@@weitnerscheckanberden4405 The Japanese government also, like the Chinese government, promoted not to have too many children, even though it was not a policy. とはいえ生まない判断をしたのはあくまで当時の人たちだけどね
@@名字名前-s8t your saying the same thing twice, your analogy does not make sense at all. Japan has always been Japan, because the same emperor family has been around for about 2000 years. SO Tokunaga is not acceptable in the first place, should be Japan according to China dynasties shown in this video. Additionally, London should not be england in the old days. It should be the names of dynasties.
I was really surprised about Angkor and Oyo Ile. While I knew they were large urban centers, I didn't know (especially for Oyo) that they were at one point one of the largest cities on earth. Wow
That was my surprise too, how the biggest cities on the planet were 150k at one point. Obviously that's not small in any era but crazy just how miniscule and overly isolated so much of the world was
@@MustraOrdo Someone mentioned Alexander Fleming. His discovery of penicillin and other medical discoveries probably had a far greater influence in population growth.
@@ForeverFunGames24 There was no "Istanbul" back then. The official Ottoman name was Constantinya after Constantinoupolis = Constantinople. The current name of the city became official less than 100 years ago. You cannot erase history.
I knew there will be cities from my country and my close neighbours: 1:09 - 1:56 Merv (Seljuk), nowadays known as Mary (Turkmenistan) 3:49 - 4:07 Samarkand (Timurid) nowadays the city name is the same in our neighbour country Uzbekistan
4:52 The Ayutthaya Kingdom or the Empire of Ayutthaya was a Siamese kingdom that existed in Southeast Asia from 1351 to 1767, centered around the city of Ayutthaya, in Siam, or present-day Thailand.
Shanghai isn’t even the most populated city in China. China has resident permit system , only holders of the permits are included in official population statistics but in reality many more millions of non resident holders live full time in these cities.
The permits are called hukou in Chinese . They tie the person to the area they are registered. If you carry a resident permit for that area you can access local facilities like education for your children and health care . In the bigger more wealthy cities like Beijing and Shanghai they also give you the right to purchase property and a buy car . People who move to a city that they do not carry a permit for are at a distinct disadvantage. Poor people from the countryside will often just work in big cities but they will not bring their children as they will not be allowed to attend school in a city the do not carry a resident permit. It essentially controls the movement of people and gives advantage to people who have lived in an area for generations. Of course if you are wealthy or have attractive skill set with high education you can obtain resident permit for areas which you move to but for average Chinese it is very difficult to gain a residency permit for a economically rich area .
It’s meaningful because these “official stats” you talk of are light years away from the actual reality. China in reality probably has the top 3 highest populated cities in the world today.
Between 1127 - 1279 AD, Northern China was no longer part of Song. It was invaded by Jin (Manchu?) so I think Beijing and Kaifeng should not have the Song flag but the Jin flag.
Kyoto and Osaka were formerly the capital region of Japan. Tokyo and Edo only began to develop as huge cities after 1590, so Kyoto is a relatively new city.
Ironically, Japan's birth rate continues to decline, and if this trend continues, it is reported that by 2100, the population of Tokyo will decrease to about half its current size.
What does people suffering have to do with empires rising and falling? People suffer in peace too, and local tribes wage wars and genocide each other all the time. Empires just wage war on a greater scale.
Keifeng was not belonged to Song Dynasty since 1127, as the city was ruled by Jin Dynasty(established by Jurchenese) from 1127 to 1234 and Mongol(Yuen Dynasty) since 1234. Beijing was never part of Song Dynasty, and it was under Mongol rule since 1218 and became capital of Yuen Dynasty since 1271.
Baghdad had at least 800,000, maybe a million, people by the time of the Mongol's sack of Baghdad in 1258. Maybe they weren't all residents and some of them fled to the inner walls of the city from outside but almost all of them were killed within a week.
Em partes porque a capital é movida para Brasília e principalmente pela política desenvolvimentista de Juscelino que abre portas para a instalação de indústrias de bens de consumo, em especial a indústria branca e automobilística, que instalam-se no centro consumidor que, na época e atualmente, é São Paulo. Como adendo, Juscelino não é presidente nos anos 60, mas deixa o cargo no final da década de 50, o que repercute nos anos subsequentes as consequências de suas políticas
@@Brunofelix93E também se nota como apesar de tudo isso, o Rio de Janeiro deixando de ser a maior para ser a segunda maior cidade e deixando de ser capital do Brasil, o fato de continuar sendo muito mais significante quando a questão é mostrar o Brasil para o mundo, nessa cidade que já fui diversas vezes, é total que tem muito mais o Brasil dentro dela do que Brasília, uma capital estranha, sem cultura brasileira alguma, se nós olharmos para Paris, Londres, Washington, Tokyo, todas essas capitais têm a alma do seu país nelas, gostaria de saber onde está a alma dos brasileiros em Brasília? lamentável isso, essa capital só trouxe problemas para o Brasil, muito além do que para o Rio, para o Brasil de norte a sul, chamar JK de herói, é um grande absurdo, só o Palácio da justiça, custou 500 milhões de dólares, isso naquela época, a obra por inteira, custou muitos bilhões de dólares, numa época em que o Brasil era muito mais pobre do que é hoje, se o "heroi" JK tivesse feito o que a Coreia do Sul fez nessa mesma época, investindo em saúde e em educação, em vez de gastar com mudança de capital, o Brasil certamente hoje, seria um país no mínimo três vezes mais influente em tecnologia do que a Coreia do Sul, que por sinal... é um dos países mais tecnológicos do mundo, e olha que ao contrário do Brasil, a Coreia do Sul, tinha real motivo para mudar de capital, já que fica consideravelmente próxima da fronteira com a Coréia do Norte, nações inimigas, separadas por ideologias CAPITALISMO VS COMUNISMO, mas não, ainda assim, a Coreia do Sul investiu, nessa mesma época, em que o Brasil, com um povo miserável, tinham politicos como JK, que gastava fortunas por algo que não lhe daria, a Coreia do Sul, é influência mundial em tecnologia, um país minúsculo, que é maior do que o Brasil em tecnologia, triste isso, o custo altíssimo na construção de Brasília, não deu e como hoje já é bem visível que não dará nenhum benefício a longo prazo ao Brasil, deixando além de tudo isso, deixou o Brasil com dívidas por mais de 4 décadas, com o FMI, como alguém que esta com dívidas bancárias não pode gastar, para poder pagar suas dividas ao banco, assim ficou o Brasil durante 4 décadas, "legal" não acha? Existem muitas especulações do motivo da mudança de capital, uma delas é de se urbanizar essa região do Brasil, onde hoje e Brasília, uma desculpa claramente esfarrapada, rsrsrsrs... poeque essas áreas seriam popularizadas de acordo com o crescimento do Brasil, como aconteceu nos Estados Unidos e outros países, argumento comum esse, porém tão fraco quanto, e para piorar a situação dos brasileiros, na qual reflete até os dias atuais sobre os brasileiros, como toda a lambanças que JK fez, como ter abandonado as entregas de cargas por trens, em vez de moderniza-las, fez mudar essas entregas pelo Brasil, por caminhões, que possuem uma capacidade de carga visivelmente inferior ao dos três, além de se gastar mais, devido ao combustíveis, deixando os alimentos e tudo para os brasileiros, bem menos em conta, isso é... bem mais caro, e não acaba aí, Brasília foi construida numa área completamente inapropriada para construções urbanas, por isso não é incomum, pessoas terem sangues saindo de suas narinas, principalmente em determinadas épocas do ano, por isso, um clima que já era seco com vegetação, se tornou ainda pior com a urbanização nessa área completamente inapropriada para urbanização, a pergunta que faço é... qual moral o Brasil tem para falar em pró do meio ambiente para outros países, se sua capital é o maior simbolo de desmatamento ambiental? É sinônimo mundial de desmatamento ambiental ilegal que o dinheiro no bolso dos políticos fez se transformar em desmatamento ambiental "legal". Em Paris você sente a França, em Londres você sente a Inglaterra e também o Reino Unido, em Moscou, a Rússia, Tóquio, você sente o Japão, e outros países com capitais que possuem a alma do povo através da cultura e História, como Itália, Estados Unidos da América, na qual Washington possui isso, e assim como Recife, Salvador, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e qualquer outra capital brasileira de norte a sul tem mais Brasil do que Brasília, porém entre cultura por misturas de brasileiros de diversas regiões do Brasil ( única coisa que Brasília tem), mistura entre povos de migrantes de outros países que migraram para o Brasil, natureza com azul do mar e verde das matas e montanhas, mpstrando ao mundo a natureza brasileira, fica visível que o Rio de Janeiro é a cidade com maior ligação com todo Brasil , é se colocarmos um duelo de qual cidade tem mais Brasil na alma, (cultura, História, natureza...) Rio de Janeiro vs Brasília, o Rio de Janeiro ganha de lavada de Brasília, a pergunta é... porque Brasília continua sendo capital do Brasil? Depois os brasileiros reclamam que alguns estrangeiros dizem que a capital do Brasil é Buono Aires, não temos que reclamar de nada, a culpa é nossa, nós é que aceitamos isso, acreditando em diversos papos furados que se escuta do porque da causa de se mudar a capital do Brasil, se o Brasil tivesse feito o que fez a Coreia do Sul, estaríamos muito melhores hoje, não com apenas 2 grandes cidades, S Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, teríamos muitas cidades grandes, como acontesse nos Estados Unidos, Nova York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Philadelfia, Atlanta etc... mas temos apenas 2, e no caso do Rio de Janeiro, devido a mudança de capital federal para Brasília, com tal abandono, se criou a primeira facção criminosa do Brasil, o Comando Vermelho, que serviu de mal exemplo para criminosos espalhados pelo Brasil, fundarem outras facções criminosas, que é o caso do PCC em São Paulo, a semelhança da fundação dessa facção criminosa com a do CV, não é mera coincidência. Está vendo como foi "bom" a fundação de Brasília? Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Salvador, Porto Alegre etc... cidades que possuem muito mais Brasil do que Brasília, Rio de Janeiro é uma cidade de artistas de diversos meios, tem muito mais Brasil, até o compositor do hino nacional brasileiro é carioca, escrevi para você o que crianças brasileiras não costumam aprender nas escolas sobre o enorme prejuízo por causa da mudança de capital para o Brasil, essa verdade, escondem das crianças nas escolas por todo Brasil, é óbvio, serão os próximos adultos, provavelmente também não se fala abertamente isso no próprio Rio de Janeiro, o Rio de Janeiro como Paris, Londres, Moscou, Tóquio, tem muito mais a alma da população de seu país,do que Brasília, qualquer brasileiro de bom senso nota que a mudança de capital federal do Rio de Janeiro para Brasília, foi um dos... se não o maior... dos erros que já se teve no Brasil em toda sua História, causando sequelas por toda parte, não apenas na cidade e estado do Rio, como você disse, mas em todo Brasil, incluindo na imagem do Brasil no exterior, já que o Rio é é sempre foi, a imagem do Brasil para o mundo, por isso JK jamais deve ser tratado como um herói brasileiro ao lado de por exemplo, Alberto Santos Dumont.
@@PortugalZeroworldcup It effected virtually every country in Europe/Middle East and Asia. An estimated 30%-60% of the European population and around 30% of the middle eastern population died by the black death.
you’d be surprised if you knew the population in tokyo is only around 16 million. that 37 sth is a whole region including different prefectures and large cities like yokohama/kanagawa, chiba, ibaraki and so on.
0:00 Never had thought *Thanjavur* and *cholapuram* under chola empire would be this much bigger and influential. Rajaraja the great⚔️🇮🇳 Rajadhiraja chola⚔️🇮🇳
It didn't exactly show superpowers, it was an indicator amongst others yes but it didn't really gave an accurate measure by itself. Some relatively weak states were more urbanized. It was mostly about social organization and population.
In my opinion, developed countries have infrastructure and order that extends to rural areas, undeveloping countries have them only in some areas such as capital cities, etc., which leads to population concentration
I’d really love to see the spreadsheet for 1632. I have a germ of a story idea, but I don’t know the world of the time outside of Europe well enough. In other words I’m looking for a place to set the story.
@@badapple2221 A large city, preferably in Africa south of the Sahara would be best I think, I’m trying to avoid areas where others have set stories. Are you familiar with Eric Flint’s Ring of Fire series?
@@waynesworldofsci-tech hmmm I havent heard of Eric Flint unfortunately and large cities in africa around the 17th century werent really a thing. If you really need a big one I guess Cairo-Egypt should be a great idea and south of sahara there was Tombouctou-Mali which was a thriving city around the XVth century.
@@waynesworldofsci-tech in the time period 10th century - 16th century there were 3 large empires in sub-saharan africa: Mali (capital Timbuktu), Ghana (not present day Ghana though, capital Koumbi Sale) and the Songhai empire (capital Gao). They relied on trade, resources, gold, etcetera with the outside world, mainly the Arabs. Hope this helps somewhat, you can do some more research if needed 🙏
At the middle of the XVIII century almost all the cities are eastern asian. That's crazy. I always thought at this time Europe was absolutely dominant in every sphere
Europe was politically, economically and militarily dominant in the middle 1700s (probably dating back to the 1600s); but geographically europe is tiny and cannot support a massive population. The interesting fact is it was the spanish discovery of the new world which would leepfrog europe from international backwater to world power player. And it wasn't for reasons you might be thinking. at about the same time europe was discovering the new world, China was changing it's tax laws, forbidding "bartering goods" as a means of taxation, requiring all taxes to be paid in currency. the problem was china didnt have enough silver to mint enough coins to allow it's massive population to actually pay it's taxes, so it started a world wide purchase of silver, which drove silver prices up to near or even exceeding the price of gold. This was tremendous good fortune for spain, because the new world was filled with silver. silver out of it's butt. This made silver more valuable then gold in the spanish eyes. this allowed spain to jumpstart their economy out of the post black death malaise, and incidentally it also dragged most of europe out of it as well, as spain, flushed with gold through their trading with china, then spent their gold like drunken sailors in europe. this in turn allowed europe to massively industrialize as it now had the assets necessary to do so. and the rest was history.
@@arizona_anime_fan European Union alone (so without Russian part) has more arable lands than US or China. Agriculturally, Europe can support 2 billions people. (The tchernoziom makes it better).
That's actually not True. Did you see that on Google earth? That is the Province of Chongqing i believe. The real city only has like 20 million, check it out yourself. It's like saying that New York state is the same as New York City
@@hilmirhrafnhjaltason5032 I don't know where you saw the stats of 20M, just google it or check it on wiki,, you will see the number, simple as that. It's really funny that you checked google earth, but didn't google "Chongqing". Do some research first, don't just bluntly type words.
Im not a history buff so I have no clue but how in the world did cities with 300k+ population just vaporize? Where in the world did the almost 800k people in Kaifeng go?????
I think some of the "vaporizing" is the way the chart represented the change in official dynasty/empire many of the cities experienced. They would quickly drop out of nowhere and then pop back up as a different dynasty. Also, the scaling change throughout the video with all of the other cities rising quickly contributed to that effect. But there were a couple of instances where cities did drop off the map because there was a noticeable decrease in total population--I think those cities would make for a fascinating historical case study.
Chicago had a good one century run from 1880-1980. It’s interesting how for all human history the greatest economic centers were the biggest cities until about 1990, then you get the massive slum cities.
As a municipality, Tokyo has a population of about 14 million on January 1, 2024.The last 37 million people in this video are a staggering population around Tokyo, but I think it's ambiguous how far you consider Tokyo.
@@千賀-f4b Thanks for explaining the definition of the Tokyo metropolitan area. However, I'm a bit puzzled as to why Ibaraki prefecture, which is within the commuting area via the Tsukuba Express, isn't included. On the other hand, I also feel uncomfortable that Gunma prefecture is included in the Tokyo metropolitan area, and if they've expanded it that much, I think they should also include neighboring Tochigi prefecture. In short, I don't think there is a definition of the Tokyo metropolitan area that everyone can agree on.
The most populus city at the beginning of the video had less than the city I live in, Tampa! And now we have almost 40 million for the top! Imagine if Tampa existed in the 11th century.
What would happen if the graph continued to 2100? Emage will many cities in Africa like Lagos, Kinshasa, and Addis Ababa. I cannot predict what to the Nusantara new Capital🙄
Do not give wrong information please 🙏 🙏 🙏 after Mughal declining MARATHA Empire strong power in subcontinent So do research before make videos like this please 🙏
Impressed how big were first Palermo and Napoli agglomerations. Then Milan, and later Geona and Venice. But Roma never appeared. Vienna doesn't appear until 20th century, that's crazy. Paris appeared to be a big world capital for centuries but now it's just a repair for africans to get wages for playing playstation. And a crack dealing place.
Hello, thisint Correctly Population, Berlin was 1000BC perhaps 500-600 K Tall, Sure. And One Fromt Biggest Citys In This World, Perhaps. Lg Sven Balzer
@@xdtaux It wasnt' Kievan Rus emblem at all. Kievan Rus never existed as unified state. It's just historians invented that name in 19 century just to point historican period. You won't find any historical document with that emblem. It's pure invention of ukrainian nationalists after collapse of the USSR.
@@egodanceR666 Such emblem didn't exist before 1991 as emblem of any state or state-like territory. YOu won't find any historical documents with it. It's just invention of video makers just to point some historical period.
what is the meaning of the number at the top row, is that the nuimber of residents at that time? better add a note on this. i had been guessing if it is the area of cities. i did not know that the tokyo has more than 37M residents? is it a very very large area
Sorry the graphic is bullshit. Tokyo has 8M people the urban vicinty has 35M. If you count like this Seoul would have 25M for example (core city around 10M). Same for others
Tenochtitlán disappearing and then coming back 400 years later as Mexico City was crazy
Japan back then: pls stop having kids, we are in a population crisis
Japan now: pls have kids, we are in a population crisis
I predict that Japan's population is going to plummet over the next 75-100 years and drop down to like 40,000,000
Sounds exactly like China in a more extreme fashion lol
Just a fate of East Asian I guess
@@phunweng962 I think China is the more extreme one, considering about their one-child policy
you're clearly confusing japan and china
@@weitnerscheckanberden4405 The Japanese government also, like the Chinese government, promoted not to have too many children, even though it was not a policy.
Largest City over Time:
1000 - 1279: Kaifeng 🇨🇳
1279 - 1363: Hangzhou 🇨🇳
1363 - 1368: Beijing 🇨🇳
1368 - 1390: Cairo 🇪🇬
1390 - 1393: Vijayanagar 🇮🇳
1393 - 1411: Nanjing 🇨🇳
1411 - 1450: Vijayanagar 🇮🇳
1450 - 1584: Beijing 🇨🇳
1584 - 1705: Constantinople (Istanbul) 🇹🇷
1705 - 1825: Beijing 🇨🇳
1825 - 1923: London 🇬🇧
1923 - 1957: New York City 🇺🇸
1957 - Present: Tokyo 🇯🇵
It seems Delhi is going to overtake us soon..
Vijayanagara ❤️❤️
china was filthy rich back then
Japan will always remain Japan. There is always an emperor. Ashikaga and Tokugawa are just names of governments, just like the Abe administration.
"London(England)" changed into "London(UK)", so Ashikaga→Tokugawa→Japan is completely acceptable
@@名字名前-s8t your analogy does not make sense at all
@@wilburwood8261 "London(England)" changed into "London(UK)", so Ashikaga→Tokugawa→Japan is completely acceptable
@@名字名前-s8t your saying the same thing twice, your analogy does not make sense at all.
Japan has always been Japan, because the same emperor family has been around for about 2000 years. SO Tokunaga is not acceptable in the first place, should be Japan according to China dynasties shown in this video.
Additionally, London should not be england in the old days. It should be the names of dynasties.
@@wilburwood8261 tokugawa
I was really surprised about Angkor and Oyo Ile. While I knew they were large urban centers, I didn't know (especially for Oyo) that they were at one point one of the largest cities on earth. Wow
I think it isn’t real. I really want ti see the research Thus video use
around 1900s, every city on the list is industrial city, all the cities of China and India no longer on. The power of industrialization 😮
It took almost 800 years to get to 1 million and then just about 200-250 to get to almost 40 million. Very interesting data/video!
Industrial Revolution and its consequences
Something amazing is that at its height The city of Rome reached 1 million in the second century.
And Alexander Fleming
That was my surprise too, how the biggest cities on the planet were 150k at one point. Obviously that's not small in any era but crazy just how miniscule and overly isolated so much of the world was
@@MustraOrdo Someone mentioned Alexander Fleming. His discovery of penicillin and other medical discoveries probably had a far greater influence in population growth.
Constantinople the most relevant city in history
The only one that sits on two continents: Europe and Asia.... Although the original city was built on the European side only....
U mean istanbul now I'm from turkey 🇹🇷 aka Türkiye 🇹🇷
@@ForeverFunGames24 There was no "Istanbul" back then. The official Ottoman name was Constantinya after Constantinoupolis = Constantinople. The current name of the city became official less than 100 years ago. You cannot erase history.
Constantinople was known as the queen of cities… who would ever call istanbul that
@@ForeverFunGames24 стамбул твой, который был Константинополем, пока его не захватили и не вырезали почти всех жителей
I knew there will be cities from my country and my close neighbours:
1:09 - 1:56 Merv (Seljuk), nowadays known as Mary (Turkmenistan)
3:49 - 4:07 Samarkand (Timurid) nowadays the city name is the same in our neighbour country Uzbekistan
The Ayutthaya Kingdom or the Empire of Ayutthaya
was a Siamese kingdom that existed in Southeast Asia from 1351 to 1767,
centered around the city of Ayutthaya, in Siam, or present-day Thailand.
Shanghai isn’t even the most populated city in China. China has resident permit system , only holders of the permits are included in official population statistics but in reality many more millions of non resident holders live full time in these cities.
What is the point of the permits? I genuinely wasn't aware thats how they did it!
The permits are called hukou in Chinese . They tie the person to the area they are registered. If you carry a resident permit for that area you can access local facilities like education for your children and health care . In the bigger more wealthy cities like Beijing and Shanghai they also give you the right to purchase property and a buy car . People who move to a city that they do not carry a permit for are at a distinct disadvantage. Poor people from the countryside will often just work in big cities but they will not bring their children as they will not be allowed to attend school in a city the do not carry a resident permit. It essentially controls the movement of people and gives advantage to people who have lived in an area for generations. Of course if you are wealthy or have attractive skill set with high education you can obtain resident permit for areas which you move to but for average Chinese it is very difficult to gain a residency permit for a economically rich area .
I am not sure if your reply is meaningful in anyway, you need official stats to make a good video.
It’s meaningful because these “official stats” you talk of are light years away from the actual reality. China in reality probably has the top 3 highest populated cities in the world today.
@@paulwilliammurphy1327 but you can't prove it right?
Between 1127 - 1279 AD, Northern China was no longer part of Song. It was invaded by Jin (Manchu?) so I think Beijing and Kaifeng should not have the Song flag but the Jin flag.
actually, it was occupied by Liao instead of Jin,and at that time Jin is not as Manchu's what was called Later Jin,it was found by Jurchens.
@@foxlen8114 You're wrong, the Liao was defeated by a coalition of Song and Jin, and then north Song was occupied by Jin
@@foxlen8114 nah, Jingkang Incident was happened during Jin Dynasty, which shows that it is not Liao, really Jin fucked up Song
@@foxlen8114 Liao was annexed by Jin in 1115 bro. Liao only occupied Manchuria and east part of Mongolia.
I think kaifeng isn't that north
I was surprised to learn that there was a time when Osaka and Kyoto had larger populations than Tokyo.
Tokyo is a very NEW city, established around 1600, before it was a SWAMP.
Kyoto has been the capital of Japan since around 800, so.
Kyoyto used to be the capital of japan.
Tokyo used to be just a swamp.
Kyoto and Osaka were formerly the capital region of Japan. Tokyo and Edo only began to develop as huge cities after 1590, so Kyoto is a relatively new city.
Great video as always 👍 Thanks.
Ironically, Japan's birth rate continues to decline, and if this trend continues, it is reported that by 2100, the population of Tokyo will decrease to about half its current size.
It’s scary to watch how empires die and arise; people have suffered for centuries and are still suffering...
says the guy with the flag imperial japan
No way you said that flag is imperial Japan😂@@trollmcclure2659
Yes, one day today's countries will also collapse.
What does people suffering have to do with empires rising and falling? People suffer in peace too, and local tribes wage wars and genocide each other all the time. Empires just wage war on a greater scale.
We don't have it nearly as hard as people in the past. It's another dimension entirely.
Keifeng was not belonged to Song Dynasty since 1127, as the city was ruled by Jin Dynasty(established by Jurchenese) from 1127 to 1234 and Mongol(Yuen Dynasty) since 1234. Beijing was never part of Song Dynasty, and it was under Mongol rule since 1218 and became capital of Yuen Dynasty since 1271.
Baghdad had at least 800,000, maybe a million, people by the time of the Mongol's sack of Baghdad in 1258. Maybe they weren't all residents and some of them fled to the inner walls of the city from outside but almost all of them were killed within a week.
2050: 1billion indian people in Delhi sing and dance "dudu rudu dadad" together !😮😮
Berlin in 1920 was the third largest city in the world by population and second largest by size.
Europe in 1960:bye bye
very impressiv how many people can live in one city
Hello,Kaifeng is Song Dynasty before 1127,but it is Jin Dynasty after 1127.
O Rio de Janeiro é ultrapassado por são paulo de maneira a avassaladora. Queria entender esse boom populacional de SP nos anos 60.
Em partes porque a capital é movida para Brasília e principalmente pela política desenvolvimentista de Juscelino que abre portas para a instalação de indústrias de bens de consumo, em especial a indústria branca e automobilística, que instalam-se no centro consumidor que, na época e atualmente, é São Paulo. Como adendo, Juscelino não é presidente nos anos 60, mas deixa o cargo no final da década de 50, o que repercute nos anos subsequentes as consequências de suas políticas
@@lucasvasconcelos5705 entendi mano. O Rio deixar de ser a capital foi um grande prejuízo à cidade. Até hoje é sentido.
@@Brunofelix93E também se nota como apesar de tudo isso, o Rio de Janeiro deixando de ser a maior para ser a segunda maior cidade e deixando de ser capital do Brasil, o fato de continuar sendo muito mais significante quando a questão é mostrar o Brasil para o mundo, nessa cidade que já fui diversas vezes, é total que tem muito mais o Brasil dentro dela do que Brasília, uma capital estranha, sem cultura brasileira alguma, se nós olharmos para Paris, Londres, Washington, Tokyo, todas essas capitais têm a alma do seu país nelas, gostaria de saber onde está a alma dos brasileiros em Brasília? lamentável isso, essa capital só trouxe problemas para o Brasil, muito além do que para o Rio, para o Brasil de norte a sul, chamar JK de herói, é um grande absurdo, só o Palácio da justiça, custou 500 milhões de dólares, isso naquela época, a obra por inteira, custou muitos bilhões de dólares, numa época em que o Brasil era muito mais pobre do que é hoje, se o "heroi" JK tivesse feito o que a Coreia do Sul fez nessa mesma época, investindo em saúde e em educação, em vez de gastar com mudança de capital, o Brasil certamente hoje, seria um país no mínimo três vezes mais influente em tecnologia do que a Coreia do Sul, que por sinal... é um dos países mais tecnológicos do mundo, e olha que ao contrário do Brasil, a Coreia do Sul, tinha real motivo para mudar de capital, já que fica consideravelmente próxima da fronteira com a Coréia do Norte, nações inimigas, separadas por ideologias CAPITALISMO VS COMUNISMO, mas não, ainda assim, a Coreia do Sul investiu, nessa mesma época, em que o Brasil, com um povo miserável, tinham politicos como JK, que gastava fortunas por algo que não lhe daria, a Coreia do Sul, é influência mundial em tecnologia, um país minúsculo, que é maior do que o Brasil em tecnologia, triste isso, o custo altíssimo na construção de Brasília, não deu e como hoje já é bem visível que não dará nenhum benefício a longo prazo ao Brasil, deixando além de tudo isso, deixou o Brasil com dívidas por mais de 4 décadas, com o FMI, como alguém que esta com dívidas bancárias não pode gastar, para poder pagar suas dividas ao banco, assim ficou o Brasil durante 4 décadas, "legal" não acha? Existem muitas especulações do motivo da mudança de capital, uma delas é de se urbanizar essa região do Brasil, onde hoje e Brasília, uma desculpa claramente esfarrapada, rsrsrsrs... poeque essas áreas seriam popularizadas de acordo com o crescimento do Brasil, como aconteceu nos Estados Unidos e outros países, argumento comum esse, porém tão fraco quanto, e para piorar a situação dos brasileiros, na qual reflete até os dias atuais sobre os brasileiros, como toda a lambanças que JK fez, como ter abandonado as entregas de cargas por trens, em vez de moderniza-las, fez mudar essas entregas pelo Brasil, por caminhões, que possuem uma capacidade de carga visivelmente inferior ao dos três, além de se gastar mais, devido ao combustíveis, deixando os alimentos e tudo para os brasileiros, bem menos em conta, isso é... bem mais caro, e não acaba aí, Brasília foi construida numa área completamente inapropriada para construções urbanas, por isso não é incomum, pessoas terem sangues saindo de suas narinas, principalmente em determinadas épocas do ano, por isso, um clima que já era seco com vegetação, se tornou ainda pior com a urbanização nessa área completamente inapropriada para urbanização, a pergunta que faço é... qual moral o Brasil tem para falar em pró do meio ambiente para outros países, se sua capital é o maior simbolo de desmatamento ambiental? É sinônimo mundial de desmatamento ambiental ilegal que o dinheiro no bolso dos políticos fez se transformar em desmatamento ambiental "legal". Em Paris você sente a França, em Londres você sente a Inglaterra e também o Reino Unido, em Moscou, a Rússia, Tóquio, você sente o Japão, e outros países com capitais que possuem a alma do povo através da cultura e História, como Itália, Estados Unidos da América, na qual Washington possui isso, e assim como Recife, Salvador, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e qualquer outra capital brasileira de norte a sul tem mais Brasil do que Brasília, porém entre cultura por misturas de brasileiros de diversas regiões do Brasil ( única coisa que Brasília tem), mistura entre povos de migrantes de outros países que migraram para o Brasil, natureza com azul do mar e verde das matas e montanhas, mpstrando ao mundo a natureza brasileira, fica visível que o Rio de Janeiro é a cidade com maior ligação com todo Brasil , é se colocarmos um duelo de qual cidade tem mais Brasil na alma, (cultura, História, natureza...) Rio de Janeiro vs Brasília, o Rio de Janeiro ganha de lavada de Brasília, a pergunta é... porque Brasília continua sendo capital do Brasil? Depois os brasileiros reclamam que alguns estrangeiros dizem que a capital do Brasil é Buono Aires, não temos que reclamar de nada, a culpa é nossa, nós é que aceitamos isso, acreditando em diversos papos furados que se escuta do porque da causa de se mudar a capital do Brasil, se o Brasil tivesse feito o que fez a Coreia do Sul, estaríamos muito melhores hoje, não com apenas 2 grandes cidades, S Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, teríamos muitas cidades grandes, como acontesse nos Estados Unidos, Nova York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Philadelfia, Atlanta etc... mas temos apenas 2, e no caso do Rio de Janeiro, devido a mudança de capital federal para Brasília, com tal abandono, se criou a primeira facção criminosa do Brasil, o Comando Vermelho, que serviu de mal exemplo para criminosos espalhados pelo Brasil, fundarem outras facções criminosas, que é o caso do PCC em São Paulo, a semelhança da fundação dessa facção criminosa com a do CV, não é mera coincidência. Está vendo como foi "bom" a fundação de Brasília? Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Salvador, Porto Alegre etc... cidades que possuem muito mais Brasil do que Brasília, Rio de Janeiro é uma cidade de artistas de diversos meios, tem muito mais Brasil, até o compositor do hino nacional brasileiro é carioca, escrevi para você o que crianças brasileiras não costumam aprender nas escolas sobre o enorme prejuízo por causa da mudança de capital para o Brasil, essa verdade, escondem das crianças nas escolas por todo Brasil, é óbvio, serão os próximos adultos, provavelmente também não se fala abertamente isso no próprio Rio de Janeiro, o Rio de Janeiro como Paris, Londres, Moscou, Tóquio, tem muito mais a alma da população de seu país,do que Brasília, qualquer brasileiro de bom senso nota que a mudança de capital federal do Rio de Janeiro para Brasília, foi um dos... se não o maior... dos erros que já se teve no Brasil em toda sua História, causando sequelas por toda parte, não apenas na cidade e estado do Rio, como você disse, mas em todo Brasil, incluindo na imagem do Brasil no exterior, já que o Rio é é sempre foi, a imagem do Brasil para o mundo, por isso JK jamais deve ser tratado como um herói brasileiro ao lado de por exemplo, Alberto Santos Dumont.
@@yosef3977 belo texto mano👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@@yosef3977 aprecio toda a informação que o senhor nos dá, amigo 🙏🙏
I love Tokyo!
Edo is the previous name of Tokyo.
Its amazing how you can also see the effect of the black death from 1446 to 1453 at 4:20
Byzantine empire time??
How many countries did it effect
@@PortugalZeroworldcup It effected virtually every country in Europe/Middle East and Asia. An estimated 30%-60% of the European population and around 30% of the middle eastern population died by the black death.
i think you means 1300s right, or i am reading it differently?
@@williamharrison7523 black death and plague is different??
@@jcbw9975 Yeah my mistake.
Beijing and Kaifeng belonged to Jin Dynasty after Jurchen invasion, when the emperor of Song became captive and imprisoned in Manchuria.
yes,nearly whole central land of China was ruled under jurchen emperors, til the mongols came.
Yeah! To my knowledge, Beijing was never a Song territory. The Jurchens took it from the Khitans, before long they took Kaifeng and northern China.
you’d be surprised if you knew the population in tokyo is only around 16 million. that 37 sth is a whole region including different prefectures and large cities like yokohama/kanagawa, chiba, ibaraki and so on.
To be fair, those are all basically part of one large city. If you look at a map of Tokyo there is pretty much no distinction between prefectures
0:00 Never had thought *Thanjavur* and *cholapuram* under chola empire would be this much bigger and influential.
Rajaraja the great⚔️🇮🇳
Rajadhiraja chola⚔️🇮🇳
I had NO idea about Tokyo!
While the largest cities used to represent the world's superpowers, today they represent underdeveloped countries (except for the first 3 countries).
Which is sad news
Hence all the confusion in the world
It didn't exactly show superpowers, it was an indicator amongst others yes but it didn't really gave an accurate measure by itself. Some relatively weak states were more urbanized. It was mostly about social organization and population.
India is still underdeveloped alright. Hopefully that will change in 10-20 years
@@GeneratedElectricity there's only so much a city can build if there's too many people
In my opinion, developed countries have infrastructure and order that extends to rural areas, undeveloping countries have them only in some areas such as capital cities, etc., which leads to population concentration
The capacity of Tokyo city is already over . Too many population do harm than good ...Government should move to Kyoto . From Tokyo 😅😅😅
Never had thought Thanjavur and cholapuram under chola empire would be this much bigger and influential.
My city, Hangzhou, became the largest 700years ago! Couldn't image how prosperous she is🎉
What would be the source for these data?
I didn’t ever think my home city Manchester will be there 😂
I’d really love to see the spreadsheet for 1632. I have a germ of a story idea, but I don’t know the world of the time outside of Europe well enough.
In other words I’m looking for a place to set the story.
Depends on what kind of place you need for your story
A large city, preferably in Africa south of the Sahara would be best I think, I’m trying to avoid areas where others have set stories. Are you familiar with Eric Flint’s Ring of Fire series?
@@waynesworldofsci-tech hmmm I havent heard of Eric Flint unfortunately and large cities in africa around the 17th century werent really a thing.
If you really need a big one I guess Cairo-Egypt should be a great idea and south of sahara there was Tombouctou-Mali which was a thriving city around the XVth century.
@@waynesworldofsci-tech Theres also Kano-Nigeria which was a very big city in early 7th century
@@waynesworldofsci-tech in the time period 10th century - 16th century there were 3 large empires in sub-saharan africa: Mali (capital Timbuktu), Ghana (not present day Ghana though, capital Koumbi Sale) and the Songhai empire (capital Gao). They relied on trade, resources, gold, etcetera with the outside world, mainly the Arabs.
Hope this helps somewhat, you can do some more research if needed 🙏
Around 1200 it’s no longer Song that governs Beijing but Jin金. This regime has captured northern China.
At the middle of the XVIII century almost all the cities are eastern asian. That's crazy. I always thought at this time Europe was absolutely dominant in every sphere
Europe was politically, economically and militarily dominant in the middle 1700s (probably dating back to the 1600s); but geographically europe is tiny and cannot support a massive population.
The interesting fact is it was the spanish discovery of the new world which would leepfrog europe from international backwater to world power player. And it wasn't for reasons you might be thinking. at about the same time europe was discovering the new world, China was changing it's tax laws, forbidding "bartering goods" as a means of taxation, requiring all taxes to be paid in currency. the problem was china didnt have enough silver to mint enough coins to allow it's massive population to actually pay it's taxes, so it started a world wide purchase of silver, which drove silver prices up to near or even exceeding the price of gold.
This was tremendous good fortune for spain, because the new world was filled with silver. silver out of it's butt. This made silver more valuable then gold in the spanish eyes. this allowed spain to jumpstart their economy out of the post black death malaise, and incidentally it also dragged most of europe out of it as well, as spain, flushed with gold through their trading with china, then spent their gold like drunken sailors in europe.
this in turn allowed europe to massively industrialize as it now had the assets necessary to do so. and the rest was history.
@@arizona_anime_fan European Union alone (so without Russian part) has more arable lands than US or China. Agriculturally, Europe can support 2 billions people. (The tchernoziom makes it better).
@ the EU is making its farmland barren, by banning no2 in it's farming.
How can I create such a statistic movie by my own?
What SW is behind?
Where is the data from? It feels kinda strange.
It's interesting how all the 3rd world cities rapidly populated once they adopted Western technology.
Indian cities listed in this video
*Medivel* *era* :
1. Thanjavur (chola empire)
2. Gangaikonda cholapuram(chola empire )
3. Delhi (Delhi sulthanate)
4. Vijayanagara (Vijayanagara empire)
5. Cuttack (Gajapati empire)
6. Gauda (Bengal sulthanate )
*Early* *modern* *era* :
7. Agra (mughal sulthanate )
8. Ahmedabad (mughal sulthanate/Gujrat sulthanate )
9. Lahore (mughal sulthanate )
10. Dhaka (Mughal sulthanate)
11. Bijapur (Bijapur sulthanate )
9. Delhi (Mughal sulthanate )
*British* *colonial* *era* :
10. Calcutta (British raj)
11. Bombay (British raj)
*Modern* *era* :
12. Kolkata (India)
13. Mumbai (India)
14. Delhi ( India)
15. Dhaka (Bangladesh)
16. Karachi (Pakistan)
Like how he casually repeated measures 13-24 to make the song the right length
The stats of Chinese cities are definitely questionable. Chongqing is the most populated city in China today, not Shanghai. This is so inaccurate.
That's actually not True. Did you see that on Google earth? That is the Province of Chongqing i believe. The real city only has like 20 million, check it out yourself. It's like saying that New York state is the same as New York City
@@hilmirhrafnhjaltason5032 I don't know where you saw the stats of 20M, just google it or check it on wiki,, you will see the number, simple as that. It's really funny that you checked google earth, but didn't google "Chongqing". Do some research first, don't just bluntly type words.
Fun graph - but taken with a huge pinch of salt. Just one obvious inaccuracy: Kaifeng was controlled by the Jin dynasty from 1127 to about 1233
What's the source of these figures? For example, regarding Vienna I know it was about 2.1 million inhabitants around 1910.
Chola exists till 16th century in the world is amazing
Ahemdabad or Agra??
@@PortugalZeroworldcup what do u mean I cant understand
@@NEPO_77were those cities more popular?
What happened at Kaifeng in 1280 AD?
Vijayanagara empire - one of the wealthiest empire in world during medivel era
Im not a history buff so I have no clue but how in the world did cities with 300k+ population just vaporize? Where in the world did the almost 800k people in Kaifeng go?????
I think some of the "vaporizing" is the way the chart represented the change in official dynasty/empire many of the cities experienced. They would quickly drop out of nowhere and then pop back up as a different dynasty. Also, the scaling change throughout the video with all of the other cities rising quickly contributed to that effect. But there were a couple of instances where cities did drop off the map because there was a noticeable decrease in total population--I think those cities would make for a fascinating historical case study.
London 1813: I ain't bothered about 1st
London 1815; I'm bothered about 1st
Chicago had a good one century run from 1880-1980. It’s interesting how for all human history the greatest economic centers were the biggest cities until about 1990, then you get the massive slum cities.
the corrupt politicians get a nice solid footing and ruin it
As a municipality, Tokyo has a population of about 14 million on January 1, 2024.The last 37 million people in this video are a staggering population around Tokyo, but I think it's ambiguous how far you consider Tokyo.
By that logic, you would count Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and staten island as separate cities.
This is the population of the Tokyo metropolitan area, which includes the population of Kanagawa Chiba Saitama Gunma.
@@千賀-f4b Thanks for explaining the definition of the Tokyo metropolitan area.
However, I'm a bit puzzled as to why Ibaraki prefecture, which is within the commuting area via the Tsukuba Express, isn't included.
On the other hand, I also feel uncomfortable that Gunma prefecture is included in the Tokyo metropolitan area, and if they've expanded it that much, I think they should also include neighboring Tochigi prefecture.
In short, I don't think there is a definition of the Tokyo metropolitan area that everyone can agree on.
Beijing has never been a part of Song Dynasty ever, it was under control by Jin Dynasty then by Yuan after, during this period of time.
anyway it's still China
The most populus city at the beginning of the video had less than the city I live in, Tampa! And now we have almost 40 million for the top! Imagine if Tampa existed in the 11th century.
Ming was popping off for a few years
Where is Jakarta?? Is the world's second largest city nowadays..
What would happen if the graph continued to 2100?
Emage will many cities in Africa like Lagos, Kinshasa, and Addis Ababa.
I cannot predict what to the Nusantara new Capital🙄
I did not know that aztecs had city agromeration with over 250k peaple .
What a daily bath does to a mf.
Why does Kaifeng disappear from the classification in 1280?
Due to the flooding of the Yellow River several times in history, the historical city of Kaifeng has been buried under thick mud.
都市圏人口だから千葉埼玉神奈川とかも含まれる 行政区分だけで見たら他の都市もこんな人口にならないね
Rome got to 1M pop in the second century, not let that sink in....
Req.penyebaran agama Islam di dunia bos q
Tenochtitlán is missing
Nope, it´s in there, it enters in 1434.
Then it disappears in 1521 lol.
It'll come back on the list as Mexico city 400 years later!
I got here for the cities, stayed for the Egmont.
what is the musics name
No this video, it's just the year 2023.
Qual é a fonte dessa informação? Como posso saber se ela está correta?
Em relação ao Brasil esta errado, porque a cidade de São Paulo não tem tudo isso, só quando considera a região metropolitana.
Bro Dhaka was the Capital of Mughal and was the biggest city in 1680-1700
New York State has a population of 18M the city is about half of that.
These might be metro areas
Too bad no Tenochtitlan, which was one of the largest cities in the world in the 1400-1500’s
4:17 it’s there
And it came back later (Mexico City)
Do not give wrong information please 🙏 🙏 🙏
after Mughal declining MARATHA Empire strong power in subcontinent
So do research before make videos like this please 🙏
Maybe less in population ?
Does anyone know where the modern day oyo empire is because their flag is swag af
Ну хотя бы наши Москва, Питер и Киев были ,уже успех 🤔
И давно Киев вашим стал?)
@@hellman9128 Со времён князя Олега)
@@romchik6952Вы из Швеции ?
@@hellman9128Киев был нашим несколько столетий, и только в 1991 году он стал украинским
so China basically stays on top for most of the time until in modern times.
Impressed how big were first Palermo and Napoli agglomerations. Then Milan, and later Geona and Venice. But Roma never appeared.
Vienna doesn't appear until 20th century, that's crazy.
Paris appeared to be a big world capital for centuries but now it's just a repair for africans to get wages for playing playstation. And a crack dealing place.
Haven't seen the 3 big Flanders cities Ghent, Bruges or Ipres in there. Can't be accurate.
Of course, I dont see Honolulu, Las Vegas, Gibraltar, SIngapore, Zanzibar, Muscat, Sapporo in there, so it cant be accurate
Those are all tiny cities, lmao what.
5:02 mughal empire started in 1526
Wher višnjevac?
New York's population was never over 9 million.
вот что значит техническая революция...
jakarta is completly missing.
Why is Chongqing not on this list?
Hello, thisint Correctly Population, Berlin was 1000BC perhaps 500-600 K Tall, Sure.
And One Fromt Biggest Citys In This World, Perhaps.
Lg Sven Balzer
Kyiv, the capital of Kievan Rus, with Ukrainian emblem is hilarious, thanks for some doze of laugh!!
It is Kievan Rus emblem.
@@xdtaux I've never known that Kievan Rus emblem has precisely the same colors as modern Ukrainian emblem has, thanks for enlightenment!!
@@xdtaux It wasnt' Kievan Rus emblem at all. Kievan Rus never existed as unified state. It's just historians invented that name in 19 century just to point historican period. You won't find any historical document with that emblem. It's pure invention of ukrainian nationalists after collapse of the USSR.
@@egodanceR666 Such emblem didn't exist before 1991 as emblem of any state or state-like territory. YOu won't find any historical documents with it. It's just invention of video makers just to point some historical period.
what is the meaning of the number at the top row, is that the nuimber of residents at that time? better add a note on this. i had been guessing if it is the area of cities. i did not know that the tokyo has more than 37M residents? is it a very very large area
Read the title of the video carefully
@@SceptonicI Read it again and now I get it population I thought is was the size area
@@B.J.likesEverything ye
@@Sceptonic the title shown in the video, skipped the worlds of "by population". the illustration could be clearer at all.
@@Marclee37hk ye
São Paulo é a maior cidade do ocidente e do hemisfério sul
1590 my favorite proud to be from turkey 🇹🇷 aka Türkiye 🇹🇷
Back during Istanbul's glory days it was called Constantinople and it was a European city. Thanks for playing.
Ancient Indian city gangaikonda Vijaynagar🇮🇳😎
Now just add a sewage system
Lol why do you spell Kyiv but Kievan?
It is native name of the city.
@xdtaux Then why isnt it Kyivan?
I guess I'm from a small town here in LA
Not a bad thing. Being packed in like Sardines is overrated. Internet connectivity is taking over from having to be in the centre of things nowadays.
Sorry the graphic is bullshit. Tokyo has 8M people the urban vicinty has 35M. If you count like this Seoul would have 25M for example (core city around 10M). Same for others