BLOOD HAS A EVASION BY RADIANCE (:. MKB ND ABYSSAL SHOULD BE GOOD ITEMS BY THIS HE CAN COUNTER STORM AND BS BOTH INSTEAD OF DIFF AND BLOODTHRONE ....... ALSO HE NEED TO MAKE BKB SO HE CAN JUMP AGAIN AFTER 1 KILL(:. also blood throne can be counter by bkb nd you can't stun hero to hit....... bloodseeker speed is more so pa can't hit him tho ... abysal is more good item bcz abysal can be stun hero even in bkb nd can be hit ezly (:. also there is not linken for bs ult(: but there was a yatoro on pa (: we believe that he is better than us (: he knows better itemizations.
Nice game Pro
His item choice that cost the game tbh. Couldve abbysal or refresher than diffusal :)
Wow nice analysis, you must be a professional clown 🤡
@yomomma3342 it's not an analysis but an opinion that were better than yours that always think people like yatoro himself dont get mistakes 🤡
@yomomma3342 drop your ID here lowrank 🙂
BLOOD HAS A EVASION BY RADIANCE (:. MKB ND ABYSSAL SHOULD BE GOOD ITEMS BY THIS HE CAN COUNTER STORM AND BS BOTH INSTEAD OF DIFF AND BLOODTHRONE ....... ALSO HE NEED TO MAKE BKB SO HE CAN JUMP AGAIN AFTER 1 KILL(:. also blood throne can be counter by bkb nd you can't stun hero to hit....... bloodseeker speed is more so pa can't hit him tho ... abysal is more good item bcz abysal can be stun hero even in bkb nd can be hit ezly (:. also there is not linken for bs ult(: but there was a yatoro on pa (: we believe that he is better than us (: he knows better itemizations.
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Just nc
wow almost a full team of GM heroes, ive never seen that