Can you be Gay and Christian?

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024


  • @ChristianityCommons
    @ChristianityCommons  Рік тому +15

    0:00 Introduction
    0:50 Why do Christians hate gays?
    3:20 There is no hate like Christian love
    4:09 Can you be gay and Christian?
    6:33 What does the Bible say about Homosexuality?
    6:59 Jesus said don’t judge!
    8:46 If God is love, why would he condemn homosexuality?
    9:17 Doesn’t love make a family?
    9:56 Why is it a sin if it is homosexuals are born that way?
    10:33 Jesus never condemned homosexuality!
    11:10 The bible barely talks about homosexuality!
    11:36 Opposing same-sex marriage is like opposing interracial marriage
    11:55 My pastor said you can be gay and Christian
    12:36 Why can’t Christians let people do what makes them happy?
    13:07 Beware of propaganda

    • @amaimonmoore4498
      @amaimonmoore4498 Рік тому +2

      You might wanna pin your comment.

    • @ChristianityCommons
      @ChristianityCommons  Рік тому +1


    • @rudichong3869
      @rudichong3869 Рік тому

      ❤❤❤❤❤❤thanks for sharing this post wow anyway I am an asexual person I don’t have sexual desires for both males or females to me i believe that any form of sexuality is sin even heterosexuals are already wrong same goes for homosexuals and bisexuals i don’t hate LGBTQ but I opposed gay marriages but still I have lustful arousels for men’s muscles and body that i tend to get aroused and turned on and masturbate just looking at it still i have never had any urge to engage in any homosexual activity and I don’t feel any arousel or lustful desires for the females and I am very proud of my virginity as I’m still a virgin and I don’t believe in religion but I do believe in Christ and God The Father Almighty as most of you call him to me he’s more than a father still I am not gay I’m not heterosexual or bisexual I am an asexual as i have no sexual urges or desires for anyone of any gender male or female or queer or tranny ok I am still a virgin and I’m not gay as I don’t hate gays and I sincerely do opposed same sex marriages and heterosexual activities I strongly opposed thank you

    • @amaimonmoore4498
      @amaimonmoore4498 Рік тому +3

      @@sarahhighlander3569 That's not the goal. The goal was about explaining whether or not someone can be homosexual and Christian. And he answered that well.

    • @Debt-tective
      @Debt-tective Рік тому +1

      ​@Sarah Highlander it's outlined throughout the Bible that it is a sin. You want us to play God and make up some argument for it? It's not up to people. It is outlawed in the new and old testament. If you're not a Christian, then this doesn't affect you. if you aren't a Christian, do you spend as much time confronting Islam which is known for its members to throw homosexuals off of rooftops and still stone them today? That doesnt seem very affirming... their scholars such as sheikh yousef Abu Islam (still in 2022) call for this and call it righteous. Yet here you are, where a man said the people are ok it's the sin to hate. Very logical decision you've made.

  • @myrtleesther8855
    @myrtleesther8855 Рік тому +2

    Fornication, sex outside of marriage is not ok for a committed Christian, also adultery, sex outside of your own marriage with another married person is not ok for a committed Christian. However Celibacy is ok for a Christian and would pertain to anyone that is not married .
    Jesus promises to take out our stony heart of sin and give us right desires, we can't do it ourselves we must be born again in Christ, if your not, then you are not a Christian, it is a spiritual re birth and you will know when it has happened to you. There are too many people trying to live a Christian life in their own strength and are still carnal after the flesh and dead spiritually. Jesus told us we MUST be born again to enter the Kingdom of God.

  • @espionage6
    @espionage6 Рік тому +4

    Again, as with so many other videos addressing homosexuality and the Bible, this entire video is based on the presupposition that homosexuality is a choice. One interesting argument to make is that if homosexuality is a choice, then so is heterosexuality. So a straight person can choose who they’re attracted to as much as homosexuals can. Assuming that you are straight, you can actually choose to be attracted to men if you want to. The premise that homosexuality is a choice falls apart very quickly when you start making the same comparisons to heterosexuality. I’m not even going to go into the other fallacies with the arguments in this video because I’ll be here for a year.

    • @chrissmith8198
      @chrissmith8198 Місяць тому

      I had a best friend up until he decided to do that very thing

  • @richy1993
    @richy1993 Рік тому +3

    Your video came across my timeline, so I wanted to add my thoughts. Now I am not religious so I speak outside of the Christian belief mindset. I can understand why you think you are loving people by helping them or encouraging to reject their “homosexual lust” (you may say it’s God who does that). If you are a Christian who follows the bible then I can understand why you should follow the teachings. However we must remember that there are other beliefs out there, other ways of life. In my mind there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, it is natural. Of course that may go against a lot of peoples believes in these comments. I try to find a middle ground but I think when you have two apposing mindsets on such a topic it’s very difficult. You believe in these teachings and that it is love and I think it is not love but misguided discrimination. There’s no anger in my comment, I just find it interesting. I hope you have a nice day, genuinely.

  • @ArmanzaSuperNova
    @ArmanzaSuperNova 3 місяці тому

    My brother took his own life because he couldn't stop acting on his homosexual lust. I told him everyday that I loved him but I didn't love the sin. He said in his letter that the sin is who he is. It's so sad. Why would a 14 year old boy take his own life? The worst part is, is that he won't be with me and my family when we are with heavenly father. I'm tearing up just thinking about it.

  • @user-hv2ru2mq5u
    @user-hv2ru2mq5u Рік тому

    The short answer is yes. But the longer answer is yes, but He will change you. It won't happen overnight. You have to stay in prayer and in meditation daily. It's all about growing, maturing, and overcoming hurt.

  • @olgamorton9861
    @olgamorton9861 Рік тому +4

    The Rd of God is the same yesterday today and forever. You have a choice accept it or refuse it but you cannot change it🙏🏾🙏🏾

    • @kbanghart
      @kbanghart Рік тому +2

      Amen, God has always loved gay people

  • @imitatorofJesusChrist
    @imitatorofJesusChrist Рік тому +8

    The answer is NO.

    • @kbanghart
      @kbanghart Рік тому

      The answer is YES

    • @imitatorofJesusChrist
      @imitatorofJesusChrist Рік тому +7

      @@kbanghart you can lie to yourself to feel better. However the Bible condemns it. So you’re wrong and I don’t care what you say. I care what the Bible says. Goodbye.

    • @markodiusrex7114
      @markodiusrex7114 Рік тому

      @@imitatorofJesusChrist 1 John 4:20
      "Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen."
      arent you also lying to yourself right now? XDDDDDDDD

    • @e728cw
      @e728cw Рік тому

      ​​@@markodiusrex7114 when did he/she write in his response that he/she hates someone? Lol. Read the response.

  • @monikachristensen8987
    @monikachristensen8987 Рік тому +4

    This is a huge help in Christian conversation with the LGBTQ+ individuals. Please make more videos like this!

  • @sa-ge539
    @sa-ge539 Рік тому

    VERY EASY - bible was written thousands of years ago when being gay meant you could get killed, so they said ‘ do not follow or let your self go by your sexual desires, fulfil your life with a partner that offers not only warmth for a home, but a partnership, and you will love yourself and your life because following The Word means you don’t have impure thoughts, it won’t cloud your mind, you won’t start experimenting and you won’t have to go through the pain of being let off by many people in your life as it decreases satisfaction.’
    Nowadays it literally lays on - how to have a life without feeling sexually used or too distracted to reach goals because all you want is to keep playing real life fantasies that you, yourself know it makes you feel worthless and dirty.
    It is not you can’t be gay and be a Christian, but how can you be whatever is expected from you when the first and only thing you should have straight is lacking?
    There is nothing wrong with being gay, but stop pressing the Christians when in most religions being gay is simply unacceptable. Christianity has a reason as to why their principles cannot fully align with someone that choses the other way, and it is not egotistical.

  • @alfonsobecerra7960
    @alfonsobecerra7960 Рік тому +6

    A true encounter with Jesus changes anyone

  • @zeuszoos8386
    @zeuszoos8386 Рік тому +6

    Society> "Can you be gay and Christian?"
    Me> "Of course! Why would God tell you that you can't be happy?"
    Young people won't get that one. :-)

    • @massinabdaoui2780
      @massinabdaoui2780 Рік тому


    • @kaz-R32
      @kaz-R32 Рік тому


    • @zeuszoos8386
      @zeuszoos8386 Рік тому +1

      Okay, here's why I said that..... Decades ago, he word "gay" had nothing to do with being homosexual. It always simply meant "happy". I.e. the older Hollywood movie titles, applied to a male or female star in the movie, such as;
      "The Gay Divorcee" & "The Gay Deceivers"
      The word "gay" got coopted into the homosexual movement. I guess because they so often seemed so feminine and happy, it was like they were floating around the room and back then, women were far more feminine and typically walked lighter than men, especially since they used to actually be much lighter than men. And women wore heels, while men wore loafers (bigger imprint), etc..
      And so now you also know where the sayings, "He's light in the loafers." (He's a homosexual.")… and "He's ready to float right on outta here!" (Acting so over the top homosexual, that there's no missing it.) come from. :-)
      Anyway, "gay" always just meant "happy". So that's why when I joked by saying that God would never tell you to be happy, down below it I said that young people wouldn't get it. :-)
      I.e., I'm old! So I'm allowed one corny joke a day without being penalized, so leave me alone now! :-)

    • @SantiagoRodriguez-tz5xh
      @SantiagoRodriguez-tz5xh 11 місяців тому

      There's ¨happiness¨ thats against God's words
      Leviticus 18:22 ~ You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
      Leviticus 20:13 ~ If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.
      Jude 1:7 ~ Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.
      Romans 1:26-28 ~ For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.
      Mark 10:6-9 ~ But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”

  • @marionmarcetic7287
    @marionmarcetic7287 Рік тому +2

    GOD LOVES GAYS, BUT HE HATES THEIR SIN'S!!! THEY MUST REPENT AND ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST AS THEIR LORD AND SAVIOR!!!✝️🛐✝️🛐✨👑💫📛🕊️🕊️🕊️🙏🙏🙏❤️❣️💯😇🌟🤗🤱🤱🤱💞💓💕💖💖💖🌺🌺🌺🌹🌹🌹🗽🗽🗽🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸‼️‼️‼️

  • @CharlieKraken
    @CharlieKraken Рік тому +35

    Fantastic video! God bless you for this ministry, I am sick and tired of people abusing that "don't judge" verse towards me, as I am someone who loves engaging with others and am blessed by the Holy Spirit with discernment as a spiritual gift. This video has helped me refine my argument against homosexuality as well!

    • @ChristianityCommons
      @ChristianityCommons  Рік тому +7

      Thanks for that encouragement!

    • @CharlieKraken
      @CharlieKraken Рік тому +4

      @@ChristianityCommons Glory to God entire!

    • @joey9562
      @joey9562 Рік тому +8

      Jesus never taught us to judge and condemn others. He actually condemned those that did. His main commandment above all others was to love one another.
      What hypocrites some Christians can be. Taking certain passages and thumping people over the head with them in blind self-righteous indignation, and all the while ignoring/sinning in so many other very stern, direct passages.
      "But you, who are you to judge your neighbor?"
      Just a few of the very clear passages on judging others.......
      Matthew 7:1-5
      1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye.
      Luke 6:37-39
      37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
      38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
      39 He also told them this parable: “Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into a pit?
      James 4:11-12
      11 Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. 12 There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you-who are you to judge your neighbor?
      Romans 14:10-13
      10 You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister ? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. 11 It is written: “ ‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’ ” 12 So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God. 13 Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another.
      This raises the question: why does this topic cause such a stir within Christianity? One would think that Christians would be far more concerned with practicing compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience (Col 3:12), loving thine enemies (Mark 11:25; Matt 5:44; Luke 6:27), helping the poor (Matt 19:21; Gal 2:10), the orphans and widows (Js 1:27), showing mercy and grace to the world (Matt 9:13; Luke 6:36; John 8:1-11), and living in the Spirit, whose fruit includes love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal 5:22-23). Isn’t this focus the overarching message of the Bible, particularly the New Testament?
      Furthermore, one only needs a friendly reminder from the Apostle Paul as to why we should not point the accusatory finger at others: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23).

    • @adaezechineme
      @adaezechineme Рік тому +3

      It is in fact love when a potentially destructive problem is pointed out to a person when done lovingly without writing the person off or without any stigmatization.

    • @joey9562
      @joey9562 Рік тому +1

      Well I say this lovingly❤️😄
      Homophobes have been diagnosed with mental illness 😞
      Common sense:
      No one has the right to tell other people who they can love, who they can have sex with, or how they bring up their children. People with low self esteem love to try to feel superior. It makes them feel so self righteous when trying to condemn other people, making themselves feel good. It’s kind of sick really.
      Homophobia: By definition,
      “an extreme and irrational aversion to and hostility toward gay or lesbian people, or those generally believed to be different from traditional gender stereotypes.”
      Homophobia is a mental disorder👍🏼
      "Having a general antipathy towards homosexuals is often linked to a mental disorder. Psychotic symptoms such as alienation and an irrational imagination are most likely to come with a general homophobic attitude."
      These are the findings of a study conducted by several Italian universities, which has been published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
      People with immature defense mechanisms, meaning they haven't learned how to solve problems like adults, are more prone to negative feelings towards gay people than steady personalities.
      "The same phenomenon has been observed with people who have experienced some sort of insecure or fearful attachment behavior. This may lead to mistrust and anxiety towards other people, or even fear of homosexuals," explains Emmanuele Jannini, a professor of sexual medicine in Rome.
      In the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology shows
      "that someone with true homophobia is more than just uncomfortable or irritated. They harbor both an actual phobia, which is an irrational fear of a perceived threat that does not exist, as well as something called “psychoticism,” a personality trait characterized by aggression, impulsivity and anti-social behavior."

  • @dragonspirit779
    @dragonspirit779 Рік тому +5

    "Christians" today think cherry picking gay people is what god wants. Again, not what God wants at all. God has created gays, and our job is to learn to love people regardless of who they are, and do the inner work of self, not the outer work of others. Focusing on one group of people is the wrong way to go and will either lead to ultimate decline of christianity althogether, or civil war. Really simple. Hate the sin and love the sinner, is silly, cause ultimately you are trying to destroy the person for who they are, the very thing god created.

    • @donttrustyourself
      @donttrustyourself Рік тому

      I'm talking as an homosexual - we as christians are not focusing on gay people. I would say it's the opposite, LGBTQ people are successfuly destroying Christianity. The only way to defend our spirituality is to follow the path of God which is very clear. 0 hate, just so much love for God.

    • @dragonspirit779
      @dragonspirit779 Рік тому +1

      @@donttrustyourself christian is destroying itself. People are realzing Christ's real message to not judge and love, and work on self. The Church is dying because they refuse to evolve into the real message, not the old testament levitical law and paul's version of what christ taught. No one wants to be part of that hateful rhetoric anymore. It isn't even what Christ taught.

  • @HiBye-jf5fi
    @HiBye-jf5fi Рік тому

    You call those people who reject exactly what you believe selfish, yet call those who don’t abide by your rules sinners?

  • @rallyl7053
    @rallyl7053 Рік тому +16

    “If the world is against the truth, then I am against the world.”
    - Athanasius of Alexandria

    • @EcoStu
      @EcoStu Рік тому +3

      how do you know what the truth is LMAO

    • @CastonSigauke
      @CastonSigauke Рік тому

      ​@@EcoStu what's the truth to you then

    • @tyronzasmith3735
      @tyronzasmith3735 Рік тому

      ​@@EcoStu Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life❣

    • @YerDa67
      @YerDa67 Рік тому

      @@CastonSigauke Not the words written thousands of years ago by a man affected by the delusions of eating magical mushrooms, anyway, that’s for sure 😂

    • @run2cat4run
      @run2cat4run Рік тому

      Don’t the bible say we are all sinners so being gay is a sin and killing someone is a sin but then again we are born in sin so whatever we do we are all sinners.

  • @kbanghart
    @kbanghart Рік тому +2

    Absolutely! The answer is Yes.

  • @schokokrieger8396
    @schokokrieger8396 Рік тому +1

    I don’t get it. You say „Hate the sin, love the sinner“, therefore you hate homosexuality but not homosexuals. Doesn’t that make you homophobic nonetheless?

  • @JorJorCrelatto
    @JorJorCrelatto Рік тому +12

    Thank you very much for this! Romans 1:26-27 speaks for itself.

  • @diddyxl
    @diddyxl Рік тому +1

    Grow up. "Struggle with their homosexual desires.". You are BEHIND. Go to school.

  • @DIBBY40
    @DIBBY40 Рік тому +4

    People are not in a position to judge the motivations and state of a person's soul. Christians are saying that the ONLY motivation for the expression of homosexuality is bad, and can only be bad. It is a horrible judgement of a person for it seeks to seperate the person's sexual nature from its expression. It is especially reprehensible to strip someone of their self-esteem, concerning their sexuality, to fit them into a theological model of how they "should" be. If I said to you, "It's ok to be left-handed (or left-hand attracted) but if you do left-handed actions it's a sin", you would think it a weird thing to say. The sin would be not in the left-handedness, but the motivation for using it. For the homosexual person it is no different.

    • @markwallace1505
      @markwallace1505 Рік тому

      Christians aren't saying this, God did through the holy scripture. Christians are just the messengers. Some are good at giving the message others not.

  • @anushkasekkingstad1300
    @anushkasekkingstad1300 3 місяці тому

    I’m extremely happy being homosexual. I’d be so embarrassed if I behaved like a christian.

  • @user-hv2ru2mq5u
    @user-hv2ru2mq5u Рік тому

    People who ask these questions are prejudging the person they ask and his or her answer.

  • @Edgar_Hoods
    @Edgar_Hoods Рік тому +8

    Thanks, man I needed this.

  • @justaguy9768
    @justaguy9768 Рік тому +2

    Go give your money to your local mega church. I swear it's going straight to God and not their private jets fuel supply.

  • @cleocatra9324
    @cleocatra9324 Рік тому +1

    It’s easy to condemn gays, trans etc but what about divorced and remarried people?
    Im worried about myself is what I’m saying.

  • @logandabrute
    @logandabrute Рік тому +4

    2:55 "Scripture is clear that we are to hate the sin but love the sinner."
    So you're basically saying, "no, we don't hate gay people, we just hate homosexuality." What happens to a person who sins and doesn't repent for it? They go to Hell, right? So if you actually look at what you just said for 2 seconds, you're basically saying that if a gay person doesn't declare themself a heretic and begin a journey teaching them to hate their own nature for no reason, they go to Hell. Also, doesn't this whole hating gays thing come from the "men who lie together shall be stoned" thing? So you don't hate gay people, but you listen wholeheartedly to the teachings of a book which says to bludgeon them until death?
    You also go on to say "struggle with homosexual desires" as though being gay is a mental illness, and "sexual immorality," openly admitting that you think being gay is bad. If we can confirm that you think being gay is a sin, we don't have to go any further.
    The entire reason you won't admit you actually hate gay people is because that would blatantly make you the bad guy. If you can hide behind the fact that you didn't directly say you hate gay people, you can clutch your pearls and act like the victim when gay people rightfully get mad at the fact that you think they should be tortured for eternity. You are even doing this with a pseudo-intellectual spin on it, where you bring up the concept of a loaded question towards the start of the video to insinuate that people asking it are trying to paint hate where there is none. This kind of thing is a standard tactic not only used by homophobes like yourself, but pretty much anyone who is pure evil and wants to hide it.
    I mean, you don't have to go past the premise of this video to get the point, but I think it's pretty funny you start by saying it's preposterous to say you hate gay people, and then you compare them to Hitler at 12:43.

    • @XmXFLUXmX2
      @XmXFLUXmX2 Рік тому

      go away

    • @logandabrute
      @logandabrute Рік тому +2

      @@XmXFLUXmX2 no u

    • @markodiusrex7114
      @markodiusrex7114 Рік тому +2

      Right? I love the fact that he basically compared gay people to hitler LOLLL. Also be careful bro, cuz this the terrority of the Krazy Kristian Kult and they hate smart people who talks back to them.

    • @ryanprytherick8468
      @ryanprytherick8468 Рік тому +1

      ​@@XmXFLUXmX2are you asking him to go away because you don't like the fact that he's right!

  • @andrewleekarpoh
    @andrewleekarpoh Рік тому

    The first Bible verse 2 Corinthians 10:15 is so different
    “We do not boast beyond limit in the labors of others. But our hope is that as your faith increases, our area of influence among you may be greatly enlarged,”

    • @ChristianityCommons
      @ChristianityCommons  Рік тому +1

      You are correct! It's a typo. It should read 2 Corinthians 10:5 not 10:15. Thanks for the heads up!

    • @andrewleekarpoh
      @andrewleekarpoh Рік тому

      @@ChristianityCommons no worries! Keep up the good videos!

  • @terraminator4379
    @terraminator4379 Рік тому +7

    Love is love!

  • @PopulismIsForBottomFeeders
    @PopulismIsForBottomFeeders Рік тому +3

    "God save me from your followers"
    --Jesus, Frustrations 1:4-7

  • @zitzle
    @zitzle Рік тому +5

    Here's a good one, if God is all powerful and always forgives, why does there need to be a Hell? Why doesn't God seal it off, cleanse us of our sins, and let the world be at peace?

    • @zitzle
      @zitzle Рік тому +2

      I will never buy into the idea that this God you speak of is all powerful, all knowing, and loves humanity. At that scale a universe is utterly insignificant, you could start it again and again until you got the one you wanted, devoid of all that you consider flawed. So why must God settle for this one? Why not simply speak a new universe into being, if it is that easy?

    • @Jes356
      @Jes356 Рік тому

      God promises to never abandon us. He was sorry that he made the world, and destroyed it once before, but He regretted his decision to destroy the world. God loves his creation, but God hates sin because sin demands death as it's payment, so God decided to die for all of mankind and makes us pure in His sight. God has declared some things to be sin, and God cannot go back on His own word. God's word is the same yesterday, today, and forevek

    • @Jes356
      @Jes356 Рік тому +1

      God promises to never abandon us. He was sorry that he made the world, and destroyed it once before, but He regretted his decision to destroy the world. God loves his creation, but God hates sin because sin demands death as it's payment, so God decided to die for all of mankind and makes us pure in His sight. God has declared some things to be sin, and God cannot go back on His own word. God's word is the same yesterday, today, and forevek

    • @Jes356
      @Jes356 Рік тому +1

      Forever. He knew that he would have to die for us as payment for sin because He loves us. Nothing can separate us from God's love. Our Will must submit to God's Will in order to become a new creation in Christ. Our identity is only found in Jesus and what He accomplished on the cross....Our salvation; we must step into salvation in this life, so that we can step into it in the next.

    • @Jes356
      @Jes356 Рік тому +1

      Do not Live for this world; it is fading quickly....

  • @garypatterson9084
    @garypatterson9084 Рік тому +2

    Thank you

  • @user-ow1ud7nw5x
    @user-ow1ud7nw5x Рік тому +7

    This info is needed in todays climate 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @ghostgetsbusy
    @ghostgetsbusy Рік тому +9

    just like saying can a criminal be Christian and still be a criminal....and of course the answer is no because its a sin...Christianity is not to embrace sin because of tolerance or love is love....its to change a person from sin and continuing getting closer with God....loving everyone who walks in Gods light or at least walk in normality....respects humanity and nature


    If the world is against truth,I AM AGAINST THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!Oh man truly you are blessed and reason for hope in this darkness……

  • @ner9469
    @ner9469 Рік тому +3

    For your points about the bible and its points about homosexiuality, a lot of other friends (atheists/believers) ask what specific bible verses there are. There obviously is Lev 18:22 but you mentioned New Testament, what are some good bible verses I could point them towards?
    Greetings from Germany

    • @ChristianityCommons
      @ChristianityCommons  Рік тому +3

      Great question! I am actually making a follow up video where I will be going over this. Greetings from Arkansas!

    • @kbanghart
      @kbanghart Рік тому

      Except that people don't follow the laws of Leviticus.

    • @ChristianityCommons
      @ChristianityCommons  Рік тому +1

      @@kbanghart Yes and no. I will be making a video on this topic in the near future that will cover this.

    • @kbanghart
      @kbanghart Рік тому +1

      @@ChristianityCommons exactly.

    • @EHenterprises
      @EHenterprises Рік тому +3

      Here's a couple of good ones for. Don't judge lest though be judged. And Love your enemies. I am sure someone is going to point you too Romans. And remember this the Bible acknowledges slavery and as creatures of the modern age it is looked down upon. When we talk about Bible verses we are talking about antiquity. Understand that we aren't living in antiquity.

  • @MsMounen
    @MsMounen Рік тому

    Having seen the comments and listened to the video, I think it would be quite painful to be gay and Christian. I would just like to point out that a lot of gay people do not affiliate themselves with gender ideology. If anything, it's their enemy.

  • @Aluran
    @Aluran Рік тому

    Okay let me slide my Ex Christian but in here. NO you cannot be gay and Christian the bible specifically says that Jesus didn't not come to change or destroy the law of the prophets. Matthew 5:17-20 . Therefore Christians should all be Jews and are all lead astray by man. Thats it there is no if ands or but why is it so hard for people to remember this NONE OF THE RULES CHANGED EXCEPT THAT NOW ALL CAN BE BAPTISED BUT YOU STILL A JEW THAT MEANS NO MORE CRABS AND RED LOBSTER AFTER CHURCH

  • @theginginzone1169
    @theginginzone1169 Рік тому +2

    If u lusted over a womwn in ur heart it's adultery Jesus said right???

  • @brawlstarssponsorships
    @brawlstarssponsorships Рік тому +3

    biblical slavery video please.

  • @zeuszoos8386
    @zeuszoos8386 Рік тому +2

    My "born that way" answer is to ask the person a question: "So you're pro-pedophilia then?" Of course they say, "No! Of course I'm/we're not!"
    So why do I ask them that? Because I'm old. I.e., I lived thru the whole thing, from the time where someone finding out a man was a homosexual would mean him getting beat up and possibly killed for it, until today. And please remember that as you read (below) the argument homosexuals that made back then, all the while, the "born that way vs choose to be that way" debate raging on!
    And their argument was; "We were born this way! Who would *choose* to keep getting beat up or killed?! Who would *choose* to live that way?! Obviously we were born this way and God don't make no mistakes!"
    Okay, so that was an effective argument! Make yourself the ultimate victim and then shut down those darn pesky Christians at the same time, huh? Being a "physical" argument though (about physical violence), it was meant to target men, I think. Whereas the more "feels" argument of "Love is Love" was designed to target women and was also very effective. Also keep in mind that homosexuality was openly called "a perversion" at that time.
    But anyway, my point is that (remember, I'm talking to a homosexual here)….. "You're saying that being born a certain way is not something the person can help and so the person should not be judged for it and we certainly shouldn't harm or kill people for it, nor even make it illegal, which by definition means that being 'born that way' makes it okay. So then, besides the obvious flaws in that claim, the problem that you've created for yourself and all others like you, is that everyone who accepts your argument of 'born that way = it's okay' must now say the same thing about pedophiles. In fact, let's use the very same argument you used, but apply it to pedophiles: 'We were born this way! Who would *choose* to keep getting beat up, or even killed for a *choice* and live that life?! Of course we were born this way!' -- So then, according to YOUR OWN LOGIC of 'born that way = it's okay', ALL homosexuals and their supporters must support pedophilia, or they're flat out hypocrites! So when should we expect to see you in marches with pedophiles, supporting them?"

  • @michaelm9361
    @michaelm9361 Рік тому

    "Jesus Christ never condemned homosexuality" ? He never condemned child molestation either, but that doesn't mean he approved of it !

    • @PopulismIsForBottomFeeders
      @PopulismIsForBottomFeeders Рік тому +3

      Scores and scores of priests and church leaders not only didn't condemn it, but actively embraced it, but sure, play the tired old card of associating child molestation with homosexuality, even though it's been a favoured pastime of the church since time immemorial.

    • @chrissmith8198
      @chrissmith8198 Місяць тому

      Jesus *did* address the issue of homosexuality.
      Jesus addresses it in Matthew 5 & Matthew 19.
      In these chapters, Jesus addresses the issue of marriage. Jesus rooted His understanding of marriage in the teaching of Genesis 2, which gives us marriage between a man and a woman for the purposes of procreation, illustration and sanctification.
      He also made it very clear that what God has joined together, man cannot separate. In other words, God is the author of marriage, not man. Therefore, God is the one who defines marriage, not man.
      Therefore, man does not have the right to introduce the concept of same sex marriage because:
      1.) By definition it's not marriage, it's another thing.
      2.) Because by definition, it goes against what has been created in Genesis 2.
      Jesus did address the issue of homosexuality, because He addressed the issue of sexual impurity. He addressed the issue of fornication.
      Jesus in the sermon on the mount talks about porneia. He talks about sexual impurity, which is a reference to the porneia code in leviticus 18 which clearly upholds the idea that homosexuality is sinful.
      The Bigger issue with "Jesus never said anything about homosexuality" is that it's not just that Jesus is God but that Jesus is a member of the Godhead. It's not just that Jesus is divine, but that He is a member of the Trinity.
      Jesus has existed eternally as God & Jesus has existed eternally in perfect union with the Father and The Holy Spirit.
      Although He ook on a human nature in His incarnation, He did not come into existence in His incarnation.
      You cannot divorce Jesus from the rest of the Bible.
      Therefore, when you read in Leviticus 20:1 that "The Lord said to Moses" then that *is* Jesus speaking.
      You also cannot separate Jesus from the Father and the Holy Spirit on the issue of homosexuality.
      You cannot claim that Jesus never addressed the issue of homosexuality, unless you want to argue that Jesus has a different opinion on the matter than God the Father & God the Holy Spirit, which is hugely problematic because that would mean a breach in the Trinity and the whole universe would cave in on itself.
      Lastly, The Bible is one story. Not many.
      You can no more separate Jesus from Paul or Peter than you can separate Jesus from The Father or The Holy Spirit.
      What do the apostles teach? The apostles are whose apostles? They are Christ's apostles.
      So the teaching that they give us, is the authoritative teaching of the church from The Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

  • @BoskiM
    @BoskiM Рік тому +4

    Simple answer is no moving on

    • @kbanghart
      @kbanghart Рік тому

      The answer is Yes. Moving on

  • @HiBye-jf5fi
    @HiBye-jf5fi Рік тому

    You do not choose whether or not you are gay. That’s the same as saying being black is a sin. They can’t change how they are. Most of them are probably nice people (unlike you) and it’s none of YOUR business

  • @plethoraplenty
    @plethoraplenty Рік тому +1

    I would say that Jesus made a new commandment and I will love and support LGBTQ as I would want to be supported. Doesn't your god work like that?

  • @jauz
    @jauz Рік тому +2

    Your last part is especially wrong. No child has ever had their genitals mutilated by doctors.... though the same cannot be said for Christian children.
    And when you purposely misconstrue the statistic about children "resolving" gender dysphoria. When they say that the child is affirmed, it does NOT mean medically sterilised. It means they socially transition, which has zero known effects.
    As for the rest of your video, I can only ask you one question - why is God's world law? Why am I compelled to follow what it says? There is actually zero reason to do so, other than your FEAR of being denied into heaven. There is no moral obligation. So keep your religion out of politics, and stop trying to ruin happy people's lives.

  • @winniethepoor
    @winniethepoor Рік тому +8

    Thank you! It’s funny how you feel prepared but when confronted in real life your confidence quickly turns TJ crickets.

  • @HiBye-jf5fi
    @HiBye-jf5fi Рік тому

    Most people? I guarantee you have spoken to like 15 people about this.

  • @Michael-yi2vw
    @Michael-yi2vw Рік тому

    You cannot serve two masters. You will love the one and hate the other. There is no such thing as a homosexual Christian. That’s plain and simple.

  • @MrLove2shoot
    @MrLove2shoot Рік тому +7

    Just came across your channel through the UA-cam algorithm (location I guess cause I live in a Christian Northern Irish household? Internet be weird at times), at the moment I'm not really struggling just really unsure of my believe in god, at the moment I would consider myself an unfaithful Christian cause I have stopped going to mass except for celebrations and my opinions towards LGBT+ is that I don't care as long as we don't hurt are fellow human beings but at the same time I see the human being and I don't want to believe we were a cosmic accident. I have autism and a weird thought process but I enjoy listening to talk even though I might not agree, just thought I should put this here and see how someone with a strong faith in Christ would see someone like me, loaded question sure but I like and enjoy discussion.

  • @jocypare6019
    @jocypare6019 Рік тому +2

    That I you using the propaganda thing at the end.
    Here are my thoughts. If they create a generation that is constantly trying to find their “ true selves” then they won’t have time to find God.
    Not to mention the isolation these groups promote is just ridiculous

    • @ChristianityCommons
      @ChristianityCommons  Рік тому +2

      Thanks for watching!

    • @omarperez4010
      @omarperez4010 Рік тому

      @@ChristianityCommons hello, Becket Cook has a show on his UA-cam channel.
      He has spoken at Reality Youth Conferences with Stand to Reason Ministries.
      There is a video of his God transformation story through the gospel titled ‘Homosexuality was my Identity' at Anchored North YT channel.
      You can contact him. He wrote a book. 🙏

    • @soundmaster4320
      @soundmaster4320 Рік тому

      They need deliverance and full of demons that why

  • @MatthewFearnley
    @MatthewFearnley Рік тому +3

    What advice should we give to a secular person who says something like, "I just want to be in a lifelong, committed, loving, sexual relationship with my same sex partner, and I don't personally see any reason why I shouldn't, and because I don't believe in Christianity I don't see any reason to accept any teaching that is grounded in it."

    • @ChristianityCommons
      @ChristianityCommons  Рік тому +4

      Great questions! I will answer this in a future video.

    • @Cowclops
      @Cowclops Рік тому +4

      Seems like if they're not soliciting your opinion, the advice should sound similar to crickets chirping.

    • @acwright
      @acwright Рік тому

      The conversation should be about their eternal state after death.

    • @jakesthebeast1497
      @jakesthebeast1497 Рік тому

      ​@@acwright got some hard data on how that state would be?

    • @david16146
      @david16146 Рік тому

      Very good question. I don't think there really is much to answer that, because apart from starting from the literal biblical text, it is almost impossible to demonstrate that homosexuality is immoral. Which is a problem, since Christian morality is supposed to be natural, written deep in our hearts. And many gay Christians ask themselves the same question: why would a just and good God condemn them because they are in a stable, faithful and loving relationship with a person of the same sex? Of course, they won't have children like this, but they won't be more being celibate.
      For a non-believer, it is even clearer: "I invite you to become a Christian, but on the other hand I warn you that you will have to leave the person with whom you have been in a relationship for years and whom you love."

  • @yolandesolomons7611
    @yolandesolomons7611 Рік тому +5

    I attended a Christian course this past weekend. There were some amazing moments. The course is a formal discipleship course geared for believers in Christ to grow deeper in the walk with the Lord. It dealt with different topics from our identity in Christ to generational curses as well as dealing with sexual sin. The week preceding week had to be prepared by completing a focused Bible study. The overall theme was living our lives in obedience to the Lord according to His standards of holiness. When the section on sexuality and sexual sin was taught on the speaker said something very important until she said it. This was the fact that our devotion and love for the Lord is the one thing that keeps us choosing against the carnal desires of our sinful nature. It is a state of being enthralled and in love with Jesus because He is worthy of our love and single-minded devotion and obedience. Telling someone who is gay and living life as a gay person to stop what they are doing and leave their partner has to and must be accompanied by them falling in love with Jesus. Without that, it is difficult for someone to leave their sexuality behind. In fact, those of us who were gay and now am following Jesus in obedience to His will for sexual purity it is what keeps us at His feet. He is so so so amazing. Actually, human words are so limited and inadequate to describe how wonderful He truly is. From my experience, my advice to Christians sharing the gospel or discipling gay people is to speak less and pray way more. The only way is for the Holy Spirit to work within them. You are NOT perfect and actually not qualified to objectively speak in love without being self-righteous.

    • @CastonSigauke
      @CastonSigauke Рік тому +1

      Yes dont be homosexual instead follow the Holy Spirit's words ❤❤❤

    • @yolandesolomons7611
      @yolandesolomons7611 Рік тому

      @tunasheep yes absolutely. But it is the Holy Spirit that gives us the godly desires that helps us to turn our backs on the things that displease Him.

    • @MrAnderson5157
      @MrAnderson5157 Рік тому

      " You are NOT perfect and actually not qualified to objectively speak in love without being self-righteous."
      No YOU are not qualified. I won't go into how this is not proper etiquette biblically, for we are commanded not to argue or cause dissention. The bible MUST be objectively spoke on. The only time it would fall under self righteousness if you are being hypocritical, i.e. guilty of the same sin, i.e. the plank in your eye. Never be afraid of anyone's reaction to God's word. Ever. Or do you suppose your efforts are what really save? That your perfection if at all possible is the determining factor whether another heeds God's calling?
      I think I'd prefer self righteous over self importance. YOU should be using the bible as your words, therefore making you perfect in your objective representation of, It might be your use of God's word which is lacking, not His word in and of itself.
      Fear while representing God's word is sin. If you feel inadequate remedy that. You certainly should not preach or teach the infallible fallibly. That is also sin. You obviously believe God's word needs your abilities to function. It does not.
      Certainly do not appease others by negating the power of God's words. You, nor I, are not here to, like lukewarm water, to placate others, and to certainly not accomplish this by silencing the words that ACTUALLY save, not your dirty rags.

    • @yolandesolomons7611
      @yolandesolomons7611 Рік тому +1

      @Mr. Anderson Oi vey! Your reply speaks for itself. Jesus is ALWAYS Lord and what He says goes. HE is the Author and Finisher of our faith.Our Advocate. He is the only begotten Son of God. The Logos incarnated. He was from the beginning like the Father the self existent One. Omniscient Omnipresent. The Alpha and Omega. The King of kings the Lord of Lord's, the Prince of peace, the bright Morning Star, the Rose of Sharon He is Lord of my life the Saviour, Deliverer, Healer and Provider. It is by Holy Spirit that He saved me. I am washed in His blood, He redeemed me. I am not own for I have been purchased at a very dear price. If you are in Him yourself then you are like me your body the temple of God. So . . . Grace and peace to you brother. MAY His peace rule and garrison your heart and mind as you are in Him. Jesus our hope of glory.

  • @david16146
    @david16146 Рік тому

    "Love is not a love that's driven by sexual self-gratification". That's good: this is not necessarily the case with homosexual love (just like heterosexual love). Two people of the same sex can love each other and have sex by going far beyond a simple need for sexual self-gratification (like any couple).
    This is somewhat related to another problem: "not all pain is evil and not all pleasure is good". The question of homosexuality goes well beyond that of pleasure: we are talking more about happiness, the happiness of living as a couple, of building something together (I am not talking about a family since you are right, a child has a father and a mother).
    The gender dysphoria ending is totally off topic.
    This video is not a very good idea. You send short answers to questions that are complex, and that require to be answered with great care not to hurt. It is not with this kind of answers that a Christian will be listened to.

  • @navinderkharmai7196
    @navinderkharmai7196 Рік тому +3

    God wants our heart. Our whole heart. Once we surrender that to him and accept his unconditional, never-ending love and kingship, we will have desires that align more closely to his will and purpose for us. That's the foundation. Then living a pure life is not out of legalism and 'what can i do to earn salvation' rather how can I obey my father who knows what is best for me in this life and the life to come. I used to be a slave to sin, particularly the one mentioned in this video. I am living with the consequences but am freed because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. The only way to God is through Jesus Christ. He's teaching me patience right now. Temptations are still there and are not guaranteed to stop, but leaning on the Holy Spirit and praying and immersing yourself in the scriptures will help. True believers, let's continue to proclaim Christ crucified and let his light shine brightly through us so all may be saved!

    • @bradleymcdonald6273
      @bradleymcdonald6273 Рік тому

      homo-sexual or hetro-sexual relationships are not the key to salvation
      theres a reason Paul said "its better to not be married"
      all this talk about hetrosexual and homosexual relationships (what does God prefer) misses the mark
      you can be in a hetrosexual relationship and still not be IN CHRIST
      these discussions are wordly.... this world and its desires are passing away
      Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven. But concerning the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was spoken to you by God, saying, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.” And when the multitudes heard this, they were astonished at His teaching.
      Marriage between a husband and Bride is but a shadow of that to come

  • @Rattelcat8365
    @Rattelcat8365 Рік тому

    100% as a former moron aka gender confused person NO YOU CAN'T becuse God created man for WOMAN and Woman for MAN to PROCREATE .
    LUST is what caused the door to open for homosexuality Jesus delivered me from all unclean and perversed spirts and im happly with a man and i Know who i am In Christ JESUS SAVED ME and ill forever be so greatfull he delivered me for these spirits

  • @juanduenas1943
    @juanduenas1943 Рік тому

    Depends on how you define gay.

  • @gingercupid9032
    @gingercupid9032 Рік тому +1

    Well said, my man.

  • @trippybeans740
    @trippybeans740 Рік тому

    Thanks for watching!

  • @MeganJohnson913
    @MeganJohnson913 Рік тому +1

    No. You actually can’t.

    • @kbanghart
      @kbanghart Рік тому +1

      Yes you actually can

    • @MeganJohnson913
      @MeganJohnson913 Рік тому +2

      @Plen122 No you can not. They contradict each other. God said to turn from your wicked ways. Homeosexualoty does not honor God's design. You either be Christian and actually live life God intends or be gay and risk condemnation. Cant be both. The choice is yours. The following are scriptures that are found in Bible:
      -Leviticus 18:22-24
      -Leviticus 20:13
      -Romans 1:18-32
      -Romans 13:8-10
      -Romans 1:32
      -Romans 1:27
      -Romans 1:26-28 (this is where the world is at now)
      -1st Kings 15:12
      -1st Corinthians 6:9-11
      -1st Corinthians 6:17-20
      -1st Corinthians 7:2
      -1st Timothy 1:8-11
      -Hebrews 13:1-5
      -John 8:7-11
      -Galatians 5:14 (Yes we are to love one another. However, we are not to love the sin people commit. That goes for any sin.)
      -Jude 1:5-8
      -Mark 10:6-9

  • @ltitus8900
    @ltitus8900 Рік тому +1

    To all transgender, no gender conforming or whatever else you go by, if you all succeed in successfully conforming America to your beliefs (regardless of what you believe, the eternal truth is that you are all striving to CHANGE and FORCE society to CONFORM to your beliefs), you would have only succeeded in doing just that. Succeeding in America. Not the world. So I ask, what are you plans or views for those that refuse to conform? The world is greater than America. It is bigger than Europe. The truth is everywhere. When we widen our perspective, we see that most of our beliefs are personal. They are opinions, infected with bias, hate, ignorance, selfishness and so on.
    Creation itself CONFIRMs that the bible is correct and Christians reserve EVERY right (not just American or other location specific rights but global rights) to stand on it's belief and not be moved. When weighed against the world, it is the non straight community that is found lacking, extremely biased, full of hatred, full of sin and evil from head to toe.

    • @EHenterprises
      @EHenterprises Рік тому +2

      Conform to what? Ignorance?

    • @EclesysGalaxy
      @EclesysGalaxy Рік тому +2

      I'm a transwoman, i go to my countryside church where i'm very welcome, by both priest and nuns (which are all my friends). Not every person has to be full of hatred and so on. I made peace in my personal journey with faith, and people respect me for who i am because i've always been a loving and caring person. Do i agree with everything that's happening in America? No. Do i believe that all non-straight people are toxic and pushing agendas? No.
      Evil people can be trans, gay, straight, christian, muslim, and so on. It would be beautiful if good people could stand together. But, nowadays it seems like everyone is trying to build walls to segregate themselves in their category (lgbtq, religious factions, black people, white people, and so on).
      Anyways, this video just happened to be in my recommended. Useless to say that i should've knew better than to check the comment section.

    • @ltitus8900
      @ltitus8900 Рік тому +1

      @@EclesysGalaxy Firstly, I wanna say that I love you regardless of what you believe. One of the most powerful things Jesus did was eat, fellowship and minister to everyone.
      The title of the video asks, "can you be gay and christian?" Yes. you can be gay, transgender, homosexual, a drug addict, ex rapist, and so on. With that said, the bible says that all of the above is wrong. The bible states that there is ONE gospel, there is ONE word of God, God made man and woman in His image and He was pleased. He made a woman out of his rib so that Adam would not be alone. The bible goes on to mention that a man has a penis and a woman has a vagina, ovaries and breast. Because of their sin in the garden, among other punishments, the woman was cursed to bare children in pain and every month, she experiences her period.
      So again, I love you with all my heart. There are NO conditions to that because there is none between us and God. However, to follow Jesus, to follow Jesus Christ, we must first acknowledge that He is our savior and there is no other way to heaven, THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO HEAVEN except through Him. We accept Jesus into our hearts, we TURN from our wicked ways (all that is considered wrong to God) and chose to follow Jesus and allow Him and the Holy Spirit to change us. We cannot do it on our own.
      So yes, we can be the dirtiest, sickest version of an animal unanimously hated by all race and type and still follow Jesus HOWEVER, though we may not be able to do so right way, we make the choice to turn from our sins and allow Jesus to change us BEFORE we accept Jesus into our hearts. In other words, we can enter Gay but work to change.

  • @leonbridges1802
    @leonbridges1802 Рік тому

    The answer is found in THE HOLY BIBLE, try 1st. Corinthians chpt.6 verse nine. Be ye not deceived. 🖤👽

  • @marcp6405
    @marcp6405 Рік тому

    Your position on homosexuality is not in the Gospel in Christ's teachings. In scripture Christ is clear that he has told his followers all they need to know to obtain salvation. If homosexuality were a deal breaker, Christ would have said so, surely he did not forget. Christ does not make the statement that you make about people in gay relationships. It is not your place to say who is and who is not a Christian, there's but one law giver. Christians are followers of Christ, not the Old Testament or even the writings of the epistles - whose only authority is limited to the New Covenant made by Christ. If people want to start quoting Romans, then I would ask those same people to live by all of the Hellenistic customs that are in the epistles of Paul. And if you do not and you still consider yourself a Christian, then mind your way to the Lord and no one else's.

    • @chrissmith8198
      @chrissmith8198 Місяць тому

      Jesus *did* address the issue of homosexuality.
      Jesus addresses it in Matthew 5 & Matthew 19.
      In these chapters, Jesus addresses the issue of marriage. Jesus rooted His understanding of marriage in the teaching of Genesis 2, which gives us marriage between a man and a woman for the purposes of procreation, illustration and sanctification.
      He also made it very clear that what God has joined together, man cannot separate. In other words, God is the author of marriage, not man. Therefore, God is the one who defines marriage, not man.
      Therefore, man does not have the right to introduce the concept of same sex marriage because:
      1.) By definition it's not marriage, it's another thing.
      2.) Because by definition, it goes against what has been created in Genesis 2.
      Jesus did address the issue of homosexuality, because He addressed the issue of sexual impurity. He addressed the issue of fornication.
      Jesus in the sermon on the mount talks about porneia. He talks about sexual impurity, which is a reference to the porneia code in leviticus 18 which clearly upholds the idea that homosexuality is sinful.
      The Bigger issue with "Jesus never said anything about homosexuality" is that it's not just that Jesus is God but that Jesus is a member of the Godhead. It's not just that Jesus is divine, but that He is a member of the Trinity.
      Jesus has existed eternally as God & Jesus has existed eternally in perfect union with the Father and The Holy Spirit.
      Although He ook on a human nature in His incarnation, He did not come into existence in His incarnation.
      You cannot divorce Jesus from the rest of the Bible.
      Therefore, when you read in Leviticus 20:1 that "The Lord said to Moses" then that *is* Jesus speaking.
      You also cannot separate Jesus from the Father and the Holy Spirit on the issue of homosexuality.
      You cannot claim that Jesus never addressed the issue of homosexuality, unless you want to argue that Jesus has a different opinion on the matter than God the Father & God the Holy Spirit, which is hugely problematic because that would mean a breach in the Trinity and the whole universe would cave in on itself.
      Lastly, The Bible is one story. Not many.
      You can no more separate Jesus from Paul or Peter than you can separate Jesus from The Father or The Holy Spirit.
      What do the apostles teach? The apostles are whose apostles? They are Christ's apostles.
      So the teaching that they give us, is the authoritative teaching of the church from The Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

  • @user-hr8dx9qw4n
    @user-hr8dx9qw4n 2 місяці тому

    God might be good.
    It might be not your version of a god.
    So if you dont wana make god mad, then dont go to gay events and tell young gays,
    they shall not marry their loved same sex partner and shall not raise kids in responsibility.
    Maybe you go down a very wrong road with that.
    I anyway send you a lot human love from a Deist :)

  • @DavidSanchez-ye3mo
    @DavidSanchez-ye3mo Рік тому

    Let's be careful on the first question. I'm not sure if you are saying, Scripture says, "We are to hate the sin but love the sinner". No where in the Bible does it say that. Although, Jude 1:22-23 comes close. I like where you are going with this. Thankful for your insights.

  • @sharonlaudi8409
    @sharonlaudi8409 Рік тому

    Yes one must be celibate whether gay or otherwise. ie they dont indulge in sexual sins

  • @WampanoagNative
    @WampanoagNative Рік тому +1


  • @qwerty-so6ml
    @qwerty-so6ml Рік тому

    Only ONE Gospel:
    The Gospel of Reconciliation.
    Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom
    to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself.
    We are the fallen angels kept in DNA chains of darkness.
    If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever.
    Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of God.

  • @UNDEADaaron
    @UNDEADaaron Рік тому +2

    "My name is Mike McDonald and I'm dentist that makes videos on hateful world views cause others peoples opinions and minds sets dont work with my worldview." I fixed it for you!

  • @whistlingwoodscrafters1995
    @whistlingwoodscrafters1995 Рік тому


  • @ilikemusic7504
    @ilikemusic7504 Рік тому +1

    i think some of the things were right but a lot didn't make sense. i've read a book (in german) that is about this topic and that exposes many of the things you've said and i could try to share my opinion but no one will ever read this comment lol

  • @terraminator4379
    @terraminator4379 Рік тому

    why would god care?

  • @navinderkharmai7196
    @navinderkharmai7196 Рік тому +5

    Highly recommend the book "Holy Sexuality & The Gospel" by Christopher Yuan. Maranatha!

  • @ShoestringRacer
    @ShoestringRacer Рік тому +1

    The Bible says all sinners burn in a lake of fire forever 🔥
    God is love ❤️

  • @reacting_to_stuff_
    @reacting_to_stuff_ Рік тому

    Jesus did undo lots of things from Old Testament Yahweh the devil in disguise in OT put us in bondage and Jesus saved us from Yahweh the devil in disguise. Example: Yahweh eye for eye but Jesus thought forgiveness and love. Yahweh send sickness on people and fire , Jesus was healiging. House decided can’t stand therefore decide the word of God rightly

  • @TheBigJConYouTube
    @TheBigJConYouTube Рік тому +1

    Hi there! You made some pretty bad and indefensible points in this video, which is very easy to do when you’re just talking to a camera and not an actual person who is maybe more educated on scripture than you. Would love to have a discussion with you sometime in the future!

  • @shanthageorge7413
    @shanthageorge7413 Рік тому


  • @25ayda
    @25ayda Рік тому +5

    Wow this is all exactly the same questions that my daughter throw in me and I couldn’t depend it well because of my luck of justifying to expand the truth in the Bible. Thank you for teaching me .

  • @parliamentaryviewer
    @parliamentaryviewer Рік тому

    So this is a interesting topic, i guess I will give my point of view. The Pope does determine what right and wrong to Catholics so that 1 thing that I need to point out, another thing is historically the Bible has never been agreed upon about what it says or means that why there so many Christian’s faiths, for example I come from the Church of England that is in Minnesota so much different then yours I’m predicting, we were one of the first churches to allow gay marriages before it was law so very different backgrounds, we are also much more science friendly. Two more things I need to point out first technically it depends on the Christian religion if there is the person in charge or not, and finally I been looking through your videos and want to point out that Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are all parts of the Abrahamic faith group so technically they basically believe in the same god and there books are just pt.1, pt.2, pt.3 with a little variation in the Islamic variant also many faiths could called Christianity the false faith so yeah.

  • @earlnovero8208
    @earlnovero8208 Рік тому +1

    I have a friend a gay we both Catholic but he didn't want same sex marriage and other LGBT ideology he is a cathecist he is active in church he is spread word of god but sometimes I don't agree to him and other cathecist but I'm proud of him.

    • @kbanghart
      @kbanghart Рік тому

      I pray that he will be able to embrace his full gayness soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @Gorgon132
    @Gorgon132 Рік тому

    I think this video is very well structured with the shorter answers so your points were not lost. There are a few points that I would love to longer conversations kinda pick a brain Ill just stick to the overall topic of this video and my comment is already pretty lengthy.
    Growing up in the church in the 90's and 00's I witnessed the hate filled anti-gay bigotry in the many churches, seminars, media I was forced to listen, attend, or watch on full display. A lot of their teachings and views are still reflected in my parents to this day which does strain our relationship after I came out almost 10 years ago. My biggest question I ask folk is "If Jesus's death fulfilled all the old laws would that negate the Lev 18:12?". The reason I usually ask that specific verse as it is the standard 'go-to' verse for the average individual's anti-gay views. I never ask this as a "trick" or a "gotcha" question because this lets me set a base on how to talk with that person. Can we go more deeper in the topic like letters by Paul or in Timothy? Are they able to expand on questions? Can we cover other biblical topics? Did they close off their mind and view me as an enemy? I never want to have the conversations to turn into a debate as that tends to lead to the mind set of 'Me vs Them'. Though for my personal safety I can never return to the faith nor the scripture, but I still enjoy meeting people and learning their unique views/ways how they live/practice their version of Christianity.
    Paul's letters Roman and Corinthians or 1st Timothy 1 both use Old law which did not Christ fulfilled? If one wants to argue Christ fulfilled the laws of man then which of all of Leviticus and Deuteronomy rules are not God's words and which are man's? Unfortunately that question tends to get me no answer other than stuck in a loop. Again, none of these questions are ever asked in malice. I enjoy seeing how wonderful it is that every believer understands things slightly different especially across denominations.

    • @annikadamaris8068
      @annikadamaris8068 Рік тому +2

      Hey, you have some good questions.
      As christians we believe that Christ fulfilled the Law in the sense that he kept the commandments of the law and never sinned. We also believe that he fulfilled the law in the sense that the Torah (5 books of Moses) is not merely a law book, but ultimately is designed to show that people are unable to keep the law and need a redeemer. The law contains many prophecies about the Messiah which we believe that Jesus fulfilled. There are ceremonial laws in the OT which pointed to the Messiah and the New Testament shows us that we no longer need to keep them, because the reality they were pointing to has come, Jesus fulfilled them. But the moral laws (like "love God with all your heart and love your neighbour as you love yourself") are repeated in the New Testament and it is clear that they still show us our sinfulness, point us to our need for a Savior and that they instruct us as Christians how we should live.

    • @annikadamaris8068
      @annikadamaris8068 Рік тому

      We do not believe that part of the laws in Leviticus and Deuteronomy are from God and others from men.

    • @annikadamaris8068
      @annikadamaris8068 Рік тому +1

      I hope I understood you correctly and I hope I formulated my answer in a clear and understandable way. If I missed something important or something I said isn't clear to you, please let me now.

    • @Gorgon132
      @Gorgon132 Рік тому +1

      I have YT notifications turned off, so my response is a little late. I'm pretty sure the 5 law books. They have explicit instructions and consequences. It just seems weird that Christianity spout "Thou Shall Not Kill" when the following old testiment rule books about killing rule breakers, one of which hyper fixates is dude on dude action.

    • @ChristianityCommons
      @ChristianityCommons  Рік тому +1

      Great questions! Thanks for putting the time into your thoughtful comment. I am actually going to be making a follow up video that answers this exact thing. Stay tuned!

  • @EHenterprises
    @EHenterprises Рік тому +2

    There is absolutely nothing in the Bible that states "hate the sin, love the sinner." In that aspect according to the law of Moses "they shall be put to death and their blood shall be on their own heads". If that's love then I can't argue with you.

    • @jessicajones7143
      @jessicajones7143 Рік тому +3

      I have a really long response if you’re interested.
      Even though nothing in the Bible directly states "hate the sin, love the sinner", that concept is found throughout the Bible. Jesus himself hung out with tax collectors and prostitutes, and the only reason God came to earth to save us was because he loves humanity but hates that we have been lost in sin as a result of our choices. Our choices have resulted in us being separated from God. He gave us the ability to choose, and we chose to do what we wanted rather than abide by his design. As a result, God let us have what we wanted. He let us wander away from him and do the things we wanted, even if those things harmed us. Choosing to do things contrary to God's design resulted in a fallen world separated from God. Freedom to choose does not mean freedom from the consequences of our choices.
      The verse you are referring to is Leviticus 20:18, which refers to homosexuality being considered an abomination. In that same chapter, incest, bestiality, adultery, idolatry, and other sins are also considered abominations and treated with the same harshness. Those things go against God's design and were forbidden for his people. Only God's people were punished for doing those things since they lived under his law. If you do not consider yourself a Christian (or Jew back in the days of the old testament), you are not under God's law but you also do not have access to the eternal salvation that only he can offer.
      When Christ came to earth, he offered redemption to all. He fulfilled the covenant of the old testament and made a new covenant of grace. Under this new covenant, people were no longer put to death for sins that they previously were put to death for. An illustration I found written by John Piper on might be helpful.
      "It might be helpful to start with an analogy. I think right off the bat this might be helpful. You might say to the person who is asking that question, “Suppose a book is written for the military, and in Chapter 1 it deals with how soldiers should relate to each other during basic training stateside. Chapter 2 deals with how soldiers should relate to each other and to their captured enemies on the battlefield. Chapter 3 deals with how soldiers should relate to each other and to their captors if any of them is taken captive and imprisoned. And the chapter 4 deals with how they should relate to each other and to the enemy if they have infiltrated behind enemy lines.”
      Would anyone accuse a soldier of disobedience if while he is captured as a prisoner of war he obeys the instructions in Chapter 3 rather than the instructions in Chapter 1? No. Nobody would. That is the way the book intends to be used.
      Now that is the kind of book the Bible is. It was written under God’s inspiration over a period of 1,500 years or so through various periods where God dealt with his people in different ways. Not everything that the Bible designed for God’s people Israel under the judges or under the kings, or that God designs for Christians under the apostles in the New Testament, is the same.
      Putting to death adulterers, putting to death homosexuals, putting to death the sons who curse their parents - all these penalties belonged to a particular season in the history of God’s dealings with his covenant people. Those dealings have changed dramatically with the coming of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, into the world. That is the basic nature of the Bible and of redemptive history that we need to get across to our critics."
      The old testament ceremonial laws and laws requiring sinners to be put to death were abolished by God and the new covenant of grace was established. In this new covenant of grace, the moral laws still apply. This is why we can eat pork now but it's still not ok to murder someone in cold blood.
      Ultimately, the Bible is about redemption. God loves us and wants us to live according to his design. However, since he loves us, he wants us to have the ability to choose. Since God has given us free will, we can choose to not live according to his design. If you don't agree with God's design then you can live the way you want. However, you will not have access to the salvation that God offers from sin, since you still want to live in sin. God gives you a choice, what you choose is up to you.

    • @EHenterprises
      @EHenterprises Рік тому +2

      @@jessicajones7143 Thank you for your response to my comment. I really do appreciate you taking the time for it. We must remember though that some "sins" are not chosen. You cannot choose, only in rare instances, to be homosexual . You can choose to repress your sexuality with celibacy and chastity. Both options have proven to be seriously uncomfortable at best and psychologically damaging at worst. Then there is kleptomania. The person steals out of compulsion that can be caused by numerous things. The point is that the sin is not chosen. I believe in God but I don't believe in eternal separation or torment for sins for anyone including the devil. I don't want to be in a heaven with a God that would or could do that. Again thank you.

    • @jessicajones7143
      @jessicajones7143 Рік тому

      @@EHenterprises I understand where you are coming from. Mental disorders such as kleptomania are part of the fallen world that we like in. Whether or not homosexuality is a mental disorder is a different question entirely. It used to be included in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders but was removed many years ago.
      Additionally, just because something is not chosen, that does not mean that it isn't bad. People do not choose to have cancer, but we try to treat people who have cancer because it is bad for them. We also try to help people with birth defects that harm them even though they were born that way. Kleptomania, as you mentioned, is not a choice, but we can try to provide treatment for them. Just because it isn’t a choice, that doesn’t mean that they are free from the consequences of the behaviors they engage in. People with kleptomania should actively work to not act on their urges to steal because the behaviors can result in bad consequences, such as being put in prison. Even if not acting on those urges causes them discomfort.
      I am not arguing for or against homosexuality as a mental disorder. I am also not arguing for or against people being born homosexual. All I am saying is that something can be bad even if it is not a choice. We see this all throughout the world we live in. Again, it is just a result of the fallen world we live in.
      I understand not wanting to believe in eternal separation or torment for sins. It is not a pleasant thing to think about. However, it is necessary for there to be punishment for wrongdoing. Otherwise, how could we ever call God just and righteous? That is why his salvation is so amazing. Even though we deserve punishment for our sins, his love for us resulted in us him offering us the free gift of salvation as long as we believe. No matter what our sins are, he is willing to forgive us as long as we believe. Jesus died and paid the price for sin so we do not have to suffer for our sins as long as we believe in him.
      You are free to believe as you wish, but it is important for us all to analyze our beliefs and strive to find the truth, even if the truth is uncomfortable.
      Thank you for engaging with me, the UA-cam comments section can be hostile. I appreciate your kindness and willingness to engage in this conversation. I wish you the best!

    • @MeganJohnson913
      @MeganJohnson913 Рік тому +3

      If you don’t believe in eternal separation or torment for sins then you don’t believe in God. To say that some sins aren’t chosen is very problematic. Being a homosexual is a sin. It doesn’t matter what society has led people to believe. If you choose not to follow God, live life how he wants you to live and don’t want to be with him when you die (Gods decision), then there’s eternal damnation waiting. Just fyi, everyone that talks heaven or that wants to go is not going.

    • @jessicajones7143
      @jessicajones7143 Рік тому +1

      @@MeganJohnson913 what do you mean when you say that everyone who talks about heaven or that wants to go is not going? I’ve never heard that perspective before. Jesus himself said in Matthew 6:33 that Christians should seek first the kingdom of heaven. I’m confused why you say that people who talk about heaven or want to go will not be going when that is in direct contradiction of scripture.

  • @madwhitehare3635
    @madwhitehare3635 Рік тому

    Because we are fallen we do have perverse desires and are easily led into addictions. That’s the devil’s job, after all.
    Having a perverse desire is something we all suffer from, one way or another. It’s whether or not you can manage to not bow to that desire.
    I absolutely have the propensity to be a raging alcoholic, but with God’s help I am hanging on.
    I have a child who is gay. With God’s help he is hanging on.
    Hopefully we won’t have to hang on much longer.
    So here’s to all the would-be gamblers, ramblers, backbiters etc etc
    Keep hanging on.

  • @BoskiM
    @BoskiM Рік тому +2

    Simple answer is no moving on

    • @pinguy2334
      @pinguy2334 Рік тому


    • @kbanghart
      @kbanghart Рік тому +2

      Simple answer is yes moving on.

    • @Cowclops
      @Cowclops Рік тому

      @@kbanghart Yeah if I was gay I probably wouldn't associate with a religion that says gay people will burn in hell. As a straight person, I would also not associate with a religion that says gay people will burn in hell.

    • @kbanghart
      @kbanghart Рік тому +1

      @@Cowclops so true. I'm glad I'm a progressive Christian.

    • @Cowclops
      @Cowclops Рік тому +2

      @@kbanghart Jesus was more progressive than the guy who posted this video or anyone who agrees with him.