Margaret Cho Opens Up About Karl Lagerfeld and Weight Issues

  • Опубліковано 21 жов 2024
  • Our #Influencer Margaret Cho drops by the studio to discuss her vigilant stance against the appearance-based pressure for young women. She also discusses her new butt tattoos. As one of today's most interesting and influential cross-platform leaders, Cho shows off just how unique her personality and beliefs toward a forward facing generation are. (February 15, 2012)
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  • @StoicLoic7
    @StoicLoic7 11 років тому +5

    In my opinion, in real life, it's healthy to be able to take the high road and let go sometimes. However, I have to agree with margaret when it comes to online hate/criticism. The main reason people are so hateful online is because there is very little or no consequence. Essentially, they feel protected and invincible behind the screen. If people knew they were going to get an immediate reaction/consequence, they would think twice about writing something hateful online.

  • @dickwschulz
    @dickwschulz 12 років тому

    I love how strongly Cho supports her beliefs. Our world is filled with superficialism and people who change their ideologies and opinions like they change their clothes. I may not agree with everything she says, but it's at least refreshing to see someone who says and believes what she wants instead of trying to please everyone.

  • @bbrenner3
    @bbrenner3 10 років тому +10

    Love Margaret Cho. Hilarious!

  • @joseaod15
    @joseaod15 12 років тому +2

    Love Margaret! Best role model out there

  • @parisasoleimani3992
    @parisasoleimani3992 8 років тому +4

    I honestly feel bad watch her and you can see the struggle in her mind like this constant fight for her career for her hard work :(

  • @SheWhoFeels
    @SheWhoFeels 12 років тому +1

    WORD to @MargaretCho! I LOVE YOU! The "high road" can encourage passive acceptance of abuse. I've been a victim so I know. I am so proud of you for calling Lagerfeld out on his dig on Adele! ENOUGH BODY CRITIQUES! RAWR! I agree, ED's aren't curable...but one CAN find a workable balance between ED pathology and perfect health ( #OptimalWellness ftw )! Stay strong precious one! You rock!!!!

  • @MrMountainchris
    @MrMountainchris 8 років тому +10

    I lost a little respect for Margaret after she said she was hanging out with Kim Kardashian. You would think that someone who lives off of making people feel unworthy would not be someone Margret would like.

  • @booboo589
    @booboo589 12 років тому +1

    SO many of you are missing the point. I have had eating disorders the majority of my life. I have been everywhere from 80 pounds to 150 pounds as an adult. I am mostly in remission now after numerous hospitalizations, and lots of work.
    And honestly, commenting on anyone's body is uncalled for. What gives anyone the right?
    It matters not what someone looks like on the outside. At least when it comes to their merit and ability to contribute to this world.

  • @gregdahlen4375
    @gregdahlen4375 3 роки тому +1

    saying adelle was a little fat is just the truth

  • @warmgulfwind
    @warmgulfwind 7 років тому +4

    Karl Lagerfeld should talk, he was quite large not very long ago. Then he suddenly appeared in public, after an absence, rail thin. Wonder how much money he spent on that gastric bypass...

  • @BrotherLayth
    @BrotherLayth 12 років тому +1

    i never seen her or heard about her . and i love her shes so cute. ... thanks for making this video im gonna research her :)

  • @Missmaliboco
    @Missmaliboco 10 років тому +2

    so so great

  • @this_is_NOT_a_test
    @this_is_NOT_a_test Рік тому +1

    Matthew 5:38-39
    “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.”
    Proverbs 16:32
    “Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.”
    Romans 12:17-21
    “Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
    Proverbs 3:7
    "Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil."

  • @justsumguy2u
    @justsumguy2u 11 років тому +1

    People that are socially correct to the extreme like that bore the hell out of me. And how does she identify with being anorexic when she says she's had problems with being fat her whole life?

  • @starkid910
    @starkid910 12 років тому +1

    "The Real Housewives of My Ass"
    All I have to say about this is that I'd watch that show, unlike the housewife shows they currently run.

  • @LunaSeaSane
    @LunaSeaSane 12 років тому

    01:23 Absolutely right. That's the 80s for ya.

  • @mycrummytrail
    @mycrummytrail 11 років тому

    only till the end dose she open up!

  • @TornWings09
    @TornWings09 12 років тому

    @seanzscorpio It wasn't about her it was about Adele. And how he called Adele fat. This nothing to do with Margaret Cho. She's just standing up for her.

  • @KellyOKellyComedy
    @KellyOKellyComedy 11 років тому +1

    I love her. Yes. Kick ass! I don't believe in taking the high road either when someone is being an ass. You don't just get to say some shit and get away with it.

  • @Nobodysbby
    @Nobodysbby 12 років тому

    people also think anorexia is one big thing, for some people it can be like depression it can come & go. Someone can be starving themselves at 300 lbs even 400.

  • @booboo589
    @booboo589 12 років тому

    Of course we may have a preference for different sizes when it comes to what we are attracted to. But the media has definitely skewed our perceptions.
    Also, her support of Kim Kardashian is sweet. I don't know Kim, I doubt that you know Kim. I have no interest in Kim. But, it sounds like she is coming from a place of genuine respect and support for another woman, who shouldn't be judged without knowing her first hand.
    What good does it do to just go around slamming others?

  • @princesstikia
    @princesstikia 11 років тому +2

    "The real housewives of my ass."

  • @justsumguy2u
    @justsumguy2u 11 років тому

    I have, which is why that interview really disappointed me. It made it look like she was trying to distance herself from being that funny standup persona for the sake of being socially correct. It would be like Howard Stern going to church and pandering to the congregation.

  • @AngstyLady
    @AngstyLady 11 років тому

    I was in shock for several weeks after Whitney died

  • @lovenjoyable
    @lovenjoyable 12 років тому

    Some of yall are being very mean and it is not nice to be Saying stupid shit like you are over the internet because in honest respect She couldnt give two shits and as well as if you know how she is like why go on a video of her and comment stuff like that? Makes no sense

  • @anthonywyattStylist
    @anthonywyattStylist 4 роки тому

    Yea this channels views and subscribers where baught the comment number does not match up

  • @BitchesCallMeTFree
    @BitchesCallMeTFree 12 років тому

    I like her a bit less knowing that she's a Kardashian fan. But, I guess she is cause Kim's a sex symbol that's not really skinny.

  • @sodacorn92
    @sodacorn92 12 років тому

    I love Margaret Cho, that interviewer was so rude!

  • @bobbypaluga4346
    @bobbypaluga4346 9 років тому

    Funny thing I looked up the word "Petty" and damn Margaret Chu's picture is right next to the definitions. For some reason I also had to look up "cheap" amazingly enough Chu's picture was there also, what's up with this?

  • @TheRavenavenger
    @TheRavenavenger 12 років тому

    Margaret I have always loved your standup and how you represent yourself but hun you are way too thin.People are suppose to be the way they are. You are suppose to be at the weight your build is suppose to handle. My Lady who is of Asian ancestry is very anxious about her weight and I try and let her know beauty does not exist between x and x amount of weight.So please know you are beautiful at whatever weight you are truly comfortable at. Take care of YOU

  • @michaelbest1215
    @michaelbest1215 2 роки тому +1

    tattoo artist CrisCleen, tumblr

  • @mycrummytrail
    @mycrummytrail 11 років тому

    this hostess is obviously not a fan, this whole interview is so awkward for maragret because, she isn't picking up hints, she's leaving negative spaces, when its her job to retort and make the interview light hearted and friendly. this must be a joke!

  • @TornWings09
    @TornWings09 12 років тому

    @KaliDraco Oh so you have to be 80 lbs to be anorexic. I think you're painfully naive.

  • @youpumpertube
    @youpumpertube 12 років тому

    I love Margaret, but I don't support the Kuntrashians. Ugh.

  • @chrisbennett3601
    @chrisbennett3601 6 років тому

    It's perfectly ok to NOT to be attracted to fat people.
    You want someone to be attracted to fat people
    and if they are not, you try to shame them and call them shallow.
    It's ok to be fat, if you choose to do so,
    but it's NOT ok to expect people to find fat people attractive.
    It's NOT ok to shame or call someone shallow if they don't find fat people attractive.
    If you think not, then you are wrong !

    • @squurl9736
      @squurl9736 6 років тому +3

      Chris Bennett being attracted to different sized people isn't the problem. Shaming someone for their size LIKE KURT DID TO ADELE is the problem and totally wrong

  • @DesertScorpionKSA
    @DesertScorpionKSA 6 років тому +1

    Adele would be hot if she lost some weight.

    • @soccermommyNPC
      @soccermommyNPC 2 роки тому +1

      She must have seen your comment 3 years ago 🤣

  • @gear14
    @gear14 6 років тому +1

    She’s so odd

  • @dulcelamiavita
    @dulcelamiavita 12 років тому +1

    Margaret Cho has never been funny. Making fun of your culture because you can´t understand how to fit into it is not funny. She´s completely right, she says "dumb jokes about dumb things" and that´s her problem as a comedian. She´s been around a long time? Sure... and still she´s D list... so bravo Margaret for your achievement... and for becoming the bully that´s always hurt you. She obviously has some issues and her new emo/rage-fem niche she´s got into is annoying.