Thank you so much sheikh for this beneficial talk regarding wudu, which is taken for granted by most Muslims, in fact many spiritual leaders brag to keep single wudu all day. Jazakallah khairan
Assalam alaekum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.. Please, which is the best and hadith to back it up? In wudu, to wash the hands 3 times separately or to wash them together 3times.. Which of these is authentic?
Thank you. May Allah reward you and MayAllah Aazzawajjal forgive us and grant us Jannatul firdaus
Thank you so much sheikh for this beneficial talk regarding wudu, which is taken for granted by most Muslims, in fact many spiritual leaders brag to keep single wudu all day. Jazakallah khairan
JazakaALLAAHO Khayran Shiek Dr. YAssir Qadhi
Thank you
Dear mic
Please upload fiqh of wudlu that sheikh mentioned.Jazakallah
It is late. However, in any case here is the fiqh of wudu that our beloved shaykh Yasir Qadhi mentioned. :-)
Assalam alaekum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.. Please, which is the best and hadith to back it up?
In wudu, to wash the hands 3 times separately or to wash them together 3times.. Which of these is authentic?
What is the dua after wudu
Ashadu an Laailahaillallah Waashadu Anna Muhammadan abduhu warasuuluhu Allahumma jaalnii minattawwabiina wajaalnii minal muttatwahiriin
Fahad Hamza thank you