Carving a Forest Spirit’s Door | Hand-Carved Magic

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @johnduffy6546
    @johnduffy6546 24 дні тому

    That's adorable! I love forest spirits, wood spirits, garden gnomes and all manner of wee folk

    • @Aldernwood
      @Aldernwood  24 дні тому

      They are great aren’t they, I always imagine what their story is

  • @kiltedkarver7468
    @kiltedkarver7468 22 дні тому

    😊great job pretty cool 😎 looking forward to seeing what you come up with next

    • @Aldernwood
      @Aldernwood  19 днів тому

      Thank you 🙏 any suggestions for what you like to see?

  • @timlist4173
    @timlist4173 6 днів тому

    Very nice.

    • @Aldernwood
      @Aldernwood  5 днів тому +1

      @@timlist4173 thank you ☺️

  • @betsywilkes7952
    @betsywilkes7952 28 днів тому +1

    So great to find a female carver doing some unique stuff. Love your door! Love the fantasy theme. Think I will give this a try.

    • @Aldernwood
      @Aldernwood  28 днів тому

      Thanks so much, I’m glad you like it. It is a lot harder to find female carvers I agree

    • @johnduffy6546
      @johnduffy6546 24 дні тому

      They are fun to carve and to get kids interested in carving

  • @tomevans4402
    @tomevans4402 Місяць тому +1

    I have carved a few of these. Kids love them. Thank you

    • @Aldernwood
      @Aldernwood  Місяць тому

      Glad you like them. They are so fun aren’t they

  • @RoysTimberArtTechniques-mv6gt
    @RoysTimberArtTechniques-mv6gt 24 дні тому

    Looks wonderful I carve wood spirit bird houses and these would look wonderful on the side of those

    • @Aldernwood
      @Aldernwood  24 дні тому

      @@RoysTimberArtTechniques-mv6gt oh wow that sounds really cool way of making the carving functional. How long do they take you to do?

    • @RoysTimberArtTechniques-mv6gt
      @RoysTimberArtTechniques-mv6gt 23 дні тому

      @ it varies between 6 to 10 hours

    • @Aldernwood
      @Aldernwood  23 дні тому

      @ I’ve had a look and they look so good 😊

    • @Aldernwood
      @Aldernwood  23 дні тому

      @ wow amazing

  • @upstreamdownwind4821
    @upstreamdownwind4821 Місяць тому

    Beautiful work! I’m just starting woodcarving myself and love the videos!

    • @Aldernwood
      @Aldernwood  Місяць тому

      @@upstreamdownwind4821 thank you. I’m glad you’re enjoying them. What things are you carving?

    • @upstreamdownwind4821
      @upstreamdownwind4821 Місяць тому

      @ your welcome! I’ve been following Doug linker and ddalo and tried a few of their projects, such as pumpkins, wizards and pine trees. Still new to carving so let’s just say they don’t look nowhere near as good lol

    • @Aldernwood
      @Aldernwood  Місяць тому +1

      @ oh yes I’ve done a few of theres too. They have some good videos. The more you do the better you’ll get :)

  • @aidenfletcher6503
    @aidenfletcher6503 19 днів тому

    Very nice carve found you on cousin Jack's video I'll take a look at your other videos 😊

    • @Aldernwood
      @Aldernwood  19 днів тому

      That’s great, welcome to the channel. Feel free to suggest anything you’d like to see

    • @aidenfletcher6503
      @aidenfletcher6503 19 днів тому

      @@Aldernwood will do thanks I'll just enjoy your creativity I mostly dremel carve myself so I enjoy seeing different people's styles

  • @pgoessnitzer
    @pgoessnitzer 23 дні тому

    I'm new to your channel and just subscribed.. I like your style and presentation. Greetings from Oregon!

    • @Aldernwood
      @Aldernwood  19 днів тому +1

      Welcome, I’m so glad to have you here. Thank you is there anything you’ve like to see me do?

  • @kevinfrench9896
    @kevinfrench9896 Місяць тому

    Really enjoyed your video.

  • @ArmageddonAfterparty
    @ArmageddonAfterparty 2 місяці тому +1

    Nice. I find the bit where you come in from the side towards the initial cut very hard, it usually ends up quite messy. Flexicut, looks the same knife as yours, sharp too, it almost carves more thumb than wood, must remember to make some protection.

    • @ArmageddonAfterparty
      @ArmageddonAfterparty 2 місяці тому

      edited a typo

    • @Aldernwood
      @Aldernwood  2 місяці тому +1

      Thank you. I agree starting off can be so hard. You really have to think about finger placement. I recommend using finger protectors like I have on. I wear them mostly when carving smaller pieces where I can’t avoid having my fingers in the cutting line. Do you use any finger/ hand protection?

    • @ArmageddonAfterparty
      @ArmageddonAfterparty 2 місяці тому +1

      @@Aldernwood No, nothing. My thoughtprocess was that the more I cut myself, the better I'd get in avoiding it. Turns out it only partially works that way.

    • @Aldernwood
      @Aldernwood  2 місяці тому +2

      @@ArmageddonAfterparty 😂 yes that’s one way to learn

    • @Rigus208
      @Rigus208 Місяць тому

      Bret job .. looking forward tu your next project.. just remember nothing wrong with wearing a carving glove.. your fingers are to pretty to be scarred !! Besides it’s cheaper than a visit to ER .👍😇🇺🇸

  • @scaredypicker
    @scaredypicker 2 місяці тому +1

    How do you manage to make the door look like that in the final shots? 😮

    • @Aldernwood
      @Aldernwood  2 місяці тому +1

      They magically appear ✨

    • @hoogintellekt5452
      @hoogintellekt5452 2 місяці тому +1

      linseed oil. Depending on the wood it gives a more yellowish/brownish color

    • @Aldernwood
      @Aldernwood  2 місяці тому +1

      You’re right, it was linseed oil that’s been used to finish off the wood 😊

  • @tonyjoe5707
    @tonyjoe5707 Місяць тому

    Nice video. But I'd say a little bit more info at the beginning, size, how you drew it out, for those new to carving.

    • @Aldernwood
      @Aldernwood  Місяць тому +1

      Thank you. That’s good to know that is something you’d be interested in knowing. I’ll look at doing this in future videos. I’d already started carving this before I hit record.. oops, so I didn’t get the initial carving recorded. The carving is 2x2” and 3/4” deep, I redrew the drawing onto the wood following my sketchbook drawing. Would a template for this be something you’d be interested in?

    • @tonyjoe5707
      @tonyjoe5707 Місяць тому

      @@Aldernwood oh I see, regarding the oops 😬. I don't think I'd use a template. I just try and replicate the dimensions

  • @jojomaguwa
    @jojomaguwa Місяць тому

    That was fun to watch and the end result is fantastic! Well done. I recently found you on Instagram and I'm glad I did. I've subscribed. :) Thanks for sharing!

    • @Aldernwood
      @Aldernwood  Місяць тому

      @@jojomaguwa I’m so pleased you enjoyed I and the rest of what I’m sharing, thank you 😊