matter all that much.

  • @JW-rx7ul
    @JW-rx7ul 2 роки тому

    People are now concerned about their savings in USD. Who would blame them.

  • @g40471
    @g40471 2 роки тому

    Your headline ,could Ukraine plunge the global economy into a recession?,should the focus be on the invader would this not be the cause not the one defending itself

  • @hectorsandoval1327
    @hectorsandoval1327 2 роки тому

    you cant stop bitcoin

  • @selecttravelvacations7472
    @selecttravelvacations7472 2 роки тому +5

    “The US dollar is still King” 😂 Yuan: Hold My Beer

  • @dethtrain
    @dethtrain 2 роки тому

    Lol. Don't overestimate our economy. What's the saying, we spend money like drunken sailors?

  • @wagithi5643
    @wagithi5643 2 роки тому

    African is going to be fine thank you very much. It's Europe that you should be worried about. Have you not learnt anything from your doomsday prediction of covid 19 on Africa?

  • @John-ww3ji
    @John-ww3ji 2 роки тому

    High inflation

  • @jamarimitchell1220
    @jamarimitchell1220 2 роки тому

    America need opec and opec is fed up of America
    Think about that

    • @DSandy111
      @DSandy111 2 роки тому

      Do we need opec? Hahaha!

  • @amir_fahmi
    @amir_fahmi 2 роки тому +6

    Zelensky already fled to US embassy in Poland ,🤭

    • @olivier8264
      @olivier8264 2 роки тому

      they haven't seen him dancing on the streets yet

    • @fuzzzeballs
      @fuzzzeballs 2 роки тому +3

      @@olivier8264 he wont go in the street will he because hes not in ukraine

  • @mkh8771
    @mkh8771 2 роки тому

    No not the global economy but the western and pro western economies face this crisis. Eastern powers are building their economies independent from the US petroDollar system. So no, don’t worry.

    • @DSandy111
      @DSandy111 2 роки тому

      Okay! Good luck to the Eastern powers 😄

  • @Michael-ut6mu
    @Michael-ut6mu 2 роки тому

    Financial collapse like 2008 will take care of speculation in commodity markets and wipe out much of the inflated value in asset markets taking away wealth of oligarchs across the globe.

  • @gamingtonight1526
    @gamingtonight1526 2 роки тому +1

    Because we still haven't dealt with the climate crisis, and still using oil and gas when we should have 100% clean energy by now, this means we have the Ukraine War and energy inflation; all this means we will never be out of a global economic crisis, as food and clean water becomes less available and societies collapse because of it.

  • @gloriajanice8051
    @gloriajanice8051 2 роки тому +1

    Despite the economic crisis, this is still a good time to invest in Gold and crypto Investing in different streams of income in other not to depend on government for funds and avoid all the chitchat about the inflation.

    • @allenjohn3445
      @allenjohn3445 2 роки тому

      Interesting. I have a lump sum doing absolutely nothing at all in my bank account, I wanna get something started with it, any reasonable idea?

    • @andrezbenard5861
      @andrezbenard5861 2 роки тому

      Wow I know Expert Samuel Jeff . I met him at a conference in The Dome at America’s center Life 2016 where he introduced us his business strategy, he helped me cover my Loans

    • @davidthompson9445
      @davidthompson9445 2 роки тому

      I have seen a lot of recommendation about Expert Samuel Jeff , Please how do i get in touch with Mr Samuel jeff? I would love to trade $2000 with him

    • @davidthompson9445
      @davidthompson9445 2 роки тому

      @Waillam James Thanks for his info I will get started with him right away

    • @aaronpascal4014
      @aaronpascal4014 2 роки тому

      @Smith John Trading on your own is very risky. I lost a lot last month trying to trade myself 😢 thank God i was recommended to Mr Samuel jeff who help me out😊