Nickel and Dimed from The American Ruling Class!



  • @jrcasselman
    @jrcasselman Рік тому +6

    Rest In Peace Barbara Ehrenreich.

  • @tracybrock9031
    @tracybrock9031 3 роки тому +12

    Great video and book. So glad my professor recommends it and the song got stuck in my head like she said. Education on this is a must for all. Lol

  • @franktrotz
    @franktrotz 16 років тому +5

    Superb! A powerhouse of an idea. I believe that it should be turned into a play and put on stage. The song "Nickled and Dimed" screams out for a stage treatment that could be one mean and important Broadway (if anyone ever dared) play that would sing out to many of the people who need to hear this message.

  • @kindred42
    @kindred42 12 років тому +3

    I need to memorize this song and sing it at my job everyday......damn about time someone talks about this.....

  • @quodin
    @quodin 11 років тому +1

    Why do people hate giving ...
    Its not the giving that weakens you, its your resentment of it. Do your best and stick to your principles. There is plenty of inequality and genuinely thankless circumstances. There are plenty of selfish people. Live for those who will live for others, build with those who will build for others, if you can fight then fight, don't blame, you are the solution you are looking for.
    My families cat makes the same "cry", MEEEOOOWWWWWWW,
    He is saying I want more.

  • @meansofproduction
    @meansofproduction  17 років тому +4

    It's called the "Mighty Wurlitzer"-- and was written by the same songwriter. The phrase refers to a boast by Frank Wisner of the CIA, that he could "play his Mighty Wurlitzer and the world's press would sing the tune".
    In the film we use it both in original sense and as a metaphor to describe the ever-present 'nocturnal philosphy' which compells so many young people to follow the path of careerism as opposed to citizenship.

  • @ComicManGus
    @ComicManGus 4 роки тому +1


  • @greatpretendersmovie
    @greatpretendersmovie 17 років тому

    awseome! cant get the song out of my head!

  • @cathiefredrickson
    @cathiefredrickson 12 років тому +1

    Great video and message!!!!!

  • @dak9554
    @dak9554 11 років тому +1

    My parents who only bought me clothes once a year at Goodwill. Didn't send me on field trips. Didn't allow me to play sports. Didn't allow me to go to the movies with my friends. Didn't let me go out to restaurants with friends. Didn't go out and eat themselves. Only cooked at home. Didn't smoke. Didn't drink alcohol. Didn't go on vacation for 5 year intervals. Didn't buy ONE new car for 15 years. Didn't pamper themselves, no nails, no salon haircuts, no spas EVER. ONLY THEN could they afford me

  • @90MysteriumFascinans
    @90MysteriumFascinans 11 років тому

    Thanks! I've been doing/reading about almost every single suggestion you posed. I really appreciate that you shared this. Indeed, more people should learn about this concept, and in my case, I must learn to more successfully implement this healthier lifestyle (old habits die hard, I guess). I even bought a brush for skin brushing (but don't do it regularly, ha).

  • @90MysteriumFascinans
    @90MysteriumFascinans 11 років тому +3

    You are so right. Even my family, middle-class and well-off enough financially to have given me a comfortable childhood, reaches its monetary limits these days when anyone (incidentally multiple people all at once) starts having health problems. And I was just denied health insurance for the fact that I received medical attention recently which found there's evidence of a slight issue-- and guess what? I don't GET to pay >$350/month for insurance. Fucking absurd.

  • @Yourismouter
    @Yourismouter 11 років тому +11

    somebody get the lyrics to this song, because its awesome! just finished reading nickel and dimed by Barbara ehenreich fantastic book and I agree with her, a social contract needs to be made, the minumim wage needs to be raised and we all should get a living wage, and the working class/working poor need to be more class conscious and demand literally A NEW DEAL.

    • @abel3557
      @abel3557 10 місяців тому +1

      @@jacobjohnson6766 Average child born into the bourgeoisie

    • @abel3557
      @abel3557 10 місяців тому +1

      @@jacobjohnson6766 These people did so many things that people hardly wonder about every day. This wasn't a time of automation and AI which is coming soon. This was a time where these jobs were needed, yet they received nothing. If people had to do all these things themselves, it would impact their daily schedule.

  • @ducttape6425
    @ducttape6425 7 років тому +2

    One of the he greatest movie ever made.

  • @ACriticalState
    @ACriticalState 14 років тому

    What a fantastic and fun way to expose the sad reality for a number of people. The system has been working hard to keep people down but this next crash will see men and women decide to be self reliant and value themselves and their families higher - to quote l'oreal "Because they're worth it"

  • @rambam77
    @rambam77 14 років тому

    Well stated lowarch. Profits over people sums it up. There are companies, mostly small, which look up for the best interests of their employees, but more businesses focus on how to maximize profits first, employees last.

  • @MarkCathcart
    @MarkCathcart 11 років тому

    We must admit the vanity of our false distinctions among men and learn to find our own advancement in the search for the advancement of others. We must admit in ourselves that our own children's future cannot be built on the misfortunes of others. We must recognize that this short life can neither be ennobled or enriched by hatred or revenge.
    RFK, April 5th, 1968

  • @weedipikia
    @weedipikia 12 років тому +1

    At 5:15 I half expected him to run to the stall and vomit after what he had just been told. It's like learning about the matrix.

  • @jamietfranklin
    @jamietfranklin 12 років тому


  • @coolcreep
    @coolcreep 15 років тому

    You should read Scratch Beginnings, its all about a guy who works hard and sacrifices to find the American Dream, and succeeds. If you work hard and are willing to make sacrifices, you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

  • @kiwikiwi2007
    @kiwikiwi2007 14 років тому +4

    Thats where its at.
    REAL musical talent.

  • @dak9554
    @dak9554 11 років тому

    I worked low wage jobs (hotels, restaurants, construction) while going to school and lived with my parents. I drove a beat up dodge neon that leaked oil. It wasn't comfortable being 21 and living with my folks and driving a crappy car. But getting an educating was more important. I have been the CEO of 2 really small companies and life is good because I worked my ASS off while going to school and I invested so that I'll be set to retire. You get out of life what you put in.

  • @Yourismouter
    @Yourismouter 7 років тому +8

    I've seen "The American Ruling class" its worth a view, this was my favorite part, and I can't recommend Barbara Ehrenreich's book enough "Nickled and dimed".

  • @hypatience
    @hypatience 16 років тому

    Barbara is not bitter. She is just speaking for so many people who won't even read this because they don't have access to a computer and the internet. And about NIGHT SCHOOL???? Many of these people are working two to three shifts and don't have time off work to go to night school. And night school isn't free, yo. And then there's child care while you're at night school. And after you go to "night school" you can get another low-paying job.

  • @gozips30
    @gozips30 16 років тому +1

    I have a 4-year degree and have been doing everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) I can to find a decent paying job (above poverty levels) and STILL CANNOT FIND ONE TO THIS DAMN DAY!! I have been doing this for 8 years, with 4 of those years AFTER I finished college and got my degree!

  • @brazilian777able
    @brazilian777able 13 років тому

    This is how I got out of poverty. Instead of relying on others I;ve turned to the creator and ask HIM to be my source. I repented from breaking the Then commandments and start giving to the little that I had to people who had even less. No porverty here every again. The almighty has a system that works!!! Give to Live!! thats the way.

  • @JoeFletcherCircleForever
    @JoeFletcherCircleForever 12 років тому

    @snoopyloopy plus the fact that many nutrients have little or no effect when taken on their own but require an assortment of other nutrients to work.

  • @meansofproduction
    @meansofproduction  17 років тому

    Many thanks! Don't forget to tune in July 4th at 8:05PM on the Sundance Channel!

  • @mistyaqua
    @mistyaqua 15 років тому

    Yeah me too! I waited until the last day to do my report!

  • @dak9554
    @dak9554 11 років тому

    If I look at someones budget and they are blowing money on eating out or alcohol or smoking, I will not even take them seriously. I help balance a lot of budgets and the main thing I see is that most people want to live a life style that they can not afford. They don't have their priorities straight. They don't take responsibility for their detrimental actions. The only ones who do succeed, realize that they are the root of their problem and that THEY are also the solution.

  • @friendlyfascism1
    @friendlyfascism1 17 років тому

    Dear Natalie,
    If you can hold off for a little while, we will be issuing the final film on DVD in the fall. Please sign up at our website for notification
    (TheAmericanRulingClass -dot- com). And as I mentioned earlier, we are working out how best to replace all those earlier versions of the film on Canadian DVD. Thanks,
    John Kirby
    Director, The American Ruling Class

  • @meansofproduction
    @meansofproduction  17 років тому

    The US DVD release will be in the early fall. Please visit our website at theamericanrulingclass and join our mailing list to be among the first to know when the DVD is available.

  • @meansofproduction
    @meansofproduction  17 років тому +1

    Tune in July 30th at 7:30pm on the Sundance Channel to see the rest of the film.

  • @ThePezter
    @ThePezter 11 років тому +7

    Those in well paid jobs (often obscenely well paid, like investment bankers) will defend their pay by claiming a level of skill, education or expertise which is simply not justified. If this were true, doctors and scientific researches would be amongst the highest paid members of society.

  • @hypatience
    @hypatience 16 років тому

    I've read all of her work and just heard her speak. She's one of the most positive people I know. Another one is Joe Bageant. They're both speaking in Scotland at the same event.

  • @dLimboStick
    @dLimboStick 16 років тому

    During the 30's thru the 60's America's progressive, and social policies made our standard of living the highest in the world. Since the resurgence of conservatism in the 1980's, our standard of living has slowly atrophied, and as long as companies can hire foreigners who are used to a low standard of living, then we'll never achieve the standards we once had.

  • @verdemanthe1
    @verdemanthe1 14 років тому +12

    I am pretty tired of being poor,my whole life now,and despite how hard I work I never get ahead,whats up wit that?

    • @danielpark6031
      @danielpark6031 3 роки тому +1

      It's hard to say, better money management skills could help. You could make plenty of money but live poor if your management skills are no good.

    • @nr1785
      @nr1785 2 роки тому +4

      Poverty trap

    • @mikejett2733
      @mikejett2733 9 місяців тому

      Ask the rich Republicans

    • @mikejett2733
      @mikejett2733 9 місяців тому

      Ask the rich Republicans

    • @mikejett2733
      @mikejett2733 9 місяців тому

      Ask the rich Republicans

  • @friendlyfascism1
    @friendlyfascism1 14 років тому

    You need to confront the creepiness within, Jack, and part of that will involve looking out beyond the borders of the self. It will be painful at first, but you will be much happier in the end...

  • @partymariner
    @partymariner 16 років тому

    I never heard of this video! I heard of the book and lived the horrors of being a waiter through college! Another film I would recommend is John Pilger's The New Rulers of The World...the US basically turned into Indonesia and South America!

  • @ClarenceDoskocil
    @ClarenceDoskocil 8 років тому +1

    Good 'ol 'Skull and Bones' Jack!

  • @Ericwvb2
    @Ericwvb2 12 років тому

    I hear the ex-governor on the radio talk about when Electrolux wanted to move their factory, the biggest factory making refridgerators in North America, from Michigan to Mexico. They offered Electrolux a HUGE list of benefits, including NO TAXES OF ANY KIND for 20 years. Electrolux said no thanks because you can't compete with $2/hour wages.

  • @meansofproduction
    @meansofproduction  16 років тому

    Glad you enjoyed it, but make sure you read the book as well... it's amazing, and it sounds like your teacher wants to not only make you a literate citizen but a critical thinker, for which you will one say thank him or her if you actually do the reading...

  • @BernankesHelicopter
    @BernankesHelicopter 11 років тому

    Exactly right. People who call for higher minimum wage don't understand economics. It's not a low minimum wage that's hurting people, but economic polices that devalue the purchasing power of their dollar over time.

  • @MuseSings
    @MuseSings 11 років тому

    In fact, it most often results in a lack of compassion and doesn't actually protect from anything but possible anxiety (BECAUSE despite best efforts, they might die alone in a ditch covered in their own filth). Compassion could be the most important thing a person "down on their luck" needs. "They probably deserved it" denies them that compassion, not because they don't deserve it, but because others want to pretend it couldn't possibly happen to a good/innocent person (like kids?)

  • @Smoofmom
    @Smoofmom 11 років тому +1

    There hasn't been an increase in the Federal minimum of $2.13 an hour for food servers since the mid 1970's although some states do pay more.

  • @QuantCoder
    @QuantCoder 12 років тому


  • @donjuanq666
    @donjuanq666 15 років тому

    I gotta read this for a seminar at UC Davis. It's an easy read and took me a few days to read. The book's interesting and there are good tidbits of cited information regarding studies and data. Not a very shocking or extraordinary book however.

  • @meansofproduction
    @meansofproduction  17 років тому

    Please sign up (if you haven't already) on TheAmericanRulingClass (dot org) site and you will be among the first to be alerted to the DVD and soundtrack release! Thanks and stay in touch.

  • @ianbills1229
    @ianbills1229 9 років тому +1

    Still waitin fer that free Bubble Up and Rainbow Stew.

  • @PondRacer1
    @PondRacer1 11 років тому

    wish it was captioned for the hearing impaired

  • @urGermanfriend
    @urGermanfriend 15 років тому

    Nobody deserves to suffer if they realize their mistake and get off their behinds and do something about it. Sadly, there are still several in America who are too ignorant to see what is being done to them. A new president can't change the situation if he doesn't get the support from people marching in the streets...

  • @beggo321
    @beggo321 12 років тому

    I literally fell on the floor laughing at 6:32 when that black chick started singing.

  • @dak9554
    @dak9554 11 років тому +1

    He sucked it up and slaved so that we would have a better future. He now makes $40/ hour and has helped a minimum of 10 families get on their feet, with either financial support or housing. We had different families living with us all the time because they needed a place to stay. He would take them to work and help them apply to jobs. Not all of them succeeded because some of them were lazy bums. But growing up knowing what a budget was and almost never eating out, showed me a lot.

  • @RadarKat73080
    @RadarKat73080 13 років тому

    @coolrayfruge Spookily in synch! It really amazes me how many people share my ideals! A lot don't, and they have no quams about telling me!

  • @goriajk
    @goriajk 17 років тому

    I first saw this on Bill Moyer's Journal on KCET here in Los Angeles...The premise is clear - The working class are the silent majority that will rise someday against the corporate machine (i.e. WalMart) and will get a decent wage. This is not propaganda, but truth

  • @Elephaw
    @Elephaw 11 років тому

    You're right, you can't have more managers than employees. But I see some folks doing their best every day. The family at my convenience store keeps it running 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. And there's a guy with a halal truck by my work, and on the weekends he's downtown, still selling food. Some people make it through sheer force of will.

  • @coolrayfruge
    @coolrayfruge 13 років тому

    @RadarKat73080 The image I get from trickle Down economics is.
    The Weathly elite and Banker's ,Politiions all standing on a balcony pissing down on the middle class and poor.
    Laughing saying ;Thanks for your support!

  • @friendlyfascism1
    @friendlyfascism1 17 років тому

    And thank you for your feedback. Where/how did you see the film? The Canadian DVD version is out of date, sadly. We are planning to offer replacement deal. Re: Up the nose shooting- always nice, but 'target' tends to notice...

  • @90MysteriumFascinans
    @90MysteriumFascinans 11 років тому

    themselves, there is a clear benefit from society stepping up to help people raise themselves to a better standard of living. If we always say, "It's your own fault-- make better choices!!" It's essentially leaving everything to chance. All those character traits you listed--where do you think they come from? How are you so comfortable blaming people for being 'less than' when you KNOW NOTHING about their history and hardships? Your argument is a great example of why we SHOULD help.

  • @TheBaileyHunter
    @TheBaileyHunter 12 років тому

    She foretold the #occupy Movement years ago. That time has arrived.

  • @TheSAMathematician
    @TheSAMathematician 12 років тому

    @subnoize123 Life expectancy in America is 78 years. Life expectancy in the third world varies between 45 and 55 years. As I've already stated, and believe you agree with, third world poverty is abject total poverty. My point re. the nutritional intake was that we are not in third world poverty (someone had posted something along the lines of there being a large %age of Americans in third world poverty, its somewhere lower on the thread if you are willing to look for it).

  • @DeliveryCamMan
    @DeliveryCamMan 11 років тому

    this has been out since 07 and only has 227k views?? sad

  • @AndreaMN
    @AndreaMN 12 років тому

    Ron Paul
    It use to be that when you finally landed your dream job you counted on retiring with that company, corporate America sold us out, and it is both parties.

  • @geekmeee
    @geekmeee 2 роки тому +1

    “The comfort of the rich, depends on an abundance of the poor.” - Voltaire

  • @transientdreams
    @transientdreams 11 років тому

    Brilliant Video commentary AND music video & still most relevant today!
    Please Watch!~

  • @philfromearth
    @philfromearth 12 років тому

    The poor and working class are the producers of wealth, it's too bad we don't get to share in it. Power to the 99%

  • @snoopyloopy
    @snoopyloopy 12 років тому

    @TheKyteler when it comes to the nutrient intake, quality definitely matters over quantity. sure they may get "fortified" milk, their kool-aid has "vitamin c" in it, etc. but just bc the nutrients are listed on the box doesn't mean that the quality of what the kids are getting is the same as would be available from some other choices.

  • @meansofproduction
    @meansofproduction  16 років тому

    Dear Folks,
    The film from which this clip derives, The American Ruling Class, is now available to educators and institutions at BullFrogFilms(dot com) and to the public via our website, TheAmericanRulingClass(dot org).
    Featured are Robert Altman, Pete Seeger, Kurt Vonnegut, James Baker, and many many more.
    Studs Terkel, The London Oberver and many others call it "Astonshing!" We Hope you will agree.
    Yours for a better world,
    John Kirby
    Director, The American Ruling Class

  • @CabMech
    @CabMech 11 років тому +6

    You totally missed the point, which is that all jobs require an effort and experience level that taxes you
    A waitress can be replaced easily, this doesn't mean she doesn't work her ass off and doesn't get stressed out

    • @Kymimom
      @Kymimom 4 роки тому +2

      Waitress/Server is one of the top High Stress Jobs! In fact in some studies it's considered the Most stressful job,even more than that of a Neurosurgeon.
      Check this out >

    • @ViguLiviu
      @ViguLiviu 3 роки тому

      @@Kymimom Bullshit, the only way that would be true is if most of the waitresses have a very low stress tolerance compared to neurosurgeons. Oh yeah high stress tolerance is a fucking skill, unless you don't have empathy (some surgeons don't, but only a minority).

    • @Kymimom
      @Kymimom 3 роки тому +1

      @@ViguLiviu It's based on Science,not your opinion. Did you even read the article?

  • @BernankesHelicopter
    @BernankesHelicopter 11 років тому

    The root of the problem is not barriers to labor market participation like minimum wage, which actually eliminates jobs for those that have absolutely no skills or work experience. The problem is that the rising prices for food, commodities, energy, etc. are skyrocketing while wages have stagnated since about the 1970's when Nixon took us off the gold standard and we could just start printing money to fund big government & corporate bailouts (while making everybody poorer through inflation). 2/3

  • @gozips30
    @gozips30 16 років тому

    Now it's even those that have all 3; trades, skills, and education (like myself) who are victims of being nickel and dimed and corporations/companies who are NOT giving/granting us the opportunities to make a decent living (it's called "The American Dream") that we worked so fucking hard for. We DO deserve this after all these years!!

  • @BernankesHelicopter
    @BernankesHelicopter 11 років тому

    While wages may seem low, you must also look at the cost of living there. If rent & property taxes are cheap, there are less regulations & bureaucracy, lower taxes, and less expensive locally produced food - money goes a lot farther. It's all relative. In a poverty-stricken country, any economic activity, even if the wages are low, are a boost in the standard of living for the locals. They're willing to take these jobs, nobody forced them - because they would rather have that .62 cents than $0.

  • @bigpoker1
    @bigpoker1 15 років тому

    I never said i knew it all. Maybe i was being 'nickled and dimed' at the superstores, but I took controll of my own future and made it work. You may not like the idea of pro poker players, but there is plenty more to do. Learn to bake and start a bakery, sewing, cheap car repair, real estate foreclosures, you pick. Don't worry how others are suppose to help you, help yourself. If anyone wants it enough, they'll get it! Also, if gambling was illegal here, I would change professions or move

  • @lifeis42
    @lifeis42 15 років тому

    its not that people AREN"T trying. that is the point you are missing. You should really read the book if you haven't, it is eye opening, and hopefully even your closed mind can grasp that thousands of people work their butts of TRYING to survive day to day. If they had anything to save, they would, but working minimum wage can barely cover everyday costs, regardless of the number of hours worked or jobs held.

  • @MatthewBruceEbisu
    @MatthewBruceEbisu 11 років тому +1

    I don't know when you graduated or when you started your companies. That's all well and I congratulate you. But the reality at this point in time is that going to school is no guarantee of finding anything other than a low paying job. Like I said before, there are many college graduates who are having a hard time finding decent jobs. Yes, years ago it was as black and white as saying someone should go to school but a college education does not mean what it did just a few years ago.

  • @ayemaya75
    @ayemaya75 12 років тому

    Well said!

  • @eudaimonistic
    @eudaimonistic 12 років тому

    So the point I'm making here is that minimum wage SHOULD be increased to reflect both inflation and the changing distribution of wealth in the country. I think most people forget that the distribution of wealth IS changing. Rich are getting richer, and lower to middle class families are struggling to even stay in a home, let alone put together strong plans for the future. When bountiful careers are nowhere to be found, the minimum wage is an important security net.

  • @coolrayfruge
    @coolrayfruge 13 років тому

    Presidents come and go.
    It amazes me that we really think one person or a group of individuals, can solve all the problems in the world today
    Or if they really want to.
    If people want a better world to live in then they have to start looking towards each other for the answer and organized. We had century's upon century's of depending on Kings, Noblemen ,Czars. and President's ruling over us.
    Always serving their needs, instead of our own.we are the ones to suffer for such foolishness.

  • @CJE24
    @CJE24 5 років тому

    I relate to Jack

    @xXKIMMAYEXx 11 років тому

    Why hasn't EVERYONE seen this video yet?

  • @Qermaq
    @Qermaq 11 років тому +1

    The point is, you need the waitresses, the floor sweepers, the cleaning ladies, the etc. etc. Someone has to do those jobs, they should not have to live in a box to do it. And yes, the brightest and the hardest workers have a shot at better pay and better jobs, but how many of them are there? You can't have more managers than employees.

  • @jijiboukos
    @jijiboukos 13 років тому

    Thank you. A must see for my children. I live in the "socialist" Europe and the financial problems are amassing all around us. In my country laws are being implemented for cuts in the minimum wages etc.
    IMHO the key point of the film is around 4:17 - 4:35 and the punch line is "YOU DON'T SEE IT"

  • @ZarconVideo
    @ZarconVideo 16 років тому

    Ehrenreich shows that it is fairly easy to find a job in the current economy, and to find one that will pay in the range of $7 to $9. At $8.50 an hour, your income for a full time job would be $17,680. This would put you comfortably above the poverty level ($8,590 for a single person, $14,630 for a single parent with two children) and not only would you not have to pay Federal Income Tax. -brothersjudd

    • @lindsayschutz
      @lindsayschutz 5 років тому

      You might be above the poverty line on that salary, but you're not living like a king either. Also, the FPL hasn't been updated since it was created to account for the rising cost of basic necessities today like food, housing, health care, transportation, etc (especially housing and healthcare) that have grown exponentially in cost while real time wages have barely budged. In my area, you'd probably be homeless and scrounging for food in a dumpster on that income because the cost of living in the DC area is crazy...

  • @meansofproduction
    @meansofproduction  16 років тому

    I tried, but ran out of room. Thanks for the suggestion... Where did you see the film?

    @WOOTHANG1 12 років тому

    She should try living in Lanett, Alabama.

  • @coolrayfruge
    @coolrayfruge 13 років тому

    @FitnessByMatt I would like to see people change society ,so its not about money but our survival.
    To make this a better world to live in. I think mankind is capable of coming up with something better.
    It takes manpower for a society to provide the things we need and depend on.
    When money comes priority before the peoples lives.And you see people out of work depending on government funding for support. Because company's can't afford to hire or are cutting back because of cost.

  • @Eggnificent
    @Eggnificent 14 років тому

    @debisis On some of your pervious posts you talked about unionization. However, I do not see that thesible in the retail environment. It is a constant revolving door. What would happpen is corporate would call all the managers and have a mass lay off and hire new workers next week. The best thing to do is just keep pumping applications until you find another job opening. With an MA, you could go overseas and teach English no problem.

  • @YourOasis97
    @YourOasis97 13 років тому

    @EasyEs I didn't say some countries are worse than others. Were all in the same boat economically speaking only difference is Europe and the U.K. have higher prices for everything. I seriously can't fathom how people can afford to live there. But less opportunities in the U.S. every year? Yes, just ask everyone who has lost manufacturing jobs since the 90s and transported them to China. We've become a service economy and those never last long. Only the producing ones do.

  • @RadarKat73080
    @RadarKat73080 13 років тому

    @coolrayfruge Well, that's the image I get from "trickle down" economics.

  • @spartan2600
    @spartan2600 15 років тому

    food and clothes aren't the only things people have to pay for. and between her job(s) and taking care of children, taking care of herself and her place of living, she doesn't have much time.

  • @meansofproduction
    @meansofproduction  15 років тому +2

    Sounds like a modern Horatio Alger story, where the hero works hard and lives in poverty until one day he happens to save the life or do a great favor for a rich guy, who promptly makes him his beneficiary. Sure, it can happen...
    The point is, every job should provide a LIVING wage. Period.

  • @philfromearth
    @philfromearth 12 років тому

    @weedipikia What if there are no jobs in retail available? Besides, who would serve the food?

  • @TheSAMathematician
    @TheSAMathematician 12 років тому

    @snoopyloopy Your point? My point was that poor Americans are not living in 'near third world poverty' (someone had posted something along the lines of there being a large %age of Americans in third world poverty). Third world poverty is living off 1 slice of bread a day. Third world poverty is literally trying to eat dirt to survive. Third world poverty is not obesity, which is the bigger problem among our poor.

  • @mjisabelle18
    @mjisabelle18 11 років тому

    The problem is the more than half of the job created in the "recovery" have been minimum wage level jobs. And that is with high youth unemployment. So that means a large amount of those on minimum wage are 25 and older. Stuff sucks when you can only get a few hours bringing in 500 and rent is 425.

  • @mazidtheraider
    @mazidtheraider 14 років тому

    lol, I was in until the harmonica... zomg, banjo! Guitar! Holy shit, they're singing!!

  • @MuseSings
    @MuseSings 11 років тому

    Because, as we all know, government, banks, and all rich people have excellent morals, ethics, and social skills deserving of their fat slice of pie, right?
    If you've ever been truly poor with poor parents and family and/or lived in a classist (or racist) community like I grew up in, you know your economic woes don't have such an easy answer, you can still avoid every last thing on that list and end life in a ditch or die early from inadequate healthcare or societal care.

  • @JimAmidon1
    @JimAmidon1 11 років тому

    they cut back on trash bags, Christmas parties, employee perks of every ilk, insurance premiums, etc., anything except their profits which must go up every month, forever - and, to rub it in, proclaim loudly at every opportunity, "Thank God you have a job." - last crook I worked for gave us 5 days off without pay each quarter 'to help the company' - while increasing our share of insurance premium at same time and demanding we get same amount of work done.

  • @lostchaos7688
    @lostchaos7688 2 роки тому +1

    Who else was shown this in class-
    Just asking

  • @jebeat01
    @jebeat01 15 років тому

    Its true. Most people get by just fine...but it still gets under my skin when people assume that a failure to be financially successful equates to laziness. I know that its not the overall assumption, but a lot of the comments tend to reflect that opinion. Its tough not to get a little snappy about it when you bust your ass every day, but your bank account keeps dwindling (I'm sure I'm not the only one).

  • @Chatoyant13
    @Chatoyant13 15 років тому

    The poor in Denmark are housed, fed and given quality medical care. No one in that country has to worry about becoming unemployed because there is a safety net that helps until there is work available again. They are importing workers from other countries because they have more jobs than they have labor.