Popstar full aoe: wahahahaha Nightmarionne full aoe: im bettet then u It's me cone aoe: bruh really Limitless shadow cone aoe: crazy thing Old man consequences half aoe: im better all of u not range
Hey we never that rockstar foxy who is the damaged booster and then he can attack people when he's boosting look at that chica she's a booster but look at his damage chicken attack to because it damages you know the exclusive one yeah that chica
Hey ML! i’ve noticed you have been calling ITS ME a “he” when it’s a she as it’s golden freddy (cassidy a girl) not that big of a deal just wanted to point it out.
Can someone help me are you able to use the remnants on battle pass characters because they don’t come in presents if you can’t use remnants then how do you make characters shiny?
Hi mils can i have the shiny its me and ik offering shadow snentinel bonnie 350 souls 2 its me and a circus baby and 1 cieduit breaker freddy for it please do this trade for me so my team can be good. ❤
Popstar is shiny and vengeance but it's me only had puppets nightmare and shiny and it's me still got thurther also could you add me iam meandambzsps99
Yesterday was the first time I rolled vengance on the popstar chica :D
PopStar Chica needs a Buff 2 placements with Both Placements buffing each other also MLs Popstar was doing 25.7K DPS after doing the Math XD
It actually had 2 placements but she got nerfed to 1 placement
@@UnofficialMinecraftSteve caP
@@major-193 you were not the first to use it lil bro
@@UnofficialMinecraftStevethere was not 2 placements lol your capping out yo butt
@@josemagdalene5843IS TRUE
Hii love the vids ❤
We all needed this
Already know this going to be a banger 0:00
If you play Hell mode bosses can heal
Popstar is not bad but it’s a damage booster so it’s just kinda chip but meant to make u whole team stronger
Yk nightmarrionne is pretty close to old man cause they have the same full dps but since old man has way bigger range and that hook and reel he wins
bro this is super cool
Popstar is full aoe, also it’s mainly a damage booster, we’re lucky it even does damage
IM choking on food as I am watching
Hello i love your vids
Ml: will not use come aoe but still use its me
And another banger :) I alr tried to add you im lll also Coolderek_andpikachu
10:16 it's not cone aoe I have it and It has full aoe
I will trade you fortified endo 02 with shadow for one of your spare ones with vengeance👍🏻
It’s a w trade fr though
And it would be awesome to trade you
Banger video 🎉🎉🎉
The new update just got delayed for tommarow
Popstar isnt cone aoe its just that the boss health bar didnt immediately update and ITS ME is actually a cone aoe not aoe
Me when he said he would give jar of pickles for shiny OMC because I have shiny OMC😊”I’ll do it” me when he said maybe not 😢
Do you have a offer for shiny vengeance security puppet
Owners need buff 2 place it's me i think buff place so op i think so op nightmarionne
You should have done blighted Endo Freddy with them
Popstar full aoe: wahahahaha
Nightmarionne full aoe: im bettet then u
It's me cone aoe: bruh really
Limitless shadow cone aoe: crazy thing
Old man consequences half aoe: im better all of u not range
If the new epic unit endless is party bonnie ima scream the whole day
Do you want my shiny flame empress chica? You’ll have to get an enchant on it
Wild aoe units in the imagne of the vid
0:44 that’s a lot of range if you ask me…..
yo you should make an aoe team for an vid
Hey we never that rockstar foxy who is the damaged booster and then he can attack people when he's boosting look at that chica she's a booster but look at his damage chicken attack to because it damages you know the exclusive one yeah that chica
U forgot about blighted endo freddy
Idk how to invite people in that game and that’s the only game I play
Should it be obvious that it’s old man? It’s the only full AOE on the new rarity
She had 2 placements when she was a dps booster
shadow bonnie its best AOE the shadow bonnie 0.05 cooldown damage 290-451 AOE RANGE 57-129
W vid bro
6:13 NO it's me is cone AOE
Never let bro cook with naming aoe’s
Personally omc the crocodile still has his crown as best unit
I dont send game request. I just play the game and enjoy. and enjoy ur content
Hey ML! i’ve noticed you have been calling ITS ME a “he” when it’s a she as it’s golden freddy (cassidy a girl) not that big of a deal just wanted to point it out.
But the crying kid is a boy so he is right
Even though the soul inside is Cassidy, golden Freddy itself it considered to be a male character
Popstar is full aoe
Old man consequences or blinding endo Freddy
Can someone help me are you able to use the remnants on battle pass characters because they don’t come in presents if you can’t use remnants then how do you make characters shiny?
Clearly not fair since it’s me doesn’t have vengeance
It’s me is cone aoe I have a shiny one
Why u removed ur 7 hour ago vid?
u should have told me fr u could have borrowed my shiny veng goliath
i got nightmarionne for 3k rlly cheap
Hi Dino guy lol I just got scammed I lost the new juggernaut unit I think I’m going quit love your videos
I thought pop star Chica was a booster
damage booster and she does damage
Bro I'm huge fan
Thank you for hearting me W man
12:00 but sir dont you wanna know about our savior?
Old man it has to be
You also have to think abt the combined dps sence Omc only has 1 placement a Nightmarrione evo would give it a run for its money
ITS ME would have gotten farther if she had vengeance
Not complaining…….. golaith wouldve cooked with vengeance
Nightmarion OP
Does anyone know how to get shiny end of season unit do u need all shiny units from the season to get an end of season shiny or is it just odds ??
It's just odds
I don’t know?
I'll call it it's me will have evo
I am sad want to know why? I got hacked a couple of weeks ago and I lost my grave lord, now I will not be able to get him back :(
True fntd player right there fr
Womp womp
at least your not begging for one
Let’s go
React to the pumpkin rabbit
He doesn't react rj
Under ten views
You forgot endo bonnie 💔
Video idea booster units only using popstar chica and rockstar foxy as damage
Forgot golaith endo freddy
Shiny i meant😂
Ay yo bro if you wanna barrow rockstar foxy i got you bro
ive never rolled vengeance has anyone here rolleed it?
Once on my scarecrow foxy
It's me is cone aoe not full aoe
popstar is full aoe its me is cone aoe
Omc 131 mu guess
Bro pop star is aov it'd a glich
why do u have so much luck
Omc for the win
glitched cupcake wins all them
Hi mils can i have the shiny its me and ik offering shadow snentinel bonnie 350 souls 2 its me and a circus baby and 1 cieduit breaker freddy for it please do this trade for me so my team can be good. ❤
Omg mils will u do it
I'll be glad if u so
I was here.
I am
You have a lot
can u give me some luck
its me and pop is cone aoe
No pop is full aoe
Can you add me pls im big fan
I just traded my shiny flame empress chica
Ong what was so tempting
I traded it for 20k souls and a shiny vengeance juggernaut Bonnie
Let’s see insane W
Man is me is cone eoe
Under 22 minutes
popstar chica is AOE
+ booster
Eno boine has aoe u frgt
Popstar is shiny and vengeance but it's me only had puppets nightmare and shiny and it's me still got thurther also could you add me iam meandambzsps99
Popstar is not bad but it’s a damage booster so it’s just kinda chip but meant to make u whole team stronger
and slow
Day 2 asking to call on discord
I will never discord call anyone, you can stop asking now
@ ok bet
@@KaileySanborn-bw9ydwhy do you even wanna call him weirdo
@ he seems chill