Not Gahyeon making me feel 1 million years old with the "vintage" camera 😭 It's so cute to see them hyping up Bon Voyage back then, knowing how good their promotions went
Lol, had the same thought to me it looks like a regular digital camera... I don't think she knows celluloid films used to be inserted in a camera... then she could really talk about the hassle of transferring pictures to a computer! lol...
no human can be that powerful , she really is a Dreamcatcher , the most Powerful ⚡, Magical ✨ and Beautiful 🌹 Being . she is above all : angels , fairies and wizards . May the Flame 🔥 of the Legendary Dreamcatcher , Bring Warm and Light , For all Time ⏳
Dreamcatcher is simply the Greatest Group in all of Korea 💯. The way they interact with InSomnia is PURE AWESOMENESS 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕,🐇🐥🐺😺🐕🐼🦊 InSomnia for Life 💙💙💙💙🌏🌎🌍💯.
That was soo cute to watch! DCC I hope a Japanese Album is coming soon. I really hope there's one in the making. It's been so long us Insomnia heard the girls sing any of their Japanese song. Look at the respond of Japanese fans during Dream Concert, they love the girls!!!!!!😊 Btw Lots of love for the Girls❤ semi love for DCC cause I feel you guys could do better to promote the girls during Bon Voyage era, so be better DCC😏 #JapaneseAlbumWhen
Such a very fun fan meeting. They perform all of their MUST song in it. Silent Night for Rave, Reason for the Concert Anthem, Chase Me & Good Night for reminder of the 2017 beginning + full moon&ober the sky as fan song. The spoiler also nice. Such a great event😁👍
It was so great to see you guys in person at the fan meeting. You were all so cute in your childhood outfits and the never-ending headbanging during "Silent Night" was epic! Thank you for being who you are and InSomnia will be with you forever!
10:51 Dami on all the songs on the new album , proves she is more than a Pro Rapper , she is the hidden ACE . Dreamcatcher A+ sides (DEMIAN , Propose) , sent me to the underworld ,
Her phenomenal killing part during the prechorus of Demian, as Dami screams “close your - EYES!” I feel like I’m about to burst into flames when I hear it, she’s incredible!
언니들과 함께한 순간들을 비하인드로 다시 보면 그날이 생생하게 기억나요🥹🩷이날 못 봤던 초창기 무대들도 보구 같이 게임도 하구 무대 아래로 내려와서 가까이서 보기도 하구 일어나서 같이 뛰어 놀구 너무너무 행복하구 벅차 올랐었어요😭🥰언니들과 함께 뛰어 놀아보는게 소원이였는데 그 소원 이뤘어요!!항상 제 메모리에 즐거운 순간들만 가득하게 해줘서 너무 고맙구 많이 사랑해요❤️❤️지금처럼 언제나 언니들 곁에 꼭 붙어서 오래오래 함께 할게요~!😘드캐 썸냐 포에버~~🫶🫶
rain Goddesses ~ Dongi did well even when her throat isnt in best condition. Silent night ending still rmb they repeated it so many times, dying of laughter watching online. forever with Dreamcatcher
They spends a lot of time and energy too in practicing those dance challenges. Before it was really fun but now there's just too much dance challenges out there and it already became part of the work instead of doing it for fun.
Idk if any of you seen or noticed but these performance were uploaded on 1thek youtube...under their special concert..but here it's from thr fan meeting 🤔🤔
내 선택에 달렸다고? 아니, 왕관만이 운명을 결정할 수 있어.
Ok what?
Not Gahyeon making me feel 1 million years old with the "vintage" camera 😭
It's so cute to see them hyping up Bon Voyage back then, knowing how good their promotions went
Lol, had the same thought to me it looks like a regular digital camera... I don't think she knows celluloid films used to be inserted in a camera... then she could really talk about the hassle of transferring pictures to a computer! lol...
Them talking about how it always rains when they do fan meet.
Me: water if life, Dreamcatcher is life
너무 행복한 공연이었어요. 전설로 남을 앵콜무대까지 크... 어서 또 만나고 싶어요.
드림캐쳐 이쁜이들 .. 눈에넣어도 안아프겠다. 잘돼라. 니들은 그럴자격이 충분하고 남는다..
I love how they dressed up as their kid selves. Its adorable
무대에서 내려와줘서 계단 앞에 앉아서 계속 놀라고 행복했던 추억이 있던 날이네요☺ 비바람도 썸냐들을 막을 순 없다~~~!😆
9:14 Jiu's part in Bon voyage 🤣❤️
내 인생의 사랑 🥺💟
항상 그들의 에너지를 사랑하고 불면증을 만나면 얼마나 유쾌한지~ ❤
I love how they always link arm with each other 🥰🥰
Dreamcatcher is always at its best and keep on fighting
얘들아 ~ 항상 건강하시고,DREAMCATCHER 화이팅 !
직관은못했지만 온라인으로 시간가는줄도모르고 같이즐겨서 좋았습니다!
드림캐쳐 꽃길만걷자~~!
no human can be that powerful ,
she really is a Dreamcatcher ,
the most Powerful ⚡, Magical ✨ and Beautiful 🌹 Being .
she is above all : angels , fairies and wizards .
May the Flame 🔥 of the Legendary Dreamcatcher ,
Bring Warm and Light ,
For all Time ⏳
They look so funny with their childhood clothes haha
11:15 저도 막차 놓친 줄 모르고 재밌게 놀았었어용 ㅎㅎ 광란의 Silent night때 제 몽몽이가 정신을 잃은것도 기억나네용 ㅎㅎ
I'm feeling really sas today, but seeing Dreamcatcher always makes me happy, thank you for everything my girls❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Dreamcatcher is simply the Greatest Group in all of Korea 💯. The way they interact with InSomnia is PURE AWESOMENESS 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕,🐇🐥🐺😺🐕🐼🦊 InSomnia for Life 💙💙💙💙🌏🌎🌍💯.
인생 가장 행복하고 즐거웠던 시간이 아니었나 싶은, 평생 잊지 못할 팬미팅이었습니다 ❤
기억이 새록새록 나네요 감사합니다!
That was soo cute to watch! DCC I hope a Japanese Album is coming soon. I really hope there's one in the making.
It's been so long us Insomnia heard the girls sing any of their Japanese song. Look at the respond of Japanese fans during Dream Concert, they love the girls!!!!!!😊
Btw Lots of love for the Girls❤ semi love for DCC cause I feel you guys could do better to promote the girls during Bon Voyage era, so be better DCC😏
9:42 ~ 9:52 와 이 부분 지금 들어도 감동이네요 ㅠㅠ
this entire members group is always great and very excellent and hope they will have new vlogs soon
They are so cute in those kid outfits! Also it makes me feel less bad about dressing my kids in exactly the same kind of eye blinding primary colors😅
어머 지유양 너무 예쁘자나요
엄청 신경쓰신듯 평소에도 예쁘지만 빛이나네
So lovely like always 💋 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 Fighting !
Love you Dreamcatcher Jiu Sua Siyeon Handong Dami Gahyeon Yoohyeon ♡
This was SO CUTE!!
Such a very fun fan meeting. They perform all of their MUST song in it. Silent Night for Rave, Reason for the Concert Anthem, Chase Me & Good Night for reminder of the 2017 beginning + full moon&ober the sky as fan song. The spoiler also nice.
Such a great event😁👍
You are one of the mood booster of my life❤❤
It was so great to see you guys in person at the fan meeting. You were all so cute in your childhood outfits and the never-ending headbanging during "Silent Night" was epic! Thank you for being who you are and InSomnia will be with you forever!
10:51 Dami on all the songs on the new album ,
proves she is more than a Pro Rapper ,
she is the hidden ACE .
Dreamcatcher A+ sides (DEMIAN , Propose) ,
sent me to the underworld ,
Her phenomenal killing part during the prechorus of Demian, as Dami screams “close your - EYES!”
I feel like I’m about to burst into flames when I hear it, she’s incredible!
4:45 Dami's laugh is addicting 😌
Dreamcatcher really are the best
i’m so in love with them😩🥹🫶🏻
I like Yoohyeon's hair in this! ❤
I love Dami.
I love Dreamcatcher.
7:45 유현아... 시간이 많았는데도 바지 거꾸로 입은거 창피해서 급하게 입다가 잘못입었다구 한거야?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
언니들과 함께한 순간들을 비하인드로 다시 보면 그날이 생생하게 기억나요🥹🩷이날 못 봤던 초창기 무대들도 보구 같이 게임도 하구 무대 아래로 내려와서 가까이서 보기도 하구 일어나서 같이 뛰어 놀구 너무너무 행복하구 벅차 올랐었어요😭🥰언니들과 함께 뛰어 놀아보는게 소원이였는데 그 소원 이뤘어요!!항상 제 메모리에 즐거운 순간들만 가득하게 해줘서 너무 고맙구 많이 사랑해요❤️❤️지금처럼 언제나 언니들 곁에 꼭 붙어서 오래오래 함께 할게요~!😘드캐 썸냐 포에버~~🫶🫶
1기 팬미팅에서 케잌 나올때 우리도 이런거 할수 있다고 너무 좋아 오열하던 쥬리더 생각나네요.
이제는 어느덧 2기까지.
0:40 Dreamcatcher company should release the official Dreamcatcher umbrella
Great idea
Jiu's stage energy > mong mongie durability 🗜
0:16 썸냐 이곳에 잠들다…
Them singing reason has me in tears 🥹🥹
잊을 수 없는 제 생애 최고의 팬미팅이었어요ㅎㅎ 지금도 그 때 기억이 새록새록
온라인으로 봤지만 즐겁고 행복했다
마뮤테 빼고
That is what she is ,
That is who they are ,
That is their symbol ,
조용한 밤 진짜 죽을 뻔 헣;
10:14 момент где джю ломает лайтстик всё таки попал в дкноут смеюсь >
OMG!!! I love them so much!!! InSomnia forever!!! ❤❤❤❤
Dreamcatcher fighting!❤
저곳에 내가 있었다니~~~~~~~~!!
현장 다녀왔어서
이미 다 아는거지만
그래도 또 보고나니 왜인지 모르게 눈가가 촉촉하네요😂
rain Goddesses ~ Dongi did well even when her throat isnt in best condition. Silent night ending still rmb they repeated it so many times, dying of laughter watching online. forever with Dreamcatcher
Best girls❤❤❤
Singie with shark hat , she so cute omg 🥺❤️
She can be fierce like in odd eye. But she can also be super cutey. Very flexible artist🐺👍
김유현 할아버지춤은 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ다시봐도 골때리네
저날진짜루 행복햇엇는뎅
리즌부띠끄 재오픈ㄱㄱ해
와근데 넘아련한데... 모지 겨우한달밖에안됫는데 왜이럴까 넘좋아서그런가
진짜 이날 너무 행복했음.. 체이스미에 굿나잇에 풀문에 심장이 두근두근 진짜
정말 행복했던 추억이 다시 떠오르는 영상ㅜㅠ
4:26 Bora does the Itzy Sneakers ^^
8:05 Minji does the FINKL To My Boyfriend ^^
드림캐쳐 잘 되게 해주세요...
Soooooo Cuuuuute!!
Confirmo con DREAMCATCHER nunca faltan las risas xd
Fujifilm make this Lee Gahyeon your BA
이런건 DVD나 블루레이로
평생 소장해야 하는데...
드컴이 발매 해주면 좋겠네.😅
4:30 hmmm
진짜 역대 최고 팬미팅이었어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 늦덕이라 못 들고갔지만… 다음엔 꼭 몽몽이 들고 갈겁니다.. 흑흑… 그래서 콘서트 언제라구영?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ❤❤
드림캐쳐 힘내세요. 드림캐쳐 화이팅입니다 ❤️ ❤
Dami doing Sonogong challenge is everything
Love you dream catcher ♥️
0:53 pretty Gahyeon
Together forever!! Forever love~
Siete proprio delle patatine carine 🥺🥺
They spends a lot of time and energy too in practicing those dance challenges. Before it was really fun but now there's just too much dance challenges out there and it already became part of the work instead of doing it for fun.
Ofc Jiu starts off flirting with Insomnina 😅
I wish to one day get to hear silent night live
너무 재미있었다ㅏ아ㅏ아아ㅏ아
Siyeon with the shark on her head, haha.
팬미팅 한번만 더ㅠㅠㅠ
i Love ❤️ Cheesy 🧀 JiU the most
드림캐쳐 가자 ❤😊
이걸 못간게 천추의 한이다
So that was the spoiler Sua was talking about lol 9:12
I love seeing all of you!💜🩵💜
Jiu : Rain mean blessed❤
0:17 Love Cheesy JiU ,
fallen for her
Слишком мило
와 우린 함께 있어가 스포였어?!
너므 재밌었어요…. 또 가고 싶당😭
Can't wait for their next -Halloween- Spooky Season event!
[Saturday 10/28 is a full moon hint hint]
The beat of the intro reminds me little bit of michael jackson songs
Dreamcatcher editor never mati gaya
I want to marry Dami 😂
Idk if any of you seen or noticed but these performance were uploaded on 1thek youtube...under their special concert..but here it's from thr fan meeting 🤔🤔