Zenith is a team that must play the Champions League not the cev Cup, it is normal that it is stronger than Monza, I would like to see the zenith with Perugia, Trentino
Some think that Modena and Skra with volleyball players like: Ngapeth, Leal, Atanasijević, Kooy, Bruno, Bieniek, Ebadipour are strongest than Tours... We never know until they not play. Maybe Zenit would win this tournament, maybe not. Shame that Zenit was deprived of this chance by politics
Ball was tuch !
Благодаря Путину Зенит Казань остался без кубка......
Казань по игре сильнее Монцы.
Zenith is a team that must play the Champions League not the cev Cup, it is normal that it is stronger than Monza, I would like to see the zenith with Perugia, Trentino
Some think that Modena and Skra with volleyball players like: Ngapeth, Leal, Atanasijević, Kooy, Bruno, Bieniek, Ebadipour are strongest than Tours... We never know until they not play. Maybe Zenit would win this tournament, maybe not. Shame that Zenit was deprived of this chance by politics