Reaction To heute-show: German Bureaucracy and Refugees

  • Опубліковано 25 лис 2024


  • @fgregerfeaxcwfeffece
    @fgregerfeaxcwfeffece Рік тому +50

    The permit A38 from Asterix is probably one of the most wide spread memes among all demographics. Just let that sink in.

  • @strahlberger
    @strahlberger Рік тому +174

    If a German says he will do it, he will do it. No need to remind him every 6 month.

    • @dasaggropop1244
      @dasaggropop1244 Рік тому +39

      of course first there has to be an ausschuß zur erarbeitung eines strategiepapiers

    • @MONGOGNOM79
      @MONGOGNOM79 Рік тому +3

      Hahhaaaha… geil… i like!;)

    • @berndhoffmann7703
      @berndhoffmann7703 Рік тому

      @@dasaggropop1244ja klar hör ich meistens von Leuten, die schon mit dem Ausfüllen des Antrags für den Umtausch ihres Führerscheins überfordert sind und Gruppenbefragungen durchführen 😂
      Bei komplexen Problemen nutzt es halt nichts, wenn einer das durchdenkt und alle dann schon machen, was machste denn wenn der Vordenker mal krank ist? Solche Billigargumente kann man sich echt sparen und was solche Sprücheklopfer, die auch auf dem Bau existieren, dann einem als Endresultat präsentieren, wofür man auch noch zahlen soll, da fliegt einem der Hut wech und man hätte sich gewünscht, dass vlt. mehr Leute sich vorher mal unterhalten hätten, was gebaut werden sollte!

    • @AliasSchmalias
      @AliasSchmalias Рік тому +5

      @@dasaggropop1244 Dann müssen wir das nochmal mit der DIN-Norm überprüfen!

    • @maxmustermann8247
      @maxmustermann8247 Рік тому +5

      @@dasaggropop1244 don't forget about the TÜV-Abnahme!!!

  • @marcus_w0
    @marcus_w0 Рік тому +58

    The best thing was, that the subtitles actually matched and were very well done.

    • @KingSteven26
      @KingSteven26 Рік тому +1

      Naja der Wortwitz bei "der Weise aus dem Sorgenamt" wurde leider (bis auf Übersetzung des Namens) nicht aufgelöst/übersetzt, aber du hast schon Recht.

    • @UlliStein
      @UlliStein Рік тому +1

      @@KingSteven26 OK, dann mach ich das halt. "Sorgenamt" sound quite similar like "Morgenland" which means "Orient".
      So this is a biblical title that was varied here.

    • @KingSteven26
      @KingSteven26 Рік тому +1

      @@UlliStein THX 😁

  • @jecapeter
    @jecapeter Рік тому +25

    What, don't you know the old joke?
    An American worker and a German worker chatting.
    American: "10 more days and our job is done."
    German: "10 more forms and we start!"

  • @the_godfather9974
    @the_godfather9974 Рік тому +31

    Building anything is a nightmare in Germany. A comparable project that was way over budget and took forever to finish was the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg

    • @alexelion7084
      @alexelion7084 5 місяців тому

      Another one was the Subway in Karlsruhe. When I graduated our year actually had our "Abimotto" inspired by this

  • @domaniac9119
    @domaniac9119 Рік тому +35

    Stuttgart 21: Estimated completion date has been shifted from 2019 (in 2011) to 2025 (in 2018). Stuttgart's city centre is still a complete mess, and local transportation is on the brink of breakdown.
    Costwise, the estimation has gone from 2,5 billion to more than 9 billion, but that's expected to rise even further.
    Also, the new train station will probably be less effective than the old one. Die Anstalt did an excellent bit on the whole shitshow a while back, I don't know if it has been subtitled though.

    • @Thorgridson
      @Thorgridson Рік тому +7

      that 21 in Stuttgart 21 means it finished in the 21 century, so they finished it 2099^^

    • @paha4209
      @paha4209 Рік тому +3

      You can replace "probably less effective" with "highly-likely less effective" even DB now recognized that the new main station was planned to small something the opposition of the project always claimed. They are likely to build a second train station in the future to compensate that short-coming. Although i can see DB already having an alternative plan. I frequently use the ICE between Munich and Karlsruhe and have seen an increase of ICE directly running from KA to M and vise versa sometimes even skipping Stuttgart (the ICE is then heading from Esslingen towards Karlsruhe with Bruchsal as a stop in between, on the other side the next stop would be Esslingen then Ulm). Maybe that´s one of the plans of DB, to release pressure from Stuttgart 21 and give Karlsruhe more trains since imho it still has a lot of capacity left and is already a drive through train station.

    • @melchiorvonsternberg844
      @melchiorvonsternberg844 Рік тому

      Ihr Schwaben, müsst das als Langzeit- Therapie sehen. Ausufernde Kosten und Unpünktlichkeit, sind etwas dass ihr euch langsam erarbeiten müsst! Und obgleich ich ein alter VfB- Fan bin, bin ich auch durch eine langjährige Tätigkeit für ein schwäbisches Unternähmen, nicht sehr mitleidvoll für euch gestimmt. Da müsst ihr jetzt durch! Heile, heile Gänschen...

    • @spunk88888
      @spunk88888 Рік тому

      Yes, if there is any way to get a subtitled version, I highly recommend the "Die Anstalt" piece on Stuttgart 21 too, it is brilliant!

  • @benjamingarelly2831
    @benjamingarelly2831 Рік тому +3

    As a resident of Cologne, I can cite every construction project in this city of millions as an example of poor construction management. No matter what is done, it takes much longer and costs much more than expected. For example, the renovation of the opera house: this was originally supposed to last from 2012 to 2015, but it is still going on. Instead of 253 million euros, it now costs over a billion euros. In the meantime, it was almost finished and even schedules and productions were planned, but then it had to be postponed again due to fire safety.
    Another example is the collapse of the city archive. The building collapsed in broad daylight because a subway was being built nearby and the ground became unstable due to human error. Two people lost their lives.

  • @jkb2016
    @jkb2016 Рік тому +5

    0:55 almost any "Realer Irrsinn" clip from Extra 3.

    • @Anthyrion
      @Anthyrion Рік тому

      Manchmal übertreiben sie es aber. Ich glaub, es gab ein paar Fälle (so z.B. die nie fertig gestellte Brücke über Eisenbahngleise), die am Anfang durchaus Sinn machten.
      Dann wiederum gibt es Dinge, wo man sich fragt, wie Ämter auf solchen Unsinn kommen

  • @L1nus61
    @L1nus61 Рік тому +34

    Great video. The "heute show" is really one of the funniest political satire shows in germany. Yes, the show der "reale Irrsin" from extra3 also is really good

    • @L1nus61
      @L1nus61 Рік тому

    • @dasaggropop1244
      @dasaggropop1244 Рік тому

      i like quer on br. its not as flashy, but quite hintersinnig (tounge in cheek)

    • @mcsorglos2526
      @mcsorglos2526 11 місяців тому

      Nein einfach nein! 1. sie ist nicht lustig und 2. es ist keine Satire Sendung sondern eine Propaganda Sendung.

  • @LandwirtausBerlin
    @LandwirtausBerlin Рік тому +16

    ,,Die Anstalt" ist Deutschlands beste Satire

    • @Anthyrion
      @Anthyrion Рік тому +9

      Bei ihrer Sendung bezüglich AfD und Verfassungsgericht war mir am Ende aber schon etwas mulmig zumute. Zitat: "Als rechtsradikaler musst du nur EINE Wahl gewinnen."

    • @DavidOtto82
      @DavidOtto82 Рік тому +4

      @@Anthyrion Ist leider vielen Leuten nicht bewusst. Immer wenn ich höre "Lass die halt mal machen und dann sehen ja alle wie schlecht die sind" läufts mir kalt den Rücken runter.

    • @melchiorvonsternberg844
      @melchiorvonsternberg844 Рік тому

      @@Anthyrion Ähm... Ist nicht wirklich eine Neuigkeit. Aber das Grundgesetz, lässt den Bürgern dann in puncto Widerstand, eine Menge Spielraum. So schnell, können die keinen Führerbunker bauen, als dass die sicher wären...

    • @Anthyrion
      @Anthyrion Рік тому

      @@melchiorvonsternberg844 Leider haben sie in Sachsen und Thüringen eine viel zu große Fanbasis.
      Aber leider ist deren Wahlvieh... äh, -volk zu dumm um zu raffen, dass sie nichts können. Außer pöbeln und "dagegen" sein. Die ersten Wahlversprechen können die ja schon nicht einhalten, weil sie entweder keinen Plan haben, wie sie manches finanzieren wollen oder weil es simpel gegen das Grundgesetz verstößt.
      Dennoch halten ihre Wähler ständig daran fest, dass "die Anderen" schuld sind.
      Deshalb fürchte ich, dass die - wie die NSDAP damals - die Dumpfbacken als Schläger rekrutieren wird um die normale Bevölkerung klein zu halten

    • @Justforvisit
      @Justforvisit Рік тому

      @@melchiorvonsternberg844 Zumal wir seit wir aus 1933 - 1945 auch gelernt haben. Seitdem gibt's zum Beispiel die Trennung der Exekutive, Judikative und Legislative. Die Bundeswehr ist z.B. ganz hochoffiziell dazu angehalten, gegen "schwerwiegende verfassungsfeindliche Bestrebungen" vorzugehen.
      Im Klartext: Falls hier wirklich nochmal jemand die AH-Nummer abziehen wollen würde hätte er Ruck Zuck die Bundeswehr am Hals, was damals undenkbar gewesen wäre.

  • @KxNOxUTA
    @KxNOxUTA Рік тому +1

    We have a whole German Show with one of our more famous Comedians on this topic! The series is called "Mario Barth deckt auf" (aka "Mario Barth uncovers/investigates") and is a big show where all construction and otherwise bureaucratic nonsense and waste of tax money is reported by ppl and they investigate. It's hilarious AND a pain to watch.

  • @PropperNaughtyGeezer
    @PropperNaughtyGeezer Рік тому +24

    Bureaucracy - The Romans already had this problem. They didn't have the most powerful empire of all time because they were so strong or particularly smart, but because of their bureaucracy. This meant they were able to use their resources as efficiently as possible.
    But bureaucracy also costs. This is good as long as the increase in efficiency is higher than the increase in costs. The problem is that the increase in efficiency diminishes over time because it cannot be increased infinitely. At some point the costs will rise faster than the efficiencies and at some point the turning point will come. There are socio-economic studies about it and a table (among others by Max Weber), can't find the table now. You can see how the efficiency graph is getting flatter and the cost graph is getting steeper. Horst Lüning also made a video about it. I think the EU reached this turning point in the late 90s.

    • @RagingGoblin
      @RagingGoblin Рік тому

      There are a lot of stereotypes and even bad science about 'bureaucracy'. Yes, yes: Germany, paper documents, Beamte, failed digitalisation, yes, yes. We've all head that a million times.
      Strange though how they never mention that Germany has actually one of the leanest public sectors in the entire EU, how the public sector routinely outperforms THE ENTIRE private sector, and how many people with very good credentials choose to work there just do shoulder some responsibility instead of slaving away for huge corporations to maximise every margin possible.
      Of course, there are problems. Lots of them.
      But what most people who don't work in the public sector just don't realise is that, in reality, the 'bureaucracy' is more or less entirely under the thumbnail of the government and the judiciary system.
      At some point in time, your superior is a politician, who cares -- even in the best of cases -- at least as much for public opinion, party ideals, and even opportunism and media coverage than he does 'to do the right thing'.
      Not to mention that basically all things you do -- and even those you decide -- in the public sector in Germany all have to work within a very framework of law. Which is good, but it is shackling nevertheless. A private enterprise might 'just do things' and wait until someone complains. Public sector can't ever do that.
      Many of the problems in the 'bureaucracy' (which in itself is a false flag word that has basically lost all meaning) stem from politics, which ultimately set the law and the course in which to carry it out. Too long queues? Nothing gets done? Maybe Germany shouldn't have phased out like a third of its public sector later 90s, because now basically everyone is scrambling to get some help. Digitalisation stuck on some technical loophole? Well, someone maybe should've drafted better laws then, because bureaucrats are duty-bound to carry them out.
      They'll get sacked if they don't.

  • @Sanojnnamtrah
    @Sanojnnamtrah 9 місяців тому +1

    You should watch „der reale Irrsinn“ from extra3. It’s just about things going wrong in Germany like that Berlin airport.

  • @Banis1234
    @Banis1234 Рік тому +5

    Oooh, if you want to learn about German bureaucracy you should definitely watch Extra 3 'Der Reale Irsinn'..!
    P.S.: Be careful what you wish for...

  • @BeesPlanet
    @BeesPlanet Рік тому +1

    There are a loooooot of projects, which take many years more than originally planned. Really because of bureaucracy. Airport BER, new supply of sustainable electricity, but also as a normal citizen when it comes about requesting basic income or even health care. It takes a lot of time. Due tue lack of employees in agencys or just... well... bureaucracy...

  • @zaygin9633
    @zaygin9633 Рік тому +1

    My mum works for the BAMF and this time was horrible. Now we are heading to this times again

  • @Lillyluri
    @Lillyluri Рік тому +2

    Einen Antrag auf Erteilung eines Antragsformulars *sing 🎶

  • @CaramelHopelesslyObsessed75
    @CaramelHopelesslyObsessed75 Рік тому +2

    Yay another Heute Show. Your reaction vids are somehow like podcasts you are a good speaker man

  • @Drachendaemon1
    @Drachendaemon1 Рік тому +27

    If you want another example for german (in)efficiency, just have a look at the Hamburg Elbe Philharmonic. The original price for it was said to be ~ 75 Million €. The actual calculated price is in the ballpark of around 900 Million €. A more than 11 times increase in cost
    Edit: You may even know the guy who signed this deal: the previous major of Hamburg and current Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz

    • @Rige111
      @Rige111 Рік тому

      Yep and they built it 6years longer than planned

    • @philburmeister3427
      @philburmeister3427 Рік тому +11

      It was the CDU who signed this deal, Olaf Scholz only fulfilled it. And on the other hand, the Elbphilharmonie has since brought back everything it cost and then some. But yeah, at the time it was another prime example of german inefficiency.

    • @pakabe8774
      @pakabe8774 Рік тому

      Not a result of bureaurcracy but organized crime. But Germans don't understand organized crime if there is no violence involved, that is why organized crime is flourishing in Germany like in no other country and Cum-Ex or Cum-Cum-Ex is just the tip of the iceberg.

    • @srccde
      @srccde Рік тому +8

      @@philburmeister3427 The problem wasn't the amount of money it took to build it in the end but how it was completely and utterly miscalculated in the beginning, almost as if someone had been trying to hide the true costs to highten the chances of it being accepted in the first place. Once it was accepted and building commenced, there was no turning back, no matter how high the costs rose. To me, it seems like a plot.

    • @sisuguillam5109
      @sisuguillam5109 Рік тому

      Erst nachkucken, dann posten.

  • @MellonVegan
    @MellonVegan Рік тому +1

    3:10 An example from my hometown of choice: the University of Münster's institute for geosciences just finished renovations for its own little geological/palaeontological museum.
    They started renovating it before I even came to this city (so before mid 2012). I got my bachelor's degree (which took long bc I had to redo most of it) here, then my master's degree in Bonn (which took long bc Covid), came back here, got a job and NOW they've finished it.
    Not sure how much of that was due to bureaucracy but aside from that, they had to do quite a bit of it twice bc the contractors messed it up at first.
    You could have started studying here and finished your PhD, all without ever seeing the inside of that museum. The person in charge who started the process wasn't even alive to see it (gone too soon :/).
    It's a lovely little place though (and admission is free), so if any o'y'all ever visit Münster, check it out. The egyptologists' museum is right next door, too (I personally love the Ancient Near East stuff they have there).

  • @rigdigwus
    @rigdigwus Рік тому

    "Backlock" jesus the translations are freaking wild most of the time

  • @nachtfuchs7711
    @nachtfuchs7711 Рік тому +1

    I live in Stuttgart. Nope Stuttgart 21 is still not done yet🙄

  • @Baccatube79
    @Baccatube79 Рік тому +1

    By the way: to say that somebody "ist von der Gesamtschule geflogen" is an insult in and of itself. Because it's virtually impossible to get kicked out of a Gesamtschule as it is type of school that is designed to encompass all the very diverse school carreer the German school system usually offers. If you get kicked out of a "Gymnasium", it usually means that you were not up to the challenge and must try at a lower level of education - but a Gesamtschule encompasses all levels from low to high. If you fail it, you must be so utterly morose that no school whatsoever can educate you.

  • @sigourneyburton3387
    @sigourneyburton3387 Рік тому +1

    da bekommt man doch richtig Lust auf den Bau der Magnetschwebebahn in Berlin, von CDU geplant 😂. wird sich nahtlos einreihen.

  • @HombreGermany
    @HombreGermany Рік тому +1

    Is Germany bureaucratic? Is water wet? 😁

  • @raistormrs
    @raistormrs Рік тому

    i just say... Elbphilharmoie in Hamburg, estimated time and cost: 3 years for 77 million. Reality: 9 years and 866 million. so 3 times as long for 11 times as much... but that's not all, there was water damages and mould problems leading to even more millions on repairs and closed parts of the Building... plus the administration of the building costs 7.2million a year. this is a Concert venue we are talking about here...

  • @lufariaVn
    @lufariaVn Рік тому +1

    There is a pretty good Video about Stuttgart 21 from the Anstalt

  • @tovia1992
    @tovia1992 Рік тому

    A friend of mine bought a ticket for a flight to BER which was supposed to take place in 2012. ...well: 8 years later ;)

  • @1QuellcristFalconer1
    @1QuellcristFalconer1 11 місяців тому

    Stuttgart 21 is still a work in progress. They even changed the meaning of the name "Stuttgart 21". By start they said that it will be finished in 2021. Now they say: 21 stands for the 21st Centruy. We Germans honestly beliefe that this won't be finished within the 21st century :-D. The Airport in Berlin was finished, than they realised the fire precautions are already outdated, so the had to change that again. It was a huge desaster! Unbelieveable but true...

  • @klausberfelde-je2ye
    @klausberfelde-je2ye 11 місяців тому

    there are also songs about German bureaucracy back in 1976... my special one is "Einen Antrag auf Erteilung eines Antragformulars" - songwriter: Reinhard Mey ...German text is printed in the detail section.
    I don't know but I guess he performed his songs in French and English also.

  • @gutefrage879
    @gutefrage879 Рік тому +1

    Yes that is a common thing in germany, that costs rise dramatic and that it takes very much longer then planed.

    • @UlliStein
      @UlliStein Рік тому

      That's because the construction companys calculate the cost extremely low otherwise they wouldn't get the order. The truth comes out later when there is no way back.
      3:15 Nobody really could believe that the Elbphilharmonie could be made for 90 million, that was ridiculous from the start.

    • @gutefrage879
      @gutefrage879 Рік тому

      @@UlliStein Da gäbe es eine einfache Lösung. Die Firmen müssten verpflichtet werden, ihre Kostenkalkulation einzuhalten. Natürlich mit Inflationsauagleich. D.h. wenn Material... teurer wird, dann muss das ausgeglichen werden.
      Wenn sie das nicht schaffen, gehen sie halt pleite... ansonsten braucht man halt bei Auschreiben den Preis gar nicht mehr für die Auswahl mit einzubeziehen, wenn der ohenhin nicht einbezogen werden muss.
      Das Problem, genau so läuft es immer in der Politik. Die größten Arschlöcher sitzen immer ganz oben und die lügen, sind korrupt und betrügen so wie es für sie am besten ist. Und am Ende können sie sich an nichts mehr erinnern🤣

  • @winterlinde5395
    @winterlinde5395 Рік тому +6

    1:13 „the wise guy from the trouble agency“ : this pun gets lost in translation:
    The boss‘s name is Weise.
    The three holy wise king guys from the east who brought gifts to baby Jesus are:
    Drei Weise vom Morgenland (tomorrow/ Morning-Land)
    Our guy is
    Der Weise vom Sorgenamt

  • @KxNOxUTA
    @KxNOxUTA Рік тому

    My dear it's also about type you checked out female comedians and satiric artists.
    - Carolin Kebekus (modern, youth oriented and strong on matters of feminism)
    - Cindy aus Marzahn (for more light-hearted fun)
    - Maren Kroymann (I love her skits! They're smart and hilarious)
    - Lisa Eckhart (From Austria. And you'll have a blast with her. She has a knife-like sharp tongue, that woman! Dark sarcasm galore)
    And that's just a few of them all.

  • @carrioncrow13
    @carrioncrow13 7 місяців тому

    There is no sanity here in Germany. Our bureaucracy drives us insane the second we're confronted with it for the first time.

  • @TheFoxYTB
    @TheFoxYTB Рік тому +1

    I love this stuff... Keep on doing it❤💙💛 Greetings from germany

  • @4TwEnti-
    @4TwEnti- Рік тому

    2:55 thats my taste of humour.
    We get nothing done anymore!

  • @gm_hg_von_tresckow
    @gm_hg_von_tresckow 5 місяців тому

    Funnily enough, Stuttgard 21 has just been postponed again. (2:37)

  • @parteyschulz4258
    @parteyschulz4258 11 місяців тому

    Assuming you are a beekeeper and owner of a bee colony. If this bee colony flies away, you remain the owner as long as you pursue it, whether on foot, by car, or on horseback. Once you abandon the pursuit, it is no longer yours.
    However, if your bee colony settles with another beekeeper and merges with their bee colony, it is a legal requirement that you and the other beekeeper must establish a company to jointly manage the merged bee colonies.

  • @NiklasBaum
    @NiklasBaum Рік тому

    Stuttgart 21 ist nicht fertig, Kölner Oper auch nicht, genauso wie Frankfurt und Müchen Hbf, die Leverkusener und Mülheimer Brücke uvm.

  • @thisisviv
    @thisisviv Рік тому +5

    I‘m from Stuttgart! I suggest to look into Stuttgart 21 more, there might be some funny satire shows about it.
    Long story short: It’s not finished and some people think it will never be 😂 In the first contract they said it would cost about 2,5 billion € if I remember it right and now it is estimated to cost 10 billion €, maybe more until it is finished. No one wants to pay for it. The current central station in Stuttgart is a mess because it’s a construction side basically. All in all it’s another embarrassing German project 😂

    • @heikeschikschneit1385
      @heikeschikschneit1385 Рік тому

      Die Anstalt made a good program about it... unfortunately without English subtitles. The best sentence in it was: "You invest €10 billion in a crooked station which, if I'm unlucky, will become the largest crematorium in Europe and if I'm lucky, the largest aquarium in Europe."

    • @axelurbanski2774
      @axelurbanski2774 Рік тому +1

      Niemand hat die Absicht einen Bahnhof zu errichten, nur eine Haltestelle.

  • @Anthyrion
    @Anthyrion Рік тому +1

    The good news is, that our government now hast finaly decided, to get rid of the Fax machines in our government offices or other official departements. It only took over 20 years for that decision.

  • @VivaLaFlaem
    @VivaLaFlaem Рік тому

    There is a whole segment of the satire show Extra 3 called Realer Irrsinn (Real Madness), in which they show the weird things that happen bc of german bureaucracy. Things where everyone realises in 1 second that it doesnt make sense but it has to be done bc of some rule. That would be exactly what you asked for at the start of the video.

  • @SFoX-On-Air
    @SFoX-On-Air Рік тому +2

    "Get it done very well" ... maybe.
    But "Get it done fast and accurate"? Thats definitly not germany. "FAST" is a word that noone knows around here.

  • @maxmustermann8247
    @maxmustermann8247 Рік тому

    To give you an example, why we germans made (and we still do that from time to time) fun of the BER. They startet building it in 2006.
    When i was living in Berlin back in 2012, i was working on the smaller airport "Berlin Schönefeld" (the runway is now part of the BER). The company i was working for told me (back in 2012) "BER opens in june, so we have to get you trained for the new airport"...and so i was introduced to the construction site in april. Not even 1 million chinese ppl could have finished this scrap pile in 2 months. Before that they told us "it's done in november 2011"...It was done in 2020...
    Oh and...the airport wasn't built by germans...belive me when i say, there was no german speaking worker on the construction site when i was there 😏

    @EXTRAEDC Рік тому

    Las vegas build an entire F1 travk with paddock in 11 months .. in germany we need 13 years to complete a standard sized airport xD

    • @karstenbalamagi8463
      @karstenbalamagi8463 Рік тому +1

      You saw that F1 event? Guess Las Vegas Track is not the best example for building something faster... and comparing us-american highways in general, maybe they reach gdr standards in 13 vears.

      @EXTRAEDC Рік тому

      @@karstenbalamagi8463 of course i saw it .. I watch every race and quali :) .. yea the track wasnt great .. but building a 300m long 5 story buidling with cables lights and everything would take at least 3-4 years around here XD..

  • @Justforvisit
    @Justforvisit Рік тому +9

    People from other countries: "Man, Germany is SOOOO efficent!"
    Germans: *Slowly creeping in place in front of Berlin Airport and Stuttgart 21 to obstruct views, sweating*

  • @Banis1234
    @Banis1234 Рік тому +1

    You opened Pandoras box...

  • @peppermintgreen4821
    @peppermintgreen4821 Рік тому +7

    The problem with these projects are the ones who planned and coordinated it. We call them "Schreibtischtäter" loosely translate into bureau offender. Someone who has theories how should be done but has no clue of the reality. The guy who planned the airport in Berlin put 6 or 7 baggage claims. I worked at a small local airport and there were 5 of them. And he put in the new capital airport 6 😂😂😂😂. So, no clue at all. It may looks good on paper and that's it.

    • @klio9611
      @klio9611 Рік тому

      "We call them "Schreibtischtäter" (...)"?
      Who do you define as "We"? "Schreibtischtäter" is the word created for those nazis who organized the shoa from their office, e.g. Adolf Eichmann. Using that word for administrators today is offending.

  • @strenter
    @strenter Рік тому

    Stuttgart 21 is said to refer to 2021... But I believe it refers to the year 2100... 😅

    • @dnocturn84
      @dnocturn84 Рік тому +1

      No, the "21" refers to the 21st century. It was never meant to finish in 2021; even in its earliest stages it was meant to finish in 2023 or 2025 - I don't remember anymore.

  • @guessitwasme
    @guessitwasme Рік тому

    Some people argue that one aspect of the uniqueness the holocaust has compared to other genozides, is the fact that it was executed with that pendantic bureaucracy, which is a German characteristic.

  • @klaus.sfc01official30
    @klaus.sfc01official30 Рік тому

    If there are plans to do something in germany it'll take atleast 5 years to get approved but then maybe something gets done in 10 years after that. So i don't know where you heard we get things done immideatly.

  • @antonmaier5172
    @antonmaier5172 Рік тому +1

    We are roaming the world for new and yet unheard of (in Germany) types of red tape, in order to grow our own stockpile of red tape until the whole country is covered.
    It is an ongoing process ...

  • @weiterimtext8134
    @weiterimtext8134 Рік тому +9

    Sie sind sehr sympathisch. Man könnte beinahe Schottisch lernen, das ja doch viel mit Alt-/Mittelhochdeutsch, Dänisch und Niederländisch gemeinsam hat. Danke für Ihre wunderbare Art, uns und unseren deutschen Humor Außerdem haben Sie einen Sinn für Symmetrie, also Ordnung. Woran ich ds erkenne? An der Anordnung auf Ihrem Regal.

    • @TheNomad94
      @TheNomad94 Рік тому +2

      Das ist ja alles schön und gut, aber wer siezt Leute auf UA-cam?

    • @BrienneoffrigginTarth8888
      @BrienneoffrigginTarth8888 Рік тому +1

      Jeder so wie er mag... :-)

    • @Justforvisit
      @Justforvisit Рік тому +2

      @@TheNomad94 Ungewöhnlich, aber nicht verboten oder unerwünscht.

  • @pakabe8774
    @pakabe8774 Рік тому +1

    That there is a need for an Entscheider, shows perfectly why Germans do bureaucracy wrong. Bureaucracy means, making decisions based on law and not by order. But most Germans dislike the idea of making own decisions, they tend to procrastinate instead of making decisions, therefore German bureaucracy needs two steps of decision making instead of one.

  • @smaragdwolf1
    @smaragdwolf1 Рік тому

    A wellknown Satire Magazine even made a "Game" for the Game-Platform Steam, where we can attempt to build the BER airport, because it took sooooo long to built it.
    "Game" because i would rather classify it as illegal mental Torture... i have played it AND i finished the Airport -.-

  • @achimdemus-holzhaeuser1233
    @achimdemus-holzhaeuser1233 Рік тому

    2015 ... you would think Oliver Welke is starting to feel like Volker Pispers .. he is repeating the same topics over and over for over a decade.

  • @its_frida
    @its_frida Рік тому

    You should try to watch "Mario Barth deckt auf".
    He is a German comedian and the show is about tax waste and bureaucracy.

  • @djgenetic111
    @djgenetic111 10 місяців тому

    The end of "heute" is pronounced like the start of "Tennents".

  • @moyesboy1
    @moyesboy1 Рік тому

    I love your posts, especially when you, as a Scot, say that we Germans maybe have a bit of humor. But I think it's about time you take a look at the best of the best, the master of the masters, "Jürgen von der Lippe"
    You'll throw yourself away. With his certain kind of comedy and expression, he stands out from the other comediens in Germany, but I'm not sure whether that comes across through the German-English translation. Well, maybe just try it out. Greetings

  • @meantares
    @meantares Рік тому

    There are many videos on Stuttgart 21 on UA-cam. You can get a fair idea about the construction there.

  • @axelurbanski2774
    @axelurbanski2774 Рік тому +1

    Germany is Perfect in public Organzition to Order the Order.... but it needs Time some Years or some centuries

  • @Lucymai12
    @Lucymai12 Рік тому

    We have efficent companies and production lines, at least thats where the stereotype comes from, and not efficent goverment. I head that Berlin Airport took so long (surely also for other reasons) is that a lot of work got outsourced to some foreign company who fucked a lot of shit up that had to be redone etc. to pass inspection. IIRC the german goverment hired a german company for it who the hired foreign contractors who were not so good.

    • @dnocturn84
      @dnocturn84 Рік тому

      No, this wasn't really the case. Most of it were planning errors. Like the lights that nobody could turn off, because they forgot to add a switch. You're propably refering to a foreign sub-contractor, who build the entire network grid. Originally according to plans, but later added lots and lots of more stuff to it (again because of bad planning). But unfortunately, they didn't document any of their work and another company later had to rip out the whole thing, because it was impossible to find out where each of the network wires went. There are good documentaries out there for you to watch.

  • @kakarottuzumaki4346
    @kakarottuzumaki4346 2 місяці тому

    2:42 Min.: Heute Show made somthing about that airport too.
    Recomant it to you ^^

  • @OrangeBoIt
    @OrangeBoIt 11 місяців тому +1

    If you want to know about the failure of the Berlin Airport, there is a video about it, made by the German Comedian Mario Barth.

  • @sarapreuss2846
    @sarapreuss2846 Рік тому

    I have a question. Is their something similar to the Heute Show in Great Britain? I'd like to see that. 😊

  • @Mayagick
    @Mayagick Рік тому

    E.g. small community, 150 pdf forms to download, all the paper lines turned into blue fields to key in with a proper keyboard and of course with a signature function you simply sign with your finger, perfect. Well No, because you have No upload function to send in your already digitized form. Instead of you need to print this on paper, put it in an envelope, stamp it, carry it to the next postbox and on the community side they take it, and need to key in what's printed out (do Not believe they scan and OCR it). And by keying in typos may occure. As the English saying goes, anybody with half a brain can do it, that's exactly what happened here, they never thought this true, stuck halfways in the process. Of course it's anecdotal, but that's one example to see the state of digitization in Germany. Now they want to use AI, coz it's the latest buzzword, yeah we need this, but tbh they suck at the little things.

  • @mustafatopcuogullar4364
    @mustafatopcuogullar4364 Рік тому

    Hello Mert,
    I just wonder that just because of your name. Are you a Turkish? Like me? :) Thanks.

  • @derwidder1400
    @derwidder1400 Рік тому

    realer Irrsinn is veeeery good but I don't know wether there's a proper English translation. The Google translations are usually very scuffed

  • @MorzForz
    @MorzForz Рік тому

    With public constuction work it's really annoying. It's the same with schools etc.
    The administration has to do a public tender and needs to take the cheapest one. No matter about the reality of numbers or anything. So conmpanies are trying to safe costs on every bit so they make the cheapest offer. If the administration choose them it's always more expensive. And also often the companies goes bankrupt because they can't get enough money for their project.
    I think this is not a good system. It is supposed to stop nepotism but in the end it just not realistic....

  • @eisikater1584
    @eisikater1584 Рік тому +1

    "The Ministry of Sorrows", the subtitles didn't catch that, but should have because it's so much like Monty Python. I really must apologize, I usually don't watch the heute show if it weren't for your reaction videos, I don't like that Welke guy. What I watch regularly on German TV are "Die Anstalt", "extra 3", and "quer" which mostly covers Bavarian topics, but as I live in Bavaria, that's just fine with me.

  • @DukeDukeGo
    @DukeDukeGo 8 місяців тому

    I you wanna know more on stupid german bureaucracy, then "der reale Irrsinn" by extra3 is a good place to start

  • @griefforest1870
    @griefforest1870 Рік тому

    A long time project which can´t be done in time? Let´s see... This might sound ludicrous but many parts of Germany has either no stable internet infrastructure (in the city) or non at all (mostly in the county). They´ve been on it for over 25 years and countries like Latvia or Estonia have the fastest connection and download duration in the world. Granted it was worse 8-10 years ago but it´s still quite embarassing.

  • @nettcologne9186
    @nettcologne9186 Рік тому

    0:20 ...and now we have 1.1 million Ukrainian refugees in the country

  • @Annie-ex3ge
    @Annie-ex3ge Рік тому +1

    At this point, German effosoency is just a myth.

    • @dnocturn84
      @dnocturn84 Рік тому

      To be fair: these horrible examples are all caused by the German government, politicians, administrators and bureaucrats.
      I don't think "German efficiency" was ever meant to adress those kind of people and their jobs in the first place, but actually adresses German companies and their products. Two very different things.

  • @Hailerer2602
    @Hailerer2602 Рік тому +3

    Video number seven of recomanding "Do they known it's Europe" by Jan Böhmermann and Comedians for World Peace

  • @MellonVegan
    @MellonVegan Рік тому

    Realer Irrsinn is great but some of those have terribly translated subtitles, so someone should definitely vet them before watching, so you don't get a video that is just nonsensical (outside of the portrayed nonsense, of course).

  • @TimoBreunig
    @TimoBreunig Рік тому +1

    Is Mert ready for Serdar Somuncu?

  • @Naanhanyrazzu
    @Naanhanyrazzu Рік тому +5

    The stereotype that we Germans used to be on point, effective and technically adept has completely dissolved in recent decades.
    We are increasingly heading towards becoming a second USA.
    Construction projects (like BER Airport and Stuttgart 21 Train-station) are riddled with nepotism, corruption, poor planning, building materials are constantly being stolen from construction sites (theft on a grand scale).
    This is compounded by an older population that is riddled with Karens who no longer have any interest in "Made in Germany". They prefer everything to stay as it is, without having to do anything about it, because they think they have already done enough when they sat down in their parents' nest and were fed by the golden spoon.
    Or in the words of Darth Traya: "Apathy leads to death."
    We can only hope that Gen Y and Z will do it better in a few years.

    • @shruikan1606
      @shruikan1606 Рік тому +2

      If the government where allowed to hire established corporations for public construction projects themselves the problem would be much smaller. But fact is that every construction enterprise in europe must have the chance to put up an offer for the project and the government is forced to take to cheapest offer, no matter where it comes from.

    • @Naanhanyrazzu
      @Naanhanyrazzu Рік тому +1

      @@shruikan1606 The idea is great, as it should prevent nepotism.
      The implementation is just total garbage. The companies simply say - sometimes with the agreement of the government - that they, notionally, need €1 million to be awarded the contract. In the end, however, they need €10 million and the government pays. If the companies were obliged to complete the construction for €1 million - as originally agreed in the contract - the system would also work.

    • @melchiorvonsternberg844
      @melchiorvonsternberg844 Рік тому

      @@shruikan1606 Here we go, to real reasons, for a lot of mess...!

    • @melchiorvonsternberg844
      @melchiorvonsternberg844 Рік тому +1

      @@Naanhanyrazzu You nailed it, too... In imperial times, the Kaiser would have send 5 regiments of pioneers and the would have build that airport in 2 years and had money over, from the construction. Don't get me wrong... I'm not a fan of "Odre by Mufti", but all that senseless regulationes, costs a lot and need a lot of time... Sometimes, the EU is a burden.

    • @shruikan1606
      @shruikan1606 Рік тому

      @@Naanhanyrazzu The cheap offers often calculate with sums to pay subcontractors to outsource certain parts of construction without knowing what it would really cost. That creates a mess in construction managment with subcontractors having subcontractos where nobody knows what the other one is doing. Companies must get replaced midway because somewhere in the unorganised chain someone went bankrupt due to costs that massivly exceed the (from the start too tight calulated) budget. It should prevent nepotism and corruption but it creates more loopholes than I can imagine.
      If a privat company has a construction project than you can almost guarantee that it gets done in time and in budget or even slightly under just because they hire an established companie that knows how the job gets done.

  • @berndhoffmann7703
    @berndhoffmann7703 Рік тому

    2:02 yeah quite funny, well it is not, basically as long as one is not able to get to employ new team members, to higher the head count, the only way to solve that is actually starting to categorize, learn from it and speed up the processes of those categories who are similar by cutting out repetitive work, but hey ho who cares about that when the heute show wants to poke cheap fun 😂
    Lets direct it to those who actually care about the backlog and come forward with solutions 🧐🤨🥳😤🤬

  • @tapejara1507
    @tapejara1507 Рік тому

    You need to watch extra3
    realer irrsinn

  • @CharlotteKlement
    @CharlotteKlement Рік тому

    3:07 "one of these countries that say they wanna do something and they get it done very well"... Definitely a compliment the Germans take credit for and the Suisse actually fulfill.... 😅

  • @sulze77
    @sulze77 Рік тому

    You wanna learn sth about german bureaucracy with an 8 year old bit?!

  • @LandwirtausBerlin
    @LandwirtausBerlin Рік тому

    Why do you watch that?

    • @fusssel7178
      @fusssel7178 Рік тому +1

      entertaiment and maybe to learn about germany.

  • @Felix_Geoguessr
    @Felix_Geoguessr Рік тому


  • @CatzHoek
    @CatzHoek Рік тому

    May i asl why do you "censor" so much (i think primarily) ZDF content by overlaying this big ass text and don't do that on other content that is equally publicly funded? For example, recent Jan Böhmermann is ZDF. And even the older stuff on NDR, it's still publicly funded and legally on the same level so i don't really see why you'd make a destinction.
    I think you are quite transformative anyway, giving plenty of your unique opinion from they point of view of a foreigner.
    And in general, if done in good faith, i have not heard of any german tv channels going after reaction channels as long as you don't blatantly rebroadcast.

  • @albertgoller4064
    @albertgoller4064 Рік тому +1

    Germany gets a lot of things done. What holds it back are the people with different agendas. The "greens" have boycotted so many projects by involving the courts. Stuttgart 21 started with a protest at the beginning, the airport in Berlin the same. These projects are all on a very tight schedule. Every interruption (like endangered species) will lead to long delays. Approval for a project (which can take years) will be taken by many Idiots as the beginning of the protest, not the start of a project.

    • @UlliStein
      @UlliStein Рік тому +1

      Correct! That's why we still don't have cargo rails in Southern Bavaria or at the Rhine to get trains to the tunnels in Switzerland and Austria. One is ready for seven years now, the other one will be soon, but Germany doesn't get the job done. So sad 😞

    • @sisuguillam5109
      @sisuguillam5109 Рік тому

      The protests against both projects were justified - and in the case of Stuttgart 21 especially, carried by people from all walks of live and political backgrounds.

    • @UlliStein
      @UlliStein Рік тому

      @@sisuguillam5109 Yes of course they are justified, they are free speech. But here in Bavaria they don't really make sense because there are so many people (and he climate) hurt and damaged by the truck traffic, and so few people live where the tracks are planned. As Spock used to say "the well-being of many weighs more geavily than the well-being of the few.". Same in the Freiburg area.

    • @sisuguillam5109
      @sisuguillam5109 Рік тому

      @@UlliStein that's your take on thr situation - I do very much disagree.

  • @Matti94337
    @Matti94337 Рік тому

    In my Opinion as a German this Show became very bad. Actually it was the whole Time. First i used to like it.But just recent i realized it is not because it shows the political Opposition in a way worse way and way more often than the Government. It is not a fair and neutral Way of Satire.

  • @icetwo
    @icetwo Рік тому

    The correct english translation for "Bundesrepublik Deutschland" ist: Please first fill out forms C74-G-G to C994-G-G in order to receive the notice to issue a notice after the end of the cancellation period after written confirmation

  • @31337flamer
    @31337flamer Рік тому

    they need more time to organize the applications than actually process them :D as a german, i would say: we need an investigative committee here. then found a new institution, start to organize everything into a hierarchy with the main decider at the top. implement another 100s of unnecessary documents to address this issue
    :D thats how german politics solves problems.

  • @marvinkem3201
    @marvinkem3201 Рік тому +1

    I mean, aren't germans popular for being bureaucratic?😅

  • @Dragoonking17
    @Dragoonking17 Рік тому

    The german efficiency is long gone. There's seriously nothing left from it in this country. It's all just over-the-top bureaucracy with extremely slow and inconvenient methods.