The initial broadside attacks were beautiful. A storm of turbo lasers. Also, the song is Resist and Bite, by Sabaton (Heroes album), in case you didn't know.
They have a pretty great line-up of songs in the Heroes Album. Jeroen has also used Night Witches in a past video (pretty sure it was showing off the Eclipse).
Jan K. In lore it was able to only shoot straight in front of the ship, it was like the Death Star only where the laser weapon is manually aimed compleatly
Since the ship is so large, to make it able to aim at ships properly would require it having a very high turn rate, which would make the ship itself overpowered, as it would then be unflankable. I might try fiddling with giving it an ability that temporarily boosts turn rate and limiting the superlaser's firing arc, so every time you want to fire you have to pop the manoeuvring ability to aim.
The executor would never stand a chance against a eclipse. The executor is my favorite Star Wars ship, but it’s not even top 3 most powerful, while in one on one combat the eclipse is number 1.
The Dutchman I do understand your decision from a gameplay standpoint. My opinion is that the main cannon is one hit insta kill but can't fire at 360°. Anyways magnificent work as always Dutchman.
MemtemEx I agree with you on the Eclipse being able to wipe out any known ship . However, we can all understand why Dutchman adjusted the Its firepower. Regarding the 360º forward fire angle, there's nothing to suggest that the Superlaser couldn't do so, i think that even if it's not 360º it could be close, if you remember, the DS Superlaser can do almost if not the same. From a tactical point of view, It would be strange if the engineers didn't come up we such a feature since the DS, Sovereign and the Eclipse are very slow to maneuver.
And lance a continent open down to the planet's core. Effectively destroying the planet as the innards spill out and destroy the world. Yes. It SHOULD destroy any ship in just one hit. But game limitations make that not a thing. Unless one really could just change the damage values to be super retarded. Like 10 octillion damage or something. But that number would prolly crash the game. But yes, the Eclipse class dreadnaughts, and the sovereigns were able to loldelete other dreadnaughts instantly.
It is possible to do so and no need to go up to the "octillion realm" lol, i did so in some of the mods I've played. I do something similar to the hypervelocity gun projectiles.
even if not disable, at best maybe increase the recharge time? this way it makes the ship still a danger to large ships from the laser but gives you a better chance at surviving with more than frigates
God damn, seeing these two goliaths slug out against each other may be the best thing I've seen in a long time. The way the shots just pour between the two vessels is euphoric almost.
so, my son and me made a bet on which ship would win this, he bet on the super star destroyer, cause he had seen the two movies it was in, and din't know about the Eclipse, and thought it was weird looking. needless to say, i now ha $5 more dollars than i did before.
I always thought the mod was a little bit too heavy on the lighting effects (usually it turns into floating black triangles with hitpoints), but that eclipse laser, damn!
i think it may be wise to rig the executor missiles so they fire straight up before seeking their targets, like they do on the space stations. small change but it would prevent the missiles from clipping through superstructure when the executor isnt at the lowest point relative to other ships
What a lot of people don't realize is that a fight between an Executor and an Eclipse is a lot less certain than they think. The Executor has considerably more conventional firepower, ie. turbolasers, ion cannons, etc. It is also much faster than an Eclipse, allowing it to stay in the superlaser's blind spots, while sporting similar shielding. While attacking an Eclipse head on is, of course, suicidal, an Executor managing to flank an Eclipse would have little trouble whittling down the formers shielding and then destroying it.
Survivability tactic. Send in a fighter squadron ahead of the SSD, and when the fighters get visibility on the Eclipse, drop out of hyperspace off her sides and open fire.
I think it would be nice if the Eclipse had a few hardpoints that you could destroy and disable the superlaser just so it couldn't annihilate everything if given enough time. Also Sabaton, always a good choice.
HELP!! I have been really trying to find a video this dude made that involved one of these two ships demolishing a fleet, the whole time the song that was playing was that of the “Flying Dutchman” one of the key phrases was “by the time we tried to retreat, it was too late” I think!! Help me find it!!
I still think that the Executor class should use the victory cruiser missiles and not the basic concussion missiles. It would, A: Actually do damage to a target before the turbolasers delete half the hard points, and B: It would look really fucking cool. Cause 8 salvos of that all at once would be bitchin.
These are the Victory heavy conc missiles. They're just low range because if they had long range they would never arrive before turbolasers wrecked all hardpoints. Now it's used mostly as medium to close range anti fighter, and if a capital ship is unfortunate enough to wander that close to the ship they can help with that too.
Jedi Wolf so far it’s only the Empire. I get kind of angry when he keeps adding these super star destroyers for the empire. Now the other factions are WAY out of balance
Also... could we possibly see an Assertor in the future? Cause that would be the bestest thing ever. Alternatively, could we have the Executor class be an actual LINE of ships we could make? I'd love to have Terror. Cause invisible executor is just dumb an I love it.
The executor vs the eclipse? Not fair a single super laser bolt and the executor is dead Watching the video: wtf it destroyed only the shield? In lore it should be able to one shot the executor class What sabaton song is this? I don’t recognise it
I dont get the deathstar had anyone a awnser how to get him This battel is insane 😃😍 Edit: I Got the deathstar im happy and this battel of Gigants is insane o my god 😃
Меня в этой игре поражает до глубины души ,только одно - ну почему какая-то дешёвая поделка лучше выглядит чем самый лучший самый ожидаемый фильм года из серии звёздных войн . там в фильме нет ни единого эпичного сражения, которого так хотелось.
Сергей кириллов потому что в ЗВ исход сражений решали не суперкапиталы, вроде Затмения, а дюжина пилотов истребителей с километровой толщины сюжетной броней. За эпичными космическими сражериями лучше идти в ваху или Eve online. Ну и ещё Игра Эндера имеет неплохие сражения в космосе.
Andrew Bosko согласен но ведь можно было хоть немного порадовать фанатов ЗВ мощнейшей зарубой, а не только кучирявой душкой с понтовым красным мечиком и бабой что в вакууме не дохнит. Такое блин даже Вэйдеру не снилось....
Andrew Bosko вон хотябы вспомнить батл стар галактика вот там было реальное месиво и что интестно с флагмана всегда вылетали как минимум 30-50 истребителей с каждой стороны, а не 5 как в ЗВ. Просто бесит жадность создателей фильма на фантазию в этом направлении .
Сергей кириллов Звёздные войны косплеят ВМВ, а там взлёт был "своим ходом", потому и вылетают там парами и четвёрками. БСГ косплеит уже современную эпоху, а там в основном катапультный взлёт, и авиагруппа поднимается за пару минут. Также и самолёты -- термин "сверхманевренность" родился не на пустои месте, да и создатели смогли проконсультироваться у знающих людей. Плюс, за это время сменился образ высокотехнологического оружия: вместо лазера это теперь рельсотрон, сиречь пушка, работающая на магнитах вместо пороха. Галактика, которую мы знаем -- на самом деле ремейк. Оригинал вышел в 1978 году, спустя год после Новой надежды. Так что БСГ можно представить как ЗВ, которые мы могли бы получить. Без турболазеров, светошашек и джиидаев со своими чудесами.
Сергей кириллов Ещё один момент: авиагруппа Галактики составляет 160 машин и 20 челноков (9 эскадрилий по 20 машин). В Крови и Хроме есть кадр, где она показана в зените своей мощи -- 68 орудий главного калибра, которые к тому же способны ставить заградительный огонь. Плюс 514 (!) металлорезок вроде АК-630. И это в размерах ИЗР, даже чуть меньше. Дайте ей щиты и она размажет повстанцев чуть ли не в одиночку. Пегас вообще имеет в полтора раза большую авиагруппу, плюс ещё может её заменять в походе -- были бы люди и время. При этом оба по техзаданию художникам -- чистые авианосцы, вроде Охотников из 3 эпизода.
My only disappointment was the destruction animation for the Executor-class; feels less than epic, (which I would hope all Dreadnaught classed vessels being destroyed would feel like...)
Yeah but it took forever to make so I doubt he'd 'fix' that. Besides, a real model would have 8k turbolasers alone. Let alone the regular laser batteries, point defence batteries.. ect. Not just too much work, but too much for the game. We will have to settle for what we have.
I think it might be some camera fuckery. In some shots it looks really skinny and in others it looks pretty wide. I can also depend on what resolution your/his monitor is as that can distort or warp an image.
Redeamable Grace the real thing wouldn't Even fit the screen cuz its almost 20km long (19.5km) and it only had around 4k turbolaser turrets if my lore is correct 2k on each side
"Intensify forward firepower!"
"too late!!!"
Cim City
*Both screaming*
“Piett... you fool!”
The initial broadside attacks were beautiful. A storm of turbo lasers.
Also, the song is Resist and Bite, by Sabaton (Heroes album), in case you didn't know.
Uhnrealistic im not the only one who listened to this song to then
They have a pretty great line-up of songs in the Heroes Album. Jeroen has also used Night Witches in a past video (pretty sure it was showing off the Eclipse).
Uhnrealistic Star Wars and Sabaton are a Match Made in Heaven
@@MarshalShayCormac LOL I was actually blasting Sabaton's single "The Last Stand" while playing EaW last night
This probably is the best battle I have ever seen in this game
Kalks battle of the super star destroyers
Should the Eclipse be able to make this 360°Superlaser Shots? Maybe I am biased but it doesn't seem right. Team Executor!
It shouldn't but game limitations I would imagine are what makes that happen. Team Assertor tho...
Jan K. In lore it was able to only shoot straight in front of the ship, it was like the Death Star only where the laser weapon is manually aimed compleatly
you can definitely limit firing direction, he did it with the Conqueror SD I think.
Since the ship is so large, to make it able to aim at ships properly would require it having a very high turn rate, which would make the ship itself overpowered, as it would then be unflankable.
I might try fiddling with giving it an ability that temporarily boosts turn rate and limiting the superlaser's firing arc, so every time you want to fire you have to pop the manoeuvring ability to aim.
The executor would never stand a chance against a eclipse. The executor is my favorite Star Wars ship, but it’s not even top 3 most powerful, while in one on one combat the eclipse is number 1.
In legends, the main weapon of the eclipse is able to destroy a SSD in one hit.
It's no fun when your entire ship goes in one blast. Most other ships are insta kills.
The Dutchman I do understand your decision from a gameplay standpoint. My opinion is that the main cannon is one hit insta kill but can't fire at 360°. Anyways magnificent work as always Dutchman.
MemtemEx I agree with you on the Eclipse being able to wipe out any known ship . However, we can all understand why Dutchman adjusted the Its firepower. Regarding the 360º forward fire angle, there's nothing to suggest that the Superlaser couldn't do so, i think that even if it's not 360º it could be close, if you remember, the DS Superlaser can do almost if not the same. From a tactical point of view, It would be strange if the engineers didn't come up we such a feature since the DS, Sovereign and the Eclipse are very slow to maneuver.
And lance a continent open down to the planet's core. Effectively destroying the planet as the innards spill out and destroy the world. Yes. It SHOULD destroy any ship in just one hit. But game limitations make that not a thing. Unless one really could just change the damage values to be super retarded. Like 10 octillion damage or something. But that number would prolly crash the game. But yes, the Eclipse class dreadnaughts, and the sovereigns were able to loldelete other dreadnaughts instantly.
It is possible to do so and no need to go up to the "octillion realm" lol, i did so in some of the mods I've played. I do something similar to the hypervelocity gun projectiles.
That is so cool, the way they broadside each other but I wish there was a way that for the Eclipse to turn in order to fire its main gun.
The music is epic for this vid! EXECUTOR VS ECLIPSE!
tbh I think the superlaser should have a few hardpoints that you can destroy to disable its' superlaser.
That One Lass I agree
even if not disable, at best maybe increase the recharge time? this way it makes the ship still a danger to large ships from the laser but gives you a better chance at surviving with more than frigates
This battle looks amazing but in my opinion maps should be brighter to let you see more details
In fact, sometimes it's impossilble to see not just the details, but anything. IMO lot of space maps are just unplayable because of that.
Okay, first off you have fucking awesome taste in music my friend!
Second, you just earned yourself a new sub! :D
God damn, seeing these two goliaths slug out against each other may be the best thing I've seen in a long time. The way the shots just pour between the two vessels is euphoric almost.
Beautiful! And it's Sabaton - Resit and Bite
Don't you just love how even when Disney tried to make a badass capital ship they couldn't even come close to matching the amazingness if the eclipse.
so, my son and me made a bet on which ship would win this, he bet on the super star destroyer, cause he had seen the two movies it was in, and din't know about the Eclipse, and thought it was weird looking.
needless to say, i now ha $5 more dollars than i did before.
I always thought the mod was a little bit too heavy on the lighting effects (usually it turns into floating black triangles with hitpoints), but that eclipse laser, damn!
i think it may be wise to rig the executor missiles so they fire straight up before seeking their targets, like they do on the space stations. small change but it would prevent the missiles from clipping through superstructure when the executor isnt at the lowest point relative to other ships
What a lot of people don't realize is that a fight between an Executor and an Eclipse is a lot less certain than they think. The Executor has considerably more conventional firepower, ie. turbolasers, ion cannons, etc. It is also much faster than an Eclipse, allowing it to stay in the superlaser's blind spots, while sporting similar shielding. While attacking an Eclipse head on is, of course, suicidal, an Executor managing to flank an Eclipse would have little trouble whittling down the formers shielding and then destroying it.
Survivability tactic. Send in a fighter squadron ahead of the SSD, and when the fighters get visibility on the Eclipse, drop out of hyperspace off her sides and open fire.
When the emperor is dead,but you don't know what to do
what song dd you us for this video?
Nice video! :D.
Im so glad to hear some Sabaton
Beautiful. I love it! I want to play it on my channel!
What's the song
Nothing better than Star wars and Sabaton
Nice vid love the game and love the music
The executor is an amazing ship.
sir how can I change shield point for ground vehicle in your mod?
Imagine the lag when you added support ships into the fight.
Lacri he has the beefiest computer support ships won't even matter
A sabaton ww2 music in a space battle.
Well why not!!
Star wars is heavily influenced by WWII, so it still fits
Battleoid tru
Eclipse's super laser should have a more limited range, like maybe a 30 or 90 degree range instead of 360?
And triple damage, al least
Awesome showdown!!
RIP to the executor
i cant fucking wait for this!
I cri evry tim.
i didn't think sabaton and star wars work together so well
I think it would be nice if the Eclipse had a few hardpoints that you could destroy and disable the superlaser just so it couldn't annihilate everything if given enough time.
Also Sabaton, always a good choice.
I hear sabaton. Why is the link to the song not in the description?
Beautiful. Hopefully you’ll have an animation if the ssd crumbling to pieces
Also what’s the song playing in the background
I have been really trying to find a video this dude made that involved one of these two ships demolishing a fleet, the whole time the song that was playing was that of the “Flying Dutchman” one of the key phrases was “by the time we tried to retreat, it was too late” I think!! Help me find it!!
Is the song from Five Finger Death Punch?
Is this the empire at war remake?
That it is, I'm the dev.
The Dutchman is it on steam?
The Dutchman badass work
Mr Skiffy No
How do you access the executor or eclipse in game I can’t seem to with the mod
I still think that the Executor class should use the victory cruiser missiles and not the basic concussion missiles. It would, A: Actually do damage to a target before the turbolasers delete half the hard points, and B: It would look really fucking cool. Cause 8 salvos of that all at once would be bitchin.
These are the Victory heavy conc missiles. They're just low range because if they had long range they would never arrive before turbolasers wrecked all hardpoints. Now it's used mostly as medium to close range anti fighter, and if a capital ship is unfortunate enough to wander that close to the ship they can help with that too.
So which factions get super star destroyers? Is it only the Empire?
CKR probably I don't have the mod but I'm just assuming
Jedi Wolf so far it’s only the Empire. I get kind of angry when he keeps adding these super star destroyers for the empire. Now the other factions are WAY out of balance
Mmmm Sabaton!
Omg this mod is epic.
You need a death clone. The original one should probably do with a a resize?
Would be cool to watch 2 SSD fight each other
The Loyal Tenno Loki SSD wins IMO.
Give the Executor a death animation like how it really fell. XD
A true clash of titans
Is This mod even playable in the steam version. i have the steam version
Also... could we possibly see an Assertor in the future? Cause that would be the bestest thing ever.
Alternatively, could we have the Executor class be an actual LINE of ships we could make? I'd love to have Terror. Cause invisible executor is just dumb an I love it.
How many ssd can you build in the mod?
2:13 good luck with that on a executor...
My thoughts exactly
The executor vs the eclipse? Not fair a single super laser bolt and the executor is dead
Watching the video: wtf it destroyed only the shield? In lore it should be able to one shot the executor class
What sabaton song is this? I don’t recognise it
Resist and bite...
The Random Heretek thank you
Dying in 1 shot is no fun from a gameplay standpoint.
Such power
0:59 bottom left you could've used the hypervelocity cannon!?
5:01 oh... well shi
How to add the ships?
what mod is this the only one I know has the eclipse is clearly not this
Wondering the same thing
Empire At War: Remake
Battleoid I know it’s the empire at war remake. I have the latest version but it’s not in it. I downloaded it from moddB.
Please upload it to the stema workshop
If only the SSD have a proper death anination where its tilt and crash but other than that the battle is orgasmic
He's probably working on the death clone. They take a while to rig up.
Executor vs. Executor in next video?
No one fucks with Tyber Zahn and gets aways with it.
So this mod is only for the GOG version of empire at war
BlueTheHedgehog not really I have it on steam
Really? What is it called. I looked it up on steam but nothing came up
BlueTheHedgehog no you have to go to moddb and there you download the files and follow the instructions
BlueTheHedgehog here you have a tutorial:
It was removed from the steam workshop and you have to manually install the mod for the steam version and enable it thought properties
I mean it's cool, but I don't think it's as intense a scene as say 10 procurator dueling an equal number of ships
I dont get the deathstar had anyone a awnser how to get him
This battel is insane 😃😍
Edit: I Got the deathstar im happy and this battel of Gigants is insane o my god 😃
it wasn't fair technically cause the eclipse had a few tiny escorts that could deal some damage to the executor
So epic😱
Sabaton !!!!!!!!!!
How to install this mod
steam work shop
Wow, rebels should of capture the eclisped when they had the chance, would of been better to use it at the battle of Endor
it is a shame that EAW doesn't have a ramming mechanic
Lilia Armoury even homeworld 2 had that
Меня в этой игре поражает до глубины души ,только одно - ну почему какая-то дешёвая поделка лучше выглядит чем самый лучший самый ожидаемый фильм года из серии звёздных войн . там в фильме нет ни единого эпичного сражения, которого так хотелось.
Сергей кириллов потому что в ЗВ исход сражений решали не суперкапиталы, вроде Затмения, а дюжина пилотов истребителей с километровой толщины сюжетной броней. За эпичными космическими сражериями лучше идти в ваху или Eve online. Ну и ещё Игра Эндера имеет неплохие сражения в космосе.
Andrew Bosko согласен но ведь можно было хоть немного порадовать фанатов ЗВ мощнейшей зарубой, а не только кучирявой душкой с понтовым красным мечиком и бабой что в вакууме не дохнит. Такое блин даже Вэйдеру не снилось....
Andrew Bosko вон хотябы вспомнить батл стар галактика вот там было реальное месиво и что интестно с флагмана всегда вылетали как минимум 30-50 истребителей с каждой стороны, а не 5 как в ЗВ. Просто бесит жадность создателей фильма на фантазию в этом направлении .
Сергей кириллов
Звёздные войны косплеят ВМВ, а там взлёт был "своим ходом", потому и вылетают там парами и четвёрками. БСГ косплеит уже современную эпоху, а там в основном катапультный взлёт, и авиагруппа поднимается за пару минут. Также и самолёты -- термин "сверхманевренность" родился не на пустои месте, да и создатели смогли проконсультироваться у знающих людей.
Плюс, за это время сменился образ высокотехнологического оружия: вместо лазера это теперь рельсотрон, сиречь пушка, работающая на магнитах вместо пороха.
Галактика, которую мы знаем -- на самом деле ремейк. Оригинал вышел в 1978 году, спустя год после Новой надежды. Так что БСГ можно представить как ЗВ, которые мы могли бы получить. Без турболазеров, светошашек и джиидаев со своими чудесами.
Сергей кириллов Ещё один момент: авиагруппа Галактики составляет 160 машин и 20 челноков (9 эскадрилий по 20 машин). В Крови и Хроме есть кадр, где она показана в зените своей мощи -- 68 орудий главного калибра, которые к тому же способны ставить заградительный огонь. Плюс 514 (!) металлорезок вроде АК-630. И это в размерах ИЗР, даже чуть меньше. Дайте ей щиты и она размажет повстанцев чуть ли не в одиночку.
Пегас вообще имеет в полтора раза большую авиагруппу, плюс ещё может её заменять в походе -- были бы люди и время. При этом оба по техзаданию художникам -- чистые авианосцы, вроде Охотников из 3 эпизода.
DAmn, with these behemoths theres not much space for skill, Eclipse is clear victor.
The Eclipse could not make 360 super laser shots, and the shield of eclipse will not be that strong.
Poor Executor.
maybe make some maps a bit lighter. It's hard to see the ships
Space is dark. If you think it's too dark, you can edit the maps yourself once the new version is out. Takes like 15 seconds to change the lighting.
My only disappointment was the destruction animation for the Executor-class; feels less than epic, (which I would hope all Dreadnaught classed vessels being destroyed would feel like...)
I thin the Eclipse was basically the HMS Dreadnought of Star Wars.
Aftrr her any battleship with a component beam superlaser was obsolete.
More the Bismarck, one shots everything and got destroyed before it was able to deal a lot of damage.
I couldn't see shit. Just a mass of green dots.
Your executor doesn't exactly look...proportionate. It looks too wide and too short
Yeah but it took forever to make so I doubt he'd 'fix' that. Besides, a real model would have 8k turbolasers alone. Let alone the regular laser batteries, point defence batteries.. ect. Not just too much work, but too much for the game. We will have to settle for what we have.
Settle for what we have?! The ONLY thing i sort off don't get are the Big long range cannons on the Executer.
Shenaniganizer in my opinion is perfect
I think it might be some camera fuckery. In some shots it looks really skinny and in others it looks pretty wide. I can also depend on what resolution your/his monitor is as that can distort or warp an image.
Redeamable Grace the real thing wouldn't Even fit the screen cuz its almost 20km long (19.5km) and it only had around 4k turbolaser turrets if my lore is correct 2k on each side