The ASV Posi Track Undercarriage

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @tyclark8162
    @tyclark8162 6 років тому +3

    They might be very pricey, but I had a chance to run one Rt 120F n had a Loftness Forestry head. This thing is a absolute beast, wider tracks, power, turbo, psi cab, backup camera in color n kicks ass. Definitely the best tracked loader out there. 22March2018

  • @blackrustychevy
    @blackrustychevy 6 років тому

    I own the asv rc 100 this machine is a beast ,I'd compare it to a d 4 cat but cant pull a d4 behind a half ton pickup, there is never a task i wont take on as the sloping capabilities is incredible,yes the undercarriage is pricey but you run the parts out as long as you can,would love to talk one on one with the engineering dept on some issues but wouldn't consider another machine what so ever in the track class !!!

  • @moultonditcher6187
    @moultonditcher6187 7 років тому +6

    I've got an ASV RC 30,Always maintained,15W40 rotella oil,always greased,air filtered,and shedded.800 hrs,used on my hobby farm,and light work contracting.This machine again has 800 orig. hrs AND SIEZED up solid!!!Running mid range RPM and complete seizure.Stay away from ASV and terex people!.Buy what has proved itself.Kuota,takeuchi,bobcat,gehl,all make excellent machines,Had this machine 7 years and always took care of it.If it has a shibaura-perkins,watch out,ASV-terex is now going to Kubota diesel engine.Shame on me from straying away from the good stuff.Keep your dollars people,stay away.

    • @dougb6239
      @dougb6239 3 роки тому

      Odd i have an rc 30 with 3000 plus hours. An asv 60 with 3400 hours. Never had problems. My asv machines work circles around other brands. Lemons come from all brands

  • @dougb6239
    @dougb6239 3 роки тому +2

    If you work in dirt, mud , swampy crud, these are the only machines. If your a pavement guy stay with tires. I have 3 asv machines an will most likely get a 4th next year.

  • @lebotube64
    @lebotube64 6 років тому +1

    Love all my terex pt60s but they need to change the look and up the power. Keep the compact size and weight 👍

  • @idontknow-zw8br
    @idontknow-zw8br 4 роки тому +1

    I have a terex pt80 it was a sr80 it’s awesome

  • @ozlakota1
    @ozlakota1 4 роки тому +1

    have to upgrade rollers to aluminium and real greaseable bearings from Bair

  • @petep8828
    @petep8828 7 років тому +4

    New Holland C238, BobCat T870 are much less expensive and get the job done well.

    • @dougb6239
      @dougb6239 3 роки тому

      Nowhere near an asv.

  • @3406Accert
    @3406Accert 4 роки тому +1

    Another Lie at 1:54 Seconds ,asv is the only track with No Steel ,then further on they Show STEEL lugs on the Track Roller Sprocket.

    • @tommyw.9424
      @tommyw.9424 4 роки тому

      That's not a lie, they were referring to the track itself not the drive sprocket

    • @dougb6239
      @dougb6239 3 роки тому

      Yeah buddy your other tracks have steel plates an cable in them. Rust an junk.

  • @guypatts494
    @guypatts494 6 років тому

    How much can the rc 30 pull

  • @николай96-х6я
    @николай96-х6я 5 років тому


  • @davidhoover8877
    @davidhoover8877 6 років тому +3

    I would guess it cost around $15,000 plus to replace this undercarriage if not $20,000.

    • @ASVCompactEquipment
      @ASVCompactEquipment  6 років тому +1

      Hi David,
      Thanks for watching our videos. Actually many times ASV users save money on their undercarriage with the reliability of the components. For example, the Posi-Track undercarriage sprockets have nearly 2x the life as many other sprockets in the same environment and the rollers are replaceable vs having to replace the entire sprocket. The tracks used in the Posi-Track design also typically last longer, avoiding early cracking and internal tooth wear and the large number of contact points and guide lugs virtually eliminate the risk of track derailment. ASV has focused heavily on reliability in our models and we back that with our industry-leading track warranty.

    • @davidhoover8877
      @davidhoover8877 6 років тому +3

      I will have to agree with you on that. Despite my Cat 287B having an ASV Undercarriage the factory CAT tracks do not hold up as good as my second set of Camoplast Brand Tracks. Also, if you guys would make it possible to grease the boogies and idlers without removing the tracks it would make for a much happier customer in the long run. I WILL ADMIT AFTER 2 BACK SURGERIES INCLUDING A SPINAL FUSION your undercarriage is the only one I can operate all day long. The others beat me to death.

    • @davidhoover8877
      @davidhoover8877 6 років тому +2

      I clear land and do demolition work and got 1583 hours out of my tracks. My ASV idlers had to be replaced due to bearing failure but that's still pretty good hours on my ASV Undercarriage. Other than that its held up pretty good. JUST KEEP IT CLEAN AND FREE OF DEBRIS AND YOU GET MANY MORE HOURS.

    • @davidhoover8877
      @davidhoover8877 6 років тому +3

      How many Dealers/Manufacturer s will actually respond to any comments. I'm impressed! I know CAT sure wouldn't respond to any comments.

    • @tommyw.9424
      @tommyw.9424 6 років тому

      Cat always responds to my comments.

  • @leandrobustillo7733
    @leandrobustillo7733 4 роки тому

    Nesesito in bobkiat

  • @dltreecare6031
    @dltreecare6031 8 років тому +1


  • @leeversonsforestry8843
    @leeversonsforestry8843 7 років тому +1

    You get what you pay for

  • @homeroquinonez5178
    @homeroquinonez5178 7 років тому +1

    Good machine for light work, concrete work i don't recommend it

  • @bert26a
    @bert26a 7 років тому +2

    The competitor's undercarriage's are vastly more robust than yours.