“Old baldies and grey heads” denounced in Dáil

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • “Old baldies and grey heads” are tut-tutting young people who protested at the UCC security forum and who were “pushed and dragged” to the exit by the Gardaí, a Socialist TD has told the Dáil.
    But Minister Michael McGrath told Mick Barry of People Before Profit that he assumed he wouldn’t be looking for votes next time out from oldies and baldies. He said he didn’t know why the Deputy had made such a disparaging remark.
    Mr Barry saluted the protesters who harangued Tánaiste Micheal Martin in University College Cork this morning at the opening of the forum to explore defence and neutrality.
    He said: “Only one speaker out of 80a at this forum from is from Generation Z - and despite the tut-tutting in Dáil corridors from old baldies and grey heads, young people’s voices will be heard.
    “I see the Tánaiste is saying that their arguments were incoherent and not evidence-based. Well, I look at the words on their banner: ‘NATO wars, millions dead.’ I think there's a lot of evidence for that.
    “There are five speakers at this forum who are pro-NATO or pro-EU militarisation for every one against Yes, there is a debate going on there. But it's not a debate about whether to join the rush to militarise, it's about how we deal with and how fast we do it.
    “It's rigged. It's stacked. It's not a real debate. I'm confident the Irish people will be a little bit wiser for what's going on.”
    Finance Minister Michael McGrath replied: “Did you refer to baldies and grey heads?
    “Do I take it you won't be canvassing for support from any bald person or any grey person in Cork North Central in the next election?
    “I don't know why you felt the need to throw in a disparaging remark like that -- and I'm sure the people that description might relate to will remember exactly what you said.”
    An irked Mr Barry replied: “My voters, Minister, do not tut-tut young people.”
    Mr McGrath said the remark was “petty and unnecessary.”
    He added: “I don't know what you have against debate. This is an opportunity for civil society to have a debate on what is a really important issue -- not just for Ireland, but for every country in the world.
    “It is not rigged. It is not stacked. And we have been very clear that there is no intention of changing Ireland's position on military neutrality.”


  • @declancolgan8128
    @declancolgan8128 Рік тому +49

    This government has put us in harms way more times in the last year than ever before. Sending our kids away to work for a better life and then offering that Better life unvetted eu nationals. Time for Ireland to stand up to these clowns. Leo and his band of merry men need their walking papers

    • @mqxogames
      @mqxogames Рік тому +1

      Are we having an Irexit then? Because there is a fundamental right of EU citizens - not nationals - to freedom of movement. That is the right to live, work and study in any EU member state and it is infallible. We cannot deny these “unvetted EU” citizens - nationals yes, citizens no - the right to perform any of those actions in Ireland. Our government is the worst I’ve seen in my lifetime and I wish we could remove them from power, but I think it’s important to remember that we don’t have the right to deny EU citizens from coming to live in Ireland.

    • @Therealprinceofcobh
      @Therealprinceofcobh Рік тому +2

      Putin lover

    • @declancolgan8128
      @declancolgan8128 Рік тому

      @@mqxogames since when is Sudan, Somalia, African countries EU ? That’s all well and good but we send our own kids away and take it other countries problems ? And soon we’ll be fighting a war against Russia that has nothing to do with us. I’m it saying you can’t move to Ireland but their should be a port of entry. We don’t have a border between us and the north. During covid how many 1000s of unvetted came to Ireland ? And you think just let them in unvetted ? Are you serious. Give me an example of where on the planet that worked ? I’ll give you one specific one where it doesn’t. America- drugs, crime, human trafficking of men, women and children all actors border by unvetted. Why ? Because they can. Now their police force carry Weapons, the Irish force have nothing. Handcuffs and pepper spray. We had a women stabbed to death out on a walk- unvetted eu, we had a girl gang raped outside of Mullingar- Brazilians- unvetted. We had a man in dublin raped and beaten so bad he was running along the quays with his anus ripped apart and blood everywhere- eu unvetted. But ye let them in without any vetting. Sorry but you are a thick cunt honestly. Typical Irish, won’t look after our own but look after everyone else. Thick

    • @declancolgan8128
      @declancolgan8128 Рік тому

      @@mqxogames I mean at that rate why have airports, just let them in and we( the tax payer) will pick up the shit for the government. The Irish people are speaking and the government aren’t listening. Time to take to the streets. Get these band of crooks out of here

    • @declancolgan8128
      @declancolgan8128 Рік тому +1

      @@Therealprinceofcobh you must love war ye ? Off you go jack the lad, let me know how the king of Cobh gets on hahahaha

  • @jamesfagan7823
    @jamesfagan7823 Рік тому +37

    Huge salaries and pensions do you really think that they give a shit about us

    • @LaurenceOConnor-fg4dk
      @LaurenceOConnor-fg4dk Рік тому

      No. The question you need to ask is who the fook is electing these fooktards to the Dáil?

    • @monkeybudge
      @monkeybudge Рік тому

      I do James, yeah. We live in a representative democracy. They more or less stay in line with what the people who vote for them want.

    • @jamesfagan7823
      @jamesfagan7823 Рік тому

      @@monkeybudge that's impossible because democracy is one of the biggest illusions mankind has ever invented its Santa Claus for adults

    • @Elephant1976
      @Elephant1976 Рік тому

      A democracy?Freedom? If you think your free try going somewhere without money see how free we are..try that.thieves liars and plutocracts..

  • @madeinireland2383
    @madeinireland2383 Рік тому +33

    The governments MO is to pay some NGO to advise and tell them what they want to hear , have a citizens assembly and load it with their cronies .

  • @jamescasey1756
    @jamescasey1756 Рік тому +48

    McGrath is the name to remember and avoid on a Ballot .

  • @FrankDunne-ui9ji
    @FrankDunne-ui9ji Рік тому +17

    We can have a referendum
    Let the people decide, then there's no argument.

    • @townsin11
      @townsin11 Рік тому

      I have come to realise that if voting mattered, they would not allow it.

  • @ec3076
    @ec3076 Рік тому +15

    One little protest has them all rattled.

  • @Raptor2607
    @Raptor2607 Рік тому +26

    Soft ireland we used to be great at taking insults making them funny and firing back not anymore because of these clowns with there new hate speech laws

    • @mqxogames
      @mqxogames Рік тому +2

      The reason we stopped exchanging insults in the Houses of the Oireachtas is it isn’t mature to do that in a legislature and it doesn’t reflect well on the country - I refer you to the British House of Commons ever so fond of its fighting. Some of the lads in the Dáil couldn’t write an insult but I like to think that at least most of them are some craic outside of work but can actually put their best foot forward when they are earning our money.

    • @TheIrishBosnian
      @TheIrishBosnian Рік тому

      They're just snobs and trying to virtue signal. It's clearly harmless, but funny. The craic...

  • @jellybellyjellybelly7298
    @jellybellyjellybelly7298 Рік тому +10

    Its shocking that the forever men in suits are still telling us what we need today 2023.

  • @crossedpolars
    @crossedpolars Рік тому +36

    What does Mcgrath mean by "civil society"? He surely doesn't mean the plain people of Ireland. He means military, ex-military, nato employees and pet journalists. All presided over by a dame of the british empire who referred to the hunger strikers as "terrorists" and was a cheerleader for the Afghanistan as well as other US military adventures. If that's civil society I'm happy to be left out.

    • @mikey4188
      @mikey4188 Рік тому +2

      What he means by 'civil society' is those of use who wont use dispareging remarks like 'greyheads' or 'baldies', (no this is not due to his snowy roots he'll assure you), he means compliant and well behaved citizens who trust their government and wont argue or question its actions. Hopefully McGrath never see's this 'civil society' he wants.

  • @MrGreen_
    @MrGreen_ Рік тому +3

    We should be asked to join anything ..not told !!

  • @Danielbinu
    @Danielbinu Рік тому +3

    This government have surplus, don't know what to do. Spend it on arms, great commission.

  • @brightrose9405
    @brightrose9405 Рік тому +23

    Why have a debate if Ireland will not change its stance on neutrality?

    • @mwatts1705
      @mwatts1705 Рік тому +16

      Neutrality is the best decision Ireland ever made. Ireland is a small country and has no business getting associated with NATO that has proven to be anything but a defensive military alliance.

    • @warbler1984
      @warbler1984 Рік тому

      ​@mwatts1705 because it's not a binary of neutrality or no neutrality...there's multiple changes we can make to our defence policy

    • @monkeybudge
      @monkeybudge Рік тому

      How has NATO proven its self to be anything but a defensive organisation?
      Is Bosnia going to be your argument?
      I’m fully committed to Irish neutrality but object to all this vilifying of NATO. It’s kept a stable world order that we all benefit from for the best part of a century.

    • @mwatts1705
      @mwatts1705 Рік тому +2

      @@warbler1984but a corner stone of defence policy is how a country positions itself relative to other countries. Neutrality signals sovereignty, independence and not taking sides. By joining an alliance you take sides and are beholden to events and political agendas that can be outside your interests and control.

    • @mwatts1705
      @mwatts1705 Рік тому +5

      @@monkeybudge Afghanistan, Syria and Libya interventions. Plus the expansion of NATO east since the early 90’s despite promising not to has been a persistent provocation to Russia and a leading contributor to the current conflict in Ukraine.

  • @mrmanic4151
    @mrmanic4151 Рік тому +1

    The idea that we shouldn't militarise is not good i mo thuairim. The soldiers in Ireland are already underpaid and need better funding, also whenever somebody illegally flies nlinto our airspace we depend on the Brits to forcibly Escort them out because we don't have the capability to do it ourselves.
    We shouldn't join NATO since we already have a defence pact with the other countries of the EU, but joint military operations are vital in order to give the military the experience it needs to operate in any meaningful capacity.
    It also wouldn't hurt to have well-funded, highly trained soldiers in the event Ireland is reunited and there ends up being dangerous civil unrest among violent loyalist populations.

  • @ferdinandimposter691
    @ferdinandimposter691 Рік тому +12

    Mick Barry, the voice of the 1%

    • @Peter-733
      @Peter-733 Рік тому

      Only 15% support joining nato so he speaks for more than 1%

  • @GST569
    @GST569 Рік тому +1

    These Creeps have no mandate. Let the people decide

  • @kevinmurphy5249
    @kevinmurphy5249 Рік тому +12

    Mick Barry is correct

  • @79paddysirl17
    @79paddysirl17 Рік тому +1

    We will be neutral. Vote mcgrath out.

  • @joesummer
    @joesummer Рік тому +2

    They’ll all be enlisted apparently

  • @fivetwoeight528
    @fivetwoeight528 Рік тому +7


  • @mdtcorkery
    @mdtcorkery Рік тому +1

    Mick Barry what do you suggest we do to thwart Russian aggression against this country?

    • @PollyCot
      @PollyCot Рік тому

      What Russian aggression against Ireland?

    • @patbaker-ll8ef
      @patbaker-ll8ef Рік тому

      Have you heard rumours of a Russian invasion?
      I suppose they’ll land in Rosslare! Will they say we were a willing break away group of the Russian Federation?
      Get your head out of your ass!

    • @mdtcorkery
      @mdtcorkery Рік тому

      @@PollyCot HSE cyber attack, Russian naval drills in the EEZ, Russian ‘research’ vessels loitering off the coast here knowing full well there are critical cables on the sea bed

  • @RottenGreenPumpkins
    @RottenGreenPumpkins Рік тому

    A great sickness is upon us....
    Mene mene techel Upharsin....

  • @patbaker-ll8ef
    @patbaker-ll8ef Рік тому

    Anybody who votes for McGrath should hold their head in shane.
    Upset on behalf of baldies and grey heads when clearly knows the point being made and ignoring it.

    • @verali164
      @verali164 Рік тому

      Anyone that votes for mick barry hang their head, he is another traitor.

  • @lindadoherty9176
    @lindadoherty9176 Рік тому +6

    They were great to speak out against nato and militarization

  • @eddieburke6780
    @eddieburke6780 Рік тому

    You do stop young people look at the people that are out on the street to protect were they live you call them the far right mick

  • @blissken1
    @blissken1 Рік тому +1

    "It's not rigged and it's not stacked" immediately looks down to his notes.

  • @funbarsolaris2822
    @funbarsolaris2822 Рік тому +5

    Mick Barry is 100% right, go on Ireland, makes me proud of my roots

  • @TheStepplejack
    @TheStepplejack Рік тому

    Martin calling someone incoherent brings to mind the words pot kettle black

  • @philodowd8080
    @philodowd8080 Рік тому

    It Stinks to High Heaven

  • @cipiatone
    @cipiatone Рік тому


  • @blissken1
    @blissken1 Рік тому +1

    And the title to this video tells you all you need to know about the independent. People protest Nato wars. "Baldies and Greyheads" is what the independent thinks is tge story here.

  • @blissken1
    @blissken1 Рік тому

    Yes war and million dead and his biggest worry is disparaging language.

  • @ireland2657
    @ireland2657 Рік тому

    That chaps not wrong

  • @MrDOB1000
    @MrDOB1000 Рік тому +10

    Good on him...these clowns save rheir own skin.

  • @derekmurray1462
    @derekmurray1462 Рік тому +21

    We are lreland and we are neutral, let us try to prevent conflict and resolve conflicts by diplomacy and peace keeping not joining in on nato and US wars 🇮🇪

    • @lordcharlesthomas
      @lordcharlesthomas Рік тому +5

      It might say that we're neutral on paper but effectively we really aren't, we are firmly western/NATO aligned even if we're not a member state and the last year has demonstrated that
      And yes, I am pro-neutrality but a realistic view of the situation shows that we're not unfortunately

    • @derekmurray1462
      @derekmurray1462 Рік тому +1

      @@lordcharlesthomas yes that’s true as a state we are aligned unofficially with NATO and act as cheerleaders for them. I believe the Irish people want something different than that.

    • @rod9829
      @rod9829 Рік тому

      Have fun when the Russian warships return 🤓🤓🤓

  • @karancoyne7719
    @karancoyne7719 Рік тому +5

    i see the anti war ceann shuting down debate

  • @dannycorkanon
    @dannycorkanon Рік тому +4

    Put it to a referendum

  • @gerardflynn7382
    @gerardflynn7382 Рік тому +6

    If we hold a referendum on the subject of Irish Neutrality, then it should be enshrined in our Constitution.

  • @malmoran8643
    @malmoran8643 Рік тому +8

    Slime bags.

  • @davidwalsh659
    @davidwalsh659 Рік тому +3

    Baldies and grey heads have kids who'll be affected...

    • @GR-su3xc
      @GR-su3xc Рік тому +2

      Nah, rich people's kids seldom are affected

  • @tomhassell7985
    @tomhassell7985 Рік тому +1

    Is McGrath reading from Chairman Martin's book of quotes?

  • @1mrsheep
    @1mrsheep Рік тому +1

    Typical, he talks about the issue at hand and his opponent talks around it's while picking at one of his comments

  • @Elephant1976
    @Elephant1976 Рік тому

    Young baldies and young grey heads with the price of things...

  • @bernicescanlon6137
    @bernicescanlon6137 Рік тому +1


  • @bobbyd4298
    @bobbyd4298 Рік тому +9

    He was actually right 🙏❤🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪❤🙏

  • @rocky7173
    @rocky7173 Рік тому

    Where is everyone??????

  • @bentruthuncovers9331
    @bentruthuncovers9331 Рік тому


  • @OrdinaryPerson-v1e
    @OrdinaryPerson-v1e Рік тому +5

    Fair play to the protesters . its their future and their country's future . its not up to old politicians in suits who sit behind desks to decided if these guys are to be sent to war on behalf of other nations ideals . Good leaders lead from the front and not the rear.

  • @Bigbaz86
    @Bigbaz86 Рік тому +4

    Hate Irelands far left but hate NATO more

  • @darrenwall5439
    @darrenwall5439 Рік тому +1

    Rigged is totally correct, Well said Sir!

  • @shiftylad9938
    @shiftylad9938 Рік тому +3

    Great point. Ol lads have bald heads and are grey like me. It’s young people who will have to live through all this and the minister was quite condescending towards that TD.

  • @davek89666
    @davek89666 Рік тому +1

    No to Nato

  • @ShiftDrift-kh6wb
    @ShiftDrift-kh6wb Рік тому

    We need to give fascism a go. This type of government has failed miserably

    • @RedOakCrow
      @RedOakCrow Рік тому

      In Ireland, the anti-authoritarians who called out the draconian pandemic measures are labeled as fascists by the people who behave like...................fascists!

    • @conorbrown792
      @conorbrown792 Рік тому

      😂 maybe not fascism but definitely a Conservative type government

    • @RedOakCrow
      @RedOakCrow Рік тому +1

      @@conorbrown792 I'd settle for a government that's left on healthcare and housing but upholds the traditional social views of the majority (yes the majority still lean trad).

    • @KorpusV6
      @KorpusV6 Рік тому

      They're finally showing their true colors. If you want Ireland wiped off the face of the earth, then go ahead be fascists. See where that leads you