Stop Doing These Five Things If you Want to Stop Attracting Narcissists

  • Опубліковано 2 лип 2024
  • Here is the link to all my best resources:
    00:00 Intro
    01:09 Not being able to say no
    03:39 Not fiercely protecting your peace
    06:30 Not cutting ties when you should
    09:33 Not being self aware enough to know your traumas
    12:07 Not trusting your intuition
    13:41 Conclusion


  • @narcabusecoach
    @narcabusecoach  Рік тому +33

    Here is the link to all my best resources:

  • @yathome5596
    @yathome5596 Рік тому +189

    When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

    • @spaideman7850
      @spaideman7850 10 місяців тому +4

      narc will never show you who they are, especially when you are the narc's supply or flying monkeys. else u won't be their supply, would you?

    • @sandramirekuayim1161
      @sandramirekuayim1161 10 місяців тому +4

      ​@@spaideman7850well that's where your intuition comes in😊

    • @spaideman7850
      @spaideman7850 10 місяців тому +4

      @@sandramirekuayim1161 unfortunately most people already lost their intuition long time ago. if i'm not bitten by a venomous narc, i will continue to think naively that everybody is good, especially those who went to church often and 'help' people and 'love' children.

    • @sarahcinnamonthriving9563
      @sarahcinnamonthriving9563 10 місяців тому

      @sandramirekuayim1161 If a person is raised by Narcissistic Abuse, their brain and body systems get Developmentally Damaged to have it UNSAFE for our systems to tap into ANYTHING for our OWN well-being, including Intuition and self-worth... NO child abuser sees ANY use in allowing that, because it works against their dehumanizing of their targets.
      I am very grateful to be in times where this is all getting better understood and medically clarified by neuro-biological and developmental sciences.
      It has been a lifetime of feeling inept when ppl victim-shame abuse-survivors expecting us to just CHOOSE to "love ourselves first," "listen to your Intuition/ gut," "believe people when they show you who they really are," "know Red Flags are actions not matching their words..."
      With COMPLETE DISREGARD for how foreign and DANGEROUS that is for systems raised under violent ramifications any time an abused child dares to try to tap into any of that.
      Unfortunately, it takes professional Trauma-informed interventions to work through ways to replace that programming of our long abused systems' forced firing and overuse in ways not neurotypically or developmentally ideal or natural (nervous, poly-vagal, hormonal, somatic, respiratory, parasympathetic, cardio-vascular, + + as well as the inherent epigenetics).
      Even us Truthtellers and "premature launching" runaways from the decades before any of this was understood STILL come away with physiological and psychological blocks and gaps to being able to SAFELY know, explore, and backfill developing this, because even though we can tell and prove to our thoughts that we ARE safer, and our own autonomous adults, our subconscious and survival mechanisms have been too long jammed- from our starts- into hypervigilence (until we crash into burned and burned-out dissassociative hypo-vigilence tolerance incapacities). Our systems are all wired for emotion BEFORE cognition... In teachers' college, that was one of our first lessons. If emotions are ramped or crushed/ depleted- for better or worse- our systems do not optimally learn/ think. Abusers keep targets in a constant state against the ideal calm needed to think clearly about our well-being, let alone any other personal wants of autonomous value.
      SO many people have NO clue what we are up against when one is Developmentally Damaged and brainwashed from your start in life AGAINST having SAFETY (let alone encouragement) to develop those privileged neurotypical ideals.
      Hopefully the actually trauma-impact data will increase such key awarenesses of these realities over such assumptions that anyone can just choose to over-ride Developmental Abuse by heeding clichés flung at us.

    • @ElizzzaB
      @ElizzzaB 10 місяців тому +1

      .......the first time.

  • @juliet8678
    @juliet8678 11 місяців тому +38

    Whenever I'm being gas-lit, shamed, teased, ridiculed etc. By the narcissist, I just freeze and never know what to say in the moment. A part of me just doesn't believe that someone would deliberately be that unkind, and try to hurt me in this way.

    • @randideelancaster9904
      @randideelancaster9904 11 місяців тому +11

      When people insult you realize it's them projecting their fears and their emotions on to you, what people use to insult and shame, what they acuse you of is exactly what they have done or how they feel of them self, the best reaction is two options
      One : " I love you" and smile *they can't except kindness or love and it's almost an insult to them
      Two: " I'm sorry you feel that way, it must be exhausting to go around using all that energy to be that angry, I feel sorry for you" and walk walk away, but privately keep in mind how evil they are, fake empathy and kindness towards them and you will always come out on top especially in public

    • @sarahcinnamonthriving9563
      @sarahcinnamonthriving9563 10 місяців тому

      @juliet8678 When someone FREEZES after triggers you describe, like not knowing what to say to stand up for oneself, or rationally discuss things for adult-to-adult fair clarity, my Trauma Therapies have taught me that that is because our Child selves Survival Traumas have been triggered by feeling UNSAFE, so the primal Limbic Survival INSTINCT parts of the brain kick-in, shutting down younger/ later-developed more complex Brain functions like reasoning & diplomacy, to PROTECT you. Those oldest brain systems don't have upgrades from later developing brain areas to know the difference between a physical beating attacking you, or someone just being petty and mean with words projecting their toxicity onto you... It takes professional Trauma-informed help to heal that and gap-fill to help our brain parts upgrade and align to undo such developmental abuse damages. There are many options, plus even free online supports, groups, and videos if people can't afford and access 1:1 therapy sessions. Also, look up most effective Trauma Therapies, because there are a few VERY different types, including ones that don't even require a lot of rehashing history... RTT, EMDR, Tapping, EFT, CBT & DBT, IFS.
      You never deserved this... None of us deserve to have our well-being and quality of life treated as less equal to others'... Took me 50 yrs to START learning this!

  • @normanurbina1194
    @normanurbina1194 Рік тому +78

    Some of us couldn't realize there's people out there that can only harm and manipulate others.

    • @HealedChakras777
      @HealedChakras777 Рік тому +11

      Oh I'm still in awe to this day. Wouldn't wish a narcissist experience on my worst enemy but my eyes are surely open to what exists now. I choose to see what I went through as a super power now.

    • @lindablose
      @lindablose 10 місяців тому


    • @braniefanie4938
      @braniefanie4938 4 місяці тому


    • @braniefanie4938
      @braniefanie4938 4 місяці тому

      @@HealedChakras777oh I would😁😁🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @basantidevi8185
    @basantidevi8185 Рік тому +193

    The fifth point is very important. My intuitions told me not to marry that man. But I rationalized and ignored my own intuition. I thought that as a highly educated person I should not take such an important decision based on intuition. My rationalization was proved wrong within a few months after marriage and I had to suffer narcissistic abuse for twenty long years. But I learnt a lesson 'Do not ignore what your sixth sense tells you '

    • @dZeNa.
      @dZeNa. Рік тому +6

      I dreamed of being cheated on twice even with the name in my dream & ignored it. Head heart attacks and chest pain, weight gain without any reason, thank gut he discarded me like I’m no one on Valentine’s Day 😑

    • @workinprogress3085
      @workinprogress3085 10 місяців тому +5

      Same here! I didn't listen to my gut intuition and got married for all the wrong reasons. I summed it up as having "cold feet" while my gut was doing back flips. But, I learned a lot along the way.

    • @amarrookie1097
      @amarrookie1097 10 місяців тому +4

      @ basantidevi8185, same here. Not only that in my case others stopped me too but I went by intuition.

    • @chandrabhushan8597
      @chandrabhushan8597 10 місяців тому +12

      never ignore your intution, its a voice from god/higher inelligence

    • @kimberlyhagood9090
      @kimberlyhagood9090 10 місяців тому +2

      @@dZeNa.I love you for being so brave and smart.

  • @bobbiesworldentertainment
    @bobbiesworldentertainment 10 місяців тому +11

    I'm in a 20 year marriage to a covert narcissist and finally realized what is happening to me

  • @lisamariesmith3610
    @lisamariesmith3610 Рік тому +47

    No is a complete sentence it’s wonderful! They’re pushy people that’ll suck the life out of you then leave you for dead.

    • @TheMazinoz
      @TheMazinoz 10 місяців тому +3

      Absolutely, no respect for boundaries. Boy have I learnt my lesson about NO. Now quite prepared to take legal action or abuse Narc's who won't accept No as a response. Believe me saves a lot of time, money and stress.

  • @samueltom517
    @samueltom517 11 місяців тому +24

    So true. The Holy Spirit of God guided me through out this hell. The angel of God was always by my side Sho.... phew what a journey!

  • @carolynjaynes9094
    @carolynjaynes9094 10 місяців тому +23

    I fiercely protect my peace. I love my freedom and joy that “no contact” has brought me.

  • @justmemother2
    @justmemother2 Рік тому +10

    My gut is always uncomfortable as I care give for my narc Dad. I keep thinking he is going to chill out in his old age, but no. He will be evil until dead, unfortunately. I have decided he needs to go to a facility for care and he guilts me saying "That's where they throw people away." I feel like telling him that after a million and one chances, yes, he is being discarded, just as he discarded my mom, letting her lay on the floor until she died, pretending he did not know to dial 911.

  • @yathome5596
    @yathome5596 Рік тому +127

    This advise is also great for the “fixers”. I’m not a people pleaser, I can say no and I have no problem calling people out on their nonsense. My problem was I wanted to fix my broken Narc. He talked about his tough childhood with a narcissistic mother and I saw a damaged little boy. I thought that with enough love he could be healed and because of this I forgave certain behaviors. When I had enough and realized I couldn’t fix him I left him and never looked back.

    • @87genia
      @87genia 11 місяців тому +10

      Omg .. I had the same experience. He was a covert narc. Covert narc comparing to other (more obvious) types harder to recognize right away. Good thing that you realized that and left! 💪🏻

    • @dannystephenson4197
      @dannystephenson4197 11 місяців тому +1

      Clear our. Don't go back. They are the Devil in a meat bag. GODSPEED !!!!!!!!!!?

    • @sarahcinnamonthriving9563
      @sarahcinnamonthriving9563 10 місяців тому +5

      It took me 50 yrs of cycling with trying to help such people to learn:
      1) not ALL abused people are wanting or having capacity to value healing options and better-together solutions... Many are addicted to negative-attention-seeking in victim problem-fixated dramas.
      2) SOME Narcissistic Abusers MIRROR ppl they meet by LYING and saying they went through abuse/ Trauma/ Betrayals too... Then Love-Bomb and Hoover fast tight us-against-all Trauma-Bonding... Now, I am being more cautious and discerning with such seeming "kismet" connections.
      3) Abuse doesn't only create very caring people who don't want the same for others... Abuse can also create Narcissistic Abusers, and emotionally unavailable people, too.
      4) Love and time can't heal others who don't authentically value mutual well-being to best make use of opportunities of sharing love and time.
      5) ...that I had to start valuing MY well-being and energies as equal to others' because I kept getting burned and burned out- thanklessly (I took a group tx Healthy Boundaries course that was pivotal).
      Honestly, I am so happy that you and others figure such out earlier in life... Sure wish I had!
      Keep sharing your awareness regardless of when you learn such key gap-filling in your life... That's one key way to help spare others sooner, so this is not as prevalent, and the Narcissistic Abusers are not so under the radar more and more!

    • @mia_1969
      @mia_1969 9 місяців тому +2

      Lucky you 👍

    • @dannystephenson4197
      @dannystephenson4197 9 місяців тому +2

      Heal yourself. Love yourself Get to Church or Ronald McDonald houses. Penelope house. Salvation army. Call 911 and ask for help. Don't try to tough it out by yourself. Get some help. !!!! ! GODSPEED !!!!!!

  • @WarriorNoldor
    @WarriorNoldor Рік тому +25

    When dealing with narcissist practice indifferiance do the opposite of what they want. They are so stupid they tell you their playbook they only want your reaction. Also don't create a fair fight with them be ruthless. Give them nothing.

  • @marykennedysherin3330
    @marykennedysherin3330 10 місяців тому +13

    “ the moment someone confuses you, gives you mixed vibes, makes you question your identity, personality, feelings…”! My ex narc would say” that’s not how you feel, or you can’t feel that way”. Told me what I could and could not feel! Such a great point to know your traumas and feelings! And protect yourself!

  • @beasaroseco5840
    @beasaroseco5840 Рік тому +9

    "...shapeshifting...bad feelings.” That part.

  • @dnydeltoro
    @dnydeltoro Рік тому +8

    I cut ties with a date last night who took every opportunity to belittle my leadership and was a really shitty person.
    Just block and move on.
    DO NOT give them another chance.

  • @curiousme113
    @curiousme113 10 місяців тому +5

    They keep showing up in my life. My family, SOs and at work... Its like I'm surrounded by them

  • @lennie1703
    @lennie1703 Рік тому +127

    It will never come easy to me, saying no. I apologise, over explain and worst of all, over-share my feelings. It's a cringe inducing experience for all. However, if I get out of something I felt uneasy about then it is a triumph.

    • @sickofcrap8992
      @sickofcrap8992 Рік тому +35

      The over explaining and over sharing is your childhood trauma showing through.

    • @janiced.hatcher1272
      @janiced.hatcher1272 Рік тому +3


    • @jenniferrivera9149
      @jenniferrivera9149 Рік тому +14

      It’s hard to stop those things! It takes time and patience with yourself, I still have a tough time with not saying “I’m sorry “. Amazing coworkers are helpful to me and I’m much more confident about myself. We’re unlearning these behaviors, not easy or quick and definitely cringey at times. But we’re doing it so yay! Good luck to you, stay strong 💪 ✌🏼👍💜

    • @danadilworth7284
      @danadilworth7284 11 місяців тому +4

      Yes, I agree with you and this me

    • @angiewilliams8502
      @angiewilliams8502 11 місяців тому +5

      We must be related. Lol

  • @rosemaryjohnson6308
    @rosemaryjohnson6308 Рік тому +122

    You are a wonderful teacher and I appreciate you so much this all makes sense to me I swear my ex narcissist narcissist of 36 years brainwashed me completely he wiped his muddy feet off on me he wouldn't work he ended up being a raging alcoholic a raging Percocet narcotic seeker and he verbally abused me on a daily basis all I was was a paycheck we had two beautiful children I prayed and prayed and prayed to God for years and years and nothing happened I've been divorced 12 years now I will never look at another man people don't understand how cruel these people are thank you again❤

    • @heyoldman2003
      @heyoldman2003 Рік тому +15

      it is so sad when your Prayers go unanswered 😔 talk about over thinking 🤷🏼‍♂️but we know God has a plan for us that we at times can never understand. so glad your free. 3 years for me 🙏🏼. Hallelujah, and I will never lose my faith

    • @rosemaryjohnson6308
      @rosemaryjohnson6308 Рік тому +13

      @@heyoldman2003 thank you so much for your kind words I hope you have an amazing life we need more good-hearted people out in the world like you

    • @susanjohnson8290
      @susanjohnson8290 Рік тому +15

      We are at the same point, been divorced 13 years, the best thing I have from him are my children!

    • @louisejones38
      @louisejones38 8 місяців тому

      Glad your prayers were answered amen 🙏

    • @arielmarbury467
      @arielmarbury467 7 місяців тому +2

      Right there with you! People don't understand why I'm completely through with relationships. I married mine twice! I fell for it again! I can't trust my judgment. My stepfather was also a narcissist. They gravitate towards me. Now, I'm shut off. I had friends I had to let go of too. The purge came after my third marriage. He left me after 11 months. The healing has begun. God is still good! I'll pray for you right now.

  • @shopperoo99
    @shopperoo99 Рік тому +8

    I got rid of everybody . Problems solved :)

  • @joyphillips1821
    @joyphillips1821 Рік тому +10

    Also, the minute you go " cold" on a narc, they try and tell you that everyone perceives you that way.. that you really are a cold person... It's really a mind game they are trying to play.

  • @joeyreynolds3866
    @joeyreynolds3866 11 місяців тому +5

    I should have listened to my inner voice, because it was saying alot but I just thought I was overthinking and the narcissist gaslighting confirmed it. I chose to ignore so many red flags.

  • @user-ht2tc5uj7w
    @user-ht2tc5uj7w 10 місяців тому +15

    I hope to god more people are awake to these folk. Its not just lovers its friends as well. They steal your time,are selfish and attention seekers,liars,manipulaters,users and ever so good at love bombing,gift giving i could go on. Thank the lord for spiritual intuition .🙏🏻

    • @jeannedouglas9912
      @jeannedouglas9912 8 місяців тому

      Don't forget family of origin . Society sanctifies the family system yet an egregious amount of abuse stems from within the family system.. Millions of children ending up in foster care or "juvenile" societal systems. Why? Of course the scapegoat is lucrative to sick minds wanting to transfer their sins and sicknesses on. Peace

  • @CIslas-im1um
    @CIslas-im1um 11 місяців тому +10

    I'm still a people pleaser. However, it is much easier to say no. My ex narc taught me to be callus with him just like he was with me. He taught me that "people aren't my friends." I have cut off people that only want to use me as a punching bad, a doormat, or an ATM, mostly in my own family.

  • @arthurian9085
    @arthurian9085 Рік тому +32

    You are super smart and you know these satanic creatures like the back of your hand. Yes, believing in good people, being forgiving and kind, forgiving them and giving them chances - this is what they use to torture us. I clearly saw the signs of a mental disorder and sadistic tendencies, but I forgave her time after time hoping that she will understand and improve. Fatal mistake.

  • @ArtByVinayakKharat
    @ArtByVinayakKharat Рік тому +49

    Intutions is the most important part of our personality. While being in narcissistic relationship your mind keep telling you that there is something majorly wrong with this person and this relationship, but in hope of change we keep ignoring the red flags and our intutions...
    We need to listen to our institutions and act on it...
    Thanx a lot for all your videos Danish!

    • @orianam9835
      @orianam9835 10 місяців тому +2

      In hope of change we ignore the red flags. Damn right.
      I just flew to another country to meet a guy i met 4 months ago. We spoke txt video called morning and night txt for 4 months.
      For 10 days we never kissed property, he had sex after 4 days of me being in this other country, he actually did not look at me. Eye were closed...
      We never went out to a cafe or a bar or a walk in this beautiful city even though my air bnb flat was just next to his flat.
      He also never stayed the night ..
      My stay was all about if he comes and what time. He would drop by annanouced or come at 1am.
      But then I would get jewelery , food shopping for a week..
      But then on my last day he would get angry that i met some neighbour next to me when I was waiting all saturday for him and left for a walk with then at 11 40 pm..
      I was guilt tripped for that alao for ownig own business and having own life.
      I do not have to mention he was sexy as hell.
      My peace was gone throughout this 10 day visit. Second day when he came to see me he actually started shouting at me in a car. I left immidietely and cried after being alone in a foreugn city.
      I just wonder if I encountered and run away from a narcisistic relationship

    • @paulbrouyere1735
      @paulbrouyere1735 10 місяців тому

      @@orianam9835Yes you did, I hope you saved yourself. I hope you can imagine you were not the only one he was doing the same thing. You know what a player is?

    • @mavie727
      @mavie727 8 місяців тому +1

      It’s so true! In retrospect, most of us notice their odd behaviors since the beginning. We just choose to give them a chance because they are so good and mirroring us that we think they have the same intentions as us

  • @heyoldman2003
    @heyoldman2003 Рік тому +55

    can’t say no , people pleaser and conflict avoider ? yes , yes and YES. thank you Danish . now we know what to do 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

  • @susanfromthemountains1754
    @susanfromthemountains1754 11 місяців тому +6

    You said it exactly the way it is. The narcissist studies you. Is from the beginning piecing you together like a jigsaw puzzle. And then will use his ways to knock out each one of those puzzle pieces till you are a wrecked puzzle with no beautiful picture anymore. No one knows that you didn't do that to yourself but that a monster did that to you. A monster disguised as a "wonderful" man. If one has never gone through being married to a narcissist they could watch a thousand of these videos and never get it. But to anyone who's married or has been married to a narcissist, everything you said is right on the mark exactly true. And a reality that never ends as long as the narcissist lives. They are like not human. They don't know how to love people. They don't have the internal human love that humans naturally have. They are truly the definition of a monster.

    • @Vicky-jh3ci
      @Vicky-jh3ci 10 місяців тому +1

      All you said is💯

  • @MrUnapologetic77
    @MrUnapologetic77 Рік тому +47

    OMFG, perfect timing! I just broke up with my narcissist and was wondering how I kept ending up in these relationships. I'm committed to personal growth and thought I was pretty solid. My self-confidence is fine, I don't avoid healthy conflicts and really don't care much about people's opinions of me in general.
    But I have a blind spot when it comes to the people I care about and are closest to me. I just (literally 3 days ago) realized that I have some lingering codependency traits. I become the savior, the fixer, all in service of love. I have unlimited compassion and tend to overfunction in relationships.
    When the red flags started to show, I addressed them. I pointed out the gaslighting and subtle acts of manipulation and tried to encourage healthy dialog. This is almost impossible with a narcissist. Committed to making it work, I ended up tiptoeing around her emotions and coddling her insecurities. I stopped personal training because of her jealousy of other women. She continued to exploit my patience and the sacrifices started to build to where I felt like I was losing myself. I ended up feeling angry, hurt, and resentful, and she had to go.
    I realized that this was a me problem. All of her needs were being met. My childhood trauma has left me with unclear, practically non-existent boundaries and an unhealthy willingness to give and give. I've started to reevaluate those behaviors and the beliefs that have held them in place. I'll be coming back to this video as a reminder. Thanks

    • @DJWakening
      @DJWakening Рік тому +9

      Thank you for posting as your words helped my floating thoughts to settle. Experiencing much of the same, have just started to learn how my childhood trauma shaped me, the whole thing is so insidious. Having a Blindspot for my parent, but these videos and comments are helping me to adjust to the sad reality

  • @warewolf4760
    @warewolf4760 9 місяців тому +7

    As a Libra and as a survivor of narcissistic abuse for 36 years, the best thing that's ever happened to me was learning to love being in solitude.

  • @freedom768
    @freedom768 Рік тому +32

    Your the only one I've heard saying survivor's normally it's victim's, since I started my narc education I honestly love saying No , the best way to learn to say no is use a mirror and watch yourself saying no ,it's brilliant we don't see ourselves talking use the mirror to show you how you look saying no ,adds to self confidence..self empowerment..

  • @jamoriah
    @jamoriah Рік тому +16

    'Mixed vibes' is really sticking out for me in this video. Those people that you think are alright but your not sure.
    I think the 'mixed vibe' is enough to tell you exactly who they are. We must listen more and be cautious.

    • @kylewhite8434
      @kylewhite8434 Рік тому +4

      Literally that. If they come across as disingenuous that's a red flag.

  • @arthurian9085
    @arthurian9085 Рік тому +18

    All of this is true. Being very agreeable, conflict-averse, peaceful, accommodating - all of this is used by the narcissicts. Empathy, fixer, savior - these are the targets. Yes, they play the victim to get you to jump into their trap.

  • @crystalcole888
    @crystalcole888 Рік тому +57

    You offer some of the best advice online right now on how to deal with narcissists. It is very much appreciated, thank you.

  • @noormohamed2991
    @noormohamed2991 Рік тому +10

    Dealing with evil at its best 😢

  • @dZeNa.
    @dZeNa. Рік тому +5

    Tell him no when you’re sick & he wants to sleep with you: it’s silent treatment at it’s best 😮

  • @dubaiedge
    @dubaiedge 11 місяців тому +6

    You have to know your Achilles's Heel, & know it well, before anyone else figures it out. That's our weak spot where we're most prone to manipulation when it comes our way.

    • @rubyparchment5523
      @rubyparchment5523 3 місяці тому

      That’s the blessing of having a physical flaw. The creep will throw it up to you right off the bat; point out that most folks wouldn’t want you! Ha!

  • @allieeverett9017
    @allieeverett9017 11 місяців тому +14 are like a driven man to protect us, and we so need that. I need that. Thank you and God bless you and may we all listen to you and act accordingly.

  • @scorpiointutivesoul
    @scorpiointutivesoul Рік тому +9

    Learn to say no
    Protect your peace and timeand stability its assets
    Not cutting ties when we should do
    Be self aware
    Make your value system honnesty, respect ,respect boundires
    You must embodyy your emotion
    Must follow your intuition.

  • @KaymakveMimi
    @KaymakveMimi 10 місяців тому +17

    Thank you so much.
    🌿 Learn your inner fears, say no without feeling guilty (or with feel guilty whatever don't care, just say no and don't explain why you say no).
    🌿Connect people with different levels, protect your peace, you don't have to save anyone, don't waste your evergy on the things you don't have to do
    🌿Cut ties when you are exposed mixed vibes by a person,
    🌿TRUST YOUR INTUITION, IT'S YOUR BIGGEST GUIDE. 🌿Clear your priorities, and put them prior.
    🌿Focus on your traumas and understand them, heal them. Don't accept narcissist'shelp to heal the trauma, it's fake.

    • @rubyparchment5523
      @rubyparchment5523 3 місяці тому +1

      Great list. I like being 68, because I always meet much younger men; it’s easy to say “Oh, I’m way too old for you.”

  • @reikilady771
    @reikilady771 11 місяців тому +20

    This was pure gold! You validated me❤ I was told that I was, that is code for, my intuition was right! And it was used against me. Predator...perfect description...yes they want to get into your head so they can manipulate. Thank you! Thank you! Always listen to your intuition...nobody knows you, better than you!

  • @LaceAndCorsets
    @LaceAndCorsets Рік тому +11

    We are all such valuable children of God and deserve only the Best from conception to now. I love you all so much ❤❤❤

  • @laurelmarshall6903
    @laurelmarshall6903 Рік тому +12

    This was my Dad who you are talking about. I could never figure out why I would not follow his attempts at manipulating me, even when he offered me money for Copyrighting one of my best songs. (It seemed that there was some kind of "gimmick" attached to what he wanted me to do & I just bring myself to follow his suggestions as to what he wanted me to do. You helped me see just now that perhaps it was my "intuition" that kept me from doing what he wanted me to do. Later, he even told me that if I copyrighted my song, with his name on the song also; it would be best. Then I started to think about the fact that he wanted 'me' to put his name down on the song in order to get "credit" for contributing to the song, when he hadn't done anything at all to contribute to its finished product.

  • @Lyrielonwind
    @Lyrielonwind Рік тому +18

    All Dany is saying are common things a mother and father should have teach us while growing up. Instead, they chose to programmed us for failure.
    I was having a meal in a terraza of a restaurant by the seashore full of people and tourist when an unknown man stood by my side while smiling like a vulture. I didn't even look at him before that. I told him to heat the road and later I was thinking; how come?...I was feeding sparrows (they might become extinct while doves are multiplying) with bread crumbs). Feeding them was what put me under his radar.
    At the end, this is going to be the planet of the robotics; no one would dare to show their human side, and the ones smiling will be the "weird ones". I have already heard people saying that if someone is nice is because they want something (which is partly true due to our narcissistic societies but it rules out genuine kindness).😢

    • @stormchild831
      @stormchild831 Рік тому +10

      Wow, sure hit the nail on the head there ! I love all the little creatures, feeding the birds, the squirrels...etc.. I'm,also, a narc magnet.. As someone once told me, kindness is seen as weakness...Go figure ! 😟

    • @lennie1703
      @lennie1703 Рік тому +10

      Yep! If you're giving out a warm vibe and let your guard down then horrible people will try to inch their way in. It can lead to very uncomfortable exchanges, especially in strange places, as in holiday destinations.

    • @redefinedliving5974
      @redefinedliving5974 Рік тому +4

      @@jbrown2908 stop saying that shit they didnt do the best they could when they didnt even try lol

    • @redefinedliving5974
      @redefinedliving5974 Рік тому +4

      @@jbrown2908 Thats a very invalidating, gaslighting, belittling response. I hope you understand that as a fellow narc survivor. Of course, I have thought of that. Rumination is a basic trauma response. Self-doubt and accommodating the needs of the family first and foremost is the norm as the scapegoat. Why would that not cross my mind? Please also consider that if they do not have knowledge of their own behavior they won't be capable of kindness and giving respect to others at all, stranger, everyone but you. EVEN IF THAT'S PERFORMATIVE, it shows that they are capable of deciding whether to treat person well or not. I have experienced the potential of that myself. They are completely aware of how they are treating you, I tested that and see it with my own eyes. you can never get any closure and have any productive discussion with any narcs ever and I needed closure and certainty. Believing that BS will only lengthen the process of our recovery. I am highly empathic to a fault, I don't even have to try to consider others and understand them from their POV. In fact, have to work on being selfish and considering my own needs first to heal and get to this point. We are victims and they harmed us intentionally, thats necessary to acknowledge for us to heal.

    • @Lyrielonwind
      @Lyrielonwind Рік тому +2

      I'll do it but not in public; I'm tired of being harassed. I need to take care of my own. I'm all by myself and learning to set boundaries while dealing with smears campaigns.

  • @barbarahall5514
    @barbarahall5514 10 місяців тому +3

    This is sooo good!! 1. Say no! Always! I’m not polite either. I say FUCK no! Well it depends, Lol 2. Don’t let anyone destroy your peace! Omg! So true! Don’t give people access! You can’t let people have access to your super powers!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ know what they are!!! Cut ties (I call it Door slam b/c I’m an INFJ!) 4. People are bad they are energy vampires (yup!) people are mostly not good 4. Know your traumas 5. Trust your intuition (INFJ’s) have that down see people for who the F they are !!!!! So good Danish ❤️

  • @annekimani8859
    @annekimani8859 11 місяців тому +5

    This is what am working hard on, starting from family level to friendships with people, though it's not easy 😢 especially when you know it's not about pleasing anyone it's your good heart 😢
    God have Mercy 🙏

  • @vandanabhogaraju9673
    @vandanabhogaraju9673 Рік тому +14

    This is the best video i have ever seen . I always felt i lost my intuition and now i know why . I want to reprogram my mind to get it back and take a stand

  • @JoannA-sweetly
    @JoannA-sweetly Рік тому +12

    Yeah knowledge strengthens you! Because of all you and narcissist exposers here, I immediately see the signs. That man who appears to want a caring mutual relationship, those women who IMMEDIATELY want to be your best friend (but come dragging a sob story)and spin confusion. They say they want a solution to a problem but bring you down & NEVER follow any solid advice! RUN!!! 😃

  • @kadran3263
    @kadran3263 11 місяців тому +9

    No is such a great word. Saying no to someone shows just what kind of person they are. Thanks for your great videos.

  • @thereseschab5042
    @thereseschab5042 11 місяців тому +1

    58 and still seem to be making the same mistakes. Urghh...I think I learned a little this last time. So many of them!

  • @teresitaekim2565
    @teresitaekim2565 Рік тому +7

    Thank you, Danish, that's exactly what I'm doing since 5 years ago. Maybe this is one of the reasons why I defeated the narc over here. Whenever I see the clue on his face, I defuse it right away. I knew he wanted to gaslight me, but I will stop it. I questioned him, and I asked why his face looked like a Cobra ready to bite? I guessed he understood that I'm ready to defeat him. I could see his face changed to the normal way. I won't let him gaslighting me again. Not in this life anymore.

    @STRONGfamVALUEZ 11 місяців тому +3

    I can definitely mirror their behaviors back. Used to get me in trouble "being a Navy bratt" both my parents OCD NARCISSISTS.. Im breaking the the scapegoat of the whole family

  • @SuzetteShrimp
    @SuzetteShrimp Рік тому +21

    I cannot begin to explain how much you’ve helped me, thank you.

  • @KatErina-ii6ru
    @KatErina-ii6ru Рік тому +17

    This is 10000000% 🔥🔥🔥
    Preach it Danish!!
    And for goodness sakes, stop being so nice!!! 😅😊😼😽

  • @TheKakamuka
    @TheKakamuka Рік тому +26

    This is by far the best video ever on this topic! This information HAS to be taught to children esp teenagers. Wish I had this lesson early on 😔☹️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @PerzinDaruwala
      @PerzinDaruwala Рік тому +5

      True. Every school & colleges should be taught about mental health subject at very early age. Healthy relationship, narcissism, Narcissistic Personality Disorder & mental health disorder.

  • @zoraidacastro2703
    @zoraidacastro2703 Рік тому +7

    I learned from the best about narcissism from my Mother's side of the family and of course her. That is tough growing up being controlled and not given choices not even of what to wear, or how to speak. I am learning how to cut ties because its hard to when its your own mother. NO. Set boundaries. Keep your peace, learn your traumas, and TRUST YOUR INTUITION.
    Be in touch with your essence and take time to know people.
    Read them as best as you can.

  • @geekzer713
    @geekzer713 Рік тому +9

    13:38 so very true never doubt in your inner voice I did ignore it and I payed my price lessen learned for the future

  • @ReubenAStern
    @ReubenAStern 10 місяців тому +1

    I really like helping people when it costs me very little. Almost nothing. I love it when someone is in need and I fix their problem with no effort and carry on with my life like it was nothing. Normal people are grateful, Narcissists out themselves "That didn't inconvenience you at all!" and they look like they want to cry. One of many ways I found narcissists are very good at disappearing. But decent people respect you for helping them... the trouble is, you might not remember them because it was such a small insignificant thing to you. So help any stranger if you can do it easily and without any risk. Only go out of your way for people you trust.

  • @shailjasharma3874
    @shailjasharma3874 Рік тому +20

    You are doing a great job Danish. Keep making such insightful videos . People who are victim of narcissistic abuse need you out there . Much love and light to you .❤

  • @athena3865
    @athena3865 11 місяців тому +1

    The best relationship with someone else is none at all.

  • @lexa_power
    @lexa_power 10 місяців тому +2

    This video is amazing! #3 was so fierce I had to watch it over and over. I gotta get better at this. As HG Tudor says, “when you know, you go!”

  • @katherineandrzejewski8826
    @katherineandrzejewski8826 Рік тому +19

    Very powerful video
    Thank you

  • @ggmazin757
    @ggmazin757 10 місяців тому +3

    Thank you for these self help advise. I am empath. I plan to protect my peace. You are spot on. I am most grateful for your words.

  • @christianaobiyan4224
    @christianaobiyan4224 9 місяців тому +2

    Your intuition is the voice of the spirit, also referred to as the inner voice! That is what the narssisist, this agent of the enemy targets first. To cut you off from the ONLY source of truth to help you against deception.

  • @moniqueberrian5880
    @moniqueberrian5880 10 місяців тому +5

    Thank you for this message. These are things I used to have a problem with, because I was narcissistically abused by my mom and dad. But, I thank God that after counseling I have gained the tools to navigate differently through the world. I still pray everyday and depend on God to guide me🙌🏾

    • @sarahcinnamonthriving9563
      @sarahcinnamonthriving9563 10 місяців тому

      Same... Wish I had understood plus learned to value my well-being as equal to others' BEFORE age 50, and many tough draining patterns cycling... Learning to teach my systems to feel SAFE with valuing ME and Healthy Boundaries with professional Trauma supports... So grateful awareness and supports are improving and increasing.

  • @cherylfleck5606
    @cherylfleck5606 11 місяців тому +4

    Thank you Danish for all this wisdom! Most people who are "normal" don't realize there are these wicked people out there or they are themselves narcissistic. A observation I would like to make is religion plays a big part in out innocent attitudes about others. It tells you to pit others first & stick by them esp in marriage because they may change by seeing your good qualities. And that is BS. I have come to be disgusted with religions although I turn to God to help me to overcome these destroying attitudes.

  • @spaideman7850
    @spaideman7850 10 місяців тому +2

    if u want to stop being used by narc, stop making judgement (or worse act on behalf of story teller) after u had heard a one-sided sad story.

  • @ericgiebel498
    @ericgiebel498 10 місяців тому +1

    That's got to be one,if not the biggest reason I need to quit drinking. Though I drink nowhere like I used to, I still drink enough to open myself up to the narcissist

  • @khoango2337
    @khoango2337 Рік тому +1

    Robert Green , expert in human behavior and psychology and author of books like 48 laws of power . He said , the most important life skill you can learn is to identify toxic , narcissistic people early and then get away immediately or as soon as possibly so you minimize emotional and mental pain , and so that you don’t form any serious ties with them such as marriage, or business partners or strong emotional attachment. Get away as soon as possible and stay away , go no contact and never com back no matter what ., the extra money or whatever you may gain from being around them is not worth the emotional pain they will cause you . Identify early , get away as soon as possible , stay away , go no contact , never return no matter what . Pray for them from afar .

  • @tarey05
    @tarey05 Рік тому +15

    This is brilliant, essential, and life-saving advice! Listen to ur intuition and be unafraid to say no or call out the other person(s) if u suspect smear campaigning. U are not being negative in doing this! U must fight back against all attempts that attack ur peace. You must be fearless in defending yourself and any who are innocent around you! This is a hard but valuable lesson! Powerful presentation, Danish; thank u for this! It triggered some painful past events that were important lessons for my growth. 😊

  • @garnetjaglal3308
    @garnetjaglal3308 Рік тому +3

    I think I now know what is meant by "do you want me to pound it into your head? " I knew of some of these advice and I never put it into action because I always thought things are going to be better (it never did). Thank you so very much for pounding it into my head. Lol. I must say though, the way you are explaining the various scenarios on narcissism, anyone can understand. I wish you all the best, and may you be blessed with all the necessities to allow you to help others in your capacity 🙏😇💯

  • @ranjinirajendram3435
    @ranjinirajendram3435 11 місяців тому +5

    You are one of the best on sharing information on narcissistic abuse. Thank you very much.

  • @JoannA-sweetly
    @JoannA-sweetly Рік тому +8

    Yeah… intuition! Praise God!❤️

  • @orianam9835
    @orianam9835 10 місяців тому +1

    I watch about narcisism for 3 years now. And this is by far the most informative Channel of all. Much appreciated. 👍

  • @jayshreeprakash2251
    @jayshreeprakash2251 Рік тому +12

    Thank you for the information and the valuable advice🙏 God bless you🙏

  • @soleil25mm
    @soleil25mm Рік тому +12

    Thank you for clearly showing me my flaws, i.e., the characteristics which allow narcissists to trap me! All my life I've been attracting narcissists and wondered why. I always gave people "chances" because it was the nice thing to do/ good thing to do. Thanks, have just subscribed.

    • @sarahcinnamonthriving9563
      @sarahcinnamonthriving9563 10 місяців тому +2

      You are not FLAWED... You probably had those gaps conditioned in harsh ways into your subconscious and other systems when coping as best you could, in times and environments where this kind of awareness was blocked or devalued. I am so glad you and all of us are learning to reclaim our equal rights to well-being and fulfilling individuality.

    • @soleil25mm
      @soleil25mm 10 місяців тому +2

      @@sarahcinnamonthriving9563 Thanks for saying that. I am learning so much here. I think It stems from my childhood where The conditioning was to be nice and please my mother/ elders, so that they would be proud of me. This past year has been a teacher. My eyes are open now.

    • @sarahcinnamonthriving9563
      @sarahcinnamonthriving9563 10 місяців тому

      @soleil25mm You are definitely not alone, and I only started learning all this around age 50! Like you, I had a lifetime of such draining hurtful imbalanced connections.
      I became disabled, and all the Users bailed... It was painful... I lost nearly everything that I had worked so hard for, all the while giving and sharing so much with others, who didn't reciprocate when I actually needed caring, too, for a change.
      Having to take care of my own severe well-being needs- AFTER so much of my resources had been wasted on others- has been a harsh set of lessons, but finally forced me to learn to value my well-being as equal to others' - especially in finding out no one else was.
      I also came to realize that I had built my self worth and "adult" identity/ roles on doing for others, and I have learned that I didn't know how to be alone separate from serving others, nor to feel safe and valid to do things that just resonate with me, like for fun, or my recharging... I would get major panic attacks, guilt, sense of doom, and huge anxious restlessness... I learned that this is because I was raised to get beaten every time I was not doing something "useful." My systems got conditioned to feeling unsafe if I wasn't being dutiful.
      So believe me, I get where you are coming from. Just know that unless someone is deathly ill perhaps, your well-being is otherwise a non-negotiable EQUAL right to anyone else's.

  • @LiebeWahrheit
    @LiebeWahrheit Рік тому +4

    Fantastisch erklärt, danke! Genau das übe ich und es ist so schwer. Ich kann es noch nicht gut, Bindung zu trennen. Bewundere , dass du so klar bist. Ich bin noch nicht so weit. Deine Videos helfen sehr weiter zu kommen. Danke

  • @tiesta1133
    @tiesta1133 10 місяців тому +2

    Thank you for this video … very very helpful especially that someone morphing into exactly filling your needs could be a red flag.

  • @francisfischer7620
    @francisfischer7620 2 місяці тому

    My mother was/is "the hell like that." In the past three days I've listened to as many of your talk as I possibly could. The first night I stayed up till 4 AM. You are more helpful than anyone I've ever encountered!! Bless you over and over!! Dr. Fischer

  • @theartzscientist8012
    @theartzscientist8012 8 місяців тому

    If we do the things a narc does to us, it makes us a hypocrite. All we need to do is be ourself and be confident and sincere.

  • @omf-p7651
    @omf-p7651 10 місяців тому +1

    I couldn't have come across this at a better time. I've just realized my oldest friend is a quasi-narcissistic predator who feeds on my energy. Would have never realized there had I not tried to enforce boundaries with him (which he did not take too well). Oh well, life is full of disappointment when your supposed caregivers decide to emotionally abuse you instead.

  • @jacklimcortez7660
    @jacklimcortez7660 11 місяців тому +3

    Thanks 😊 for explaining we have to hang on to our values and be kind calm and aware and don't get involved in negative conversation pay attention very helpful

  • @crystalclear5397
    @crystalclear5397 Рік тому +2

    Great information but some can't 'see' it (in the beginning anyway...)
    I say that do to my ex's next victim. Long story on how I know this but may help others.
    1. If this person all of a sudden 'loves' you, your family, your kid yet only Works with you.
    2. Wants to be your 'friend' on these social media pages but you never clicked 'accept'
    3. You have clarified that you're with someone and can hang out but Only as friends
    4. They are persistent on hanging out, loving you, somehow knows all about you even though you have made it clear but get this odd love infatuation story from them
    They play such warped mind games. I have read all this and would put examples but probably not a good idea. His text history I have come across, just not long ago the victim had clearly stated she is with someone she loves, the narc apologized and blamed the fellow coworkers for telling him to 'go for it, she's not takin', she clarified and clearly stated she leaves her personal life out of work and That is why those coworkers don't know. He kept contacting her, trying to 'play it cool' but gradually went back to the obsession character. It's like he's stalking her, contradicts his prior statements. I'm thinking, girl....I hope you caught that, as that's the same stunt's he pulled on me and look where I/it ended up*
    (As usual, he used it to reel me in but within months his contradictory self appeared and took me years to see and find a way out)

  • @greetverwoert8922
    @greetverwoert8922 11 місяців тому +2

    This is are the best tools against narcissist i ever learned! So true!! Thank you so much!

  • @sandbachmerrygold8558
    @sandbachmerrygold8558 Рік тому +9

    Thanks a lot Danish ❤. Your precious teaching help me through my healing process to my ex narcissistic husband and I finally realised after 44 years that my parents are narcissistic

  • @melissadelong6767
    @melissadelong6767 10 місяців тому +4

    Hi Danish. I can not THANK YOU ENOUGH for these videos! I've suffered from narcissistic people and ALL forms of abuse for decades! Thanks for helping me change and STOP the ABUSE! God Bless you!

  • @Freeminder-tj5us
    @Freeminder-tj5us Рік тому +11

    Thank you so much, Danish for the reminder. I always ignored my intuition when I was still in the narcissistic relationship.

  • @alexandercharlesedwards-ace-
    @alexandercharlesedwards-ace- Рік тому +6

    Danish, love the videos. Thank you so much for the knowledge, now I know it was never really about me.
    I really appreciate your presentation. Straight facts, good examples, no condescending music. 👍💯

  • @sophiarieber7558
    @sophiarieber7558 11 місяців тому +3

    Wonderful video.......I'm a people pleaser, very selfless and empathetic.........My strengths are my weaknesses when it came to the narcissist in my life.......Learning to say no is going to be like memorizing the constitution......

  • @allyfrasier6306
    @allyfrasier6306 11 місяців тому +9

    Only recently found your channel and you're such a wonderful, direct, firm but kind communicator. This is so necessary because I personally need to work on listening to my intuition, and setting boundaries, saying NO and feeling okay to do so.

  • @maggie6
    @maggie6 10 місяців тому +1

    Ahh! Yes. The old go along to get along saying comes to mind.

  • @MallikaRaj
    @MallikaRaj 11 місяців тому +1

    It is very difficult, they also make sure we can't earn money outside. So money is the weapon they use to control , mainly women.

  • @janiced.hatcher1272
    @janiced.hatcher1272 Рік тому +2

    Become addicted to saying no. Do you want 1 million dollars, no! I want 1million and 1 dollar. 😅.
    Stop doing that, put that down, you didnt knock first, call their cell phone and say, you dont have to call me from across the house you have my number, then hang up. Its not (no) in a (yes) box, its no in a no box. Some things ill never open, like the gates of hell. Hmm top, bottom, both sides, back and front says (no) without an explanation, then exit stage left. My heart, soul and mouth are saying the same thing, no i cant.
    Ive trainned my feet to work independently from the rest of my body and walk away to perserve my integrity and and demonstrate what else (no) can do.

  • @elizabethash4720
    @elizabethash4720 11 місяців тому +4

    A great role model on how to be strong and assertive. Thankyou.❤

  • @messpilo
    @messpilo 11 місяців тому +1

    if you are a people pleaser its difficult to say No! thank you❤❤

  • @lenaleong4894
    @lenaleong4894 Рік тому +8

    Thank you

  • @hangezoe57
    @hangezoe57 Рік тому +18

    Thank you so much for these enlightening videos 💚💚

  • @user-fd3pe9rn9h
    @user-fd3pe9rn9h 11 місяців тому +1

    I think I am an intelligent person. I see through most of them, but where I have lost it in past is when I get emotionally involved with a person, then my radar goes haywire. My emotions seem to be the most important deciding factor .

  • @sjla2009
    @sjla2009 10 місяців тому +1

    So, no one is gonna save us.
    Only ourselves.

  • @samueltom517
    @samueltom517 11 місяців тому +3

    Very insighful. If we have children with the narc, its so difficult to cut contact as they need both parents. But staying with the narc damages their mind and they become twisted but what do we do. The narc mom will go beserk. So how does the dad survive this because he is losing his kids. Hope you can make a video on this situation

  • @blue_moon6490
    @blue_moon6490 3 місяці тому

    I ignored my intuition with the last narcissist in my life. I had a good friend that ended up marrying him. I accepted him because of my friend, when I should have just ended the friendship! I will never ignore my intuition again! I really paid the price.