China is in the midst of a renaissance. Facing the future, Chinese are eagerly rediscovering the wealth of wisdom our ancestors had left us, qualitatively restructure ourselves as a people, untangling the craziness of the current world state. It is a subtle but evident movement of re-identifying oneself, we are heading home. Very well.
The most important imo is Chinese people and china as a country have found our confidence and voice. Especially after 2008 financial crisis, covid, and recently with the space and tech advances. Like Mars rover, space station, moon rover and sample return mission, all succeeded flawlessly. We have learned and copied from the wear and caught up, and now combining the best of east and west. Meanwhile in USA and west, they are still too arrogant to even admit China has positives and that they can(and should) even learn from China.. and think it's zero sum game of China vs democracy or China vs liberal west, "us vs them" mentality or any other false dichotomy they create in order to delude themselves as to avoid the inevitable cognitive dissonance headed their way if one day they decide to educate and better themselves. We Chinese are confident enough now to believe our system not only matches the west, but supersedes it in nearly every way.. Especially if we're talking about outcomes and results for the people. No government, country or civilisation has ever done as much to improve the lot for so many people in such a short amount of time than China in the last 70 years. Mao and China might have stood up 70 years ago, but mentally it takes much longer to get over and to also truely feel proud and confident and pride for Chinese civilization again. The dynasties were not the highlight of Chinese civilisation.. But this current era is as good if not better than any previous dynasties. USA and Biden can say USA is back, but we Chinese KNOW that we're back and don't need to say anything. That is priceless.
@@sunnyinmilkyway2114 LOL The Present Western countries has unfortunately made Orwellian World a Reality. Literally killing millions in just the past Twenty years in the Middle east and yet shamelessly shouting on top of their Lungs that they care and represent the very incarnation of Human rights defender. Makes war is peace child's play. Shame is a term the West uses as Weapons of Words against any Country they don't like but Never applies to themselves. Everybody in the West agrees that their Politicians and Government lies to them everyday, every year and on all issues. And yet nobody in the West Shouts SHAME on their own Politicians or have any shame of their Country's values of accepting Lies as normal. Do Western Politicians have any Shame for Lying so much? Nope LOL. They instead call it Normal. Or rationalizes it as necessary instead of outright admitting that Lying to the Public to get elected is Democracy. Instead Western people says electing Liars day in day out is Democracy and Freedom LOL. This is an integrity issue. But if Lying is Normal where has Integrity gone to?
Respects to China and its peaceful development. More countries should adopt the core principles of Confucianism, i.e. inner virtue, morality, and respect for the community and its values.
Human values rather than material values to enrich one's life. Human-heartedness and propriety in conduct. That's what I have learned rather late in life. But, it's never too late at 70. Show kindness to others, and kindness will come into your life without you asking for it.
Confucius principles are the building block of socialism with chinese characteristics, it allowed it to thrive. the whole world should be thankful of its transformative power, everyone will benefit in the long run
Confucius is misunderstood he west. Most people think Confucius simply laid down a set of rules for everyone to follow. What Confucius told the people and the all-powerful emperors and feudal lords was that there were (to put in modern terms) natural laws and ethics higher than the emperors and feudal lords, and which the emperors and feudal lords must follow. Without following those natural laws and ethics, there would be no harmony. Confucius travelled the country to teach his ideas, but was not well-received. People today laugh that Confucius' teachings were not well received in his time, and imply that there must have been something wrong with his teachings. But the reason why Confucius' teachings were not well-received by the emperors and feudal lords was because his teachings were way ahead of his times. Today, the west talks about natural law, ethics and human rights, things that Confucius had thought about. But as he didn't express his teachings in modern term, the west fails to grasp the true meanimgs of his teachings. Never mind whether you agree with the details of his teachings. The truly revolutionay idea of Confucius is that there are natural laws and ethics (again to put in moderm terms) that are higher than raw power.
Thanks again for giving worthwhile content to my time on line! I wish some of my fellow Americans would check out your videos. Confucius was unique in that he put the ball of ethics in the court of human beings. The West has a deity up above who runs the game. I respect the East for this 👌🙌
@@sunnyinmilkyway2114 What shame? Why does China need any shame when it has done so much to elevate poverty while the vvest put benefits of some powerful elites or individuals above the well being of the generl public?
Confucius was a great humanist who based ethics firmly on rationality and human actions. Human actions should be rational and promote harmony and the good of society.
Confucius n LaoTze r the key figures that imparted the main worldview of the current Chinese way of living n thinking in general.All religious beliefs can always b an add-on if need b to further enhance upon an individual character if the basic universal human values hv already strongly been foundationed or all religion of humanity teaches only Goodness as the way to The Essence of Divinity .
I am proud and humbled by this revival. The final fallacy to conquer is that Confucianism is mere Philosophy. For those who delve deeper into the Sage's beliefs taken _altogether_ (not merely cherrypicked and misinterpreted) from the Truest Oldest Original Scripture, The Analects, it is but instantly obvious that he was, at root, profoundly devout. True Confucianism is Religion.
@@Zerpentsa6598 I'll ask Confucius himself. Sage? Do you believe in the Spiritual? 《論語•雍也•二二》 子曰:「務民之義,敬鬼神而遠之,可謂知矣。」 _Confucius said "To earnestly serve Mankind whilst distantly revering the Ghosts and Spirits - this may be called wisdom"_ Ahh thank you Sage. So you were both a Humanist and a Believer in Divine Spiritual. (As though that wasn't obvious all along... Because many today seem to have forgotten you did?)
The former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt met the then leader of the CCP Deng Xiaoping in 1984. Quote: "China celebrated the 35th anniversary of the founding of the republic in 1949, and I came as a private individual, no longer as Chancellor. This time our conversations were much more informal and frank, and I couldn't help tease him a bit." You Chinese Communists are dishonest people, "I said," you claim to be communists, but what you do is Confucian. " And his answer was " so what"
Hello Mr. Wang Guan. All your topics very interesting and I am hoping if you read this, to add the following topic for your agenda: " Who has really financed A.H. fo the second WW and the History of Germany in that context since 1923. We all know the history about 2. WW and Germany was written from J.... Historians.
the guest who said "it would be nice for other countries to understand confucius teachings and apply to their countries..." sadly, the warmongers in britain chose SUN TZU art of war only without firstly understanding confucius mencius lao tzu... sad sad... sun tzu could only be truly understood if boddhidharma teachings confucius mencius lao tzu is understood...
Is about time we chinese create our own modern form of hanfu for different occasions. Hanfu for office wear, for special occasions, for festive occasion, for formal business wear, & etc. I don't think it's a good idea to pay respect to our great ancestor in western suit.
You have to be in Confucian religion, Tao, Buddhism . Unless your souls are still in jedus, jedus like colony - zing, gen oxcide, etc. most important be back toreal CNF /ASIA PEACE RLGN.
We must not blindly follow every word of Confucius. We must select the best, the most useful in life. We must get rid tons of dirt to get a diamond. His most important teaching can be summed up in 2 words;Goodness仁Righteousness義;a moral and ethical philosophy道德哲學以天為最高道德權威。
Choose which is convenient for oneself. Believe in what is convenient? Its not the right way. No one , not even westerners, has ever criticized Confucius as erroneous.
Hegemony is about Absolute Power to Corrupt Absolutely. Confucianism views absolute Power differently. You can choose to use Absolute Power to do the Most Good and refrain from temptation to abuse it. Let Success get to your head and you will choose Hegemony. Keep Success from getting to your head means escape from the Evil clutches of Hubris and go down another path Towards responsible attitude in exercise of Power. It all boils down ironically to the Worthless Ethics, principles and Morals that isn't worth a single cent but is Priceless and hard. Very hard not to abuse the Power and Wealth that you possess. In Chinese History and culture there has been innumerable cases of having successfully and fail at the same time to control the Urge to not abuse it. Every time it succeeds China rises and every time The Ruling class fails the decline starts. A nation that Keeps working very hard to maintain Ethics, morals and principles and not Over indulge in Hubris, Arrogance, Extravagance and sex will last a very long time. Especially if they also hold and not forget the lessons of Sun Tzu that Non stop Development of the Country and attend to the People's needs to maintain a Formidable Military to deter any country from invading. Military so long as its ONLY used for Self Defense is crucial for the long term Survival of a nation.
Stop spamming dude. You're probably not even Chinese, and just trying to cause China/India division. Probably some CIA troll. Overwhelming majority of Chinese don't even think or care about India, we Chinese know were better and we punch up to USA, not punch down to India. If you are Chinese, stop it. It's not a good look and India isn't our enemy, border dispute is a minor issue and easily resolved over time. Without that, there is no real irreconcilable animosity between Chinese and Indians, no problem that cannot be resolved through time and dialogue.
Why the distractive music when people are trying to listen to the spoken words the chatter in the background when interview ING the lady you have done no service to confuses very poor presentation
An apology or atonement is appreciated at first place for the cultural revolution which destroyed thousands of books and values and culture from thousands of years accumulation.
Confucius philosophy and all other philosophies are totally deserted and all traditional regions and cultures are discriminated , but secularism is welcomed
So far I know, there is no confucianism teaching that to use power to intimidate others, in order to realization peace and harmonies in this world.... Even Confucu's teaching never have command to convert can these teaching be a monster?... The other religions in this world that command to convert others,....that can become monstreous teaching to people....
Whether you agree or not in his teaching, there is no forceful conversion and brainwashing within his philosophy. Not like western and other religion. Ignorance or just bad mouthing with prejudice being detected.
So, paraphrasing Deputy Head of Culture Ye Xiaowen, xenophobia is now a more pernicious obstacle to human unity than economics or politics. As capitalist rule and the politics that defends it crumble around the heads of Western peoples, the wisdom of this dictum is becoming more apparent. "One step forward, two steps back.... It happens in the lives of individuals, and it happens in the history of nations and in the development of parties. .... In its struggle for power the proletariat has no other weapon but organisation. Disunited by the rule of anarchic competition in the bourgeois world, ground down by forced labour for capital, constantly thrust back to the 'lower depths' of utter destitution, savagery, and degeneration, the proletariat can, and inevitably will, become an invincible force only through its ideological unification on the principles of Marxism being reinforced by the material unity of organisation, which welds millions of toilers into an army of the working class." (V I Lenin) If we can overcome xenophobia, it can be many billions.
This matter has nothing to do with Confucius. You DDP followers are so ignorant and full of hate. Are you trying to mimic Su Jeng Chang? Fight to the very end with broom stick. Pathetic.
China is in the midst of a renaissance. Facing the future, Chinese are eagerly rediscovering the wealth of wisdom our ancestors had left us, qualitatively restructure ourselves as a people, untangling the craziness of the current world state. It is a subtle but evident movement of re-identifying oneself, we are heading home. Very well.
Sadly confucius words aren't enough to instill some shame on Cryna.
The most important imo is Chinese people and china as a country have found our confidence and voice. Especially after 2008 financial crisis, covid, and recently with the space and tech advances. Like Mars rover, space station, moon rover and sample return mission, all succeeded flawlessly. We have learned and copied from the wear and caught up, and now combining the best of east and west. Meanwhile in USA and west, they are still too arrogant to even admit China has positives and that they can(and should) even learn from China.. and think it's zero sum game of China vs democracy or China vs liberal west, "us vs them" mentality or any other false dichotomy they create in order to delude themselves as to avoid the inevitable cognitive dissonance headed their way if one day they decide to educate and better themselves.
We Chinese are confident enough now to believe our system not only matches the west, but supersedes it in nearly every way.. Especially if we're talking about outcomes and results for the people. No government, country or civilisation has ever done as much to improve the lot for so many people in such a short amount of time than China in the last 70 years.
Mao and China might have stood up 70 years ago, but mentally it takes much longer to get over and to also truely feel proud and confident and pride for Chinese civilization again. The dynasties were not the highlight of Chinese civilisation.. But this current era is as good if not better than any previous dynasties. USA and Biden can say USA is back, but we Chinese KNOW that we're back and don't need to say anything. That is priceless.
@@sunnyinmilkyway2114 LOL The Present Western countries has unfortunately made Orwellian World a Reality. Literally killing millions in just the past Twenty years in the Middle east and yet shamelessly shouting on top of their Lungs that they care and represent the very incarnation of Human rights defender. Makes war is peace child's play.
Shame is a term the West uses as Weapons of Words against any Country they don't like but Never applies to themselves. Everybody in the West agrees that their Politicians and Government lies to them everyday, every year and on all issues. And yet nobody in the West Shouts SHAME on their own Politicians or have any shame of their Country's values of accepting Lies as normal. Do Western Politicians have any Shame for Lying so much? Nope LOL. They instead call it Normal. Or rationalizes it as necessary instead of outright admitting that Lying to the Public to get elected is Democracy.
Instead Western people says electing Liars day in day out is Democracy and Freedom LOL. This is an integrity issue. But if Lying is Normal where has Integrity gone to?
@@ex0duzz really? even Mao killing tens of millions of people needlessly just like Stalin?
Respects to China and its peaceful development.
More countries should adopt the core principles of Confucianism, i.e. inner virtue, morality, and respect for the community and its values.
Confucius's philosophy affects Chinese people and the government for centuries till now🇨🇳
Seriously, leaders from western countries should learn
Not until Mao tried to erase confucianism from China during cultural revolution. Your own leader didnt appreciate confucius teachings
Human values rather than material values to enrich one's life. Human-heartedness and propriety in conduct. That's what I have learned rather late in life. But, it's never too late at 70. Show kindness to others, and kindness will come into your life without you asking for it.
So true thank you
Confucius principles are transformational & life changing. Thank you for sharing Chinese wisdom to the world.
Confucius principles are the building block of socialism with chinese characteristics, it allowed it to thrive. the whole world should be thankful of its transformative power, everyone will benefit in the long run
Confucius is misunderstood he west. Most people think Confucius simply laid down a set of rules for everyone to follow. What Confucius told the people and the all-powerful emperors and feudal lords was that there were (to put in modern terms) natural laws and ethics higher than the emperors and feudal lords, and which the emperors and feudal lords must follow. Without following those natural laws and ethics, there would be no harmony.
Confucius travelled the country to teach his ideas, but was not well-received. People today laugh that Confucius' teachings were not well received in his time, and imply that there must have been something wrong with his teachings. But the reason why Confucius' teachings were not well-received by the emperors and feudal lords was because his teachings were way ahead of his times.
Today, the west talks about natural law, ethics and human rights, things that Confucius had thought about. But as he didn't express his teachings in modern term, the west fails to grasp the true meanimgs of his teachings. Never mind whether you agree with the details of his teachings. The truly revolutionay idea of Confucius is that there are natural laws and ethics (again to put in moderm terms) that are higher than raw power.
Typo: Confucius is misunderstood in the west.
And china didn't get any shame even after having such teachings.
Ancient wisdom of the East, difficult for the West, ...
very good post, thumbs up
Well said.
Thanks again for giving worthwhile content to my time on line! I wish some of my fellow Americans would check out your videos. Confucius was unique in that he put the ball of ethics in the court of human beings. The West has a deity up above who runs the game. I respect the East for this 👌🙌
Sadly confucius words aren't enough for china to get some shame.
@@sunnyinmilkyway2114 What shame? Why does China need any shame when it has done so much to elevate poverty while the vvest put benefits of some powerful elites or individuals above the well being of the generl public?
Wang Guan and Liu Xin are the apex of modern journalism, always bring new insights with their programs, of which this one is a fine example.
thank you wang guan/cgtn for sri lanka guest of saying something... thank you sri lanka guest for open-mindedness and simplicity in words...
Every country has its culture and characteristics, Confucius teaches us to accept the differences and respect other so we can live in harmony!
Confucius was a great humanist who based ethics firmly on rationality and human actions. Human actions should be rational and promote harmony and the good of society.
Learning from each other for mutual benefit instead of competing - beautiful and wise. Thank you for sharing. Love, peace and justice. And harmony:-)
Confucius n LaoTze r the key figures that imparted the main worldview of the current Chinese way of living n thinking in general.All religious beliefs can always b an add-on if need b to further enhance upon an individual character if the basic universal human values hv already strongly been foundationed or all religion of humanity teaches only Goodness as the way to The Essence of Divinity .
thank you cgtn for sharing the indonesian guest... thank you for all the other guests...
I am proud and humbled by this revival.
The final fallacy to conquer is that Confucianism is mere Philosophy.
For those who delve deeper into the Sage's beliefs taken _altogether_ (not merely cherrypicked and misinterpreted) from the Truest Oldest Original Scripture, The Analects, it is but instantly obvious that he was, at root, profoundly devout.
True Confucianism is Religion.
Sorry, but Confucius was a great humanist. He was agnostic about the divine. Confucianism must not be turned into a religion.
I'll ask Confucius himself.
Do you believe in the Spiritual?
_Confucius said "To earnestly serve Mankind whilst distantly revering the Ghosts and Spirits - this may be called wisdom"_
Ahh thank you Sage.
So you were both a Humanist and a Believer in Divine Spiritual.
(As though that wasn't obvious all along... Because many today seem to have forgotten you did?)
Old is Gold
He's such a handsome guy and good reporter. 😘
With 👍 sense of humors as well..😁..Love the ways he inspected whether or not the corns displayed were real or faked in the 🛀..😆😂..
For USA, globalization means to print Dollars unlimited amounts inorder to purchase all of the world assets for free.
No matter where we are, to Chinese, Confucius is way of life. It's in our DNA.
Q: do you know India's worse than North Korea in the World Hunger Index list?
Q: would you be thinking about superpowerdom when your country is at No.101 in the World Hunger Index? Like Indians do?
The former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt met the then leader of the CCP Deng Xiaoping in 1984.
"China celebrated the 35th anniversary of the founding of the republic in 1949, and I came as a private individual, no longer as Chancellor. This time our conversations were much more informal and frank, and I couldn't help tease him a bit." You Chinese Communists are dishonest people, "I said," you claim to be communists, but what you do is Confucian. "
And his answer was " so what"
Q: do you think G20 world's largest economies should also include a member which is at No.101 in the World Hunger Index?
Even india is far behind us, I think we need to be a bit modest as what the Confucius taught us.👍
We should ask the number one country the USA
Q: which country wants to go to space in order to challenge China despite being at No.101 in the World Hunger Index?
"Everyone has beauty, but not everyone has BRAINS."- Wise American 😂😂😂
So cool.
Well done China. Money well spent. A path better than Atheism
Q: if you're country is at No.101 in the World Hunger Index, do you question your leader or the question the list like what Indians are doing?
Hello Mr. Wang Guan. All your topics very interesting and I am hoping if you read this, to add the following topic for your agenda: " Who has really financed A.H. fo the second WW and the History of Germany in that context since 1923. We all know the history about 2. WW and Germany was written from J.... Historians.
the guest who said "it would be nice for other countries to understand confucius teachings and apply to their countries..." sadly, the warmongers in britain chose SUN TZU art of war only without firstly understanding confucius mencius lao tzu... sad sad... sun tzu could only be truly understood if boddhidharma teachings confucius mencius lao tzu is understood...
A great thinker even if he make me a little bit confused
Is about time we chinese create our own modern form of hanfu for different occasions. Hanfu for office wear, for special occasions, for festive occasion, for formal business wear, & etc. I don't think it's a good idea to pay respect to our great ancestor in western suit.
You have to be in Confucian religion, Tao, Buddhism . Unless your souls are still in jedus, jedus like colony - zing, gen oxcide, etc. most important be back toreal CNF /ASIA PEACE RLGN.
Q: which G20 country has the lowest standards of living? It's not Indonesia as most people would think
When spiders unite they can tie up a tiger.
Confucius' philosophy is so ancient that perhaps it's time for an update.
Can truth be updated?
Do you really know what it is before you update it?
Its a philosophy that cannot be updated. Truth has no old or modern edition. Truth is eternal.
No updating. Kindness and humility cannot be updated.
We must not blindly follow every word of Confucius.
We must select the best, the most useful in life.
We must get rid tons of dirt to get a diamond.
His most important teaching can be summed up in 2 words;Goodness仁Righteousness義;a moral and ethical philosophy道德哲學以天為最高道德權威。
This is called concise. When u elaborate it becomes a volume.
Choose which is convenient for oneself. Believe in what is convenient? Its not the right way.
No one , not even westerners, has ever criticized Confucius as erroneous.
I don't understand why Kong Fu Zhi is pronounced as Confucius .
Because of Latin.
Hegemony is about Absolute Power to Corrupt Absolutely. Confucianism views absolute Power differently. You can choose to use Absolute Power to do the Most Good and refrain from temptation to abuse it. Let Success get to your head and you will choose Hegemony. Keep Success from getting to your head means escape from the Evil clutches of Hubris and go down another path Towards responsible attitude in exercise of Power. It all boils down ironically to the Worthless Ethics, principles and Morals that isn't worth a single cent but is Priceless and hard. Very hard not to abuse the Power and Wealth that you possess.
In Chinese History and culture there has been innumerable cases of having successfully and fail at the same time to control the Urge to not abuse it. Every time it succeeds China rises and every time The Ruling class fails the decline starts.
A nation that Keeps working very hard to maintain Ethics, morals and principles and not Over indulge in Hubris, Arrogance, Extravagance and sex will last a very long time. Especially if they also hold and not forget the lessons of Sun Tzu that Non stop Development of the Country and attend to the People's needs to maintain a Formidable Military to deter any country from invading. Military so long as its ONLY used for Self Defense is crucial for the long term Survival of a nation.
Q: would you be proud or full of shame if you country is a member of the G20 major world economies and also at No.101 in the World Hunger Index?
Stop spamming dude. You're probably not even Chinese, and just trying to cause China/India division.
Probably some CIA troll. Overwhelming majority of Chinese don't even think or care about India, we Chinese know were better and we punch up to USA, not punch down to India.
If you are Chinese, stop it. It's not a good look and India isn't our enemy, border dispute is a minor issue and easily resolved over time. Without that, there is no real irreconcilable animosity between Chinese and Indians, no problem that cannot be resolved through time and dialogue.
@@ex0duzz Well said and I second that!
Wij such a focus on the West China is so big; I don't understand why does China needs to interact with the West
Mind matters...
Why the distractive music when people are trying to listen to the spoken words the chatter in the background when interview ING the lady you have done no service to confuses very poor presentation
An apology or atonement is appreciated at first place for the cultural revolution which destroyed thousands of books and values and culture from thousands of years accumulation.
Confucius philosophy and all other philosophies are totally deserted and all traditional regions and cultures are discriminated , but secularism is welcomed
Confused ConfuSing 🤯
When a single philosophy is adored it becomes a monster, afflicting people
So far I know, there is no confucianism teaching that to use power to intimidate others, in order to realization peace and harmonies in this world....
Even Confucu's teaching never have command to convert can these teaching be a monster?...
The other religions in this world that command to convert others,....that can become monstreous teaching to people....
When you practise it you gain....
Whether you agree or not in his teaching, there is no forceful conversion and brainwashing within his philosophy. Not like western and other religion. Ignorance or just bad mouthing with prejudice being detected.
So, paraphrasing Deputy Head of Culture Ye Xiaowen, xenophobia is now a more pernicious obstacle to human unity than economics or politics. As capitalist rule and the politics that defends it crumble around the heads of Western peoples, the wisdom of this dictum is becoming more apparent. "One step forward, two steps back.... It happens in the lives of individuals, and it happens in the history of nations and in the development of parties. .... In its struggle for power the proletariat has no other weapon but organisation. Disunited by the rule of anarchic competition in the bourgeois world, ground down by forced labour for capital, constantly thrust back to the 'lower depths' of utter destitution, savagery, and degeneration, the proletariat can, and inevitably will, become an invincible force only through its ideological unification on the principles of Marxism being reinforced by the material unity of organisation, which welds millions of toilers into an army of the working class." (V I Lenin) If we can overcome xenophobia, it can be many billions.
I thought this was banned...minus 200 social credits.
Some theory not applicable, not suitable for modern life, wish it can be written :)
Threatening people who stand for an independent Taiwan 🇹🇼. 😅
Stop with the mouth 🤚 , we know your come on. ?
This matter has nothing to do with Confucius. You DDP followers are so ignorant and full of hate.
Are you trying to mimic Su Jeng Chang? Fight to the very end with broom stick. Pathetic.