He has a server hider which opal has Which makes it Say opal.wtf as server And Hes Playing 4v4v4v4 Which makes it look like hes on a cracked server And opal Isnt Designed for multiserver So He Cant Be able to Do what Hes Doing Rn on any other server besides hypixel....
That aint hypixel cuz if it was...
Moderation: I guess you wondered where I am
@@pedls6603 sure and Opal is tbh not that good cuz you can't even eliminate everyone fast
He has a server hider which opal has Which makes it Say opal.wtf as server And Hes Playing 4v4v4v4 Which makes it look like hes on a cracked server And opal Isnt Designed for multiserver So He Cant Be able to Do what Hes Doing Rn on any other server besides hypixel....
The opal.wtf is just the”streamer” module