Make Wall Ceramic Imitation !! Create a ceramic imitation marble motif on the wall

  • Опубліковано 18 жов 2024
  • Buat Imitasi keramik dinding dg motif marmer putih dan garis hitam,cat warna hitam,abu-abu,putih,oranye muda dan kuning muda,cat tembok merk nodrop,bisa juga dg cat tembok merk lain,seperti mowilex,nippon paint,dulux,jotun,propan,aquaprof ,intinya cat yg jenis elastex atau berbasis karet ,sifat cat yg gak meresap air kalau sudah kering,untuk proses silahkan simak videonya,semoga bermanfaat,terima kasih,selamat menonton.
    Create imitation wall tiles with white marble motifs and black lines, black, gray, white, light orange and light yellow paint, wall paint from other brands, such as mowilex, nippon paint, dulux, jotun , propan, aquaprof, the point is that it is an elastex or rubber-based paint, the nature of the paint does not absorb water when it is dry, for the process please watch the video, hope it is useful, thank you, enjoy watching.