When you do the money grab make sure you use both hands and 10 fingers you will get the maximum amount of dollars that you can get or get your friend to help you with their fingers fingers so you double it to 20 fingers
That was a good tutorial but look what happened you did exactly what the programmers profiled you to do next time 300.00 do step betting go high low high low high low on each credit you will get more bonuses your 300 will go to 600 maybe a thousand 1,000 I can assure you this works I've gotten two handpays doing it this way also use 10 fingers on the money grab
This was the first game we ever played when we started our gambling journey. Super fun. And low volatility
Where u counting your spins ?
I love this game
When you do the money grab make sure you use both hands and 10 fingers you will get the maximum amount of dollars that you can get or get your friend to help you with their fingers fingers so you double it to 20 fingers
That’s a lie you only get how many picks it says you choose if it gives you 20 picks you can only choose 20 stupid
That was a good tutorial but look what happened you did exactly what the programmers profiled you to do next time 300.00 do step betting go high low high low high low on each credit you will get more bonuses your 300 will go to 600 maybe a thousand 1,000 I can assure you this works I've gotten two handpays doing it this way also use 10 fingers on the money grab