The BEST World of Warcraft Private Servers EVER!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @borislavrumenov2085
    @borislavrumenov2085 Рік тому +8

    So happy to see Ascension up there! It definitely deserves a high spot for its uniqueness, scripting and overall professionalism.

    • @russelladams9147
      @russelladams9147 Рік тому +1

      Yeah - it's great until you see how small the pop is, then you find out you can get griefed by your own faction through mercenary mode. Pass.

  • @morfea123
    @morfea123 Рік тому +4

    Started to explore CoA Ascension. So far, latest updates have been awesome.

    • @andrecardoso6941
      @andrecardoso6941 Рік тому +1

      I only have just started and it’s by far the best server out there. It might even be better than official WoW. They have us WoW 2.0 it tons of new features, new classes, zones, mythic dungeons. It has everything.

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому +1

      I am keeping an eye on it once it goes full on live for everyone for free

  • @vonderfaak6357
    @vonderfaak6357 Рік тому

    Aw man that's great that you guys are getting the internet finally see you in stream!

  • @VincentADK
    @VincentADK Рік тому +1

    Hell yeah man, welcome back! :D

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому +1

      thanks Vincento, only 1 foot back though 😅

  • @Dj.Da_Rain_Maan
    @Dj.Da_Rain_Maan Рік тому

    glad u shed some love an light on ascension wow its been a long wait but im glad to see it getting its due its been going up from here they are breaking barriers with ur growing community ascension will be the server an game because it has changed wow forever

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому +1

      I thought it was some kind of a joke server at first when I heard about it years ago, but it’s become one of the top contenders very quick

    • @Dj.Da_Rain_Maan
      @Dj.Da_Rain_Maan Рік тому

      @@MEYTRIX oh most deffinetly its change the community the only other one thats making that kinda noise is duskhaven an Conquest of azeroth the same ones who made ascension

  • @KM-fm9ms
    @KM-fm9ms Рік тому +2

    Grats on the new internet! Ascension is King Imo, perfect scripting, extremely high attention to detail, very active devs, no PTW with a fun unique twist on class building. The only downside is additional content to play, their "main" server progresses at a snail's pace currently at mid TBC and the other servers set in Vanilla only. They have added some new things to their newest server like Legion style invasions and a new profession-tree cutting with player housing coming in the future. Like you I can't wait for COA to finally come out, I believe it will be the most populated private server out there possibly by a long shot. For now I call Twinstar Helios my home, great experience raiding and having fun but go to Ascertain from time to time to check out the new things that they are doing.

    • @Aijiyaaa
      @Aijiyaaa Рік тому

      what a bot, ascension is dogshit metaslave nerds.

  • @DernerAssaur
    @DernerAssaur Рік тому +10

    I hope I will live long enough to see Tauri Legion, but I am already in my 30s, so I am not sure. But no question, it will be fantastic, since they are pretty great at bug fixing and scripting.

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому +1

      30s?! Well, safe to say the best times are already behind you 🫥

    • @zaki-nt2ll
      @zaki-nt2ll Рік тому

      Tauri is pay to win like felsong?

    • @suitsaa
      @suitsaa Рік тому

      @@zaki-nt2ll nah

    • @punkdlaugh4234
      @punkdlaugh4234 Рік тому +2

      30 is not old wtf lol

    • @fargoth391
      @fargoth391 Рік тому +2

      Bro acting like his life is over 💀 💀

  • @zaxc8369
    @zaxc8369 Рік тому

    Loved this vid, lots of Nostalgia. Subscribed.

  • @brandonkruse6412
    @brandonkruse6412 Рік тому +1

    I’ve been on Whitemane Cataclysm for about a month and while the server does have it’s share of bugs and most of the TBC/Wrath raids aren’t scripted, the staff is extremely friendly and helpful and leveling is so smooth with all of the quality of life conveniences they’ve added to help new players get caught up.
    You get 3x 1-60 and a free boost to 80 at 60 if you wish. Professionals automatically boost to 450 once you level them to 300 and all flight paths are unlocked.
    My favorite feature is the free racial swap though.

    • @nikospaneridas1400
      @nikospaneridas1400 Рік тому +1

      Indeed my guess is that whitemane did not make the list because it included only servers that existed for many years. Whitemane is really good.

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      Yep, Whitemane is currently among the best servers, but hasn’t existed for long enough yet

    • @brandonkruse6412
      @brandonkruse6412 Рік тому

      @@mostoftheinternetisfake6633 No

  • @nikospaneridas1400
    @nikospaneridas1400 Рік тому

    Will you be trying the new legion server coming in 10 days? The owner is an old uwow GM. And the server seems to have more things working in comparison to uwow. Like working bodyguards , which i have not found any other Private Server with them working properly so far.

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      Maaaaybe, I am now working on Felsong review

  • @tesiskevis6923
    @tesiskevis6923 Рік тому +1

    Greetings from Greece. i dont know why but for 7 years every time i am try to put firestorm server at my pc is so much luggy and it dosent load the content .every other server works fine

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      Hmm never had that issue, make sure you have their client downloaded and are using the Firestorm launcher

  • @space.pirate481
    @space.pirate481 Рік тому

    that's nice seeing you streaming again mon

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      thank you, not yet, but hopefully very soon!

  • @ianbaliola8135
    @ianbaliola8135 Рік тому

    I cant create an account error message is "Invalid request" - I tried trouble shooting like using different browser clearing cache and restarting but I still get the same any know fix for this?

  • @dragosb_2486
    @dragosb_2486 Рік тому

    This was suggested by youtube after me searching on google. This video is a better resource than any top servers website!

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      Awww thank you 😳

  • @Menace_oce
    @Menace_oce Рік тому

    Keen to have the steams back brother

  • @adamzz423
    @adamzz423 Рік тому

    what do you think about the felsong server so far , it's been a month of it's release

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      I was just playing on it today, working on a video, but I will have to see a lot more before I can come up with a verdict

  • @rampage3337
    @rampage3337 Рік тому

    fun fact warmane has made a few million dollars in proffit over the years. molten wow got closed down because one of the GM's stole 1million dollars and then trashed the server

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      as far as I know - it wasn't a GM, it was something like a co-owner that wanted to overtake the project

  • @Christopher_42
    @Christopher_42 Рік тому

    hey Mey good video, we love you bro, nicely said!

  • @kredoril1279
    @kredoril1279 Рік тому +2

    warmane is great, i feel like its hated too much for no reason at all, people forget its a free server that still can give you a lot of things

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      I definitely can see the reasons why some people hate on it, but it’s still one of the best overall… u still on Dragonflight?

    • @kredoril1279
      @kredoril1279 Рік тому

      @@MEYTRIX Yea, there Are some reasons to hate it, but i feel like there Are more reasons to love it.. not anymore, its good but i have more friends &fun in other games

  • @panzerfist
    @panzerfist Рік тому +1

    I play CircleWoW, I've told you many times before xD but it's like the Russian equivalent to Warmane usually 3k+ people on every single day lots of endgame raids, PvP/people levelling all the time, server is very stable the scripting is damn good and I think it's been up and running for quite some years too if I'm not mistaken, but I'm curious about Warmane's next progressive project. Just haven't heard much about it ever since they announced it, I wonder if it's still a go. Cause for a while they disabled Lordaeron for the new progressive, but Lordaeron is back up so I'm not too sure what's happening there.

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому +1

      I was actually thinking about mentioning Circle as the sixth one, a server with many years of history, but it’s also not that well scripted compared to its competition and is not very international friendly

  • @amikogulbatashvili1491
    @amikogulbatashvili1491 7 місяців тому

    guys which cataclysm server is the best ?

  • @Zombina597
    @Zombina597 Рік тому

    Its now a long long time that I search a private server to explore and adventure around azeroth with some friends... but it seem that the only criteria I find are pvp/dungeon rush competition...
    So here's a question: Are there any good private server for PVE? with no bugged or broken quest/scripts (at least with the least bugged/broken quests) cause I remember the time I played pandaren on firestorm and couldn't even beat a story beginning quest cause the fires pots needed to fight an elemental were broken...

    • @SierraMysteria
      @SierraMysteria Рік тому

      Try Ascension, it's really high quality and has a huge pve playerbase. It is classless, but you can pick a prebuilt class and it'll get you started

  • @Shawn_DC
    @Shawn_DC Рік тому

    Why would you want to play through shadowlands again? It's so recent

  • @_Beyond_the_Grave_
    @_Beyond_the_Grave_ Рік тому +1

    spent almost a year in firestorm, shadowlands oribos realm , it could be kinda tolerable to play the game if they would stop manipulating everything with their own tast and without any basis like a cancer to ruin all the fun. the staff in charg for Sl realm are Terribly incompetent and forced me to go back to retail. But maybe I will take a look at the other options you introduced before doing so...

    • @h3avenscent
      @h3avenscent Рік тому

      no because they fucked up the server so bad

  • @DigitalConceptz
    @DigitalConceptz Рік тому

    Thank you my friend, I got bored with WoW and canceled my subscription after 3 years ago last week, and yes 3 years with active subscription in progress and had it and not playing the game. So you gave me some options to get back into private servers haven’t touched a private server since 2009ish writing these server names down and adding them to my cloud notepad (Simple Note) so I can open from any device without having to find needle in a stack of crusty hay lol 😂

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      Haha private servers have come a looong way since 2009 😎

  • @aminezaidi4268
    @aminezaidi4268 Рік тому

    sup brotha big fan of your channel,am a pvper that wants to play in warmane's blackrock server,but i am afraid that the population will be too low and queues will take a long time,do you recommend this server for me or is there another pvp server worth trying?thanks!

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      hey Amine, Blackrock is by far the most populated and active PvP server you get, you might have to wait a few minutes for ques sometimes, especially in 3v3 soloque as dps or in 3v3 outside of the event, but other than that all PvP is super-active even in early mornings

    • @barzluxbarzlux247
      @barzluxbarzlux247 Рік тому

      Also if I am not mistaken Blackrock and Icecrown has cross-server arena, so you effectively have 14-15k online which is highest among any private servers, so que times and teammates should not be a problem.

  • @Freedom-of-speech4
    @Freedom-of-speech4 Рік тому +11

    Warmane is by far the best pserver and for the haters of the server saying is pw2 they need to realise that those devs need money to get paid thank you for an other video appreciate it

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому +1

      thank you, well if Felsong's gonna say they are not pay to win cause yo ucan get the items by playing then Warmane isn't pay to win either 😅😅

    • @Freedom-of-speech4
      @Freedom-of-speech4 Рік тому

      @@MEYTRIX absolute nail it

    • @andrecardoso6941
      @andrecardoso6941 Рік тому

      Ascension is by far the best. But it’s not blizzlike.

    • @itslit1998
      @itslit1998 Рік тому

      Warmane barley pays anything for their Servers. The guys who run it are in erstern europe were that money is worth much more

    • @russelladams9147
      @russelladams9147 Рік тому

      @@andrecardoso6941 Yeha being pvp'd by your own tiny faction population. Pass. Merc mode is so dumb.

  • @boyansabev4503
    @boyansabev4503 Рік тому +2

    Whitemane is amazing great content amazing pvp and one of the best GM's that will help you with almost everything

    • @dj_m19
      @dj_m19 Рік тому

      Whitemane is trash with cash grab GMs with a ton of controversy, DDOS and straight out bullying and theft history behind Jimmy and his crooks.
      Only someone who had never heard about Whitemane and who's running it before their Cata server would claim they are great.

  • @rampage3337
    @rampage3337 Рік тому

    ascension is around 9 years old. also it started as a level 255 fun server with Demon hunters added. (pre legion). it was the most custom 255 server out there. not the best as heros wow had that tittle but it was the most custom as it had everything custom. custom Ui custom launcher Custom loading screen custom login screen etc.....

  • @mariopejovic
    @mariopejovic Рік тому +1

    Kronos was great Vanilla server. No bugs, true blizzlike experience.

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      Is it still up?

    • @mariopejovic
      @mariopejovic Рік тому

      @@MEYTRIX not really sure. They used to reboot realms after all content is cleared for a while, with old realms still live, and then merge them. So, maybe there is some fresh Kronos realm.

  • @user-fw5tr8ht1e
    @user-fw5tr8ht1e Рік тому

    I'm looking for a fresh wotlk server. Are any coming out in the next 3-6 months?

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      There certainly are, one that I am keeping my eye on is Whitemane, but I have no idea when they’d be launching

  • @toprogress
    @toprogress Рік тому

    I am beginning a new adventure on WoW as a casual and a noob player. Do you know guys how to find other casual players to play with to do dungeons? I am on Blackwhisper, a wotlk blizzlike private server

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому +1

      Join their Discord server and look there, use the ingame global or world chat or look for a facebook group if there’s one

    • @toprogress
      @toprogress Рік тому

      @@MEYTRIX Thank you for your answer!

  • @damirvelic3774
    @damirvelic3774 Рік тому

    Anyone know a good fun server like Heroes WOW? Instant 250 and hop really fast on raids. Also would be great if one of newest expansions with better graphics

  • @mohammedsokrab1110
    @mohammedsokrab1110 Рік тому

    If i play in a private server can i play beyond lvl20 or i still have to sub

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      you can play for free all the way on majority of private servers

    • @mohammedsokrab1110
      @mohammedsokrab1110 Рік тому

      @@MEYTRIX i still cant play the expansions yea? Like dragonflight

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      @@mohammedsokrab1110 you can play any expansion, there are many servers for each, even some for Dragonflight

  • @ahetzel9054
    @ahetzel9054 Рік тому +3

    For me I think Duskhaven and Conquest of Azeroth are my 2 top private realms followed by ascensions new league and I'm also super excited to try project epoch, seems like it will be a fun time

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      There are still a few new ones coming this year that could shuffle the cards a bit

    • @russelladams9147
      @russelladams9147 Рік тому

      Dusk is wiping everything and trying to figure out how to run a server. Dead in the water. Ascension will pvp you with your own faction. And it's tiny.

  • @Scar6324-o6f
    @Scar6324-o6f Рік тому +1

    Mistblade 2? Confirmed?

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      Yep, check the latest video on the future of Stormforge I did

  • @Stpakos
    @Stpakos Рік тому +1

    Molten wow was the best private server!was rank 1 back in the old days.

  • @wowcraft8784
    @wowcraft8784 Рік тому

    It warms my heart to see that felsong or rather failsong isn't on this list 😂

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      servers existing for under 2 years can’t qualify in this longevity ranking no matter how good they’d be

    • @wowcraft8784
      @wowcraft8784 Рік тому

      @@MEYTRIX yeah but can you expect much from a server when your mythic keystone disappears after a relogin and the staff won't even bother listing to your problem

  • @pepehands3202
    @pepehands3202 Рік тому

    Hi im a complete beginner in WOW, what's the best server to start?

    • @Eluno91
      @Eluno91 Рік тому +1

      I would say Warmane Cataclysm of Felsong Legion

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому +1

      Hey Pepe, I wouldn’t call servers better by how experienced you are, there are other more important factors…but the ones mentioned in the Best Ever video would sll be solid picks long-term

    • @pepehands3202
      @pepehands3202 Рік тому

      @@MEYTRIX im kinda looking for beginner friendly server haha i don't know if that exist. I played ragnarok before but I wanna try WoW for a change I guess 😂

    • @pepehands3202
      @pepehands3202 Рік тому

      @@Eluno91 im kinda scared of Warmane based on this video but I guess I'll give it a try. Thanks!

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому +1

      @@pepehands3202 retail Dragonflight would probably be the most beginner friendly, but if you wanna go for free servers, then Firestorm Shadowlands, not so much Warmane, you’re right

  • @captainjack748
    @captainjack748 Рік тому

    Ohhh yeaaaaaaa, another Best of 🤟

  • @Gatesuka
    @Gatesuka Рік тому +1

    Let's make it short:
    wanna play Shadowlands? Go Firestorm;
    wanna play Legion? go Felsong/Uwow;
    wanna play Pandaria? Go Stormforge;
    wanna play Cataclysm? Go Whitemane;
    wanna play WOTLK? Go Warmane;
    wanna play BC? Go Stormforge (again);
    wanna play Vanilla? Go Everlook.
    wanna try a new WOW experience? Go Ascension.
    Ignore all other private server; they're not really worth any attention.

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      There are some worth the attention, just not if u need big pop and longevity, but many popular custom servers like Turtle…MoP is debatable - Stormforge is mostly dead, much like Twinstar - but these 2 are very comparable

    • @yanniv.4578
      @yanniv.4578 Рік тому

      Pandaria = Tauri

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      If 1k ppl at peak is all you need…

    • @yanniv.4578
      @yanniv.4578 Рік тому

      @@MEYTRIX Let's wait for Tauri Legion 😄 It definitely won't be 1k people at peak, but indeed currently it's not the best place to go. Do you have a public discord where people can talk about p-servers ? I mean, you have a big influence in p servers, it could be a good idea

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      @@yanniv.4578 yep, it is included in the vid description

  • @christopherthomas9218
    @christopherthomas9218 Рік тому

    Gonna return to ascension when they officially get to wrath, had enouch tbc to last a lifetime

  • @mgamesmgames8661
    @mgamesmgames8661 Рік тому

    Ascension is op, but cant w8 for WOTLK any more... Now playing on Felsong until Tauri Legion comes out.

  • @Andetik
    @Andetik Рік тому

    Have you forgotten about Wow Sirus

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      never played on it

  • @maldlions5313
    @maldlions5313 Рік тому

    while I do agree with most, however I think Atlantiss/Stormforge should definitely be here. It always gives one of the best TBC, while also last year one of best MoP experiences.

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому +1

      Stormforge is only 1 year and 6 months old, and Atlantiss doesn't exist anymore, so in terms of longevity it's one of the worst

    • @maldlions5313
      @maldlions5313 Рік тому

      Great point, didn’t take that into consideration.

    • @brandonkruse6412
      @brandonkruse6412 Рік тому

      Stormforge is by far the best MoP we’ve had. Low ping, good population and support has been steady for events and various updates as needed.

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      I’d say Tauri MoP was better, Mistblade is now down to 1500 at peak and is flooded by Spanish speakers

    • @maldlions5313
      @maldlions5313 Рік тому

      @@MEYTRIX I mean the progression has finished several months ago, no?

  • @rodrigosic7894
    @rodrigosic7894 Рік тому

    nice video

  • @Xeyezcn
    @Xeyezcn Рік тому

    didnt play wow for some time bcs nothing seems interesting lately. I found that feenix is doin pte and ngl i am kinda hyped bcs of that :)

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      Yep heard about it just yesterday, I’ll be looking into where I’d like to play during summer too

  • @Velaar
    @Velaar Рік тому


  • @jonny6890
    @jonny6890 Рік тому

    What about whitemane

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      Very good, but very new, if they keep going strong for at least 3 years then they might get their spot in best ever too

  • @officerpulaski1102
    @officerpulaski1102 Рік тому

    If stormforge release wod they will be Best server immediatly

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      Eeeh idk about that Pulaski 😐

  • @praedonius9693
    @praedonius9693 Рік тому

    Warmane is God tier

  • @prisonerofthehighway1059
    @prisonerofthehighway1059 Рік тому

    Not even an honorable mention for Turrtle WoW? Sad 🐢

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      I've only been hearing about it since 1 and a half year ago max, so it doesn't qualify 🤐 but if they keep going as strong as they are - they will very likely make it to a future ranking like this

    • @prisonerofthehighway1059
      @prisonerofthehighway1059 Рік тому

      Yeah, they had some insane peak the other day, like 7k concurrent. I heard Duskhaven shut down so a fair number of them rerolled on turtle. They’re going to split off the Chinese players onto their own server in the next few months so I don’t know how many we’ll lose with that.

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      @@prisonerofthehighway1059 Duskhaven is only being reworked for a big official launch coming later this year

  • @devzer0xFF
    @devzer0xFF Рік тому +2

    warmane is 1000% Toxicity private server for sure. ganking low-level, killing quest npc, pepole talk shit in random dungeon, etc. warmane is super popular but also makes me feel super annoyed.

    • @Thiago.silva1405
      @Thiago.silva1405 Рік тому

      lol I feel bad for you. I completed 1 year playing there and it's impossible not to run into someone toxic but this is extremely rare, I didn't understand your comment. besides, I only saw gankers until today in areas of medium level, like SV, Arathi Highlands etc which is normal on a server with active PvP

  • @Christopher_42
    @Christopher_42 Рік тому +1

    Firestorm is shit they change class balance to their liking it has nothing to do with retail shadowlands, administrators are hostile and childish. not worth the time or money.

  • @VigoVonHomburgDeutchendorf
    @VigoVonHomburgDeutchendorf Рік тому +1

    Czechoslovak? Dude, Czechoslovakia is no more since communism.

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      Nope, Czecho-Slovak, with the hyphen to separate the two 😁

  • @sirnott93
    @sirnott93 Рік тому

    So... For someone new that want's a blizzlike experience, with maybe some better xp rates is better to pick... None? 😂

  • @LinkTheGamerKid
    @LinkTheGamerKid Рік тому

    every private server has this prob. so does waremane

  • @jamesbaggett3655
    @jamesbaggett3655 Рік тому

    Fresh is a meme

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      It’s outgrown its bare meme function at this point 😐

  • @keathaneddins8233
    @keathaneddins8233 Рік тому

    Why people would want to play shadowlands is beyond me lol

  • @olfan92
    @olfan92 Рік тому +1

    Sad list.
    its a shame private servers are dying out.
    classic and retail is garbage tbh.

  • @boriskaragiannis
    @boriskaragiannis Рік тому

    my comment got deleted again :(they just don't stop doing this)

    • @MEYTRIX
      @MEYTRIX  Рік тому

      yep, I noticed, UA-cam hates you 🥲

    • @boriskaragiannis
      @boriskaragiannis Рік тому

      @@MEYTRIX why would they delete suck a insignificant to politics comment???...i guess they left it on auto-delete to go for coffee)

    • @boriskaragiannis
      @boriskaragiannis Рік тому

      @@MEYTRIX what?...again?...why they delete the comment i ask you to speak to the gm of twinstart for me???

  • @b0tnia
    @b0tnia Рік тому

    wow legion was the best

  • @johnyironmaiden
    @johnyironmaiden Рік тому


  • @Morggy69
    @Morggy69 Рік тому

    Felsong Legion is great.!!

  • @Morggy69
    @Morggy69 Рік тому

    Warmane is the most toxic server ever....prépare to be ganked every 15 yards in Northrend, prepare to be farmed by top BiS players.

  • @mrJok3r007
    @mrJok3r007 Рік тому +1

    try Turtle Wow, awesome ppl playing ;) huge community