Kim So Eun and Lee Soo Hyuk are just beautiful and magical together. Even if they both played villains here, you can’t help but root for them to be together and be happy with each other. I wish they can be paired up as a lead couple in a new drama soon. I will pay good money to see them , more so of they have a kissing scene together. Remnants of my unfinished business with Gwi and Hye Ryung in SWWTN. 😁 I love seeing them on screen together, Their chemistry is just fire.
*blink.. smell it..* 눈을깜빡여..냄새를 맡고.. *feel it... your eyes* 느껴져? 떠...눈을 떠 *just look at me now..* 지금 나를 봐줘. 僕の世界の全てだっだ。 보쿠노세카이노스베테닷다. 내 세상의 전부 였어. *It was everything in my world.* 失くした片方の靴も、折れた小さい爪も 나쿠시타카타호노쿠츠모, 오레타치이사이쯔메모 잃어버린 한짝의 구두도, 부러져버린 작은 손톱도 *The missing pair of shoes, the broken little fingernails,* 溢した熱いコーヒーも、色褪せた涙も 코보시타아쯔이코-히-모, 이로아세따나미다모 엎질러진 뜨거운커피도, 빛바랜 눈물도 *No spilt hot coffee, no faded tears.* *Girl, tell me little lie, please tell me little lie* 내 소중한 그녀여, 작은거짓말이라고 말해줘 제발 ... 장난이였다고 웃으며 말해줘 聞こえるように・・・ 키코에루요오니 들릴 수 있도록 *so that it can be heard* でも、柔らかく この手から毀れた君 데모, 야와라카쿠고노데카라 코보레따키미 하지만, 부드럽게 이 손에서 흘러내리는 너 *But you, gently flowing down from this hand,* *Long way before... Long way before....* 그대가 먼 길을 가기전에 ...내곁을 떠나기 전에 ... そお、気づかなかった あの日、話しかける 소오- 기즈카나캇따 아노히 하나시카케루 그래, 알아차리지 못했던 그날 말을 걸고 있어 *Yeah, I'm talking to him the day he didn't notice.* *Long way before... Long way before...* 그대가 먼 길을 가기전에 ... 내곁을 떠나기 전에 ... ただ、泣いて泣いて泣いて 忘れるしかない 타다, 나이테나이테나이테 와스레루시카나이 단지, 울고울고울어서 잊을 수 밖에 *I can't help but cry and cry and forget it.* 長く続くこの道に 今はいない君へ 나가이츠즈쿠고노미치니 이마와이나이키미에 길게 이어지는 이 길에 이제는 없는 너에게 *To you who are no longer here on this long road.* Kissしたまま、Good-bye Kiss시타마마, Good-bye Kiss한채로, Good-bye *With a kiss, good-bye.* *Girl, tell me little lie, please tell me little lie* 내 소중한 그녀여, 작은거짓말이라고 말해줘...제발 ... 장난이였다고 웃으며 말해줘 聞こえるように・・・ 키코에루요오니 들릴 수 있도록 *so that it can be heard* 今、降り積もる 粉雪が僕を抱きしめる 이마, 후리쯔모루 코나유키가 보쿠오다키시메루 지금, 쌓여가는 작은 눈송이들이 나를 감싸안아 *Now, the little snowflakes that are piling up around me.* *Long way before... Long way before...* 그대가 먼 길을 가기전에 ... 내곁을 떠나기 전에 ... そお、気づかなかった あの日、話しかける 소오- 기즈카나캇따 아노히 하나시카케루 그래, 알아차리지 못했던 그날 말을 걸고 있어 *Yeah, I'm talking to him the day he didn't notice.* *Long way before... Long way before...* 그대가 먼 길을 가기전에 ... 내곁을 떠나기 전에 ... ただ、泣いて泣いて泣いて 忘れるしかないの 타다, 나이테나이테나이테 와스레루시카나이노 단지, 울고울고울어서 잊을 수 밖에 없는거야? *Just, you can't help but cry and cry and forget?* 記憶に滲んだ涙の数は(乾いてゆく)僕の心 기오쿠니니진다 나미다노카즈와 (카이떼유쿠) 보쿠노코코로 기억에 번져가는 눈물의 수는 (말라가는) 나의 마음 *The number of tears spreading to my memory (drying) my heart* 数え切れない星のように 카조에키레나이 호시노요오니 셀 수 없는 별들처럼 *Like countless stars.* *Long way before... Long way before...* 그대가 먼 길을 가기전에 ... 내곁을 떠나기 전에 ... ただ、泣いて泣いて泣いて 忘れるしかない 타다, 나이테나이테나이테 와스레루시카나이 단지, 울고울고울어서 잊을 수 밖에 *I can't help but cry and cry and forget it.* *Long way before... Long way before...* 그대가 먼 길을 가기전에 ... 내곁을 떠나기 전에 ... I know, 君は胸の中にいつまでも・・・ I know, 키미와 무네노나카니 이쯔마데모... I know, 너는 마음속에 언제까지나... *I know, you're always in your mind...* *Long way before... Long way before...* 그대가 먼 길을 가기전에 ... 내곁을 떠나기 전에 ... ただ、泣いて泣いて泣いて 타다, 나이테나이테나이테 단지, 울며울며울며 *Only, crying, crying.* Kissしたまま, さよなら Kiss시타마마, 사요나라 Kiss한채로 , 안녕 *With a kiss, good-bye.*
He is attracted to her, and dare I say loved her in his own twisted way. He wanted to be with her but I believe he is too prideful to admit that he might be in love with a mortal, vicious and powerful vampire that he is. He accidentally killed her and in the scene where he took her to his lair after she died, this is what his monologue said “I didn’t want to kill you this easily. I wanted to keep you by my side for hundreds of years, no, thousands of years and make you hate me forever.” “ Now who will send cynical smiles for the things I do, and who will spit out impudent words saying that I’m pitiful? Who? Answer me. “ “I told you to answer!” I guess that was his way of processing his grief.
Kim So Eun and Lee Soo Hyuk are just beautiful and magical together. Even if they both played villains here, you can’t help but root for them to be together and be happy with each other. I wish they can be paired up as a lead couple in a new drama soon. I will pay good money to see them , more so of they have a kissing scene together. Remnants of my unfinished business with Gwi and Hye Ryung in SWWTN. 😁 I love seeing them on screen together, Their chemistry is just fire.
Just found this. I like Lee Soo Yuk, correct me if I am wrong, the singer is Kim Jaejong right?
I'm addicted to SooSo couple
Me too. I wished they had a kissing scene in SWWTN. They are just magic together.
I like
Kissitamama 💋Lee baby💋❓
I wish this had english subtitles! I would like to know what he said to her!
*blink.. smell it..*
눈을깜빡여..냄새를 맡고..
*feel it... your eyes*
느껴져? 떠...눈을 떠
*just look at me now..*
지금 나를 봐줘.
내 세상의 전부 였어.
*It was everything in my world.*
나쿠시타카타호노쿠츠모, 오레타치이사이쯔메모
잃어버린 한짝의 구두도, 부러져버린 작은 손톱도
*The missing pair of shoes, the broken little fingernails,*
코보시타아쯔이코-히-모, 이로아세따나미다모
엎질러진 뜨거운커피도, 빛바랜 눈물도
*No spilt hot coffee, no faded tears.*
*Girl, tell me little lie, please tell me little lie*
내 소중한 그녀여, 작은거짓말이라고 말해줘 제발 ... 장난이였다고 웃으며 말해줘
들릴 수 있도록
*so that it can be heard*
でも、柔らかく この手から毀れた君
데모, 야와라카쿠고노데카라 코보레따키미
하지만, 부드럽게 이 손에서 흘러내리는 너
*But you, gently flowing down from this hand,*
*Long way before... Long way before....*
그대가 먼 길을 가기전에 ...내곁을 떠나기 전에 ...
そお、気づかなかった あの日、話しかける
소오- 기즈카나캇따 아노히 하나시카케루
그래, 알아차리지 못했던 그날 말을 걸고 있어
*Yeah, I'm talking to him the day he didn't notice.*
*Long way before... Long way before...*
그대가 먼 길을 가기전에 ... 내곁을 떠나기 전에 ...
ただ、泣いて泣いて泣いて 忘れるしかない
타다, 나이테나이테나이테 와스레루시카나이
단지, 울고울고울어서 잊을 수 밖에
*I can't help but cry and cry and forget it.*
長く続くこの道に 今はいない君へ
나가이츠즈쿠고노미치니 이마와이나이키미에
길게 이어지는 이 길에 이제는 없는 너에게
*To you who are no longer here on this long road.*
Kiss시타마마, Good-bye
Kiss한채로, Good-bye
*With a kiss, good-bye.*
*Girl, tell me little lie, please tell me little lie*
내 소중한 그녀여, 작은거짓말이라고 말해줘...제발 ... 장난이였다고 웃으며 말해줘
들릴 수 있도록
*so that it can be heard*
今、降り積もる 粉雪が僕を抱きしめる
이마, 후리쯔모루 코나유키가 보쿠오다키시메루
지금, 쌓여가는 작은 눈송이들이 나를 감싸안아
*Now, the little snowflakes that are piling up around me.*
*Long way before... Long way before...*
그대가 먼 길을 가기전에 ... 내곁을 떠나기 전에 ...
そお、気づかなかった あの日、話しかける
소오- 기즈카나캇따 아노히 하나시카케루
그래, 알아차리지 못했던 그날 말을 걸고 있어
*Yeah, I'm talking to him the day he didn't notice.*
*Long way before... Long way before...*
그대가 먼 길을 가기전에 ... 내곁을 떠나기 전에 ...
ただ、泣いて泣いて泣いて 忘れるしかないの
타다, 나이테나이테나이테 와스레루시카나이노
단지, 울고울고울어서 잊을 수 밖에 없는거야?
*Just, you can't help but cry and cry and forget?*
기오쿠니니진다 나미다노카즈와 (카이떼유쿠) 보쿠노코코로
기억에 번져가는 눈물의 수는 (말라가는) 나의 마음
*The number of tears spreading to my memory (drying) my heart*
카조에키레나이 호시노요오니
셀 수 없는 별들처럼
*Like countless stars.*
*Long way before... Long way before...*
그대가 먼 길을 가기전에 ... 내곁을 떠나기 전에 ...
ただ、泣いて泣いて泣いて 忘れるしかない
타다, 나이테나이테나이테 와스레루시카나이
단지, 울고울고울어서 잊을 수 밖에
*I can't help but cry and cry and forget it.*
*Long way before... Long way before...*
그대가 먼 길을 가기전에 ... 내곁을 떠나기 전에 ...
I know, 君は胸の中にいつまでも・・・
I know, 키미와 무네노나카니 이쯔마데모...
I know, 너는 마음속에 언제까지나...
*I know, you're always in your mind...*
*Long way before... Long way before...*
그대가 먼 길을 가기전에 ... 내곁을 떠나기 전에 ...
타다, 나이테나이테나이테
단지, 울며울며울며
*Only, crying, crying.*
Kissしたまま, さよなら
Kiss시타마마, 사요나라
Kiss한채로 , 안녕
*With a kiss, good-bye.*
He is attracted to her, and dare I say loved her in his own twisted way. He wanted to be with her but I believe he is too prideful to admit that he might be in love with a mortal, vicious and powerful vampire that he is. He accidentally killed her and in the scene where he took her to his lair after she died, this is what his monologue said
“I didn’t want to kill you this easily. I wanted to keep you by my side for hundreds of years, no, thousands of years and make you hate me forever.”
“ Now who will send cynical smiles for the things I do, and who will spit out impudent words saying that I’m pitiful? Who? Answer me. “
“I told you to answer!”
I guess that was his way of processing his grief.