Almsot cry-laughed, there's so many tips, techniques and tricks that it's sometimes hard to know where to start. But it's not rocket science to get your man shivering with ecstasy just by changing the way you talk. As simple as this sounds, maybe try escalating it a step at a time, go’ogle something like Words of Desire by Celestine Dessike to sneakily crawl into his mind and let it build on from that.
Almsot cry-laughed, there's so many tips, techniques and tricks that it's sometimes hard to know where to start. But it's not rocket science to get your man shivering with ecstasy just by changing the way you talk. As simple as this sounds, maybe try escalating it a step at a time, go’ogle something like Words of Desire by Celestine Dessike to sneakily crawl into his mind and let it build on from that.