Hahaha, Nowt in Hooton or Moorehouse to see ???? Maybe so, but theres a lot of brass there. I used to take Sunday news papers to HP when I was 16 on my motorbike.. I used to set them out on the bus shelter seats and the residents would come, pick one up and hand the right money over. I could tell you a story of one particular Sunday when the only Times and Observer had been taken by a new comer. I had to go back to the shop, get another copy, and what his lorship had to say about that was nobodys business. Hahaha, Mail me if you want the story, and something you overlooked up there.
I can trace some of my ancestors to this village! Very cool to see. Maybe next time stop in the cemetery?
There is a school in Hooton Pagnell, which I attend in the early 90s
Yes, All Saints CE
The Warde-Norbury family own HP Hall, and have done for over 300 years. They have around 2000+ Acres of farmland and a game shoot.
Cheers for that info Jack!
Hahaha, Nowt in Hooton or Moorehouse to see ???? Maybe so, but theres a lot of brass there. I used to take Sunday news papers to HP when I was 16 on my motorbike.. I used to set them out on the bus shelter seats and the residents would come, pick one up and hand the right money over. I could tell you a story of one particular Sunday when the only Times and Observer had been taken by a new comer. I had to go back to the shop, get another copy, and what his lorship had to say about that was nobodys business. Hahaha, Mail me if you want the story, and something you overlooked up there.
I'd love the story! If there's something you can tell me about Moorhouse that'd be Part 2 worthy for sure!
Did you notice some of the buildings had windows bricked up? That's because there used to be a window tax.
Ah yes that's where the saying "daylight robbery" comes from!
Missed the Cricket field just passed the hall 👍🏻
Something else to add in Part 2! Cheers Jon! :D
Trymust me it's the complete opposite of Emmadale
Just always given me that vibe
You missed the little graveyard opposite the cricket pitch, down the little track.
That'll be something for Part 2 :D