even though this comment was made 3 years ago...wow, fking rude much? your oppars can't even try to imitate this so better shut up. if you assume they imitate just bcuz you find they sound similar, you could research how this singer really sound before blurting out 'imitation'....the world doesn't revolve around your oppars.
트로트X 잘보고 있어요. 레이디스 다음 무대도 너무 기다려져요~
레이디스 흥해랏~ 응원할께요^^
10년만에 다시 들으러 와버렸네.
레이디스 최고! 요즘 뭐하고 계시나요? 보고싶어요.
헐 대박이다ㅠㅠㅠ 짱이에요
너무 멋지네요 많은 활동 부탁드릴께요~
트로트엑스보고 너무너무 팬됐어요 ㅠㅜㅠ!!!! 짱짱 멋져요 ㅠㅜ 응원합니닷!!!♥♥♥
this guy kinda sounds like jonghyun oppa
Yadira Torres They are AMAZING *_* I LOVE THEM!!
Wendy Goueth dude i saw this video and I love it!!!
this is magic
진짜 잘 부르네요
너무 깔끔하시다 ㅠㅠㅠ 하 음악성.... ㅠㅠ 완전 부럽습니당... ㅠㅠ
헠헐ㅋ헣커헠렄허ㅓ헠헠허컿컿커컿컼렄ㄹ커 헝헝헠허컿ㅇ컹허컼ㅎ엏컼ㅇ 이럴수가 헝컿컹ㅇ헠ㅋㅇ헠헝ㅇ컼어커헠엉컿ㅇ커헝헝헣거헉햐ㅏㄱ학햐갛가아악하악학악하갛가악학앟강헉흐가흐그후그흐그흑가그그으흥흐가흐으하그흑으흥ㄱ허엌커컹커흐흐킄거허어크허으카하그학흐어허카흐어엉카흐아그하그억그거엌흐가헉겈엉흫흫앙엏ㄱ클ㅇ학엌항 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅎ엌헠허엏긓긓갛앟아카앟ㅋ하카킇엌엉컼ㅇ컹ㅋ!!학헉허엏어항항허아어하어흐어흐어ㅗ캉럴카흐어카으허앜아으허아크허아흐어하으허아흐어커으허어허가허어어아어아아아아아아아앙앙앙아아앙아아앙하아항하앟아하아아앙ㅎ아아으앙흐아흐아흐앙아아응ㅎ흐아흐아흐아흐아아아으아흐아흐아으아아아아아앙하아하아하앟으하읗아흥하아앙ㅎㅇ항하아하앟앙ㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇ흐아하앙커컼커컼허커커허커헠커커커컼켜허컿커헠ㅎ컼헠헠ㅎ허컹컹컿어헝헝킁헝컹컹흐엉컹ㅋ컹ㅋ엉ㅋ헝크으허으겅아겅아어강아아ㅏㅏ앜엉캉ㅋㅇ커ㅏㅇ캉ㅋ어엉ㅋ아응하읗갛거아컹앙학ㅇ흥학헝학킁흑하거흑허캉ㅇ캌ㅇ헉흐거읗아억하어어엉ㅇ어어어어ㅓ어어어어어엉하앟ㅇ가학학하갛킁크읔허겋갛 ㅠㅠㅠ휴헝허엏어헠ㅇㅋ엉ㅋ헠엉ㅎㅋ엏컿엏어 ㅠㅠ 최고에요
daebak! the vocalist sounds a bit like jonghyun :)
Really love it!! :)) i'm already forgot the SHINee version lolll
awesome cover! ^^
hey, guys, you`re so cool! wow
i really like it
чувачки, вы супер kk~
우왕 쩐닼헣ㅋ헠헠헠
왜 댓글이 이거밖에 없음...?
Mmmhhh... To me not looks like a cover, but an imitation... A nice imitation of course...
even though this comment was made 3 years ago...wow, fking rude much? your oppars can't even try to imitate this so better shut up. if you assume they imitate just bcuz you find they sound similar, you could research how this singer really sound before blurting out 'imitation'....the world doesn't revolve around your oppars.