Messanic here. I started eating an old testament kosher diet 18 years ago. In two years, I went from missing baby back ribs to unable to smell barbecue and shellfish. It's amazing what a detox will do for a physical, mental, or spiritual change.
Christ was clearly talking about eating with unwashed hands. He did NOT rescind the dietary law at all. He clearly stated in Matt. 5 that no one was to even think that He came to oppose anything in the Law and the Prophets. He even went further to state that even the least important command in the Torah must STILL be obeyed.
Congratulations on your Book that is wonderful.💥 I learn so much from the way you explain these kind of verses that have to do with culture and etc. Thank you🎉 And Was wonderful meeting your wife. She’s really special. 💖 Bring her on more often!! 😉
Another way I believed when Jesus said to hate your Father and your Mother, was not to literally hate them, the 5th commandment is to honour your Father and Mother, but because Jesus wants you to love God so much that , it seems like you hate your parents in comparison, even though you love them , your love for the Lord is stronger . Just what I understood it to be.
Jacob I have loved, and Esau I have hated... literally means, Jacob I have chosen and Esau I have not chosen. To bring about the promises, and the covenant, and so on, Jacob was the chosen one. This was the point of following Yashua.
Yes, it actually means to prefer more than father or mother. But in context, it isn't for the Body of Christ Church. It's for Israel that will be preaching to the world during the 1st half of Israel's 70th week. It's for the wise virgins, the 144,000 Apostles preaching all over the world before the GT comes. Matt 24:14 many are called (10 virgins) few are chosen (5 wise virgins, who were faithful). It's not Body of Christ Church doctrine. It's Israel's last days (their 70th week) doctrine.
As I understand Matthew 10:34-36 This is because Jesus knew those who followed Him would be rejected, outcasts, and persecuted by their own families and communities. This is the sword of division. Those who could not recognize the Messiah and hear His voice call to them are divided from those who know Yeshua is Messiah. To follow Jesus means to put Him before all others and all else we love!
24:00 regards hate. Jacob loved Rachel but Hated Lea. This scripture backs up what stated in the video with regards to the Jewish view of hate meaning to choose, Also emotionally it implies to love less than. Jacob did love Leah, he had six children with her and protected her and cared for her as his wife. But he didn't choose her and he did love her less. In the same way we love our families but we must love them less than the love we manifest for Jesus and his teachings.
No, it was a metaphor to show that Peter should not see gentiles as 'unclean' (jews would avoid them almost like lepers). This is also how Peter himself interpreted it. It's in the context of before and after the vision.
Keep reading Acts 10. Peter realized that the message God was teaching him was that he shouldn't view Gentiles as being unceremoniously unclean ppl, and that He was extending salvation to the Gentiles. Ppl never look at the overall context that God was trying to help Peter unlearn the false ways of Orthodox Judaism.
Possessions: Don't be attached to things you think are "yours". Don't let your "things" define you. "Things" will come and go. Your worth and power is infinite in Christ. The rich man's worth, status, power was in his possessions and he couldn't see he is so much more in Christ. The "law" has always been love, relationship, connection. This is the only law period, this is what God was trying to teach those in the OT but they couldn't see it. Simple relationship is how God's Kingdom works. Your engagement matters. Looked as God gave them abundance of what they were asking for to teach them, is this what you really want (overabundance of "laws"). Did the same to Pharaoh in Egypt with the plagues. Can never get an overabundance of love. Hating: He meant preferring God. By preferring God first you love your family deeper, more fully because you respect their uniqueness, their own unique expression of God, embrace their quirks, and embrace your unique creation as well. Jesus embraced those others wouldn't. Jesus loved those who persecuted him.
I stopped eating pork, because out of the blue the desire left me after prayer. That said, I think Holy Spirit guides us individually. The moral law is fir everyone. Someone else eats pork and they are OK, as long as they follow Holy Spirit.
In Acts 10. 12-16, Peter saw a large sheet containing all kinds of animals. God says: "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean." We know that Peter realised God has shown him not to call any man impure or unclean. But also it applies to the animals, to all creation.
Per dietary, there are definitely some that still contain health concerns. I personally by choice don't eat pork or turkey, but have no issue if some other believer does. I have to remember Peter in Acts 10:11-16. However, even today different cultures have traditions and practices to which one must make an effort to respect when in their territory. I do enjoy figs.
8:03 “Pig…is not clean for you.” My guess is that pork has ringworm, and back then they didn’t have stringent temperature abilities for storage and cooking. But today we do. So it’s ok now. It’s not that pork is bad to eat, it’s that God wanted to protect us. All God’s commandments are meant to help us live this life.
Trichinosis. That's the concern when ingesting pork. Ringworm is passed on via contact. But I believe your assessment is correct. The same goes for only using the front quarters in beef, as e-coli is an intestinal bacterium. They knew WHERE the disease came from but didn't know the WHY.
God clearly stated in Lev. 11 that consuming unclean mean is an abomination. You can play games with the scriptures, but you can't change it from being true. God said this was less a matter of physical safety as it is a matter of holiness. Even if it was safe to eat pork(and it's not), it still wouldn't matter because it's a sin.
@@majorburke9735 Actually, their preservation methods were somewhat superior to ours... obviously they didn't have refrigeration, but methods exist today that keep things eatable for long periods of time, that they used 1000 and more years ago...
The sodium is added, and as someone else pointed out, salt isn’t bad. Just hydrate properly and make sure you’re getting enough potassium and exercise.
im 61 was raised in a church going family taken to sunday school in 70s and i have 1 bro 3 sisters that are toxic back biters jealous competitive i tolerated them when mum an dad were alive my mum said to me i was always her favourite child she said your not like the other kids i said thanks ive bitten my tongue with my siblings all the while they were laughing at me and my 2 kids whom are adults now got their own family was single for 28 yrs before i met my bf (im a woman ) in 2019 til 2021 when dad passed i broke from them havent spoken to them since i wanna keep it that way their still toxic to this day so if Lord says to seperate from horrible family do it God will put ppl in our paths that treat us like family an respect and appreciate you for you amen step out in faith with God he will guide love direct us most of all give us love joy peace contentment amen God bless everyone remember God is perfect not us what satan scumbag damages God heals amen ☺❤🙏🧔♀👵👴💐
For the average "Joe" in the street, there are very few of the commandments that apply. For instance, many were about the Temple and its service, this included the priests. Then there are rules that apply only for women etc. There are therefore not many rules left for the average man in the street. So it should not be too hard for us not to eat "forbidden foods".
Ask yourself, when did the "Testament" became OLD, and who is the New Testament for? As far as I can see there is no such thing as an old law that somehow is no longer in existence
Hi Guys on the bacon burger the old testament is over for its not what you put into your mouth that makes you unclean its what comes out of your mouth that makes you unclean, phone Pastor Steven Anderson he nailed it.
Quick answers for the 2nd one. It's old testamen, it not the moral law and therefor no need to obey it. Until next time. The civil and ceremonial laws are not to obligated to be obeyed anymore, only the moral law stay. There is an civil law that says to build a fence on your roof to prevent someone to fall down and die. Deuteronomy 22:8: “If you build a new house, you are to construct a railing around your roof, so that you do not bring bloodguilt on your house if someone falls from it.” so are we to build fences on our roof? Not really. it can be interpreted as to assure if you invite someone, you have to make sure they are secure and nothing bad will happen. If it -20 outisde and there is ice on your outisde have to put salt on it to prevent someone to slip and hurt themselves. You can find application, but not necessarily obey them literaly.
@johnworby5130 however, the vision Peter had was about all kind of quadrupeds that Peter said he never ate. Hence, yes, talking about unclean animals.
@@geebeeo Actually, NO, even Paul stated he was a Pharisee of Pharisee`s, and no Pharisee ate non kosher meat. I have noticed that people vehemently defend the christian status mainly because they enjoy and thus want to continue in their practices! It seems to be - MY TRUTH and that is all that matters. Also, most christian teaching comes from gentile pastors who are frequently divorced from the Hebrew roots and understanding, and this came about from their desire to separate themselves from anything Jewish - hence the different biblical calendar etc. Lastly, ask yourself the question, did Yeshua eat kosher, or did he tuck into a bacon sandwich? Remember He said "Follow Me", not some pastor who was born 2,000 yrs later and who also declares the language spoken at that time was mainly greek. Its very disappointing that so many of you are of the mind that the so called "old testament" was done away with and irrelevant today. That is so wrong and when Yeshua finally returns many will be in for a nasty shock.
There was nothing saying not to eat anything other than "flesh and blood'...but God was speaking about cannibalism. There were Apostles like Peter, who complained about eating what Gentiles were serving, which had to have included Pork and Beef. The Lord came to Peter that night with a few words of Wisdom, telling Peter that in order to not offend anyone, he vould eat, as long as he knew he did not need to feel guilt over it, but most important was, to not eat anything that "The Gentiles served, if it had been a part of a Sacrifice to "their gods", however, if it offended the host and was not used as a sacrifice, to eat, and not feel guilt. 1 Timothy 4:4 says that everything God created is good to eat, as long as it's received with thanksgiving: Genesis 9:33 Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. 1Corinthians 8:8, “Food does not bring us near to God. We are no worse if we do not eat and no better if we do.
@@lauriekurad Im sorry but I have never heard anything like what you suggest and there is certainly nothing written in any of the Jewish sages writings or the historical commentators of the day.
If it is a sin for you then don’t do it! Love thy god with all your heart ♥️, honor your father and mother, love your neighbor as yourself! Done! I made nothing unclean!
An inherent problem with this theology is that Isa. 66:15-18 prophesies that when Christ returns and make the world witness His glory, He will destroy ppl who engage in the consumption of unclean meat. If Christ truly nulled that law like "Christianity" claims, why will He destroy ppl for eating unclean meat in the future?
Fig Tree-the leaves just benefit the plant. The fruit are for the enjoyment of others. Making fruit pulls a tremendous amount of energy and resources from the plant, but it’s the key to reproduction. What you have is an image of someone (or group) who only cares about themself and their blessing. Reminds me sadly of many churches I’ve seen that shove people out because I’ve got to get my blessing. Interesting you see Jesus gentle with sinners but this is the one time He premeditated (he wove the whip) physically punishing people.
Jesus was talking specifically to a particular individual. If you feel Jesus is saying that to you, then do that. It wasn’t a command to the church. “Don’t eat bacon”-to Israelites as to distinguish them from the surrounding communities. That ended with the end of the Mosaic Law. Which did end.
Now read Deut. 4:5-8 where God clearly states that He gave Israel the Law to be an example for the other nations, and that He intended nations to live by the same laws. There is nothing in the Bible that says the Law was only for Israel. Just because God revealed it to them first, it doesn't mean it was only for them.
There was a guy on FB who insisted that to be a TRUE follower of Christ, one needed to be homeless and without personal belongings. He claimed that was how he was living. I have questions. He sounded like a cult leader.
Skated right around the inconvenient dietary laws that JESUS actual observed. Besides mis-representing Paul's writings, where does it say the Old Testament is done away with? God said His laws and commandments are not too hard for us. Since I'm adopted into spiritual Israel, how do I not do as Jesus did?
There is no condemnation for observing dietary guidelines from the OT. It’s just not possible to observe them as Jesus did because the temple was destroyed in 70 AD.
You didn’t mention the scary passage where Jesus says to cut off your hand or pluck out your eye. As for the pork issue I think pork is not really the best for you and I have tried to avoid it but not completely. For a long time I bought beef bacon at Walmart but recently they stopped having it. Then I tried turkey bacon but didn’t really like it. Then I bought pork bacon but i couldn’t get it cooked quite right. I only use a 700 watt microwave for cooking and it is hard to know exactly how long to cook something. I can get some beef sausage little smokies but cannot find beef sausage patties. A long time ago Walmart also sold chicken bacon as well as turkey bacon but I haven’t seen that now for years. I don’t even remember how it was but I did buy it for a while. A few times I have bought a bag of pork sausage patties but they are expensive.
Please return to your old style videos which were so well thought out and delivered. The 'conversational improv' style you've adopted is cute though, and I'm sure it's great for selling podcasts, merch, and ads!
You have to build up a relationship with someone. Over time you will come to learn what to expect from them. Trust is that expectation. You already trust, but you trust people to hurt you because that's what you have learned. Put yourself in situations where you can learn something new, and you will learn new ways to trust.
Jewish is the first covenant that has the law and Christianity is the second covenant with God and jesus fulfilled the first covenant so Christianity is through faith alone not works because God set down his son jesus Christ to die and to be resurrected for our sins so believe is him to have an eternal life in heaven ✝️ ✝️ ✝️
To hate your family after God has commanded us to love them let's us know what the Jews understood back then: Jacob have I loved, Esau I hated. Now God is referring to nations here and is saying: God prefers to give Israel the birthright as Priest's of God more the the line of Esau.
I don't eat anything from the pig anymore and haven't for years. Did not Jesus say that we are to disregard the old laws and he would give us the laws to follow? Then he reiterates the 10 commandments and makes other laws known to us. I believe he said to not eat pig and some fish and other foods we should avoid. So I do not eat them.
It is not what enters a man that defiles him, it is what comes out. Jesus specifically said this. Mind you he was also respecting authority as long as it didn't go against God's will. So he was under the law, yet broke sabbath like David did. The apostles clarify much more clearly in New Testament of the law not justifying, as in "law of Moses as the Jews follow." Even Peter having that ole vision about pigs falling from the sky😂
He never said anything about avoiding certain diets, in the Bible New Testament gospel.. ANYWHERE... matter of fact it is Said IN 1TIMOTHY 4 says that says these are seducing spirits and doctrines of devils that say these things!!!! I have also seen Derek Prince admit that people had demons of forbidding pork coming out of people. LISTEN PEOPLE 1TIMOTHY4:3 DOCTRINES OF DEMONS, SEDUCING SPIRITS.
Unfortunately, the Bible has been tapered with over many years. Fear and hate are the opposite of love. Forgiveness is the reflection of divine love. You should honor your mother and father. You should treat others as you want to be treated and love the Holy Father in Heaven above anything in this temporary experience. Fearing God is not the beginning of wisdom. LOVE is.
@@cclmpr The way you serve God is by serving others. There is GOD in all the sonship (kingdom). If you see him, you see yourself. People parish for a lack of knowledge.
Eating Bacon.. Acts 10:11-15 KJV The Lord let down a sheet with ALL 4 footed beast. He told Peter to eat and don't call nothing he has cleansed unclean. So the old law doesn't apply because Jesus fulfilled it. Fig tree.. Very Good insight Brandon.. In my observation of these days and times with all the political rhetoric. The belief in the Mainstream Media has made so many Christians bitter. They took on the cares of this world instead of seeking the Kingdom of God within. So many fig trees quit producing the fruit of the Spirit and have taken on a bitter root which has took over their mind and pushed Christ out. The hate is strong for the opposing political side. It comes out in every thought and comments. The fig tree being hewn down in the spirit is like this scripture because of the bitter root will never allow to produce fruit, killing the tree. Hebrews 12:14-15 KJV 14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: 15 Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;
How about we first focus on this “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12 NIV and the rest will take care of itself.
🚨 The Messianic profile and how to read the Prophecy of Seventy Weeks in chapter 9 of the Book of Daniel. Daniel prays to God to act on behalf of his people and city (Judea and Jerusalem), and receives a detailed but cryptic prophecy of "seventy weeks" by the angel Gabriel. This message holds a Three-Fold prophecy of the Messiah. It foretold of the Coming of the Messiah in 26AD (483 years) aka (69 Weeks), the cutting off of the Messiah Yeshua-Jesus death in 30AD (3.5 years) aka (70th Week) and the Destruction of the 2nd Temple 40 years later in 70AD in which the Temple sacrifices would end, which starts the clock to His second coming in 2030AD (1,960 years later). This 1,960 years completes the required judgment for Israel's disobedience as Prophesied by Ezekiel in Ezekiel 7 and required by the law in Leviticus 26. The TORAH!! Jesus said: "For nothing is hidden except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret except to come to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear." ■ To understand Daniel we must understand Jeremiah and Leviticus. In the first couple of verses that you read in Daniel 9, he mentions Jeremiah’s prophecies. Jeremiah had prophesied that there would be 70 years of exile in Jeremiah 25:11 and Jeremiah 29:10. That was his prophecy but things don't turn out that way. And so what Daniel learns after considering this and praying about this, is that the angel Gabriel tells him, “Well, Daniel, it is 70 years, but actually it’s 70 sevens of years,” which comes out to 490 years of exile. And so when you go back to the Torah, specifically Leviticus 26, the covenant that God had given Israel stipulated that if Israel ever rebelled against God they would be punished sevenfold in four different ways for their continual disobedience. This texts explains the expansion of Jeremiah’s original prophecy from 70 years of punishment for disobedience to 490 years. ● 1st Punishment 70×7 = 490 - Leviticus 26:18 ● 2nd Punishment 70×7 = 490 - Leviticus 26:21 ● 3rd Punishment 70×7 = 490 - Leviticus 26:24 ● 4th Punishment 70×7 = 490 - Leviticus 26:28 Totaling = 1,960 years from the destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70AD 70AD plus 1,960 years brings us to 2030AD. Prophecy is congruent with and consistent with the Torah and the greater scheme of things. The story within the story!!! Order of events: ● Frast of Trumpets 2030 (Second Coming of Christ - Rapture) ● Jacobs Trouble aka 10 Days of Awe which will end on "Day of Atonement 2030." The Days of Awe are given for a nation to humble itself before God and come before Him in confession of sin, repentance, and prayers for His mercy. ● Feast of Tabernacles 2030 (Start of 1,000 year Reign) ■ Daniel 9:23-27 NKJV - At the beginning of your supplications the command went out, and I have come to tell you, for you are greatly beloved; therefore consider the matter, and understand the vision: Seventy weeks are determined For your people and for your holy city, To finish the transgression, To make an end of sins, To make reconciliation for iniquity, To bring in everlasting righteousness, To seal up vision and prophecy, And to anoint the Most Holy. Know therefore and understand: ● That from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem: [Decree of Artaxerxes in 458 B.C.] Nehemiah 2:17; Ezra 7:8-9 ● Until Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; [7 weeks X 69 weeks = 483 years. Which brings us to 26 A.D.] ● The street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublesome times. And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself: [In the 15th year of the Persian ruler Darius (408 B.C.) Nehemiah recorded the final act of rebuilding Jerusalem. This was exactly 49 years after the 458 B.C. decree issued by Artaxerxes and from 408 B.C., 62 weeks (434 yrs) to the exact year of 26A.D.] And the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. ● The end of it shall be with a flood, and till the end of the war desolations are determined. Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. [Jesus ministry lasted 3.5 years from 26 A.D. until He was crucified in 30 A.D.] ● And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate. [The Second Temple is destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. which starts the seven-fold Judgments of Leviticus 26, 1,960 years which brings us to 2030.] ■ Historical Evidence: Artaxerxes I (died 425 B.C., Susa, Elam [now in Iran]) was an Achaemenid King of Persia who reigned from 465-425 B.C. The decree to rebuild Jerusalem in 458 B.C. is connected to Artaxerxes' third decree-that of the seventh year of Artaxerxes, recorded in Ezra 7:8-9. Regarding this decree we are told that Ezra left Babylon on the first day of month 1 of the seventh year of the reign of Artaxerxes, and that he and his group arrived in Jerusalem on the first day of month 5 of the same year. For no other decree is such detail given. This itself should alert us. Surely God is saying something to us when His Word is so explicit regarding this decree and so vague regarding the other two. Furthermore, this decree provided for the restoration of local government on a scale not mentioned in the other decrees (note Ezra 7:21-28). It empowered the judiciary to punish wrongdoers, even granting the authority to impose the death sentence. And as a result of this decree Ezra began to build the city-see the letter to Artaxerxes in Ezra 4. However, perhaps the strongest argument of all is that when we calculate the Daniel 9 prophecy using the date of this decree, 458 B.C., as marking its beginning, the prophecy reaches exactly to the baptism of Jesus. In 26 A.D. The fact that Daniel 9:24 suggests that the events that take place within the 70 weeks set God's seal of approval on the whole of the prophecy. They show that the prophecy was divinely given, and thus absolutely dependable. And no other date even begins to satisfy the demands of this prophecy.
⁉️QUESTION: Brandon - What do YOU actually believe about end times, Jesus' 2nd coming, rapture, signs, etc. I know you believe that most misunderstand Daniel & Revelation. Will Jesus actually physically return to earth? Will there be an actual new heavens & earth? Will there be a sheep & goats judgement? You've done many videos about reading the scriptures wrong. But what DO you believe about "the end"? I really want to know! Thank you & God bless you. ❤️ ⁉️
The law was there. Jesus came to fulfill the law because man was not able to keep all the commands of God. It was not humanly possible. Therefore , through Christ, we are able to eat any type of food, and do all things. That, however, doesn't give is the freedom to sin.
the pigs in the sea its a salvation parable to the towns folks they were corrupt. Once again Pastor Steven Anderson Nailed it phone him. Just like a Jew dont like what you hear you just skip it no wonder their not saved
There was nothing saying not to eat anything other than "flesh and blood'...but God was speaking about cannibalism. There were Apostles like Peter, who complained about eating what Gentiles were serving, which had to have included Pork and Beef. The Lord came to Peter that night with a few words of Wisdom, telling Peter that in order to not offend anyone, he vould eat, as long as he knew he did not need to feel guilt over it, but most important was, to not eat anything that "The Gentiles served, if it had been a part of a Sacrifice to "their gods", however, if it offended the host and was not used as a sacrifice, to eat, and not feel guilt. 1 Timothy 4:4 says that everything God created is good to eat, as long as it's received with thanksgiving: Genesis 9:33 Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. 1Corinthians 8:8, “Food does not bring us near to God. We are no worse if we do not eat and no better if we do.
The Jews agreed to a special covenant with God. They were going to be in God's presence, Holy place, a pillar of fire as he fought their battle and spoke with them. Those that have the law (Jews), shall be judged by their laws, those that don't have the law (but have the engraven laws in their conscience) will be judged by those laws. The Gentiles weren't commanded to keep all the sacrificial laws. Nor to keep the law commanding a son to be stoned if he cursed his father. This law made sin abound, more exceeding sinful inspiring children to highly respect their parents. Israelites had the ark and heard God from the Holy place. You want to be holy, or you will be struck dead, and many Israelites were. But these special laws they had agreed to. When a childs mind comes to fruition, God's laws are revealed in his conscience to know good from evil. These are the laws the Gentils (so to speak) will be judged by.
No, He did not. Please read what is before and after that vision to get the meaning of it. He was not being told that it is okay to eat these unclean foods. The vision was given to Peter in a manner that he would understand, so he would get the point (and he did get it). It had nothing to do with changing the diet. God had a reason for distinguishing the foods that are to be eaten and to be avoided, and those reasons have not changed.
Messanic here. I started eating an old testament kosher diet 18 years ago. In two years, I went from missing baby back ribs to unable to smell barbecue and shellfish. It's amazing what a detox will do for a physical, mental, or spiritual change.
Jesus said worry not about what goes into your mouth but consider more what important what comes out of your mouth. something to that effect,
Christ was clearly talking about eating with unwashed hands. He did NOT rescind the dietary law at all. He clearly stated in Matt. 5 that no one was to even think that He came to oppose anything in the Law and the Prophets. He even went further to state that even the least important command in the Torah must STILL be obeyed.
Congratulations on your Book that is wonderful.💥
I learn so much from the way you explain these kind of verses that have to do with culture and etc.
Thank you🎉
Was wonderful meeting your wife.
She’s really special. 💖
Bring her on more often!! 😉
Dietary restrictions were also given to keep people healthy.
Acts 10 KJV
Another way I believed when Jesus said to hate your Father and your Mother, was not to literally hate them, the 5th commandment is to honour your Father and Mother, but because Jesus wants you to love God so much that , it seems like you hate your parents in comparison, even though you love them , your love for the Lord is stronger . Just what I understood it to be.
I agree with you too.
Yes, we are to CHOOSE God over our parents, children, spouses. But not literally hate them. Just put them second, after God.
Jacob I have loved, and Esau I have hated... literally means, Jacob I have chosen and Esau I have not chosen. To bring about the promises, and the covenant, and so on, Jacob was the chosen one.
This was the point of following Yashua.
Yes, it actually means to prefer more than father or mother. But in context, it isn't for the Body of Christ Church. It's for Israel that will be preaching to the world during the 1st half of Israel's 70th week. It's for the wise virgins, the 144,000 Apostles preaching all over the world before the GT comes. Matt 24:14 many are called (10 virgins) few are chosen (5 wise virgins, who were faithful). It's not Body of Christ Church doctrine. It's Israel's last days (their 70th week) doctrine.
As I understand
Matthew 10:34-36
This is because Jesus knew those who followed Him would be rejected, outcasts, and persecuted by their own families and communities. This is the sword of division. Those who could not recognize the Messiah and hear His voice call to them are divided from those who know Yeshua is Messiah. To follow Jesus means to put Him before all others and all else we love!
24:00 regards hate. Jacob loved Rachel but Hated Lea. This scripture backs up what stated in the video with regards to the Jewish view of hate meaning to choose, Also emotionally it implies to love less than. Jacob did love Leah, he had six children with her and protected her and cared for her as his wife.
But he didn't choose her and he did love her less.
In the same way we love our families but we must love them less than the love we manifest for Jesus and his teachings.
Didn’t God came to Simon Peter in a dream to tell him that none of His creatures are unclean?
be poor and God is going to love you more to be poor
No, it was a metaphor to show that Peter should not see gentiles as 'unclean' (jews would avoid them almost like lepers). This is also how Peter himself interpreted it. It's in the context of before and after the vision.
Keep reading Acts 10. Peter realized that the message God was teaching him was that he shouldn't view Gentiles as being unceremoniously unclean ppl, and that He was extending salvation to the Gentiles. Ppl never look at the overall context that God was trying to help Peter unlearn the false ways of Orthodox Judaism.
Possessions: Don't be attached to things you think are "yours". Don't let your "things" define you. "Things" will come and go. Your worth and power is infinite in Christ. The rich man's worth, status, power was in his possessions and he couldn't see he is so much more in Christ. The "law" has always been love, relationship, connection. This is the only law period, this is what God was trying to teach those in the OT but they couldn't see it. Simple relationship is how God's Kingdom works. Your engagement matters. Looked as God gave them abundance of what they were asking for to teach them, is this what you really want (overabundance of "laws"). Did the same to Pharaoh in Egypt with the plagues. Can never get an overabundance of love. Hating: He meant preferring God. By preferring God first you love your family deeper, more fully because you respect their uniqueness, their own unique expression of God, embrace their quirks, and embrace your unique creation as well. Jesus embraced those others wouldn't. Jesus loved those who persecuted him.
Thank you for explaining and sharing.
May God bless you indeed. AMEN
I stopped eating pork, because out of the blue the desire left me after prayer. That said, I think Holy Spirit guides us individually. The moral law is fir everyone.
Someone else eats pork and they are OK, as long as they follow Holy Spirit.
In Acts 10. 12-16, Peter saw a large sheet containing all kinds of animals. God says: "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean." We know that Peter realised God has shown him not to call any man impure or unclean. But also it applies to the animals, to all creation.
I hope you do not include unclean animals in your supposition otherwise you may be calling God two timing
The context has nothing to do with animals 🤷♀️ Peter understood it that it's not about food or animals but only about people/gentiles.
Thère are no longer unclean foods@@johnworby5130
In Act 10:10-15 God indicated that any food, including unclean in Jewish law, can be eaten.
This is a misunderstanding and misapplication of these verses.
Per dietary, there are definitely some that still contain health concerns. I personally by choice don't eat pork or turkey, but have no issue if some other believer does. I have to remember Peter in Acts 10:11-16. However, even today different cultures have traditions and practices to which one must make an effort to respect when in their territory.
I do enjoy figs.
Thank you for opening all this up! I had just been ignoring and not understanding 🙂
Congratulations on your book! I look forward to reading it. And the story of your fig tree was funny!
8:03 “Pig…is not clean for you.”
My guess is that pork has ringworm, and back then they didn’t have stringent temperature abilities for storage and cooking.
But today we do. So it’s ok now. It’s not that pork is bad to eat, it’s that God wanted to protect us. All God’s commandments are meant to help us live this life.
Trichinosis. That's the concern when ingesting pork. Ringworm is passed on via contact. But I believe your assessment is correct. The same goes for only using the front quarters in beef, as e-coli is an intestinal bacterium. They knew WHERE the disease came from but didn't know the WHY.
God clearly stated in Lev. 11 that consuming unclean mean is an abomination. You can play games with the scriptures, but you can't change it from being true. God said this was less a matter of physical safety as it is a matter of holiness. Even if it was safe to eat pork(and it's not), it still wouldn't matter because it's a sin.
@theeternalsbeliever1779 WTF is unclean mean?
@@majorburke9735 Actually, their preservation methods were somewhat superior to ours... obviously they didn't have refrigeration, but methods exist today that keep things eatable for long periods of time, that they used 1000 and more years ago...
How could we hate anyone when Jesus loves all of us.
Congrats on your new book!
I don't eat pork, because of the salt content. great message
Salt is good for you if its natural sea salt but table salt is very bad for you
You need salt to get hydrated it allows water to get into your cells 😊
The sodium is added, and as someone else pointed out, salt isn’t bad. Just hydrate properly and make sure you’re getting enough potassium and exercise.
Thank You this was so good learning this ❤️
You guys are so great! 🎉 Love learning & laughing! 👍🏼
im 61 was raised in a church going family taken to sunday school in 70s and i have 1 bro 3 sisters that are toxic back biters jealous competitive i tolerated them when mum an dad were alive my mum said to me i was always her favourite child she said your not like the other kids i said thanks ive bitten my tongue with my siblings all the while they were laughing at me and my 2 kids whom are adults now got their own family was single for 28 yrs before i met my bf (im a woman ) in 2019 til 2021 when dad passed i broke from them havent spoken to them since i wanna keep it that way their still toxic to this day so if Lord says to seperate from horrible family do it God will put ppl in our paths that treat us like family an respect and appreciate you for you amen step out in faith with God he will guide love direct us most of all give us love joy peace contentment amen God bless everyone remember God is perfect not us what satan scumbag damages God heals amen ☺❤🙏🧔♀👵👴💐
For the average "Joe" in the street, there are very few of the commandments that apply. For instance, many were about the Temple and its service, this included the priests. Then there are rules that apply only for women etc. There are therefore not many rules left for the average man in the street. So it should not be too hard for us not to eat "forbidden foods".
Ask yourself, when did the "Testament" became OLD, and who is the New Testament for? As far as I can see there is no such thing as an old law that somehow is no longer in existence
Hi Guys on the bacon burger the old testament is over for its not what you put into your mouth that makes you unclean its what comes out of your mouth that makes you unclean, phone Pastor Steven Anderson he nailed it.
Sorry, but this verse you have taken out of context. This is not about food, but the evil tongue and the damage it does.
Hello Brandon and wife
Quick answers for the 2nd one. It's old testamen, it not the moral law and therefor no need to obey it. Until next time.
The civil and ceremonial laws are not to obligated to be obeyed anymore, only the moral law stay. There is an civil law that says to build a fence on your roof to prevent someone to fall down and die. Deuteronomy 22:8: “If you build a new house, you are to construct a railing around your roof, so that you do not bring bloodguilt on your house if someone falls from it.” so are we to build fences on our roof? Not really. it can be interpreted as to assure if you invite someone, you have to make sure they are secure and nothing bad will happen. If it -20 outisde and there is ice on your outisde have to put salt on it to prevent someone to slip and hurt themselves. You can find application, but not necessarily obey them literaly.
2k pigs may mean 2k years of Roman influence now ending.
The pigs are never explained. Ive read it in Bible study, and it's always glossed over as if the demons drove the pigs crazy.
She seems evil, like she's luring you away from your principles.
He used the term "Rich Man" on purpose as this was the man`s cructch. Yeshua was telling him, get rid of it and rely upon me
1 Corinthians 10:23-33.
Acts .15:2-29.
Mathew 22:37-40
God revealed to Peter there is no longer uncleared food- didn’t he?
No, it was about having a relationship with gentiles not about food, please read on and see what Peter did after this
@johnworby5130 however, the vision Peter had was about all kind of quadrupeds that Peter said he never ate. Hence, yes, talking about unclean animals.
@@geebeeo Actually, NO, even Paul stated he was a Pharisee of Pharisee`s, and no Pharisee ate non kosher meat. I have noticed that people vehemently defend the christian status mainly because they enjoy and thus want to continue in their practices! It seems to be - MY TRUTH and that is all that matters.
Also, most christian teaching comes from gentile pastors who are frequently divorced from the Hebrew roots and understanding, and this came about from their desire to separate themselves from anything Jewish - hence the different biblical calendar etc. Lastly, ask yourself the question, did Yeshua eat kosher, or did he tuck into a bacon sandwich? Remember He said "Follow Me", not some pastor who was born 2,000 yrs later and who also declares the language spoken at that time was mainly greek. Its very disappointing that so many of you are of the mind that the so called "old testament" was done away with and irrelevant today. That is so wrong and when Yeshua finally returns many will be in for a nasty shock.
There was nothing saying not to eat anything other than "flesh and blood'...but God was speaking about cannibalism.
There were Apostles like Peter, who complained about eating what Gentiles were serving, which had to have included Pork and Beef.
The Lord came to Peter that night with a few words of Wisdom, telling Peter that in order to not offend anyone, he vould eat, as long as he knew he did not need to feel guilt over it, but most important was, to not eat anything that "The Gentiles served, if it had been a part of a Sacrifice to "their gods", however, if it offended the host and was not used as a sacrifice, to eat, and not feel guilt.
1 Timothy 4:4 says that everything God created is good to eat, as long as it's received with thanksgiving:
Genesis 9:33 Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.
1Corinthians 8:8, “Food does not bring us near to God. We are no worse if we do not eat and no better if we do.
@@lauriekurad Im sorry but I have never heard anything like what you suggest and there is certainly nothing written in any of the Jewish sages writings or the historical commentators of the day.
If it is a sin for you then don’t do it! Love thy god with all your heart ♥️, honor your father and mother, love your neighbor as yourself! Done! I made nothing unclean!
God did not call the Jews, he called Israel, which is the 12 tribes of Israel. I believe the Jews must be 1 of the tribes
The dietary law is null and void. Jesus told Peter that it was no longer for him.
An inherent problem with this theology is that Isa. 66:15-18 prophesies that when Christ returns and make the world witness His glory, He will destroy ppl who engage in the consumption of unclean meat. If Christ truly nulled that law like "Christianity" claims, why will He destroy ppl for eating unclean meat in the future?
Why is it the tree’s fault? It was not in season. This one always stumps me.
They were to be ready in and out of season for Messiah.
Maybe Jesus was crazy?
@ oh wow!!! Thanks so much. I’m on the spectrum and have dyslexia, so it takes me a minute! That makes so much sense!
@@dominicpardo4783 crazy, (extremely enthusiastic) and wildly in love with us, so much so that He died for us all. John 3:16. I agree!
@Boomer71 An assertion.
Fig Tree-the leaves just benefit the plant. The fruit are for the enjoyment of others. Making fruit pulls a tremendous amount of energy and resources from the plant, but it’s the key to reproduction. What you have is an image of someone (or group) who only cares about themself and their blessing. Reminds me sadly of many churches I’ve seen that shove people out because I’ve got to get my blessing. Interesting you see Jesus gentle with sinners but this is the one time He premeditated (he wove the whip) physically punishing people.
most people would not want any things that you have anyway. lol
Jesus was talking specifically to a particular individual. If you feel Jesus is saying that to you, then do that. It wasn’t a command to the church.
“Don’t eat bacon”-to Israelites as to distinguish them from the surrounding communities. That ended with the end of the Mosaic Law. Which did end.
Now read Deut. 4:5-8 where God clearly states that He gave Israel the Law to be an example for the other nations, and that He intended nations to live by the same laws. There is nothing in the Bible that says the Law was only for Israel. Just because God revealed it to them first, it doesn't mean it was only for them.
There was a guy on FB who insisted that to be a TRUE follower of Christ, one needed to be homeless and without personal belongings. He claimed that was how he was living. I have questions. He sounded like a cult leader.
Brandon did you know someone is advertising her business.
Skated right around the inconvenient dietary laws that JESUS actual observed. Besides mis-representing Paul's writings, where does it say the Old Testament is done away with? God said His laws and commandments are not too hard for us. Since I'm adopted into spiritual Israel, how do I not do as Jesus did?
There is no condemnation for observing dietary guidelines from the OT. It’s just not possible to observe them as Jesus did because the temple was destroyed in 70 AD.
@ Easy to observe the dietary laws plus make good sense to not eat scavengers. Not a burdensome commandment at all.
Give up all your treasured filthy bad habits and follow me
Be holy.
yeah you need give your house to someone is poor and you live on the street like a homeless
You didn’t mention the scary passage where Jesus says to cut off your hand or pluck out your eye. As for the pork issue I think pork is not really the best for you and I have tried to avoid it but not completely. For a long time I bought beef bacon at Walmart but recently they stopped having it. Then I tried turkey bacon but didn’t really like it. Then I bought pork bacon but i couldn’t get it cooked quite right. I only use a 700 watt microwave for cooking and it is hard to know exactly how long to cook something. I can get some beef sausage little smokies but cannot find beef sausage patties. A long time ago Walmart also sold chicken bacon as well as turkey bacon but I haven’t seen that now for years. I don’t even remember how it was but I did buy it for a while. A few times I have bought a bag of pork sausage patties but they are expensive.
Pork is fine. Modern refrigeration and such drastically reduce the risk of trichinosis.
Proverbs 13 KJV
Please return to your old style videos which were so well thought out and delivered. The 'conversational improv' style you've adopted is cute though, and I'm sure it's great for selling podcasts, merch, and ads!
I don’t know how to trust.
Can you plz tell me how.
It's a defense mechanism. Embrace it.
You have to build up a relationship with someone. Over time you will come to learn what to expect from them. Trust is that expectation. You already trust, but you trust people to hurt you because that's what you have learned. Put yourself in situations where you can learn something new, and you will learn new ways to trust.
Jewish is the first covenant that has the law and Christianity is the second covenant with God and jesus fulfilled the first covenant so Christianity is through faith alone not works because God set down his son jesus Christ to die and to be resurrected for our sins so believe is him to have an eternal life in heaven ✝️ ✝️ ✝️
There is BBQ Beef - beef ribs and Brisket, and BBQ Chicken
I can control my migraines by following a biblical diet. No pork or mane made food
BBQ beef,chicken,fish,lamb… it’s not just pork. I actually don’t like pork.
To hate your family after God has commanded us to love them let's us know what the Jews understood back then: Jacob have I loved, Esau I hated.
Now God is referring to nations here and is saying: God prefers to give Israel the birthright as Priest's of God more the the line of Esau.
So you said in Acts that Jesus said that we were to only do 3 things? What are those 3 things?
1. Eat fiber
2. Stay hydrated
3. Don't be gullible
Hi Brandon, I gave up eating pig meat of any kind a while ago. Why did Jesus send demons into swine if he wanted us to eat pork?
Burt, UK
I don't eat anything from the pig anymore and haven't for years. Did not Jesus say that we are to disregard the old laws and he would give us the laws to follow? Then he reiterates the 10 commandments and makes other laws known to us. I believe he said to not eat pig and some fish and other foods we should avoid. So I do not eat them.
Could you please cite the verses in context?
It is not what enters a man that defiles him, it is what comes out. Jesus specifically said this. Mind you he was also respecting authority as long as it didn't go against God's will. So he was under the law, yet broke sabbath like David did. The apostles clarify much more clearly in New Testament of the law not justifying, as in "law of Moses as the Jews follow." Even Peter having that ole vision about pigs falling from the sky😂
He never said anything about avoiding certain diets, in the Bible New Testament gospel.. ANYWHERE... matter of fact it is
Said IN 1TIMOTHY 4 says that says these are seducing spirits and doctrines of devils that say these things!!!!
I have also seen Derek Prince admit that people had demons of forbidding pork coming out of people.
Unfortunately, the Bible has been tapered with over many years. Fear and hate are the opposite of love. Forgiveness is the reflection of divine love. You should honor your mother and father. You should treat others as you want to be treated and love the Holy Father in Heaven above anything in this temporary experience. Fearing God is not the beginning of wisdom. LOVE is.
No, you should honor only Jesus christ God and hate others and your family and love God
@@cclmpr The way you serve God is by serving others. There is GOD in all the sonship (kingdom). If you see him, you see yourself. People parish for a lack of knowledge.
Eating Bacon.. Acts 10:11-15 KJV The Lord let down a sheet with ALL 4 footed beast. He told Peter to eat and don't call nothing he has cleansed unclean.
So the old law doesn't apply because Jesus fulfilled it.
Fig tree.. Very Good insight Brandon.. In my observation of these days and times with all the political rhetoric.
The belief in the Mainstream Media has made so many Christians bitter.
They took on the cares of this world instead of seeking the Kingdom of God within.
So many fig trees quit producing the fruit of the Spirit and have taken on a bitter root which has took over their mind and pushed Christ out.
The hate is strong for the opposing political side.
It comes out in every thought and comments.
The fig tree being hewn down in the spirit is like this scripture because of the bitter root will never allow to produce fruit, killing the tree.
Hebrews 12:14-15 KJV
14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:
15 Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;
How about we first focus on this “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”
John 15:12 NIV
and the rest will take care of itself.
Did I miss your answer for wether or not we shall eat pork?😅
What if someone in your family breathes lies to your face and mostly takes the borrowed money for drugs
follow the 10 commandments, the rest was for Jews, in the New Testament, Jesus said we can eat pork.
🚨 The Messianic profile and how to read the Prophecy of Seventy Weeks in chapter 9 of the Book of Daniel.
Daniel prays to God to act on behalf of his people and city (Judea and Jerusalem), and receives a detailed but cryptic prophecy of "seventy weeks" by the angel Gabriel. This message holds a Three-Fold prophecy of the Messiah.
It foretold of the Coming of the Messiah in 26AD (483 years) aka (69 Weeks), the cutting off of the Messiah Yeshua-Jesus death in 30AD (3.5 years) aka (70th Week) and the Destruction of the 2nd Temple 40 years later in 70AD in which the Temple sacrifices would end, which starts the clock to His second coming in 2030AD (1,960 years later).
This 1,960 years completes the required judgment for Israel's disobedience as Prophesied by Ezekiel in Ezekiel 7 and required by the law in Leviticus 26. The TORAH!!
Jesus said: "For nothing is hidden except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret except to come to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear."
■ To understand Daniel we must understand Jeremiah and Leviticus.
In the first couple of verses that you read in Daniel 9, he mentions Jeremiah’s prophecies. Jeremiah had prophesied that there would be 70 years of exile in Jeremiah 25:11 and Jeremiah 29:10.
That was his prophecy but things don't turn out that way. And so what Daniel learns after considering this and praying about this, is that the angel Gabriel tells him, “Well, Daniel, it is 70 years, but actually it’s 70 sevens of years,” which comes out to 490 years of exile.
And so when you go back to the Torah, specifically Leviticus 26, the covenant that God had given Israel stipulated that if Israel ever rebelled against God they would be punished sevenfold in four different ways for their continual disobedience.
This texts explains the expansion of Jeremiah’s original prophecy from 70 years of punishment for disobedience to 490 years.
● 1st Punishment
70×7 = 490 - Leviticus 26:18
● 2nd Punishment
70×7 = 490 - Leviticus 26:21
● 3rd Punishment
70×7 = 490 - Leviticus 26:24
● 4th Punishment
70×7 = 490 - Leviticus 26:28
Totaling = 1,960 years from the destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70AD
70AD plus 1,960 years brings us to 2030AD.
Prophecy is congruent with and consistent with the Torah and the greater scheme of things. The story within the story!!!
Order of events:
● Frast of Trumpets 2030
(Second Coming of Christ - Rapture)
● Jacobs Trouble aka 10 Days of Awe which will end on "Day of Atonement 2030."
The Days of Awe are given for a nation to humble itself before God and come before Him in confession of sin, repentance, and prayers for His mercy.
● Feast of Tabernacles 2030
(Start of 1,000 year Reign)
■ Daniel 9:23-27 NKJV - At the beginning of your supplications the command went out, and I have come to tell you, for you are greatly beloved; therefore consider the matter, and understand the vision:
Seventy weeks are determined
For your people and for your holy city,
To finish the transgression,
To make an end of sins,
To make reconciliation for iniquity,
To bring in everlasting righteousness,
To seal up vision and prophecy,
And to anoint the Most Holy.
Know therefore and understand:
● That from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem:
[Decree of Artaxerxes in 458 B.C.]
Nehemiah 2:17; Ezra 7:8-9
● Until Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks;
[7 weeks X 69 weeks = 483 years. Which brings us to 26 A.D.]
● The street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublesome times. And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself:
[In the 15th year of the Persian ruler Darius (408 B.C.) Nehemiah recorded the final act of rebuilding Jerusalem. This was exactly 49 years after the 458 B.C. decree issued by Artaxerxes and from 408 B.C., 62 weeks (434 yrs) to the exact year of 26A.D.]
And the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.
● The end of it shall be with a flood, and till the end of the war desolations are determined. Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.
[Jesus ministry lasted 3.5 years from 26 A.D. until He was crucified in 30 A.D.]
● And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate.
[The Second Temple is destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. which starts the seven-fold Judgments of Leviticus 26, 1,960 years which brings us to 2030.]
■ Historical Evidence:
Artaxerxes I (died 425 B.C., Susa, Elam [now in Iran]) was an Achaemenid King of Persia who reigned from 465-425 B.C.
The decree to rebuild Jerusalem in 458 B.C. is connected to Artaxerxes' third decree-that of the seventh year of Artaxerxes, recorded in Ezra 7:8-9.
Regarding this decree we are told that Ezra left Babylon on the first day of month 1 of the seventh year of the reign of Artaxerxes, and that he and his group arrived in Jerusalem on the first day of month 5 of the same year.
For no other decree is such detail given. This itself should alert us.
Surely God is saying something to us when His Word is so explicit regarding this decree and so vague regarding the other two.
Furthermore, this decree provided for the restoration of local government on a scale not mentioned in the other decrees (note Ezra 7:21-28).
It empowered the judiciary to punish wrongdoers, even granting the authority to impose the death sentence. And as a result of this decree Ezra began to build the city-see the letter to Artaxerxes in Ezra 4.
However, perhaps the strongest argument of all is that when we calculate the Daniel 9 prophecy using the date of this decree, 458 B.C., as marking its beginning, the prophecy reaches exactly to the baptism of Jesus. In 26 A.D.
The fact that Daniel 9:24 suggests that the events that take place within the 70 weeks set God's seal of approval on the whole of the prophecy. They show that the prophecy was divinely given, and thus absolutely dependable. And no other date even begins to satisfy the demands of this prophecy.
First one you discussed was out of context.
The rich man believed in his own ability, not dependence on G-d.
⁉️QUESTION: Brandon - What do YOU actually believe about end times, Jesus' 2nd coming, rapture, signs, etc. I know you believe that most misunderstand Daniel & Revelation. Will Jesus actually physically return to earth? Will there be an actual new heavens & earth? Will there be a sheep & goats judgement? You've done many videos about reading the scriptures wrong. But what DO you believe about "the end"? I really want to know! Thank you & God bless you. ❤️ ⁉️
The law was there. Jesus came to fulfill the law because man was not able to keep all the commands of God. It was not humanly possible. Therefore , through Christ, we are able to eat any type of food, and do all things. That, however, doesn't give is the freedom to sin.
You are talking out of both sides out of your mouth. According to Lev. 11, eating unclean meat IS sin.
the pigs in the sea its a salvation parable to the towns folks they were corrupt. Once again Pastor Steven Anderson Nailed it phone him. Just like a Jew dont like what you hear you just skip it no wonder their not saved
There was nothing saying not to eat anything other than "flesh and blood'...but God was speaking about cannibalism.
There were Apostles like Peter, who complained about eating what Gentiles were serving, which had to have included Pork and Beef.
The Lord came to Peter that night with a few words of Wisdom, telling Peter that in order to not offend anyone, he vould eat, as long as he knew he did not need to feel guilt over it, but most important was, to not eat anything that "The Gentiles served, if it had been a part of a Sacrifice to "their gods", however, if it offended the host and was not used as a sacrifice, to eat, and not feel guilt.
1 Timothy 4:4 says that everything God created is good to eat, as long as it's received with thanksgiving:
Genesis 9:33 Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.
1Corinthians 8:8, “Food does not bring us near to God. We are no worse if we do not eat and no better if we do.
The Scriptures you quote and interpret show that you need more study and research in order to know the true meanings.
The Jews agreed to a special covenant with God. They were going to be in God's presence, Holy place, a pillar of fire as he fought their battle and spoke with them.
Those that have the law (Jews), shall be judged by their laws, those that don't have the law (but have the engraven laws in their conscience) will be judged by those laws.
The Gentiles weren't commanded to keep all the sacrificial laws. Nor to keep the law commanding a son to be stoned if he cursed his father. This law made sin abound, more exceeding sinful inspiring children to highly respect their parents. Israelites had the ark and heard God from the Holy place. You want to be holy, or you will be struck dead, and many Israelites were. But these special laws they had agreed to. When a childs mind comes to fruition, God's laws are revealed in his conscience to know good from evil. These are the laws the Gentils (so to speak) will be judged by.
I’m here for this - ALL? Oh my 😵💫
Some i follow I am a pig lover in my meat diet I don’t believe we should be offensive of others who don’t
Guys if you's are confused on these parable am quite sure your not reading God true words get yourself a KING JAMES BIBLE.
rich people are going to hell people who are poor are going to heaven
"Sell" was for metal gold and silver coins at that time, right, instead of digital or paper currency? 🪙💰
God revealed to Peter there is no longer uncleared food- didn’t he?
No, He did not. Please read what is before and after that vision to get the meaning of it. He was not being told that it is okay to eat these unclean foods. The vision was given to Peter in a manner that he would understand, so he would get the point (and he did get it). It had nothing to do with changing the diet. God had a reason for distinguishing the foods that are to be eaten and to be avoided, and those reasons have not changed.