  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @smiteey
    @smiteey Рік тому +164

    Too greedy? A fitting end for a rogue.

    • @firstnamelastname8790
      @firstnamelastname8790 Рік тому +7

      @@dbptwg your own impatience and curiosity*

    • @smiteey
      @smiteey Рік тому

      @Combee Bowlin This channel is a rogue's den, what did you expect?

    • @firstnamelastname8790
      @firstnamelastname8790 Рік тому +2

      @@dbptwg same design for me, but thankfully I don't suffer from room temp iq syndrome so I know to move my eyes away from it... if it's happened to you more than once, that's an intelligence issue

  • @saturten
    @saturten Рік тому +72

    this series is no doubt my favorite dark and darker content. rip

  • @MrJawsheewah
    @MrJawsheewah Рік тому +91

    watched this 17 times and i can confirm its a certified repoze classic

  • @bouldering122
    @bouldering122 Рік тому +1

    In case your wondering your videos are what inspired so many solo Rouges.
    Plus Rouge on this patch seemed honestly the best, double jump adds so much movement to an already slippery class and the dps on this class was actually some of the highest.
    Really only outclassed by geared barbs with their amour reducing could compare to poison and weak point geared Rouges ......
    And oh yeah archers and range got a big nerf so the melee classes got to shine and when a geared Rouge can swing three attacks before a barb gets one ia kinda nuts.
    My favorite strategy this patch was two rouges and a bard, the bard makes a fuckload of noise drawing people in and the two rouges ambush the greedy fuckers who came to hunt our bard

  • @darkfriday-cu7gm
    @darkfriday-cu7gm Рік тому +28

    No, not the greed! What an epic series so far.

  • @VF19SExcalibur
    @VF19SExcalibur Рік тому +5

    R.I.P. DoubleOrNothing2, Your deeds of valor will be remembered.

  • @stateofmissouri5651
    @stateofmissouri5651 Рік тому +5

    1:58 Such a cool way that rogue ragdoll looks! That was incredible!

  • @jesuschrist194
    @jesuschrist194 Рік тому +3

    Damn, did not expect that. But yeah the fact that you managed to get this whole series out in a playtest only 5 days long is awesome, thank you so much and can't wait to see the next double or nothing!!!

  • @hannahrulz
    @hannahrulz Рік тому

    Thanks for the fun again Repoze, Ill always come back for more Double or Nothing.

  • @jamniest5468
    @jamniest5468 Рік тому

    Really cool series, thanks for holding us over with DnDr content in the drought

  • @tristansides1067
    @tristansides1067 Рік тому +18

    The only rogue I like in dark and darker 😂

  • @GhostownGaming
    @GhostownGaming Рік тому

    Thank you for posting even though you didnt finish the Challenge!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

  • @Torpidity
    @Torpidity Рік тому

    This is basically suffering from success. So much PvP domination that bad map RNG / timer running out is the only way you can die. Well done! This was a really fun series to watch.
    The unique kill counters & intro recap w/ the hype battle music definitely should be kept for the next series if you make another!

  • @unsatisfiedTFT
    @unsatisfiedTFT Рік тому

    gosh that time of day where Im filled with joy again, thank you Repoze this video made me go hit the Gym twice today, singlehandedly saving my life with each video!

  • @RandomWrongDeletion
    @RandomWrongDeletion Рік тому

    Damn, you got Iron Mace’d 😂 A fitting end

  • @gagavongrim
    @gagavongrim Рік тому

    It was very entertaining, hope to see another series like this in future!

  • @Wulfrim
    @Wulfrim Рік тому +1

    It was greed that brought us all to the dungeon in search of gold and glory, and it was greed that was our undoing.

  • @osiriszoran2304
    @osiriszoran2304 Рік тому +14

    Wow.....There was absolutely ZERO portals at the end there

  • @rubiolo1019
    @rubiolo1019 Рік тому +3

    Your vids are the only thing keeping me sane and patient for the game

  • @Bobbytical
    @Bobbytical Рік тому

    RIP DoubleORNothing2
    You will be remembered.

  • @deadfordays
    @deadfordays Рік тому

    RIP. It was good ride. Fun to watch. Thank you.

  • @popparock6506
    @popparock6506 Рік тому

    Father Time.. the most prolific killer! GGz! looking forward to S3!

  • @starky0301
    @starky0301 Рік тому

    RIP great season, looking forward to the next!

  • @Dramox.
    @Dramox. Рік тому

    Loved it. Saw it all live during the last hours ❤

  • @faloninio
    @faloninio Рік тому

    i need more series, its like watching some video from animal planet with commentary xD good to watch

  • @pharnzie1715
    @pharnzie1715 Рік тому

    well played, loved the series!

  • @Lamnent
    @Lamnent Рік тому

    Unlucky dude, it happens. GGs.

  • @uaintitman
    @uaintitman Рік тому

    The RNG on portals can be brutal sometimes. GGs man a fantastic series

  • @GlenCGN
    @GlenCGN Рік тому +1

    Reeeep, you had a sweet run!

  • @gamernebula
    @gamernebula Рік тому

    Heart hurts to see the end of this double or nothing especially ended by the swarm, but it was for sure an intense season and I am surprised you didn’t get messed up losing gear with how crazy the servers were. Hope to see a season 3 keep up your dope work!

  • @paulcarroll473
    @paulcarroll473 Рік тому

    Tragedy. But honestly I feel like he now lives amongst the crypts as an undead-rogue, ambushing newly green rogues for all eternity.

  • @scott4247
    @scott4247 Рік тому +1

    Unfortunate end.
    But looking forward to the next season! Hopefully by the end of May 🤞
    Thanks for the great content!

  • @Demoniize
    @Demoniize Рік тому

    great series brother looking forward to seeing some rust content

  • @Reezy030
    @Reezy030 Рік тому +1

    I actually thought you would make it. But damn that was a cool series

  • @michaelscotthawthorn7871
    @michaelscotthawthorn7871 Рік тому

    Things that work well
    1 - Recap
    2 - Pause Reminders
    3 - Pacing (fast forward mining, but normal speed most other places)
    4 - Voice overs . Good discussions on what you were thinking
    Things to consider
    1 - Add description of perks
    2 - Consider your monotone style. Not sure what to say here. Its not BAD .. its just Okay. Could be better

  • @nienautn
    @nienautn Рік тому

    Love this series! What I didn't like about this S2 was the mining and some episodes there were too few combats, perhaps you should focus more on fighting player than mobs. Regardless you are my favorite dnd contend creator! Keep it up!

  • @xHarakai
    @xHarakai Рік тому

    ggs man, solid series

  • @xXstrikerfour44Xx
    @xXstrikerfour44Xx Рік тому

    Loved this series, hoping early access comes soon!

  • @300willbo1
    @300willbo1 Рік тому

    looking forward to another season

  • @Bootsgamesforever
    @Bootsgamesforever Рік тому +3

    my friend didnt know the higher the rarity the mob the more different their move sets are so he was confused while getting attacked by a nightmare axe skeleton and i just screamed " ASSUME YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE GAME"

  • @cycoconutz
    @cycoconutz Рік тому +1

    We back!

  • @johnmalcome7723
    @johnmalcome7723 Рік тому +1

    Now I feel the same emptiness as the moment that play test ended.

  • @83simIAN
    @83simIAN Рік тому

    Hard luck, you Scallywag!

    • @83simIAN
      @83simIAN Рік тому

      I often wonder why you never go down red portals. Surely the gear is better there

  • @FwopDwop
    @FwopDwop Рік тому

    I'm commenting to just suggest a new phrase for the "bodies bagged" and other kill counters you have every video. I suggest wackos wolloped, I love the series.

  • @surething4488
    @surething4488 Рік тому +1


  • @Frayzo_
    @Frayzo_ Рік тому

    You are the rougiest rouge with the greediest greed

  • @potatoboyspud4103
    @potatoboyspud4103 Рік тому

    i cried when i saw the end

  • @JimSimFtw
    @JimSimFtw Рік тому


  • @Turusolight
    @Turusolight Рік тому

    noooooooo! 10 games though, can't be mad at that. can't wait for s3

  • @tonychopper3751
    @tonychopper3751 Рік тому

    A glorious treat. Playing Katarina in Dark and Darker. :D

  • @wowCRUSADER5
    @wowCRUSADER5 Рік тому

    Almost went to sleep then saw the goat dropped a vid 🎉

  • @MrBlaziner
    @MrBlaziner Рік тому

    depression, i saw it coming too, dont know what gave it away but i felt it coming

  • @TheRealestGoober
    @TheRealestGoober Рік тому

    I am now living vicariously through double or nothing until EA, Love the series

  • @brandoncue3013
    @brandoncue3013 Рік тому


  • @maximusflaximus
    @maximusflaximus Рік тому

    good run my g

  • @evand45
    @evand45 Рік тому

    gl with the rust thing lil bro

  • @nikitadnepr1735
    @nikitadnepr1735 Рік тому

    Thank you for videos! Do you consider to make double or nothing but for other classes as well? Ranger would fit as well with tricky traps, agility and ability to be sneaky

  • @EnZoDxGaming
    @EnZoDxGaming Рік тому

    5:08 what do you mean by that? you were moving while invis a lot before that. is standing up the trigger? what are the boundaries for that rogue ability

    • @Trentlover321
      @Trentlover321 Рік тому

      A bit late but ye there is a perk that allows you to sneak 10 steps

  • @erickrodriguez8372
    @erickrodriguez8372 Рік тому

    Nooooo rip I love watching these you definitely gotta make season 3 when dark and dark comes out

  • @DelaRosieTV
    @DelaRosieTV Рік тому

    1:45 Anyone can put light to what he's talking about with the Highroller Barrels?

  • @vonflare4709
    @vonflare4709 Рік тому

    I miss this game

  • @Ipkey
    @Ipkey Рік тому

    Big sad, a series comes to a end gonna miss these till we get Darker and Darker again.

  • @MGE-Gibs
    @MGE-Gibs Рік тому

    Damn! What a run

  • @tiedye12351
    @tiedye12351 Рік тому

    f but as all goods things this must come to an end too

  • @TheDannnyBoy
    @TheDannnyBoy Рік тому

    Repoze plays POT OF GREED

  • @imbacookiemonster
    @imbacookiemonster Рік тому

    Damn, well played Repoze. great series, has been my main Copium ever since last playtest, got any more comming our way?

  • @angelbabyluvsyou
    @angelbabyluvsyou Рік тому

    Hold the line!

  • @dylanc6856
    @dylanc6856 Рік тому

    Daaaaaaamn, tragic ending but suits the series 😅

  • @ethanlegend2238
    @ethanlegend2238 Рік тому

    me before YESSS HE POSTED : me after :(

  • @alterworlds1629
    @alterworlds1629 Рік тому

    Damn, RIP. What a lame way to die. Cannot believe there were no portals anywhere to be found.

  • @mOshdev
    @mOshdev Рік тому

    fire roller

  • @conordunne2318
    @conordunne2318 Рік тому

    @Repoze you are such a UA-cam grinder. How do you edit so much so fast? Another great vid btw!

  • @darkkky238
    @darkkky238 Рік тому

    Love the series

  • @hemligman8221
    @hemligman8221 Рік тому

    Any chance of bringing back your twitch vods from last playtest now? I liked going back to those on days when the withdrawals hit hard.

  • @zedder6885
    @zedder6885 Рік тому

    GG. Press F

  • @gatorman5547
    @gatorman5547 Рік тому

    Sad to see it end like this, I’m not much of a fan of the lack of blue portals at the end game.

  • @lamb2621
    @lamb2621 Рік тому +2

    Sad but was indeed a W series

  • @r.o.e2248
    @r.o.e2248 Рік тому

    good content

  • @stoicoutrider2788
    @stoicoutrider2788 Рік тому

    Oh no broooo what a shitty way to end it. Sad times

  • @yuvalsapirh4698
    @yuvalsapirh4698 Рік тому

    dying to zone after commiting mass murder has to be one of the most repoze things tht can happen

  • @dakotaneru4750
    @dakotaneru4750 Рік тому

    sadge ending but great series

  • @dogtato
    @dogtato Рік тому

    series idea: try to escort a bard to an exit

  • @Bonzi94
    @Bonzi94 Рік тому

    what a sad sad ending

  • @Andro-z2f
    @Andro-z2f Рік тому

    RIP good run.

  • @bm6837
    @bm6837 Рік тому


  • @esro3462
    @esro3462 Рік тому

    DO u think Double or Nothing is playable with diverse classes? Cause it seems like its one of the classes which can do it. I am mainly playing cleric and with the low interactive and movement speed if feels like i a lot of situations u can get away a cleric and other classes cant get away that easy.

  • @IPayne77
    @IPayne77 Рік тому


  • @lukarito
    @lukarito Рік тому

    Nooo poor Repoze gave all he had but the game had other plans sad :(

  • @nrg4285
    @nrg4285 Рік тому

    😢 RIP but good outro music tho

  • @hahmicide
    @hahmicide Рік тому

    oh what an anticlimactic end to the series. feels bad man

  • @galorky9822
    @galorky9822 Рік тому

    nice vid

  • @GoblinAuthority
    @GoblinAuthority Рік тому

    oh god this was the one I start with??

  • @chritlevgaming9297
    @chritlevgaming9297 Рік тому

    Haven't watched D&D for a while, are you just that fast, or has the gameplay just generally gotten faster?

  • @GandhiTheJanitor
    @GandhiTheJanitor Рік тому

    I'm mortified, by the sound of your voice in the commentary you made it feel like everything was ok for this run 😢

    @JELKEK Рік тому

    The little chuddie solo rogues never stood a chance. RIP

  • @thevombomb4871
    @thevombomb4871 Рік тому

    I hated that but I love you

  • @almostpurple5285
    @almostpurple5285 Рік тому

    most rogue rogue in dark and darker

  • @jakethesnake4438
    @jakethesnake4438 Рік тому

    most geared rogue s2 next????

  • @FluffySherlock
    @FluffySherlock Рік тому


  • @salt-emoji
    @salt-emoji Рік тому

    Did we ever figure out what cutthroat or whatever it was did?