Sevou: Lands on anniversary playland and wipes all the enemies Me: Graphics STILL loading , teleported under the playland and the moment graphics load I m DEAD
Nobody Literally nobody: First time sevou instead of saying give spoidy a weapon or give spoidy some enemies he's saying give spoidy a bagpack. Lel.😂😂🤣🤣
TO SAY ABOUT THIS MATCH.... *THIS WAS FULLY INTENSE SEVOU* RESPECT TO YOU.... One side you saved your teamate.... And the same time you took the fight... HUGE RESPECT.
Ask these kings to play in pmco . Ever wonder why dont they dont do live stream or dont play at start of season because they cant play in conquerer lobby.
Him: *^sprays his m762 straight shot^* Me: sprays m762 and didnt hit a single bullet Also me: cries while watching hoping to be a good . . . . . SPOIDERMAN
BRO YOU'RE AMAZING! I couln´t stop laughing when you were shooting at the bike thinking that was a snake AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, this is my best video game-play of yours so far AHAHAHHAH
It happens with me yesterday. I saw a car and started following it with my whole squad and in my mind that kid came in and said "Hello guys you know what time it is" and then hits the savage mission impossible music!! That's all was happening in my mind :D lol
Deepika Rai hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahaahhahaahhahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaahhahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahhahahahahahahahaahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaahhaahhahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahhaahahhahahaahahahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahhaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahhahahahaahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha
I don't use to comment any video on UA-cam, but this one, specifically the fight, it was really intense, one of ur big fun u and Livinho, Gozi from Morocco 🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦
Sevou: I am showing my face in a video tomorrow. His Friend: You are ugly. Sevou: God created no one ugly!! His Friend: Yeah! you are right, but then who the hell created you !!!
i love how his skirt flaps around as he is running 😂 so cute
Yes. That's satisfying 😊😉.
Can we play with you ❤
Lands on anniversary playland and wipes all the enemies
Graphics STILL loading , teleported under the playland and the moment graphics load I m DEAD
For real tho!!😂😂
Hahaa.....same here man...
Yeah same here bro
Me too
Yes this happens me everytime
me:Watches sevou videos gets motivated
me:Enters game and dies instantly
goes back to watch sevou videos
Relatable af😂😂
Same here
Lol k😀😂😀
Kids: rest in peace
Men: R.I.P
Sevou: rip in peace 😂😂
Thank you for my smile in my face bro. That was excellent 🤣🤣
Whenever sevou says : "WTF"
cuz he get another kill
Hell yeah we love the "you know what time it is" 😂😂
The one whose reading this comment I wish there parents will live for 100 years
What about the guy who actually liked it
@@kevinn.4970 200 years
Our parents are not green land shark
Sevou: *join the battle*
Everyone: *FEK FEK FEK*
Edit:85 likes!!tq
@@siyulater4818 exllent fight bro tq
That happens!!!!!
Nobody :
Literally Nobody :
Sevou : Thanking lil joker for covering his back 😂
Antonio Lewis Watch me please
Sevou: sees a car.
His mind: Hello guys , u know what time it is.
I can feel sevou's frustration for not finding the enemies,it happens to me everytime lel...😂😂😂
me: mom i broke my tab
mom: how you broke that
me: i smash the like button
SUBHANYT ROBLOX Watch me please
Bacon army ayeee
Sevou : Good at spoidermon kills
Cobra : Good at sniping
My squad : Good at stealing loots and killing one another
Sevou: Sees an enemy jeep
Random kid out of nowhere: Hey guys you know what time it is ?
GAMING IS AMAZING can u sub me
@Cooper Joneshahaha a now
@Cooper Joneshahaha a now
everybody: kills for stats.
sevou: kills for backpack, just to cover back.
No one,
Not a single soul,
Sevou: kill it before it lays eggs😁
No one:
Sevou praising himself after killing enemy: Excellent work.
Or uthao
@@abdulnaffay6171 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I really miss this season
I am start playing pubg in this season ❤❤❤😢😢
Literally nobody:
First time sevou instead of saying give spoidy a weapon or give spoidy some enemies he's saying give spoidy a bagpack. Lel.😂😂🤣🤣
Spoidermon is fek fek cool
sevou to boch na axve
It means I saw enemies but I need weapon
"Chek yorself before u rek yorself" Sevou trying to be Savage. 😂😂 Cutest, no doubt. ❤️
One side you saved your teamate.... And the same time you took the fight...
I love the ‘’ you know what time it is “ and you chase them with the car it is not the first time
Can we play game
Rayyan Ahmed shut up Indian😐
@@sinistergzzz1341 why do u need to specify like Indian
Ok then love u
no one
literally no one
sevou when he sees a car: u know what time it is
If sometimes I am in stress or I am sad, I always watch sevou's videos because they make me happy and make me forgot about my all problems
Mohammad Suhail 👍👍👍
Only 2 kings
When cobra comes,
Sevou : fek fek fek, am I blind ? 🤭
Ask these kings to play in pmco . Ever wonder why dont they dont do live stream or dont play at start of season because they cant play in conquerer lobby.
Sevou: kills a guy and says rekt
Me: kills a guy and says omg thank you god
hahaha me too
Literally nobody:
Sevou's comments nobody literally nobody
Aysha Zubair Watch me please
No one:
Sevou after every 5 sec: "Excellent Work"😂
Sevou: How you have been must times killed in this season?
Me: By using these ****** game tokens
Sevou- check yourself before u rek yourself
Me- I've heard that somewhere
Mom-has belt
Me-oh crap here we go again
That M762 literally deserves a like coz when I spray at the enemies, I end up firing at the sky.
Lol 😆🤣🤣🤣
Its funny when sevou can't see the enemies because i can relate to it so much😂
Mikayla, let's play together. My id- EngineerBomb
Kid: spider
Me:fek fek fek 🤣
Sevou to levinho: noobinho
Sevou to cobra : proooooooooooo
Le levinho: am I joke to you:(
After landing, everyone looks for weapons, Spoidy looks for a backpack. Lel
Him: *^sprays his m762 straight shot^*
Me: sprays m762 and didnt hit a single bullet
Also me: cries while watching hoping to be a good
No one:
Sevou when he sees a car: hello guys.... you know what time it is
Im waiting for Sevou's gameplay every night and im always having a smile on my face
Thank you Sevou❤❤
I couln´t stop laughing when you were shooting at the bike thinking that was a snake AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, this is my best video game-play of yours so far AHAHAHHAH
Lacobra gets a sniper
Sevou: wow, excellent work, best sniper, amazing
lol, levinho had the same title for the video he posted about 1 week ago, that means brothers are fighting who has the best season 12 gameplay lol
Zheng Jie Chin NO ITS SHOW BIZ
Brothers problem .-.
Sevou : (What's your RP right now?)
Me : level 52..only
"No buy royale pass "
Not need to say help
Because Sevou is so pro.💪💪
Literally nobody:
Sevou: rip in pieces😂😂😂😁😁
Naid Sedic Watch me please
In the last circle
5 alive
The squad: man it's an easy win
Li the Sevou enters and do 1v 4 clutch
Levinho :am a killing machine
Sevou : am the best entertainer
Spiderman : you wanna repeat that boys 😂😂
Literally nobody:
Sevou: You are pro ahaha
Cobra: Ahahaha 😂😂🤣🤣
Even without playing , just watching Sevou's play is sometimes enough for me♥️♥️♥️
It happens with me yesterday. I saw a car and started following it with my whole squad and in my mind that kid came in and said "Hello guys you know what time it is" and then hits the savage mission impossible music!!
That's all was happening in my mind :D lol
Sevou: What your RP right Now?
Me: i have No RP only MY game RIP
It's mean royal pass not rip hahaahahahaha
Mine RP is 50 even though I haven't purchased it..
@@adhikansh2439 mine already has RP 100
@@wolfatoruk5671 but u have purchased it
I'm talking about highest RP without any purchase done
@@adhikansh2439 not that
No one :
Literally no one :
Sevou after landing : Give me a bag cuz it looks so good
Deepika Rai hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahaahhahaahhahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaahhahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahhahahahahahahahaahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaahhaahhahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahhaahahhahahaahahahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahhaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahhahahahaahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha
Deepika Rai mind blowing comment
Sevou : Which is the profession of your squad.
Me : Looting eachother after killing.
Sevou:Oo that's nice 😂😂
When Mission Impossible music starts..
Me: (Like the Video)
Bro pliz feature my comment in your next video. I'm ur Big fan from Pakistan. Thanks.🙂 Love u ❤️
Bro pleez sub to me
@@Lagmon23 done
Sevou : what’s ur Rp right now me : 50 without buying royal pass
My in 55 without royal pass
Both of you lying.....!! I know you NauGhtY BoYs 💬💬💬
Why tf you even doing mission without buy r/pass?
Btw I'm at 73 with rp.
Me too 48 without buying RP. Just gonna get that free M16 skin for free on RP50
@@pinkeshmodi697 same
Sergeant : All defenses ready rangers upfront gotta stop this Spoidy before his demising damage
Spoidy : Lel
Sevou : what is your RP right now ?
Me : it is 50
Big fan bro❤
For me only 29
M16 shots are bad for your health.
Sevou is bad for your health not M16 shots
Red zone falling and a crate in the middle of it
Sevou: Looting
Red zone:Do you think the company made me for a purpose
Full form of mi
In movies : *Mission Impossible*
Sevou : *More Insane*
I hv mi note6 pro😭😭🤣🤣
Someone: what is the best horrible music
Me: sevou chasing music 😂🤣
No one can find wich instruments they use for this music
Peak time of pubg. Corona starting time
U know time it's hehehehe
When u'r runing enemy car 😂
The video hve more more more energy
"Thanks lil joker for covering my back" 😂😂
M762 spray mean like
You wish them to play another game
Sevou: saying cobra as pro....
Then he must be probra..(don't spell separately)..
You nailed it🤣
Literally nobody:
Sevou: Check yourself before you rek yourself.😂
Finally Spidoy is back with his funny videos
U know when sevou says *big mistake* he means it
And u also know that the enemy is in big trouble!!!
No one
Literally no one
Sevou in every landing:SPOIDERMAN
“Why not in this one?”
No one:
Literally no one:
Sevou:Giving comments after every kill he does
Sevou : What's your RP right now
Me : 45 RP
Me 60 free RP
Mine 46
12:18 - kya gunda banegare tu sevou ..
When you got to know that sevou
is in ur match u also got to know that there is no chance of winning that match 🥺🥺
Lol he dies early with more kills when i met same in same plane btw iam still waiting to see his gameplay by spectators view
Sevou: What's your RP
Me: My RP is 46
You buying royal pass
Sevou: My new Best gameplay in S12
ME: Sevou's every gameplay is the best!
4:38 u lieve the enemy in straight room.....I saw his gun
its cobras gun lel
@@mugheesahsan5249 no bro see it carefully
No body:
Literally nobody
Me: when he rides a car and follow enemy's in other cars
Sevou:you know what time it is: mission impossible time🤣🤣🤣🤣
Fek fek fek Sevou's new dialoge- "kill it before it lays eggs" wowwwwwww Sevou... XD
When sevou see enemies:
Enemies converts into crate
When I see Enemies:
I convert into A crate lel:)
Ghanta khud to khareed le papa se paise maang k🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂
I don't use to comment any video on UA-cam, but this one, specifically the fight, it was really intense, one of ur big fun u and Livinho, Gozi from Morocco 🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦
When you upload a video I will run fast to see it💙
A challenge for spoidy
"Face Reveal challange"
The part of “Kill it before it lay eggs” really burst me 🤣🤣🤣
Sevou: I am showing my face in a video tomorrow.
His Friend: You are ugly.
Sevou: God created no one ugly!!
His Friend: Yeah! you are right, but then who the hell created you !!!
Sevou: what's your RPright now
My account:47
My brother account 12😂
My Also 47
@@alokk.k 51 no royal pass
100 max
My 26
Sevou Said: Are you Blind Sevou
Me :Sevou got 20+Kills Sevou is not Blind
Season 12 🥺💖
Tip: whenever you see SEVOU kill someone with groza in match I have only one option to you (SURRENDER)
Sevou:what's ur RP?
Me: I don't know what RP is I only know , when spoidy says RIP.... 😂😂😂
Sevou: *Sevou when with Cobra* PROOOOO
Seavou: *Sevou when with Levinho* NOOBINHO
8:42 I laughed and said sevou time
Someone: who is your favourite superhero?
Me: spoidymon
Sevou: cobra has mad sniping skills.
Me: prove it. 1v1 him tdm m24 only challenge.
That's not sniping
@@waduhekpubgmobile390 +
@@waduhekpubgmobile390 how is that not sniping??
yes this is not sniping
Tluangtea k lom e
Mizo leh mizo chu in Tan tlat tur
Old pubg 😭😭😭😭😭
Enemy: we neend to rush!
Sevou: You guy's wait,i'll come to you
"What's your rp right now?"
Still wondering when I'll be lucky enough to purchase it😔🤣
Sevou: what's your rp right now
Me: 71 cause first time putting elite pass
Same bro 😝 my rp is 78
Enemy: we need to rush
Sevou: wait i a'm comming to you