Dada I'm your big fan And when I see your videos I feel happy and i like your videos very much keep going on dada always on supporting you 💫🙌😘 lots of love from myself 😩💜
“Cheya and biscuits , Cheya and puff is for kids but Cheya and maasu is for legends” I HECKING LOVE THAT PART SO MUCH❤️🩹🌸!! “Panni puri is for kids , Massu puri is for legends “ LOVE THAT PART TOO!! I love the massu song also🤣🤣!
Thank You Guys For 1M+ views❤️🔥✌️
You are welcome
Daiiii big fan ma ni anime lover ho hjr jasto euta replyy paunw milxw???
Ani naya vdo nahalne bichar ho ra☹️
no problem and love your videos dai ♥♥
Haddeee lover here✋✋✋🤣😂
Hehe Me too😆
Only sister are hadde lover bcz they are dog😂😂😂
Haha mee too
Mee also
Masu is looooovee ❤️😂Masu lovers eta hajir garum tah 🤣✨
Who are in 2024😅😅😅 reply
Me love this
Yam ha ham😅😅
Chiya biscuit is for kid chiya massu is for legend 😂😂😂
Video uploaded 2 months ago
And she is commenting now
@@ashurdevilgaming8241 and
@@ashurdevilgaming8241 wiýwti
Im still watching it the way he tells masu is so addictedd😂
Keep going brother ❤️❤️
Hehe Thank U so Much🔥❤️
@@prasanna.lama07 🤣
maasu as Breakfast for legends😂😂😂
2 year paxi feri herna man lagyoooo😂❤
Congratulations for 1m guysss♥️🫶🏾
Interview lini man paryo my lord ❤️😁
Haha 😆
111 know 112
@@prasanna.lama07 kaise ho bro
The one who did mummy ko part is literally very nice actor omo 🤣
You are an army
@@sushilamagar1540 yes I'm an army. Yoongi biased
@@herobrine_gamer1398 😌
Who are watching this on 2024❤❤
I am watching in 2024
I am watching in 2024
Masu masu masu masu😂🙌🙌🙌
That's literally me masu lover 🤣❤️🙋
Hasayera...Marne Bicharr xa Prasanna Dai ko Hamilaiii 😂😂😂🤌
I came after looking Bts crazy fans
Hey army thankyou for liking my comment and thank you for all your replies 😊💜💜
same here😆
me too
Same here 😂❤️
Me to😊
After watching ,, I'm feel like I'm dead but I'm not dead😍😂🤣
xxxtentacion stolen comment 😒
@@tyb5564 umm vanya🥺
The best first word in the universe😂🎉
The ending was so suberb 😂💜
Nothing 😥😥😥
You must be most wanted youtuber because the way u make us laugh is in another level....
Keep it up👍👍
Dami ho k
@@laxmikumal5064 hdjoig
When Prasanna always loves massu when massu isn't there Prasanna dies
masu nai chaine 🤣🤣🤣😍❣️
I came from tiktok🤣🤣🤣 anyway love ur vids
Thank You so Much🥺🤧🔥
Dude Same yr
Nonveg is here 🙋🏻♀️😂😆
Kati hasnu Hou Mata hasda hasda morna lage😂😂Love u guys u all r just wow❤️
Pani puri is for kids massu puri is for legend's ✨
Khatra xhau vai❤
Massuuuuuuuuuu....!!! 😹😹😹😹
Daiii keep going day by day I am addicted to your video 🐼❤
He : pani puri is for kids and masu puri is for legend
Me: from today i will also start to eat masupuri
Lol 😂
@@Unknown-iz1nl 😊
@@Unknown-iz1nl l
Mitho huncha
@@madcarljohnsoncj7605 khayara harana
Hahaha first Mae maasu re🤣🤣🤣🤣 ma veg manchhe dhari yo video herera masu lover bhaya🤩😍
This video I am watching 4,5 time big fan bro haru
Maharajj Fire hou 🔥🤣👌 literally me masu lover❤️
Jasle man parauxa ekdam masu
Tesle ramri xori ani pauxa maya garne sasu 😜❤🙈
50 k ma hereko aahile 1 million views . Congratulation brother 🇳🇵❤️❤️
Same bro I'm watching before his 15k subs. He is growing faster😂❤💚
Big fan 🥰🥰
Maasu! *knock knock knock*🤣
Wow big fan masu lover ji😍😍😍😍😋😋😋😋😋masu masu jati khera ni masu😂😂😁😁😁vanye manxey
Pani Puri is kids masu Puri is legend 🤣🤣🤣
@@dipaadhikari6154 व्ह्क्ह्व्व्क्व
Mommi bhanana...
Hehe thanks for the cmt😊
I am steel laughing for 17 minutes😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
हे भगवान masuu lovers 😂😂😂😂😂
Omg you guy’s are so funny 😂😅😅keep going 😊😊 fighting 💜💜
😮 masu masu masu masu masu masu masu masu masu masu masu ❤❤❤❤❤ I love massu
Masu is always masu😎🤘
Pani puri for kids, masu puri for legend😅😍😍😍😅😅😅😅
Mero masulai dukhyo Hola was epic😆
aaba ta massu ko namm pani Lhina man layena😂😂😂😂
comeady king😊😊😊
Lastoii comedy xa aru pani aestoi banaunuss😍🤗❤️
Fun fact ="Legends are watching while eating maasu"
Mw pwni yo video herni bela chicken chowmein khadei thiye
Mee too
Eatming 🤣🤣🤣
Eating ❌ eatming✔️
Haha me too
I love your acting its so comedy wow😍😍😍😍😂😂
I Am your big fan......🥰🥰😘😘🦋
Masu lover
Dai love your videos
Hehe thanks a Lot❤️
this channel is growing faster than my hair😂😂😂
🤣masu lover is mee too 🤣😚😋
Dada I'm your big fan
And when I see your videos I feel happy and i like your videos very much keep going on dada always on supporting you 💫🙌😘 lots of love from myself 😩💜
Congratulations for 200k in advance 🤟🤟🤟🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊
Love the mom ( prabesh) 🤣🤣👀
Masuu as breakfast is for legend 😂😂😂
6:00 can't stop laughing 😂😂
Bakwas masuwalla 😖😱😧😈
Love your video bro!🤣♥️
Maasu lover😁😋
Hehe Thanks A Lot
The first part bro😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂mmmmmmmmm masu😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
जयमशी भाइ। एकदम राम्रो लाग्यो ।
“Cheya and biscuits , Cheya and puff is for kids but Cheya and maasu is for legends” I HECKING LOVE THAT PART SO MUCH❤️🩹🌸!! “Panni puri is for kids , Massu puri is for legends “ LOVE THAT PART TOO!! I love the massu song also🤣🤣!
My lord~😂😂😂🖒🤘
Khatra K😂😂
Legends watching after 6 months 😆🤣🔥❤️
Still waiting for pt.2 Dada aali Xito k☹💜💜
Haha lop frm india sikkim daa 😗😗😗
Masu puri for legend😂
Your video deserves 2m views ❤️❤️❤️
And thanks for entertaining our online classes
Got more!!
Bro last mon paryo ☺️☺️
Masu,masu ,masu life is full of masuuuu🤣🤣🤣💜💜
Prabesh look super cute in
That mumy wala character😍😂
Macu for legend 😂🤣
I love all your videos but cant understand the hindi much but cant stop laughing. I love you too........
💪😆😆😆Masu and tea is khatra🤣😅
Maasu is for legends and milk and pop is for god🤘🤘🤟🤟
Bababl brother y😂ou got a new subscriber ❣️❣️
Hehe Thank You So much🔥❤️
Superb 😂😂😂😂it's awesome 😎😂😂
Lots of love from Darjeeling
Bro congratulations your channel is growing faster 💜
Ga da bhaio
Excuse me Your video got 4.2million views
Congratulations to you
Have a good day
Massu Puri is for legend🤣😂😂
Pani Puri is for kids 😂🤣🤣
Who loves prasanna lama and his groups
Attendance here⬇⬇⬇⏬⏬⏬⏬😂😂
8:20 min not laughing challenge ops😂😂😂 I'm fail😂😂😂😂
Tyo Calling pRess ko Masu Khane kta snga Angelic pant xa🤣🤣
Chya masu lover here✋✋✋
I have watched all of your videos🌝and loved your videos so much🥰waiting for another videos🙈💖💖
bro ko vide lastai babal
What a legend for masu❤😂
fact= this video is most views of his channel😂😘😘
Wrong part2
You guys did outstanding job ...keep it up
Darr laagdo maasoo lover
Lot's of Love from Meghalaya,India 🇮🇳
What a video😂literally made my day
Good job 🙏❤
la dai aba 1M xaitai pugani hola ni support garam hai sabaila 😊😍😍
After watching this 🤣
What is name : Masu
Where are you from : Masu
How old are you : Masu
What do you do : Masu