Does the temperature guage go when you evolve your heat resistance to max? Ive noticed as ive levelled that up i can survive longer in colder areas in which i couldnt in lower levels. So i assume the max level of silver/gold will be no freezing at all.
What is the next stage after you finish the winter level?
It isnt ranking position. So we arnt playing against other players. Its an algorithum on how many you collect. And how often
Does the temperature guage go when you evolve your heat resistance to max? Ive noticed as ive levelled that up i can survive longer in colder areas in which i couldnt in lower levels. So i assume the max level of silver/gold will be no freezing at all.
I'm not at max yet. I don't know what's happened to my guage... It just disappeared! I'm not complaining bu I honestly have no idea why it disappeared
How did you get immunity to the cold? I have more ice resistance than you yet I still take damage like no tomorrow don’t get it haha
Are the upgrades in evolution in the ice area next to farms random?
I don't think so
How did you get rid of the temperature gauge on the left side? I'm already level 13 and still suffer freezing sometimes😮
I have no idea. Since the last update it disappeared. I'm not complaining though!
How to trigger ads? I need to watch ads to get extra item
The ad appears in the bottom left of the screen. The item varies every time. When it's the one you want, click on it
why can I buy delivery men only for crystals, and you just for meat?
I've been asked this before and in honesty I don't know! Whether it changes after a few purchases I can't remember
So are the amplifies useless? What are they used for?
They open the reactor, furnaces and portal. Once they're open, the amplifiers do nothing
How do you get the game to run on its own?
I turned my screen Idle feature off then just left it on. It was still on it the morning
What does the other world look like⁉️⁉️
That's not open yet. It says in the future
Я только на 12 уровне , мне ещё долго фармить, и ещё не нравится долго добывать опыт
Sorry but I don't understand
Могу накрутить кристаллов если нужно
Только если у тебя андроид а не айос
Onde consegue desbloquear a SECRET MINE of Green gems?
alcanza el nivel 15 para desbloquear al jefe con mucho dinero y luego mátalo. él te da la llave
That was via Google translate 👍
How long you play the game
Just over a year