if someone comment the whole lyrics of polo g's part, ill pin your comment i swear Beat Last Dude NO SPOTIFY JUST SOUNDCLOUD: soundcloud.com/3007380646/scarlxrd-xxxtentacion-back-back-ft-polo-g-nle-choppa-lil-pump-official-audio My Instagram: instagram.com/juansebas638 Donations www.paypal.me/lastdude638
@@Ellkidz Sheep mentality, a leech, a follower. It's like you using "lol" as an additive or a way to express yourself in text which is Sociopathic tendencies.
@@jacobgillis4027 you need to learn how a comma works, buddy. If you read that, it's like an AI speaking. Of course you're insulted because you're also one to be following footsteps, since you type terms like "ong". You probably think you're hard or some shit. Anyone who types "ong" will do everything else that they see people doing like some parrot, you're not surprising at all to use terms like "bot", "Lz", etc... Sure, I used an emoji, but for the RIGHT context. It kept it short, and it makes it look more of an eye opener for the deluded. You're in such a huff right now, I can tell. Go ahead and respond a generic and childish reply like "Oh, you're a teacher" or something corny, since you've stooped as low as you can go for self integrity to be someone you're not. "Ong" when you're not even religious, just a clown *Edit* here's how I KNOW you're a sheep, you have to make a CSGO montage and put arrows in your thumbnail, how much more pathetic can you all be? Lack personality on another scale
@@ililililililililliil This you? Machozapy@Gmail.com, twitter.com/machozapy2, ua-cam.com/users/Machozapyfeatured, Do you know these following people Slamnsammy96, BlizerWolf, SleepyLittleFox, Michael Cole, CCanadianBBacon, and Theo Constantinica? Stfu bro :/
I mean heavy metal screams aren't usually my cup of tea but if you think about it scxrlord has gotta be so talented to be able to rap & scream at the same time
Last dude bro,YO MIXING be on point g,ain’t know how you make this magic bro,I personally think these rappers should you have you on that technical shit up in the booth this channel is really something bro I respect it it’s great
I was there, and it was overly hyped for really nothing. I made sure to give it the headset bass test and it was disappointing all around. The beat isn't original and reused, and last dude gets his reputation for making songs meant to sound and seem like a song nobody's heard before (and the only people thinking this is ultimately good are sheep like yourself who use emojis and would wish they could hear this shit for hours long while drool hits there lap, which his other songs weren't all that good either but he had 2-3 that were good out of all of them. Everything he's hyped up with this shit just becomes a disappointment because the premiere countdown should be hype, but all we got was lyrics that everyone had heard already long ago and shit didn't fit with the hook or anything if I'm honest so it seemed like a half assed attempt to make a mashup (which nobody likes listening to mashups, we came here to be wowed by visual edits and originality which he's begun half assing both of those things)
Have any of the artist ever seen any of your work and commented about it. Like bruh you make all these remixes seem so real like it actually is a real legit song instead of a remix. Your skill man I envy
if someone comment the whole lyrics of polo g's part, ill pin your comment
i swear
Beat Last Dude
NO SPOTIFY JUST SOUNDCLOUD: soundcloud.com/3007380646/scarlxrd-xxxtentacion-back-back-ft-polo-g-nle-choppa-lil-pump-official-audio
My Instagram: instagram.com/juansebas638
Hey Man, i've done a remake of the bea of your XXXTENTACION song - Get it. You wanna listen to it?
@Last- Dude what’s the song called I can probably find the lyrics
why is it not on spotify? ;(
Please put this on spotify if you do ima Keep Get it, Posse, BICH!, Throw it Back and Back Back on repeat
Last Dude the only guy that can make old songs sound brand new and fire as fuck!!
@@NPCND fatzzz
scarlxrd is good
I swear you are the best, 0:45 last dude ❤
نورت القناه
عرببب عم يتابعو last dude ؟؟
هلا بالشيخ انته تحب XXXTENTACION
R.I.P XXXTENTACION, last-dude done it again👏👏👏
Young Dagger for Sure 🙏🏽
0:45 that transition was smooth as hell bro- im lost for words ☠☠
Who’s song is that
@@AdnanKhan-so5vr XXXTentacion - King's dead freestyle
The legacy of X will never die🕊
@Jarrett Tapp fax
@Jarrett Tapp no it dosent u just obsessed because hes dead u wouldnt know who he is if he didnt die
@Jarrett Tapp ok sad how kid pronto got out of jail and his friend died
We need a xxxtentacion, jasiah, toyoks revenge, and scarlxrd feature!
A whole x remix
The yell rap kings🙏🏾
Aí sim hein
Fax that shit would of been lit if I was a real song vro
Hell yeah
Can you imagine how big X would be and how many bangers he would've had by now? Damn man... LLJ
Can you imagine having a weeb profile picture? 🐑 Mentality, Ergo why you probably comment on everything
Bc8z Sender lol what?
@@Ellkidz Sheep mentality, a leech, a follower. It's like you using "lol" as an additive or a way to express yourself in text which is Sociopathic tendencies.
@@jacobgillis4027 you need to learn how a comma works, buddy. If you read that, it's like an AI speaking. Of course you're insulted because you're also one to be following footsteps, since you type terms like "ong". You probably think you're hard or some shit. Anyone who types "ong" will do everything else that they see people doing like some parrot, you're not surprising at all to use terms like "bot", "Lz", etc... Sure, I used an emoji, but for the RIGHT context. It kept it short, and it makes it look more of an eye opener for the deluded. You're in such a huff right now, I can tell. Go ahead and respond a generic and childish reply like "Oh, you're a teacher" or something corny, since you've stooped as low as you can go for self integrity to be someone you're not. "Ong" when you're not even religious, just a clown
*Edit* here's how I KNOW you're a sheep, you have to make a CSGO montage and put arrows in your thumbnail, how much more pathetic can you all be? Lack personality on another scale
@@ililililililililliil This you? Machozapy@Gmail.com, twitter.com/machozapy2, ua-cam.com/users/Machozapyfeatured,
Do you know these following people Slamnsammy96, BlizerWolf, SleepyLittleFox, Michael Cole, CCanadianBBacon, and Theo Constantinica?
Stfu bro :/
When Scarlxrd actually raps he is top tier
ikr dude raps fast tho
Yeah,he rap so fast
I mean heavy metal screams aren't usually my cup of tea but if you think about it scxrlord has gotta be so talented to be able to rap & scream at the same time
This dude makes lil pump sound good
that beat is from convolk
And u here copying his old video comments xD
MakeOut Hill 🤔 huh 🤔
What Is Name Of Song?
(Cuál Es El Nombre De La Canción?)
I dont know who scarlxrd but he sounds lit... imma listen to his music
Thx for 142 likes and Yo I came back to listen to this 🔥🔥🔥
Jayburdy_FLY21 welcome it’s just the start ahah
He's trap metal, he's fucking amazing
I reccommend: Living Legend, 6 Feet, BeastMxde, choke, house of lords, nonstop, hell is on earth
living under a rock lol
British boi
X was the best voice out of all and scarlxrd
This guy is crazy talented
I hope we still recognize the name LastDude in 10 years 💫
Nest Denys how does he do itttt
Madddd respect for him not many knows sxarlrxd
Polo and Choppa sound hard af on this beat
No cap
name of nle choppa song pls
@@ლუკარომანაძე-ი6ნ its called tko anthem. ur welcome
Can someone find this beat
Showed this to Rick, now he's on my profile pic
Holy this is best remix u made! I luv your edits!!! I dont know lyric of Polo G
This is sooo gooood!!!! The beat is amazing and the flows are fire!!!! Damn i like this.
buena esa last dude 0:45
Already know its fire and havent watched it yet
The transition at 0:45 was sooo smooth
Bro, we are waiting for more scarlxrd content me and my friends listenin ur remakes when we are skating
These songs re fire🔥🔥. Dont give up. Ur the best yt that does this type of editz. 👍🏼
Imagine polo g and NLE did this genre of rap
Go stupid kinda like this with the “hype”
polo g "Lost Files" is kinda like this..
And neva cared
That would be fire
This is so underrated
Scarlxrd gone ham 🔥
Song is complete ass, like wtf is he screaming about
Jayy 4kt lol stfu
Bruh I forgot the song that is featured in the beginning by scarlxrd
@Hassan HOURI oh fr? we ain talmmat houses, we talmmat his music 😂😂and his music dogshit🥱
@Hassan HOURI his music ass, and idek who tf "scarlxrd" is. the thumbnail clearly has xxxtentacion on it. so you tell me how dumb you sound
bro i broke my headphones this Shiiit is on fire!!!
Diooos está tan bien elaborado que parece Real, lo deben decir re seguido pero uff, encima como entran en el beat re epic!
Last dude bro,YO MIXING be on point g,ain’t know how you make this magic bro,I personally think these rappers should you have you on that technical shit up in the booth this channel is really something bro I respect it it’s great
X ad libs at 2:12 are a beautiful touch
They’re perfect bro. I swear I replayed that part 20 times. It’s dope hearing scar with a x flow + adlibs
Bro X rapped faster than my Internet
this is so lit bro🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Epic-mix ever💯💯😈💥💥💥💥ayyyy Last-Dude 🖖🤘
scarlxd style is amazing REST IN PEACE XXXTENTACION 😔
Dudeeeee 🔥 🔥 🔥
Scalxrd's style is 🔥🔥🔥
What is the chorus song that scarlxrd sings?
Last dude never disappoints bro. You amazing dude love you
Last dude muito foda bro 🇧🇷🏴☠️
@GhxstFace psr bro somos BR diferenciados 🤟🏾
Olha só... Um br
@@tonassai_3414 psr bro kk
Ce sabe o nome da música do lil pump?
Finalmente brs
Good shit🔥🔥
Asombroso mi hermano,eres el mejor ❤️🔥✨
Congrats on 600k lil bro
Amazing mix
Lemme say, Thank you. Like your whole channel is amazing
I'm from Russia, my A
English very bad, you music this is BOMB!
@@squad9365 Здарова хахааэ
@@squad9365 Вообще я тоже
@@squad9365 ку
cyka blayt rush B
This channel is extremely underrated, lit stuff man, keep it up.
0:10 the beeeest
you're definetly spitting FIRE bro
keep up this nice work
greats from Germany
Это шедевр 😎💜🌿😱
Ur the best remixer and editor that i see
x and scar would make a mean crossover
This song is more fresh than the main-stream copyrighters
Love the way he’s posted this again and added a video that makes even better
Legend never die ✝️
Whats the name of the song that xxxtentatcion was singing at the start
Kings dead freestyle ft joey badass
@@karimkadda9802 thank you
@@appearing-person ☺👍
shoutout to last dude! You the only guy that could put so many different style artists together and make it sound FIRE!
This is lit asf only people that was in the premiere can like this comment😂🔥🔥🔥💯
I was there, and it was overly hyped for really nothing. I made sure to give it the headset bass test and it was disappointing all around. The beat isn't original and reused, and last dude gets his reputation for making songs meant to sound and seem like a song nobody's heard before (and the only people thinking this is ultimately good are sheep like yourself who use emojis and would wish they could hear this shit for hours long while drool hits there lap, which his other songs weren't all that good either but he had 2-3 that were good out of all of them. Everything he's hyped up with this shit just becomes a disappointment because the premiere countdown should be hype, but all we got was lyrics that everyone had heard already long ago and shit didn't fit with the hook or anything if I'm honest so it seemed like a half assed attempt to make a mashup (which nobody likes listening to mashups, we came here to be wowed by visual edits and originality which he's begun half assing both of those things)
Scarlxrd king🔥👑
Scarlxrd is best 🔥🔥🔥🔥
When he doesn't scream like a bitch
@Hassan HOURI bro ur a month to late to the convo also didn't say I could do better did I? No so stfu
It's shocking how you make this songs works together
Last dude is the god of mahup
Ayy you did it again this is 🔥🔥
My girlfriend said this song sucked, now she's single.
That makes you as well🤦🏾♂️
prolly didnt have one at first
Bro u probably didn't have one at first
This song is stupid fire, your getting better and better
Why does lil pump actually sound 🔥🔥😳
last dude i can confirm ur the best one who can make them sound so fire
Tienes mis respeto 🎶
Nuevo sub💕
Have any of the artist ever seen any of your work and commented about it. Like bruh you make all these remixes seem so real like it actually is a real legit song instead of a remix. Your skill man I envy
Back back 2
Bruh I actually LOVE u content
Fun fact: the first part on jah was Joey badass
no it wasnt
This channel should be to name: "Cool dude".
Anyone know the name of the song of scarlxrds part
the chorus is from MXNDAY MXRNING and verse 6 is from LXWKEY
Beat reminds me of convolk - you won't do shit 🤔🤔
cus its the original lol.
Nice a convolk beat
He made lil pump sound talented
Lil pump is talented the thing is that you may not like him but the things is that his couple last songs was really different from his golden bangers
Scarlxrd- Back Back Ft Lil Pump & XXXTENTACION, Polo G, NLE Choppa
0:46 What is the name of this the X video you used? Please
Огонь просто!
Fire again, dude!)
Here is ur "here when premiering" ticket.
yo i have an ticket
@@krowz6479 yessir
tricket gang
I have a ticket
I feel left out, I was sleeping :(
Sounds crazy, u really put some of their hardest verses on a hard as beat fr🚫🧢🔥
Scarlxrd ft xxxtentacion ft $uicideboy$ ft lil pump ft bones ft ghostemane ft sixnine
those beats is too fye🔥
My man with the fire🔥🤪
Polo G was the impostor, trust me
what's his song
Jonas Fraer “No hook”
@@cidiums I can't find it can you link it
@@jonasfraer9134 ua-cam.com/video/PUiA99po_0c/v-deo.html
This guy deserves so much more than 191K subs
Hope u are not the last dude to make such a good remix ...love it brooo
Last Dude, you f*cking rock... This track is beast... THANK YOU..
LAST DUDE on the track, you a legend 100% !!!!!!!
this is actually fire
Can you tell me where to find a quality x acapella for kings dead remix please?
The beat 🔥🔥🔥
These edits are crazy 🙏
Xxx always the king 🔥💪