Liz Cheney hits back after Trump, House GOP target her over Jan. 6th Committee work

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,7 тис.

  • @finnjacobsen684
    @finnjacobsen684 3 години тому +554

    Learning from history? Not in the US (or in most of the rest of the world). The stench of fascism, oligarchy, and autocracy is thick in the air.

    • @welterprado757
      @welterprado757 3 години тому

      These next 4 years could very well be the end of the US as a world super power!!!

    • @t.r.campbell6585
      @t.r.campbell6585 3 години тому +18

      Yeah, but soon Joe and Liz, and all of the other scoundrels that we have had to put up with the last four years are going to be gone.

    • @fj5144
      @fj5144 2 години тому

      @@t.r.campbell6585 Yeah that will never happen, but you and the rest who have been duped and fooled will get the FO part of FAFO! Bruce Jenner barbie boi!

    • @fj5144
      @fj5144 2 години тому

      @@t.r.campbell6585 Have a great Christmas Bruce Jenner!

    • @g.p.b.
      @g.p.b. 2 години тому +6

      😂😂😂 please stop it😂😂
      No intelligent person believes that crap anymore. Trump is not going to retribute anybody

  • @pequodexpress
    @pequodexpress 2 години тому +85

    Such targeting is now domestic terrorism. Where are the prosecutions?

    • @jeffeastwood1051
      @jeffeastwood1051 33 хвилини тому

      This kind of attack is absolutely why co equal branches exist. Trump could end up impeached again.

  • @cecilelaforce3686
    @cecilelaforce3686 2 години тому +91

    Loudermilk and MTG can try to rewrite history all they want. But we know they're both nutjobs, with the critical thinking skills of a donut.

    • @emsleywyatt3400
      @emsleywyatt3400 Годину тому +9

      Hey, doughnuts are _way_ smarter.

    • @r.aidenbach5667
      @r.aidenbach5667 Годину тому

      And so it goes.... those nutjobs who voted for him are just as stupid.

    • @kkrolf2782
      @kkrolf2782 36 хвилин тому +3

      How is it that people’s “sir names” seem to TOTALLY spell out their true character?? “Loudermilk”?? Hmmm … someone who has no spine to stand up to evil (“milk toast”), but W I L L, loudly, act as evil’s mouthpiece.

    • @tree5013
      @tree5013 16 хвилин тому

      Texts are texts and emails are emails. Are you saying that Loudermilk wrote each one to try to entrap Cheney? Only a democrat like Liz Cheney would do that.

    • @dawnsmith9596
      @dawnsmith9596 6 хвилин тому

      @@tree5013 Liz Cheney is a Republican, unless you are saying the only people who tell the truth, love this country and love our democracy are democrats. Then yes, Liz Cheney is a democrat.

  • @LinnieBee1709
    @LinnieBee1709 2 години тому +55

    Chris Murphy rocks! Keep it going, Chris!

    • @malachi-
      @malachi- Годину тому


  • @marthacarrol780
    @marthacarrol780 2 години тому +43


    • @Jane-x6n
      @Jane-x6n Годину тому +3

      President Biden should grant full pardons to his hit list

    • @judithsmith9582
      @judithsmith9582 20 хвилин тому

      Seal team six

    • @lorettanericcio-bohlman567
      @lorettanericcio-bohlman567 3 хвилини тому

      Let er rip, Joe. Democrats need to quit bringing spoons to a knife fight…

  • @davidgiles9651
    @davidgiles9651 3 години тому +243


    •  2 години тому

      They desperately want to rewrite history. I think this will backfire because any trial will expose Trump to possible deposition and another PUBLIC recounting of the events and supporting evidence of his FAILED COUP.

    • @lambbrookfarm4528
      @lambbrookfarm4528 2 години тому

      indeed, talk about switcheroonie

    • @DebNielsen1958
      @DebNielsen1958 2 години тому +6


    • @williambell2234
      @williambell2234 2 години тому +6

      REAL TALK 💯💯💯

    • @Joseph-v5u7w
      @Joseph-v5u7w Годину тому +2

      every tape should be played as well. instead of being destroyed huh? ;-)

  • @katarinagem
    @katarinagem 2 години тому +112

    Thank you Senator Chris Murphy for speaking up!

    • @Lp78Ch
      @Lp78Ch 2 години тому

      Why?? He's lying, obviously.

    • @andreware7638
      @andreware7638 Годину тому

      Loudermilk and MTG don't get secret service protection and likely don't pay for private security.

  • @CarolDropla
    @CarolDropla 3 години тому +416

    Hoax? We saw Jan 6 by our own eyes! Coup, not hoax!

    • @artyfhartie2269
      @artyfhartie2269 2 години тому

      Televised live round the world. What more proof does an American need?

    • @swimminginthoughts
      @swimminginthoughts 2 години тому +9

      I'm still pretending it was a coup too!

    • @jeffsivak6197
      @jeffsivak6197 2 години тому +6


    • @JamieIngels
      @JamieIngels 2 години тому +3

      No you didn't

    • @robertmarmaduke186
      @robertmarmaduke186 2 години тому

      We also saw, as dusk set in , _three busloads of Antifa provocateurs let in behind the barriers_ then exhorting peaceful legal protesters into another 2019 Summer of Love. You remember, 'Mostly Peaceful Large Gathering' $10 BN in damages, loot, arson and mvrder.

  • @rmartin9459
    @rmartin9459 Годину тому +25

    Senator Liz we are with you!

  • @Diana-jx1ju
    @Diana-jx1ju 2 години тому +152

    Liz Cheney speaks and acts heroicly!

    • @halas7388
      @halas7388 Годину тому


    • @BattleshipAgincourt
      @BattleshipAgincourt Годину тому

      She voted with trump 99% of the time. She didn't commit treason but she sold out her constituents on behalf of her wealthy donors.

    • @malachi-
      @malachi- Годину тому +5

      Haha... Cheney lovers, the lowest of the low.

    • @MacchiatoSwirlGirl
      @MacchiatoSwirlGirl Годину тому +1

      She speaks with fork tongue... When has she shown up since to speak to the world that VP Spoke up too? Has she done any special appearances about the issues that were for the benefit of the American people and not Trump's, NO

    • @davidchoate512
      @davidchoate512 Годину тому +6

      Cheney ‘28

  • @alcrow1458
    @alcrow1458 3 години тому +80

    Loudermilk was giving "tours" of the Capitol to insurrectioinists just prior to the treason committed on Jan 6, 2021

    • @randyjordan5521
      @randyjordan5521 2 години тому

      There are numerous videos of Capitol guards calmly opening doors for the protestors, escorting them through rooms, and even praying with them.
      Some "treason."

    • @jeffsivak6197
      @jeffsivak6197 2 години тому


    • @sclogse1
      @sclogse1 2 години тому +5

      @@jeffsivak6197 And during those tours, panic buttons in democrats offices were disabled. Which means a CONSPIRACY.

    • @kathleenjeffrey8467
      @kathleenjeffrey8467 2 години тому


    • @raywhitehead730
      @raywhitehead730 Годину тому +1

      Who was convicted of treason.? Name that person.

  • @alcrow1458
    @alcrow1458 3 години тому +205

    Hello CNN. You call it retribution. We call it fascism. We seem to have a difference of opinion.

    • @romulanwarbird6600
      @romulanwarbird6600 2 години тому +26

      Morning Joe was the first to bend the knee.
      I no longer watch Morning Joe.

    • @sherrimccartymcmillen5124
      @sherrimccartymcmillen5124 2 години тому +5

      @@romulanwarbird6600I still like them. They never held back on Trump

    • @LocPhan-wt
      @LocPhan-wt 2 години тому +5

      Both is correct.

    • @charleslewis9871
      @charleslewis9871 2 години тому +2

      Both on the auction block

    • @terrier53
      @terrier53 2 години тому +8

      💯 Fascism

  • @horseaholic62
    @horseaholic62 2 години тому +35

    She needs to sue his A$$
    She’s got the receipts!

  • @RéjaneBrousseau
    @RéjaneBrousseau 2 години тому +23

    It is like people can’t make any difference now between right and wrong, lies and truths, reality and misinformation 😢

    • @theburtseoni
      @theburtseoni 2 години тому

      Just like Hunter, Dementia Joe and Kacklin Kamala

  • @lisabeecats
    @lisabeecats 2 години тому +132

    It’s very disturbing to see the sickness in the Republican Party. We all saw what happened on January 6.

    • @alextyshkevich8210
      @alextyshkevich8210 2 години тому

      Nancy Pelosi was responsible for security no one questioned her?

    • @jeffsivak6197
      @jeffsivak6197 2 години тому +3


    • @Joseph-v5u7w
      @Joseph-v5u7w Годину тому +3

      you only seen what they wanted you to see

    • @ronreagan-x5w
      @ronreagan-x5w Годину тому +4

      Where is msnbc's news on the 26 FBI confidential informants who were at the Capitol on January 6th who were not prosecuted?

    • @raywhitehead730
      @raywhitehead730 Годину тому

      You haven't Seen anything yet. Get your crying towel ready.

  • @kimberleeaverywilkins8089
    @kimberleeaverywilkins8089 3 години тому +208

    Why is he allowed to threaten people without any consequences but he can go after people thru lawsuits ?

    • @711Arigna
      @711Arigna 3 години тому +21

      I'm with you 100% on this.

    • @Lp78Ch
      @Lp78Ch 3 години тому +10

      Ever heard of libel?

    • @pancakeface5717
      @pancakeface5717 3 години тому +20

      Exactly. And Laura Trump is threatening how Felonious Don's FBI is going to nail people. I thought threatening people was illegal, too.

    • @commonsense3632
      @commonsense3632 3 години тому

      @@pancakeface5717 Don't break the law and you have nothing to worry about.

    • @dawnbailey4468
      @dawnbailey4468 3 години тому +8

      I thought it was a classified as a terrorist threat when you threaten someone the way he does but all my mistake he's above the law as any other Republican right

  • @cheryldeviveiros3695
    @cheryldeviveiros3695 3 години тому +129

    It’s amazing how these liars can say whatever they want and no lawsuits for defamation lies come to them When will we be done with this scourge

    • @lockwoodpeckinpaugh9252
      @lockwoodpeckinpaugh9252 2 години тому +2

      It's coming.

    • @theburtseoni
      @theburtseoni 2 години тому

      Kinda like the Russian Collusion hoax?

    • @robertmarmaduke186
      @robertmarmaduke186 2 години тому +4

      31 More Days, then we Turn the Page to the People's Choice and Actual DEMOCRACY

    • @MarshalRaelynn
      @MarshalRaelynn 2 години тому

      Hopefully some 1d1ot will buy this scourge of a network.

    • @inmyopinionjff2624
      @inmyopinionjff2624 2 години тому +23

      @@robertmarmaduke186 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Democracy got voted out when trump was elected.

  • @oliviajones1407
    @oliviajones1407 2 години тому +68

    Time for Democrats show up & show out hard! This is a fight for basic DEMOCRACY!

    • @jeffsivak6197
      @jeffsivak6197 2 години тому


    • @ord4r857
      @ord4r857 Годину тому

      November 5th 2024 didn't go so well for Democrats! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @user-zu5do6ri6r
      @user-zu5do6ri6r Годину тому

      @oliviajones1407 You weren't able to commit enough fraud to maintain your democracy.

    • @MacchiatoSwirlGirl
      @MacchiatoSwirlGirl Годину тому

      ​@@ord4r857not going to go well for you either

  • @Locos-e5z
    @Locos-e5z 3 години тому +285

    The next 4 years is gonna be the Golden Age of Corruption.

    • @Normalguy-e6j
      @Normalguy-e6j 3 години тому +12

      🙄🙄🙄 hope your tds clears up someday

    • @sherlockhomo-ph4su
      @sherlockhomo-ph4su 3 години тому +1

      ​@@Normalguy-e6jthere's no such thing as TDS. You made it up because you can't defend Trump's corruption.

    • @davidgiles9651
      @davidgiles9651 3 години тому

      It'll take 2 to destroy everything

    • @davidgiles9651
      @davidgiles9651 3 години тому +20

      ​@@Normalguy-e6jwhen your devotion does.

    • @karenlee2565
      @karenlee2565 3 години тому +26


  • @sharonirvine6233
    @sharonirvine6233 2 години тому +80

    No, Lara, you are the shame. God is good, but God is also going to judge us. We all witnessed what happened on January 6th, so we know what happened.

    • @K.L.M.Online
      @K.L.M.Online 2 години тому

      She’s just another loud-mouthed mob family member.

    • @jeffsivak6197
      @jeffsivak6197 2 години тому


    • @VictoriaGarrett-pd5fr
      @VictoriaGarrett-pd5fr Годину тому

      So explain please what happened on January 6th ? What are you referring to? Trump was at fault and assisted with the insurrection. It was his MAGA cult. I watched it live. Where were you?please step back and reassess or your brain is full blown MAGA much!

  • @darrylmatlock3064
    @darrylmatlock3064 2 години тому +125

    Liz warned us

    • @idkitall6804
      @idkitall6804 2 години тому +7

      You spelled lied wrong

    • @MarshalRaelynn
      @MarshalRaelynn 2 години тому +1

      She knew what she was doing before she did it. Now she's saying...
      I beg your pardon.

    • @roblambert3521
      @roblambert3521 56 хвилин тому

      Well too many in this country are stupid and voted for him. He tried to maintain power at all cost. He should be in a prison cell. Trump is Hitler 2.0. Who will come to save us no one. The first amendment of the Constitution is freedom of speech. We are looking at the fall of a great nation if we do not stand up to this THUG want to be dictator failure of a man.

  • @maryd9331
    @maryd9331 3 години тому +170

    I think he's out of his mind. Which makes him even more dangerous. He needs to be jailed in a rubber room!

    • @stevebeegreat
      @stevebeegreat 3 години тому +5

      Sweetie, lose the hate and drama. I was once like you and nothing I said ever came to pass.

    • @LittleSuisseGirl
      @LittleSuisseGirl 2 години тому +3

      @@stevebeegreatshoot, if these people paid attention they too would see nothing they ever claim comes to pass and all the Rights “conspiracy theories” actually prove true. These people are embarrassingly slow. 🤤

    • @g.p.b.
      @g.p.b. 2 години тому +2

      This just shows that you have some intelligence left. I welcome you to the light

    • @stevebeegreat
      @stevebeegreat 2 години тому +3

      @@g.p.b.thank you! The dems lost me when they wanted to ban bitcoin.

    • @randyjordan5521
      @randyjordan5521 2 години тому

      77 million American voters disagree with you.

  • @philmarturano3950
    @philmarturano3950 2 години тому +127

    I just pray that this country can survive this government of corruption under the trump administration

    • @mikediener5868
      @mikediener5868 2 години тому +1

      Es wird nicht so lange dauern wie wir alle glauben...!!!!!!

    • @theburtseoni
      @theburtseoni 2 години тому

      It survived Dementia Joe and Kracklin' Kamala somehow!

    • @mikediener5868
      @mikediener5868 2 години тому

      It wont take as long as we all beleave...!!!!

    • @charleslewis9871
      @charleslewis9871 2 години тому +4

      @@philmarturano3950 what corruption?

    • @dalebonifant4855
      @dalebonifant4855 2 години тому +2

      The corruption that stole your honor

  • @lincolnrounds283
    @lincolnrounds283 3 години тому +81

    Maybe ABC shouldn't pay him until he pays e Jean and NY state

    • @charleslewis9871
      @charleslewis9871 2 години тому

      @@lincolnrounds283 abc is smarter than you

    • @davewegener5049
      @davewegener5049 2 години тому +2

      Or maybe ABC could direct the payments directly to E Jean...

    • @stevebeegreat
      @stevebeegreat 2 години тому

      @@davewegener5049she needs that money for some drastic cosmetic surgery, that's a fact! ouch!

    • @IanHarrisComedian
      @IanHarrisComedian 50 хвилин тому +1

      @@davewegener5049 yes! My thoughts exactly

  • @LinnieBee1709
    @LinnieBee1709 2 години тому +29

    I love that both Cheney and Kinzinger are standing their ground against the orange mobster.

    • @anthonycudahy-ee8qy
      @anthonycudahy-ee8qy Годину тому

      He's not an orange mobster. Successful mobsters don't get convicted. Trump is unique in being the first and only orange collar criminal in history.

  • @iouel
    @iouel 2 години тому +12

    I don't care what he did anymore; they should have arrested him without bail, if they really wanted "justice".

  • @billykravtin9272
    @billykravtin9272 2 години тому +56

    For Lara Trump to invoke the name of God in these matters shows you just how godless she is. It truly is sickening.

    • @DebNielsen1958
      @DebNielsen1958 2 години тому +3

      Totally 👍🏻

    • @scottramsay7439
      @scottramsay7439 2 години тому +1

      Sorry, Lara. God is on vacation.

    • @TheBmco99
      @TheBmco99 Годину тому

      And your taking God would turn his back on you in a heartbeat, knowing you were a communist democrat

    • @emilschattner3407
      @emilschattner3407 Годину тому

      Isn't love "love thy enemies" one of gods guidelines ?

  • @Infinite-DivineLite
    @Infinite-DivineLite 3 години тому +56

    It is unbelievable to me that people do not know or understand the Declaration of Independence. We the people have the power to change the outcome of the Maga mess. Reading is fundamental. Knowledge is king. The Declaration of Independence is for We The People. “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it”. We the people have more power than he does.

    • @LorenSoman
      @LorenSoman 3 години тому

      Yes. It is time for a revolution.

    • @joscharf1080
      @joscharf1080 2 години тому +2

      How can we use it?

    • @idkitall6804
      @idkitall6804 2 години тому +1

      We the people just spoke… Hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha

    • @randyjordan5521
      @randyjordan5521 2 години тому

      LOL. If you believe that Trump shouldn't be installed as president, why did Joe Biden invite him to the White House immediately after the election to discuss the transfer of power?
      Do you hear about any Democrat politicians trying to prevent Trump from being inaugurated?

    • @robertmarmaduke186
      @robertmarmaduke186 2 години тому +2

      'Our right to abolish' was on 7NOV and we DID, by a People's Landslide. *Turn the Page!!*

  • @carlweis6707
    @carlweis6707 2 години тому +21

    These next 4 years will be even more consequential for democracy to show spine than 1972-74.

    • @user-zu5do6ri6r
      @user-zu5do6ri6r Годину тому

      @carlweis6707 That has been the past 40 years. So the next 4 years will be normal.

  • @abc123-t7o
    @abc123-t7o Годину тому +9

    Cheney and the Des Moines Register should both counter sue Rump for malicious abuse of the legal system, and they should also sue Lara Rump for defamation.

  • @lawrencesullivan3307
    @lawrencesullivan3307 2 години тому +42

    Going after a Cheney is a bad idea when her father is an astute political infighter who puts Trump to shame.

    • @jeffsivak6197
      @jeffsivak6197 2 години тому +2


    • @robertmarmaduke186
      @robertmarmaduke186 2 години тому +2

      And Cheney's an expert at mass mvrder of millions, don't forget that!

    • @theburtseoni
      @theburtseoni 2 години тому

      He is a senile old coot, who belongs on the same porch as James Carville, talking to themselves.

    • @RodgerHammond-z6l
      @RodgerHammond-z6l Годину тому

      Ok, explain how you think that can be proven?​@@robertmarmaduke186

    • @doricetimko5403
      @doricetimko5403 Годину тому

      Maybe her dad will take the Yambo man hunting

  • @betsymaher9489
    @betsymaher9489 3 години тому +133

    I am urging Congress to disqualify Trump from taking office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, as proposed by Congressman Jamie Raskin. I feel that trying to stop Trump's plans without stopping him from taking office is like a dog chasing its tail. Jessica Denson who successfully sued Donald Trump has a podcast called Lights On that promotes this idea. I feel that J.D. Vance should also be disqualified. I still want Kamala Harris to become our next president.

    • @DavidJ2222
      @DavidJ2222 3 години тому

      😂😂😂 f j b

    • @peggyhowle7191
      @peggyhowle7191 3 години тому +9

      Dream on never going to happen. Thank you Jesus we now have a real President Dinald Trump !!

    • @KennyRogersRoasters84
      @KennyRogersRoasters84 3 години тому +5

      Bahahaha yaaa ok

    • @sherlockhomo-ph4su
      @sherlockhomo-ph4su 3 години тому

      Unfortunately the corruption is so bad that the people who can stop Trump are often corrupt, too. Money in politics has officially destroyed the country.

    • @MoreThanYouTimesTwo
      @MoreThanYouTimesTwo 3 години тому +8

      @peggyhowle7191 poor little lost Peggy following an illusion

  • @thomasferris-l4j
    @thomasferris-l4j 2 години тому +59

    When Lara Trump said God, I expected her to burst into flames.🔥

  • @christinacampbell388
    @christinacampbell388 2 години тому +58

    That man should be held accountable exactly how he plans to do to Liz Cheney and all the others that don’t agree with him!

    • @theburtseoni
      @theburtseoni 2 години тому

      Do you really believe all that MSNBC tells you? the same folks who pushed the Russian Collusion hoax on Hunter's laptop?? Really??

    • @LastManStanding777
      @LastManStanding777 2 години тому

      Liz Cheney and everyone else who lied about Trump will now face justice. Remember no one is above the law not even lying Democrats

    • @Joseph-v5u7w
      @Joseph-v5u7w Годину тому

      nope she needs prison!

    • @rhondah1587
      @rhondah1587 Годину тому

      @@Joseph-v5u7w She's NOT the criminal, trump's crimes are blatant and obvious.

  • @cindinathans7590
    @cindinathans7590 2 години тому +15

    Lara Trump has no freaking clue what she is talking about! 🙄 EVER

  • @clarknienhuis8246
    @clarknienhuis8246 2 години тому +63

    Getting nominated for a seat in Trumps cabinet is like getting a seat at the cool table in the cafeteria of a mental hospital

  • @silviat4893
    @silviat4893 2 години тому +47

    Isn't this like we thought Russia treated reporters

    • @NoSuRReNDeR001
      @NoSuRReNDeR001 Годину тому

      Russia is CONNECTED komrade... its the BILLIONARES that paid MAGA influencers to spread PUTINS BS that partially got us here.

  • @investorswantedchannel8059
    @investorswantedchannel8059 2 години тому +33

    Cheney is a hero and we must all protect her!!!!!!!!! What is her crime MAGA??? Name it!!!

    • @charleslewis9871
      @charleslewis9871 2 години тому +3

      @@investorswantedchannel8059 witness tampering. Do your due diligence.

    • @jpierreboucher
      @jpierreboucher Годину тому

      @@charleslewis9871 You did yours? Tell me where are the evidences? And where are the evidences that the witness lied? And where are the evidences proving that Trump really tried to stop the mob on 601, that he didn't encourage it? And did you come to the conclusion the the mob was just a peacefull gathering of tourists on 601? If so, based on what evidence? Do you have images showing that peacefull gathering? Looks like you have a lot of due diligence to do. But when everybody will be silenced by the orange billionair after screwing everybody who disagreed with him, the time might come when he will pass the presidency to his son or his hot daughter, then you might think that you should have done that before! Because, if you did your due dilligence without ignoring important facts you would have seen that other than screwing people up, Trump didn't accomplish a lot of things. And one day, you, your family or your friends might be the ones who don,t agree with Trump anymore and be silenced! Are you sure that god will help you then? Don't be fooled, everything he puts in place is not to reinforce democracy but to put an end to it. That how it's been done through out history and nothing good came out of it!

    • @ronreagan-x5w
      @ronreagan-x5w Годину тому +1

      Where is msnbc's news on the 26 FBI confidential informants who were at the Capitol on January 6th who were not prosecuted?

  • @davidgiles9651
    @davidgiles9651 3 години тому +148

    Can't Biden use the newly granted immunity somehow ?

    • @lockwoodpeckinpaugh9252
      @lockwoodpeckinpaugh9252 2 години тому +16

      He's got 4 weeks to decide.

    • @charleslewis9871
      @charleslewis9871 2 години тому +5

      They pushed him out.

    • @swimminginthoughts
      @swimminginthoughts 2 години тому

      It's sad that the media has brainwashed you into thinking that presidential immunity is something that it is not.

    • @matthewfairchild3846
      @matthewfairchild3846 2 години тому +15

      Dems don't have the balls to do something like that

    • @theresamcdonald5709
      @theresamcdonald5709 2 години тому

      Joe hadn't committed any crimes that he needs immunity for! It's ONLY for official white house business!

  • @melodymerritt8419
    @melodymerritt8419 2 години тому +9

    Lara Trump? What a joke !!!!!

  • @steenrasmussen2371
    @steenrasmussen2371 3 години тому +63

    Liz Cheny stand on both legs.....she knov Trump.....thank you for being a human with big heart

    • @robertmarmaduke186
      @robertmarmaduke186 2 години тому

      Like Mika, a daughter of a mass mvrderer, I think Cheney's 'big heart' is her beer belly.

    • @theburtseoni
      @theburtseoni 2 години тому

      She has her dad's heart and ego- little heart and giant ego!

  • @Sticky-Situation
    @Sticky-Situation 2 години тому +28

    When we called him a fascist, this is why, and he hasn't even taken office.

    • @beataylorsdeeppinkecstasy9013
      @beataylorsdeeppinkecstasy9013 19 хвилин тому +1

      As Rachel Maddow has said, if Trump doesn't like being called fascist, then he shouldn't act like one.

  • @wesleywashington1251
    @wesleywashington1251 2 години тому +31

    There should be a legal way to disqualify a president-elect before he takes office based upon his actions. There's no sense in allowing one man to cause this much trouble in a country of 330 million. The president is supposed to serve the public. Not rule through fear and intimidation. Once the citizens realize they've made a mistake, they should be able to reverse course for the good of the nation.

  • @WhirlOmar
    @WhirlOmar Годину тому +6

    The media needs to MOCK AND LAUGH at these Republicans. They are living in an alternate reality. Enough with behaving like well mannered reporters. They should see that has gotten them nowhere but on the losing side.

  • @EricVasquez-bu3mt
    @EricVasquez-bu3mt 2 години тому +60

    Liz Cheney Fight Back On Donald Trump Liz Cheney Said Donald Trump Shut Up

  • @LarryHerrera-l3b
    @LarryHerrera-l3b 2 години тому +56

    I hope and pray Ms. Cheney beats Trump in this and that justice will prevail.

    • @jeffsivak6197
      @jeffsivak6197 2 години тому


    • @lassmt
      @lassmt 2 години тому

      So you want a congressional member to be able to tamper with witnesses? What she did in any legal case would at least have her disbarred. You think she should get a pass because she was in congress?

    • @MarshalRaelynn
      @MarshalRaelynn 2 години тому

      She will enjoy justice. Three hots and a cot.

    • @patriciac.847
      @patriciac.847 2 години тому

      She will. It's frivolous!

    • @LoreneSeman-r9y
      @LoreneSeman-r9y 2 години тому

      it will come at a huge financial cost, not to mention stress that will shorten Liz life. biden needs to pardon liz and anyone who testified against trump. he can issue a blanket pardon

  • @carolbenjamin1210
    @carolbenjamin1210 Годину тому +5

    Any competent impartial judge would immediately dismiss these as "frivolous".

  • @tinat.4508
    @tinat.4508 2 години тому +24

    Watched Jan6 live for 6 hours.. watched all 9 Jan6 Hearings live.. and I would recommend anyone in doubt about what happened to watch all the 9 hearings in its entirety.
    Edit: You can find all 9 Hearings on Brian Tyler Cohen.. and as a note all that testified were republicans

    • @ronreagan-x5w
      @ronreagan-x5w Годину тому +1

      Where is msnbc's news on the 26 FBI confidential informants who were at the Capitol on January 6th who were not prosecuted?

    • @ronreagan-x5w
      @ronreagan-x5w Годину тому

      You only saw what they wanted you to see.

    • @ord4r857
      @ord4r857 Годину тому

      OK good, so you did see the Police giving guided tours to unarmed "Insurrectionists". Or did Liz and the others hide that evidence?

    • @user-zu5do6ri6r
      @user-zu5do6ri6r Годину тому

      @tinat.4508 If you watched the hearings, you also saw that they were a false.
      The information was cherry picked to create a false insurrection narrative.

  • @Pdf258
    @Pdf258 2 години тому +36


    • @raywhitehead730
      @raywhitehead730 Годину тому +1

      Don't you love it.? 4 years of Trump. Do you take heart medication?

    • @VikingJack-il4hw
      @VikingJack-il4hw Годину тому

      You're a stain in Joe's diaper 😊

    • @anthonycudahy-ee8qy
      @anthonycudahy-ee8qy Годину тому +1

      We can scrub away a stain. Getting rid of his stench will be as successful as Greek mythology King Sisyphus inability to roll that boulder to the summit. The obvious difference, other than complete failure, is Trump would have his caddie, who he calls Troy, even though his name is Eric, to perform the labor.

    • @ronreagan-x5w
      @ronreagan-x5w Годину тому

      I'm glad I'm not a brainwashed TDS sufferer.

  • @TheSurfheart
    @TheSurfheart 2 години тому +11

    I despise Trump with every fibre of my being

  • @joseph-ow1hf
    @joseph-ow1hf 2 години тому +21

    There needs to be a legal defense fund set up for his targets. Not all of them have deep pockets which is part of his game.

  • @RalphHightower
    @RalphHightower 2 години тому +35

    Some voters are single-issue voters, be it second amendment, pro-life, or women's rights
    This year, I was a single-issue voter. I voted for democracy. Prior to the election, I had concerns for democracy. Post-election, I have fears for democracy.
    I am "the enemy within".

    • @emilschattner3407
      @emilschattner3407 Годину тому +2

      well, now we will have a single issue again, surviving the next 4 years !

  • @VisionControl1998
    @VisionControl1998 2 години тому +7

    I hope America enjoys the dictator they voted in.

  • @icecreamheadache3111
    @icecreamheadache3111 2 години тому +30

    Lara's getting a little long in the tooth for a Trump wife. I wonder if she's picked out her embassy yet.

  • @HaiaSimone
    @HaiaSimone 3 години тому +67

    Fight Liz Fight!!!!!

    • @commonsense3632
      @commonsense3632 3 години тому +7

      Thats what her dad told US soldiers while they died and he made millions.

    • @jeffsivak6197
      @jeffsivak6197 2 години тому


    • @williamroyer4669
      @williamroyer4669 54 хвилини тому

      She's keeping Donald up at night 😴

  • @karenlee2565
    @karenlee2565 3 години тому +35

    Cheney will win!

    • @commonsense3632
      @commonsense3632 3 години тому

      Just like she won her re-election?

    • @malachi-
      @malachi- Годину тому

      Just like Kamala. 😂

  • @KarynFlynn-cn1sg
    @KarynFlynn-cn1sg 2 години тому +20

    This is so awful, I hope Biden gives them all pardons just to save them time and money and stop Trump. It’s going to be a long four years!

    • @randyjordan5521
      @randyjordan5521 2 години тому +1

      "Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt."---Adam Schiff, 2020.

    • @jeffsivak6197
      @jeffsivak6197 2 години тому


    • @Don_ECHOguy
      @Don_ECHOguy 2 години тому

      They won't need a Pardon as they did nothing wrong, they were all following constitutional law.

    • @HWilliams-c8e
      @HWilliams-c8e 2 години тому

      He would pardon them if their last name was biden - they broke the law, lost and are now fearing retribution

    • @toddlukaszewski1405
      @toddlukaszewski1405 Годину тому

      It'll be a lot longer than 4 years 🎉

  • @EllenDiSanti-zl4nr
    @EllenDiSanti-zl4nr 2 години тому +28

    Liz Cheney is respected among Republicans and Democrats. She warned us, and supported democracy. Liz is a role model for young women. I admire her.

  • @thomasl486
    @thomasl486 2 години тому +41

    Trump WILL go down !

    • @jeffsivak6197
      @jeffsivak6197 2 години тому +3

      Like how ? 😂😂😂😂

    • @TuanTran-kh9kk
      @TuanTran-kh9kk 2 години тому +1

      Trump will clean up the swamp😅😅😅

    • @Maria-ue2qd
      @Maria-ue2qd 2 години тому +1

      You wish😅

    • @user-eb9pv4dw5p9
      @user-eb9pv4dw5p9 2 години тому

      @@TuanTran-kh9kk Вы - герой родины.

    • @HWilliams-c8e
      @HWilliams-c8e 2 години тому

      Possibly- but only after these other lawmakers (in this case lawbrakers)

  • @dannybagley9424
    @dannybagley9424 3 години тому +24

    The 'thing' is imploding. His malignant narcissism causing him to go insane because of the pressure on his lies and weakness.

    • @lockwoodpeckinpaugh9252
      @lockwoodpeckinpaugh9252 2 години тому +1

      Vance will declare the 25th Amendment and really take over.

    • @randyjordan5521
      @randyjordan5521 2 години тому +1

      You sound like you have personal experience with insanity.

    • @jeffsivak6197
      @jeffsivak6197 2 години тому +1


    • @jeffsivak6197
      @jeffsivak6197 2 години тому


    • @scottramsay7439
      @scottramsay7439 2 години тому

      After Vance and the cabinet "25" him, the cult will go to war again on his behalf and will make Jan 6 look like the Swiss picnic. Time to polish the gates and oil the hinges at Gitmo.

  • @EMendonca-mp2mf
    @EMendonca-mp2mf 3 години тому +98

    Trump told his followers that he was going to the Capitol and meet him there. 😂. They believed him.

    • @TaytesHuugeCaulk
      @TaytesHuugeCaulk 3 години тому +11

      That reminds me of his "suckers and losers" comment.

    • @commonsense3632
      @commonsense3632 3 години тому

      And now he is your president!!!

    • @johncoleman3073
      @johncoleman3073 3 години тому

      MAGA Manipulating All Gullible Americans
      The sad bunch of loosers that will drag America down.

    • @idkitall6804
      @idkitall6804 3 години тому +1

      Yeah it’s funny how the Chaos started 40 minutes Before Trump’s rally was over
      Hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha

    • @sherlockhomo-ph4su
      @sherlockhomo-ph4su 2 години тому +3

      @@EMendonca-mp2mf he also told them he wouldn't golf 😆

  • @H444-f2c
    @H444-f2c 2 години тому +12

    We're behind you Liz!!!

  • @OatmealPancake-ej8ky
    @OatmealPancake-ej8ky 2 години тому +24

    we stand with LIZ CHENEY!!

    • @Joseph-v5u7w
      @Joseph-v5u7w Годину тому

      Speak for yourself, she needs prison time!

    • @williamroyer4669
      @williamroyer4669 52 хвилини тому

      ​@@Joseph-v5u7wfor what ?

    • @Joseph-v5u7w
      @Joseph-v5u7w 46 хвилин тому

      @@williamroyer4669 Watch something besides MSNBC and you'll know ;-)

  • @randallreinhart
    @randallreinhart 2 години тому +25

    Senator Murphy........ BRAVO for YOU SIR!!!!!!🎖

  • @stevestreet4402
    @stevestreet4402 3 години тому +12

    The nomination of Linda McMahon makes so much more sense now, this regime is looking more and more like a WWE plot line.

    • @robertmarmaduke186
      @robertmarmaduke186 2 години тому

      LM has a Teaching degree and working in several Education administrations as well as running a major national venue. 'Dr Jill' taught elementary school English, that's her 'quals'.

  • @GracieLang-ny4ec
    @GracieLang-ny4ec 3 години тому +79

    Liz Cheney is not a Criminal 😂😂😂😂

    • @melodyjanes9141
      @melodyjanes9141 3 години тому +19

      Exactly she has class and did the right thing and now people who committed treason are trying to lock her up. Despicable

    • @fletcherreed3259
      @fletcherreed3259 3 години тому +6

      Yes she is. Just watch

    • @michaeljones3290
      @michaeljones3290 3 години тому +3

      @@melodyjanes9141 🤣🤣

    • @sergeant_salty
      @sergeant_salty 3 години тому +4

      Lock her up!🇺🇸

    • @Traisie
      @Traisie 3 години тому +6

      And shes not afraid of him.

  • @StephanieS3062
    @StephanieS3062 2 години тому +30

    I don’t care if it make me woke but I love Liz Cheney. That she abides by the republic, truth . She is a patriot that we need in our democracy

    • @veldabehrendt2368
      @veldabehrendt2368 Годину тому

      not true

    • @maharajjinkb7824
      @maharajjinkb7824 Годину тому

      No. Cheney was part of the never-Trump gang, a faction of neo-conservatives who used to have influence in the Republican Party. Trump and MAGA represented a hostile take-over of the Republican Party by a national populist movement.

  • @68arclight
    @68arclight 3 години тому +42

    Trump and his acolytes rewriting history. Who'd have thought?

    • @commonsense3632
      @commonsense3632 3 години тому +3

      Check how many times they had to rewrite history in Joes speeches.

    • @fletcherreed3259
      @fletcherreed3259 3 години тому +1

      What are you talking about

    • @WTaylor-b5y
      @WTaylor-b5y 2 години тому

      History is written by the winners. Or their acolytes.🖕🏻

    • @theburtseoni
      @theburtseoni 2 години тому

      Kinda like the Russian Collusion hoax brought to us by Hillary C?

  • @dharmageek3732
    @dharmageek3732 2 години тому +6

    How can we let this happen to our country? Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aide of their country. Anyone who ever took a typing class in the 70’s and 80’s typed this exercise sentence. Well? Now is the TIME! We need to take a lesson from our South Korean allies.

  • @tomturnipseed2541
    @tomturnipseed2541 2 години тому +6

    I could never get 'accustomed ' to prosecuting someone such as Liz Cheney!! This is not normal and I cannot understand why Trump isn't arrested for treason and / or insurrection!!!

    • @Jane-x6n
      @Jane-x6n Годину тому

      Because he's trump

  • @les0101s
    @les0101s 2 години тому +22

    Lara is almost as crazy as Trump. Or I should say, she says crazy things like Trump does. They both know they're lying.

  • @dannybagley9424
    @dannybagley9424 2 години тому +9

    Inflation is rising, the Stock Market is going down, and the world is stepping back to see just how much of a crash the 'thing' is creating.

  • @jimwilliams181
    @jimwilliams181 3 години тому +18

    Well, the America people ask for it, and now they are getting it. We are in big trouble, folks.

    • @mariarobles6805
      @mariarobles6805 2 години тому +1


    • @theburtseoni
      @theburtseoni 2 години тому +2

      So Kacklin Kamala would have been better??

    • @emilschattner3407
      @emilschattner3407 Годину тому

      Sometimes we need troubles for a wakeup call.

    • @malachi-
      @malachi- Годину тому

      You live in fear, huh.... quit watching this junk.

  • @kellieconomos6962
    @kellieconomos6962 2 години тому +6

    Four years of chaos wow.

    • @peraltaisrael2598
      @peraltaisrael2598 2 години тому

      So what the he ll are we passing through? We have Russia about to launch a nuclear bomb or china about to invade Taiwan… or the middle east a fu kin mess. … what?

    • @malachi-
      @malachi- Годину тому

      No... the Right is Order, the Left is Chaos... look it up.

    • @malachi-
      @malachi- 56 хвилин тому

      That's why whenever the Left gets in power, they have to try to do nothing but tear up this country from the inside out, it's called brainwashing..

  • @Geblorg
    @Geblorg 2 години тому +4

    I am not a Republican, but I could vote for Liz Cheney.

  • @fletcherreed3259
    @fletcherreed3259 3 години тому +9

    No one is above the law right?

    • @beth2272
      @beth2272 2 години тому

      I don't know about that tRUMP sure seems to be above the law - if you have power where people are afraid to go against you and you have some judges who aren't afraid to say that you are not to be held accountable for your actions then it seems to me you can do just about anything. The next four years ought to be quite interesting and sad for this country

  • @JKSinTO
    @JKSinTO 2 години тому +3

    It will be up to the independent media and the People.

  • @TheCNYMike
    @TheCNYMike 2 години тому +4

    I will never accept that this is normal. Too bad Joe and Mica already gave in. When are they going to Fox News again?

  • @jldlott
    @jldlott 3 години тому +10

    Loudermilk has no law degree or State Bar. Why is Loudermilk making legal conclusions without having facts to support the allegations?

    • @lockwoodpeckinpaugh9252
      @lockwoodpeckinpaugh9252 2 години тому

      The oligarchs have lots of lawyers and money.

    • @typerkins7122
      @typerkins7122 2 години тому +1

      I think you answered your own question in the your first sentence.

    • @jldlott
      @jldlott 2 години тому +1

      @@lockwoodpeckinpaugh9252, lawyers can lose their licenses if they abuse their powers. See Giuliani and many other Trump lawyers.

  • @davidclifford5393
    @davidclifford5393 Годину тому +2

    This is what happens when you put the inmates in charge of the prison.

  • @annewilliamson4831
    @annewilliamson4831 2 години тому +9

    Senator Chris Murphy really tells it like it is.

  • @lindahale5388
    @lindahale5388 2 години тому +3

    I was a strong MSNBC and CNN viewer prior to the presidential election, however have had to turn off both due to the 24/7 coverage of dtrump for the past several years, never ever highlighting any of Biden’s accomplishments. I’ve turned to Meidas as a preference. If enough of us see the writing on the wall perhaps the oligarchs will be voted out of office in two years. Wake up America

  • @justinmolinari229
    @justinmolinari229 3 години тому +15

    What part of 1/6 was a hoax Laura?

    • @jeffsivak6197
      @jeffsivak6197 2 години тому


    • @scottramsay7439
      @scottramsay7439 2 години тому

      Oh, you know, the animations, the artificial intelligence, all those FBI agents attacking police and chasing members of Congress through the halls -- yeah, all that live video being pumped into our living rooms -- all fake. Sure, Bill.

    • @ronreagan-x5w
      @ronreagan-x5w Годину тому

      Where is msnbc's news on the 26 FBI confidential informants who were at the Capitol on January 6th who were not prosecuted?

  • @Ripmoment
    @Ripmoment 3 години тому +5

    If something happens to Liz Cheney, there will be coveted yet expansive retaliations.

  • @estellaz3391
    @estellaz3391 2 години тому +5

    If they really indict her for no good reason , I will definitely donate to her defense funds

    • @jeffsivak6197
      @jeffsivak6197 2 години тому


    • @karigunderson5284
      @karigunderson5284 2 години тому +1

      @@jeffsivak6197 Why are you here?
      Don't you have anything better to do with your life?

  • @BennyGacct
    @BennyGacct 54 хвилини тому +2

    Where is President Biden? Why does he not Parton her and the rest of the people who try to defend democracy?

  • @DebNielsen1958
    @DebNielsen1958 3 години тому +16

    He is not to be sworn in

    • @LittleSuisseGirl
      @LittleSuisseGirl 2 години тому

      More delusion from the left y’all. When has anything y’all ever said been true? It’s literally been years.

    • @robertmarmaduke186
      @robertmarmaduke186 2 години тому +2

      The People's Choice! We Turned the Page! This is what REAL DEMOCRACY looks like.

    • @charleslewis9871
      @charleslewis9871 2 години тому +1

      @@DebNielsen1958 are you planning something?

    • @jeffsivak6197
      @jeffsivak6197 2 години тому


    • @robertmarmaduke186
      @robertmarmaduke186 Годину тому

      @@charleslewis9871 CA has declared H5N1 Avian Favci Emergency Lockdown. This will spread fast after December 20th allows unlimited UAVs over our homes. "What's that white powder coming out of it?" *GET TO THA CHOPPA!*

  • @TerryHarris-x8r
    @TerryHarris-x8r 2 години тому +3

    I got 7 words for you "The Justice System allowed it to happen" !

  • @ontopthestove
    @ontopthestove 3 години тому +14

    I love cheney!!

  • @mikedziak2759
    @mikedziak2759 2 години тому +3

    This is the reason presidential immunity should come with strings attached. Such as not being able to punish political rivals and past judgements and committee judgements.

  • @1024Pete
    @1024Pete 2 години тому +4

    Why the shock and awe? Trump is doing what he said he what do and what others have warned. 75 million voters gave Trump the thumbs up while foreign leaders were giving him the middle finger. What fun🙄

  • @renatecox7673
    @renatecox7673 2 години тому +3

    Stay strong Ms. Cheney.

  • @dqx_stinger2514
    @dqx_stinger2514 2 години тому +4

    Loudermilk was involved in jan6

  • @smyrna765
    @smyrna765 2 години тому +5

    We saw it, lady! 😮 LT is a delusional person. Do they think we are blind!

  • @TaytesHuugeCaulk
    @TaytesHuugeCaulk 3 години тому +27

    Is Marjie still going to release the Epstein files and SA settlements of Trump and the Republicans?

    • @RonaldWuerch
      @RonaldWuerch 3 години тому +2

      🤣🤣🤣You are not very smart.

    • @LittleSuisseGirl
      @LittleSuisseGirl 2 години тому

      @@RonaldWuerchright, I come here just for those comments. I’m assuming they rode the slow bus. 🥴

    • @swimminginthoughts
      @swimminginthoughts 2 години тому

      ​@@RonaldWuerchThe other Tates Huge Caulk account is much more intelligent and funny.

  • @Ichabods_Shadow
    @Ichabods_Shadow Годину тому +1

    These people are way worse than crazy! This is exactly what a cult looks like. We've just never seen it occur on such a massive level. I truly feel sorry for the people under his spell. I hope their hate keeps them warm at night. I'm on the right side of history and that's the only person I am responsible to please.

  • @north335
    @north335 2 години тому +3

    The Republican who were on that committee are the only Republicans I would consider voting for in 2028.

    • @ronreagan-x5w
      @ronreagan-x5w Годину тому

      Just because they are anti-Trump?

  • @6j6666
    @6j6666 Годину тому +1

    Abc waffling didn't do anyone any favors.

  • @jilllehmann2657
    @jilllehmann2657 3 години тому +3

    This is all being done with the help and acceptance of Congressional members. It is the responsibility of the congress to stop trump! Is this what people signed up for?

  • @alexcarpini8703
    @alexcarpini8703 Годину тому +2

    We are witnessing the decline and demise of democracy in America.
    How sad that the City on the Hill has already seen its best day.