hey bro, are the developers gonna do something about balance of the classes in the game? In this game, mamluk is way too strong compared to other classes. Also, they nerfed fighter so much so that fighter became very weak. All job 3 skills having 630-690 PATK , job 4 skills having only 820 PATK (justice), and 880 (chaos). Fighter's damage buff is nerfed to 30 secs buff and 30 secs recover.
열량초과 만만세!!!
귀혼 운영진이 역사 벨런스패치는 아예 할생각이 없는걸까요? 매크로 답변 오더라도 하루에 한번 씩 1년동안 문의 넣어도 무용지물일지 열량님 의견 듣고싶네요
@@이코김 무리일 것 같다고 생각합니다.
hey bro, are the developers gonna do something about balance of the classes in the game? In this game, mamluk is way too strong compared to other classes. Also, they nerfed fighter so much so that fighter became very weak. All job 3 skills having 630-690 PATK , job 4 skills having only 820 PATK (justice), and 880 (chaos). Fighter's damage buff is nerfed to 30 secs buff and 30 secs recover.
당시 인공 몇나왔나요?
저도 같은 직업인데
데미지 차이가....
@@khw4952 당시에 인공 1.5정도 나왔습니다.