Xiao Zhan gave a polite wave to YZ and LX after he got to his seat. He did not look at her direction after that. YZ and LX were chatting happily even though they were seated between another actor. They were the real cp during Weibo Night. Xiao Zhan was nowhere near YZ and did not have further interaction with her. Stop harassing him.
楊女微博之夜,唐朝服裝妝髮出現,觀眾看了都要忍俊不住^_^~難怪肖戰被她ㄧ揮手說哈囉,都被她這造型逗笑了,由此可見好久沒互動 ,小心少惹腥~😅
楊女接二連三和賀~俊~義交往分分合合合作男女CP組合何其多樂在其中 年終和馮金主友好關係內外皆知 誰要?祝你們百年好合。 肖戰不要!
Xiao Zhan gave a polite wave to YZ and LX after he got to his seat. He did not look at her direction after that. YZ and LX were chatting happily even though they were seated between another actor. They were the real cp during Weibo Night. Xiao Zhan was nowhere near YZ and did not have further interaction with her. Stop harassing him.